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1、页 新人教版生物八上复习:图形及答案新人教版生物八上复习:图形及答案 触手 卷曲的刺丝 猎物 弹出的刺丝 刺细胞 细胞核 口 内胚层 外胚层 消化腔 芽体 眼点 背面 腹面 口 咽 肠 子宫 卵巢 精巢 幼虫 雌虫 雄虫 卵 幼虫 钉螺 口 肠 生殖器官 肛门 前端 环带 鳃 出水管 入水管 贝壳 外套膜 足 脊柱 腹部 胸部 头部 触角 单眼 复眼 口器 前足 中足 气门 后足 翅 背鳍 侧线 尾鳍 臀鳍 腹鳍 胸鳍 鳃盖 鳃盖 鳃丝 鼻孔 眼睛 鼓膜 前肢 后肢 气管 肺 气囊 水螅的纵切面示意图(水螅的纵切面示意图(P.5) 蜗虫结构示意图(蜗虫结构示意图(P.6。

2、play soccer,do my homework.,visit my grandparents,have a piano lesson,go to the movies,help my parents,meet my friend(s),go to the doctor,have the flu,prepare for an exam,New phrases:prepare for an exam help my parentsgo to the doctorhave the flumeet my friend(s),1a,prepare for an exam 3. go to the doctorhelp my parents 4. meet my friend,5. have the flu,b,d,c,e,a,Listen and write the names(Tim,Kay,Anna,and Wilson)next to t。

3、Unit 9 :,Can you come to my party ? (SA),Demonstration time : English movie clip dub(配音)!,Sharing time : “Ill teach you my favorite sentence!”,Cherry : “And if you let me stay, Ill keep house for you, Ill wash and sew and sweep and cook! (你们如果收留我,我就替你们收拾家,替你们洗衣,打扫,缝纫,煮饭)”George : “Happy, maam. Thats me. (开心果,女士, 就是我。)”Angela : “Oh, gosh! (哦,天噢!)”Steven : “Shes full of black magic. (她会施法术!)”Bill : “Howd you guess? (你怎么会猜到的。

4、Unit 10If you go to the party, youllhave a good time!Section B 1a-1d,be happy 开心go to college 上大学be famous 出名travel around the world 环游世界make a lot of money 挣很多钱get an education 取得学位,Lead-inName your group 取队名,be happygo to collegebe famoustravel around the worldmake a lot of moneyget an education,I want to be happy,Choose one of the most important thing as the name o。

5、Todays words:If I believe myself, I will be the best.,If you are happy, what will you do? If I am happy, I will,If you go to the party,youll have a great time!,Unit 10 1a-2c,go to the party with,wear jeans to,take a bus to,stay at home,c,d,b,a,Match the statements with the pictures a-d.,1a,1. ___ I think Ill wear jeans to the party.2. ___ I think Ill stay at home. 3. ___ I think Ill take the bus to the party.4. ___ I think Ill go。

6、Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time.,Section A 1a-2c,Free talk,If you are happy!,If youre happy and you know it Clap Your handsIf youre happy and you know it Clap your handsIf youre happy and you know itNever be afraid to show itIf youre happy and you know it Clap your handsIf youre happy and you know it Stomp your feetIf youre happy and you know it Stomp your feetIf youre happy and you know itNever be afraid to show itIf your。

7、Can you come to my party?,Unit 9,Section A 1a-1c,The christmas,Pajamas party,睡衣派对,Lead-in,What can we do in the party?,We can,Can you help meCan you help meLalala lalalaCan you come to my partyCan you come to my party On Saturday On SaturdayCan you help meCan you help meLalala lalalaCan you come to my partyCan you come to my party On Saturday On Saturday,“Can”歌,I have to prepare for an exam.,I have to go to the/a doctor.,Tim,Wilson,Can you come to my party on Saturday afterno。

8、学习目标 ?1. Learn some new words and phrases. ?2. Learn how to make a milk shake . apple orange strawberry banana pear watermelon water tea coffee milk New words milk shake 奶昔 peel 剥皮,去皮 blender 食物搅拌器 pour 倒出,倾倒 some useful verbal phrases cut up 切碎 put in 放进 pour into 倒入 turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 ______the milk shake Fill in the blanks with the following words: turn on ,cut up, drink, peel, pour, put. Drink Cut up Pour Turn on _____the bananas and ice cream in the blende。

9、Section A Period 1 (1a1c),Unit 8,Whats your favorite fruit?,bananas,apple,What other fruits can you say?,strawberry,peach,Whats your favorite drink?,Coco Cola,tea,milk,coffee,water,milk shake,Section A (1a1c),Unit 8,How do you make a banana milk shake?,blender,milk,What do we need to make a banana milk shake ?,banana,ice cream,peel,New words,cut up,pour,New words,turn on,Watch and say.,New words,drink,Listen and put the instructions in order.,____ Turn on the blender.____ Cut up。

10、Welcome to our class,Watch a video,After seeing, answer the question: What is the woman doing?,Do you like drinking the milk shake?,So today I want to teach you how to makea banana milk shake,we will study the new lesson.,Leading-in,Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A (1a-1c),blender,ice-cream,banana,knife,milk,What do we need?,turn on 打开 cut up切碎 drink喝 peel 剥皮 pour 倾倒 put放,1a,Write these words in the blanks in the picture above.,D。

11、【 www.163wenku.com;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B 2a-2e 导学单 一、 How much do you know about Thanksgiving? 背景知识链接 感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。 1620年著名的“ 五月花号 “船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的 清教徒 102 人到达美洲。 1620 年和 1621 年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有 50 来人。这时心地善良的 印第安人 给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植 玉米 、 南瓜。

12、Unit 7Will people have robots?,八年级上册人教版,In the past,Now,预习导学,Can you see any differences in the pictures?What are they?,Lets predict our future!,inin,Now,I am thirty-four years old.,I will be an old woman.I will be a better teacher.I will travel around the world.I will study in Amercia and I will go back to China.,20年后,What will you be in the future?,I will be a teacher.,Where will you work?,I will work in ,Hawaii,Beijing,Paris,Will you be a /an ?,Yes, I will.,No, I wont. I。

13、Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. Section A(1a-1c) Welcome to the class! a reporter a bank clark a nurse a policeman a singer a basketball player Bill Gates a computer programmer 电脑程序设计师 a cook 厨师 a doctor 医生 an engineer (工程师) a violinist 小提琴家。

14、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. Section B The ____ we get together, together, together. The _____ we get together, the ______ well be. For your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends. The ____ we get together, the ______ well be. The more we get together morehappier more happier Comparatives of the Adjectives 形容词的比较级 more Learning Aims ? 1.Review the comparative words and phrases about peoples appearance and personality. (复习关于描述人物长相和性格形容词的比较级。

15、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Period 1,Learning Aims,1. 初步了解形容词比较级的变化及