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1、Unit4-Natural disasters 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1- rescue】 单句语法填空 “Never for a second,” the boy says, “did I doubt that my father would come ________ my rescue.” It was with the help of the。

2、Welcome unit 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1-design】 (1)单句语法填空 They asked me to design a poster ________ the campaign. The programme is designed ________ (help) people who have been out of work f。

3、Unit3-Sports and fitness 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1-event(事件) 】 选词填空(event/incident/matter/affair) The doctor asked the boy what the ________ was, and the boy replied that he had felt sick a。

4、Unit5-Languages around the world 单元提优测试卷单元提优测试卷 考试时间:100 分钟 满分:120 分 选择题部分 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出 最佳选项。 A When we dont understand each o。

5、Welcome unit 核心考点归纳核心考点归纳 【重点单词】【重点单词】 1 design n. 设计;设计方案设计;设计方案 vt. 设计;筹划设计;筹划(教材教材 P2) 归纳 拓展 (1)design sth. for 为设计某物 be designed to do . 旨在做,用于做 (2)make designs for . 为做设计 by design (on purpos。

6、Unit2-Travelling around 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1-apply】 (1)单句语法填空 I was awaiting to hear the results of my college ________ (apply) To my delight. I was chosen from hundreds of ________ (a。

7、Unit5-Languages around the world 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1- refer】 (1)单句语法填空 In his speech, he referred ________ a recent trip to Canada. There are several ________ (refer) books which have。

8、Welcome unit 单元提优测试卷单元提优测试卷 考试时间:90 分钟 满分:100 分 选择题部分 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出 最佳选项。 A Japanese high school students either walk or ride bic。

9、1 Unit5 Languages around the world I. Expressions 1. native language= mother tongue 本族语 母语 2. the attitude totowards study 学习的态度 3. refer to 查阅;谈及涉及;指的是 4. italicised words 斜体单词 5. despite= in spite。

10、Unit 4 Natural Disasters 基础过关 .单词拼写 1A great deal of money has been collected to help those suffering from the (洪水) 2Too much drinking will do _(伤害) to your health; you should take the doctors advi。

11、Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 一、单句语法填空。 1. Having ________ (申请)for his _______ (签证), he began to ________ (打包)up his clothes to prepare for his journey. 2. They preferred to __________(运送) their goods t。

12、Unit 1 Teenage Life Period I Listening and Speaking with、about/on/over;with、about/on;with 3. prefer (preferred/preferred/preferring) v. 较喜欢;更喜欢;喜欢较喜欢;更喜欢;喜欢.多于多于. I prefer it.=I like i。

13、Unit 2 Traveling Around Period I Listening and Speaking I dont think we can make ___________. 答案:答案:up;making;for;made;out;it 15. accommodation n住处;停留处;膳宿住处;停留处;膳宿 ________________ v. 容纳;提供膳宿。

14、Unit 1 Unit 1 Discovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful Structures 课前预习课前预习 一、名词短语一、名词短语(NP) 名词短语是指以一个名词为中心构成的短语。 合作探究 1 指出下列句子中画线名词短语在句中所作的句子成分,并注意其组成。 (1)These ideas may seem strange to you.。

15、定语从句综合练习定语从句综合练习 80 题题 1. Which song do you like better, Maria? I prefer the song Manual of Youth ___________ is sung by TFBOYS. 2. The movie _____we saw last night was fantastic. 3. Everyone has hi。

16、Unit 5 Languages Around the World Period I Listening and Speaking __________) vi. 提到;参考;查阅提到;参考;查阅 vt. 查询;叫查询;叫.求助于求助于 _____________ n. 参考;涉及;提及 动词短语:动词短语: refer ______ 指的是;描述;提到;查阅 refer to. _。

17、Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. - Aristotle speaking How is your school life after those passing days living and studying with your dear classmates? Do you have any idea。

18、Unit 2 Travelling Around Reading for Writing For foreign visitors, which city in China may attract them most? Beijing the Imperial Palace Hangzhou the West Lake Chengdu Pandas Terracotta Army Wha。

19、Welcome Unit Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures Analyse basic sentence structures (Activity 1Activity 3) Warming-up Please match the sentence components with their Chinese meanings. 宾语 状语 谓语 直接。

20、In the USA, students in Senior school choose to go to different school clubs when the lessons are over. Photography Club Soccer Club DanceMusic Club Pre-listening A club is an group of two or more p。

21、Unit 1 Teenage Life Period 2 Reading and Thinking Compare school life in different places (Activity 1Activity 5) Warming-up Watch a short video about the differences between the high schools in Amer。

22、1.Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. 青年时期养成的好习惯会终身受益。 主干部分为:. 因此formed at youth可以删去(定状同任一种), 放在名词habits的后面,跟其有关系,为后置定 语,因habits和form为被动关系,因此用非谓语 done做后定。 非谓语做后置定语的一些例子 1. The book_。

23、Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing 3 2 1 Teaching Objectives To be able to use phrases to give advice. To be able to grasp the writing style and the structure. To be able to write a letter of。

24、Reading and Thinking Unit3 Sports and Fitness Contents 05 03 01 02 04 Learning Objectives Pre-reading While reading Post-reading Assignments 延迟符 Learning Objectives PART 01 延迟符 By the end of the cl。

25、Listening and Talking P7 新新人教必修人教必修Book 1 Welcome Unit 人际 个人 动觉型 言语的 视觉的 逻辑的 听觉的 Who How What Learning Strategies(学习策略) take notes flash cards单词卡 shadowing跟读训练 dialogue Mind Map思维导图。

26、Unit One R e a d i n g f o r W r i t i n g 讲课人 A letter of advice A letter of advice Words: 1. 焦焦急急的的,担忧的,担忧的 adj. _____________ 2.在网上在网上 prep. _____________ 3.推荐推荐, 建议建议 v.______________ 4.行为行为。

27、Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and Speaking What are the teenagers doing in the picture? They are flying the kite. What comes to your mind? 你的脑海里浮现什么? The kite stands for dream and hope. Look and dis。

28、n. 景象;视野;视力景象;视野;视力 n. 雕塑;雕像雕塑;雕像 公元前公元前 n. 坟墓坟墓 vt. 挖掘;发掘挖掘;发掘 n. 议论;评论议论;评论 vi. go to the Shaanxi History Museum, the Xian City Wall, and a few other famous sights Do you think Richards plan sounds。

29、Language points Unit2 Reading and Thinking 1. Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821. 西班牙于西班牙于1616世纪开始世纪开始掌控掌控秘鲁,并秘鲁,并一直一直统治统治到到 18121812年。年。 (1) take control of A mil。

30、n. 城堡;堡垒城堡;堡垒 vi. & vt. 申请;请求申请;请求 vt. 应用;涂应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)(油漆、乳剂) 申请申请 n. 签证签证 vt. 租用;出租租用;出租 vi. 租用;租金为租用;租金为 n. 租金租金 vi. & vt. 收拾收拾( (行李行李) ) vt. 包装包装 n. (商品的)(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包纸包;纸袋;大包 adj. 令人惊奇的;令。

31、Words Review fitness soccer stadium boxing badminton marathon event come along ski host n. 健康;健壮;适合健康;健壮;适合 n. 足球;足球运动足球;足球运动 n. 体育场;运动场体育场;运动场 n. 拳击拳击(运动)(运动) n. 羽毛球运动羽毛球运动 n. 马拉松赛跑马拉松赛跑 n. 比赛项目;大事;比。

32、Words Review vi. 竞争;对抗竞争;对抗 有道理有道理; 合乎情理合乎情理; 表述清楚表述清楚 vi.&vt. 假装;装扮假装;装扮 假装做某事假装做某事 即使;虽然即使;虽然 num. 一百万一百万 vi. 作弊;舞弊作弊;舞弊 vt. 欺骗;蒙骗欺骗;蒙骗 n. 欺骗手段;骗子欺骗手段;骗子 n. 观众;听众观众;听众 compete make sense pretend。

33、Unit 2 Travelling Around In this unit, you will Read about tours to Peru and China Listen to people discuss their travel plans. Talk about preparing for travel and hoe to make reservations for a trip。

34、source narrow flat powerful empire emperor site take control of official recognise (-ize) n. 来源;出处来源;出处 adj. 狭窄的狭窄的 vi. ;单元房单元房 adj. 强有力的强有力的; ;有权势的有权势的; ;有影响力的有影响力的 n. 帝国帝国 n. 皇帝皇帝 n. 地点;位置;现场地点;位置;现。

35、positive slim diet make a difference rather rather than push-up Words Review adj. 积极的;正面的;积极的;正面的; 乐观的;肯定的乐观的;肯定的 adj. 苗条的;单薄的苗条的;单薄的 n. 规定饮食;日常饮食规定饮食;日常饮食 vi. 节食节食 有作用或影响有作用或影响 adv. 相当;有点儿相当;有点儿 而不。

36、Unit 1 Reading and thinking How about the school life in Ruixiang ? How do you feel? Step 1 Warming up What difficult do you meet in the last few weeks? Lead-in Pre-reading THE FRESHMAN CHALLENGE。

37、高一必修 1 Unit 2 Travelling Around 说课稿 早上好。今天我说课的主题是新版必修一第二单元 Travelling Around,第一篇课文 Travel Peru。我准备从教材,学情,教学目标, 教学重难点,教法学法,教学过程几方面来说。 一、说教材 1. Travelling Around 在必修 1 中是一个重要话题。本课是一节 泛读课,Travel。

新人教版必修第一册 unit2 Travelling around 课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 unit 1 teenage life reading and thinking课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit 3 sports and fitnessReading for Writing 课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 unit2Reading and Thinking课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit 3 sports and fitnessListening and Talking 课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit 3 sports and fitnessUnit 3 Listening and Speaking 课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 unit2Listening and Speaking 课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 unit2 Language points课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 unit2Reading for Writing课件.ppt
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit 1Listening and speaking 公开课 课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit1 Teenage Life Reading for writing 课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Welcome Unit Listening and Talking课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册Unit3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing 课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 unit1 Teenage Life课时一language points课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册Unit 1 Period 2 Reading and Thinking (共23张PPT).pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册Welcome UnitPeriod 3Discovering Useful Structures(共13张PPT).pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Listening and Speaking welcome unit 课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 unit2 Travelling around 课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and speaking课件.pptx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit2 READING 说课稿.doc
2020新人教版必修第一册-unit 5 Languages Around the World 知识点+练习(含答案).docx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit5 定语从句综合练习80题.docx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures 课前预习+课后训练.docx
2020新人教版必修第一册Unit2 Travelling Around 知识点+练习(含答案).docx
2020新人教版必修第一册-unit 1 Teenage Life 知识点+练习(含答案).docx
2020新人教版必修第一册 Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 练习.docx
2020新人教版必修第一册Welcome unit单元提优测试卷.doc
2020新人教版必修第一册Welcome unit核心考点归纳.doc
2020新人教版必修第一册Unit5 Languages around the world单元提优测试卷.doc
2020新人教版必修第一册Welcome unit单元核心考点专项专练(含答案).doc

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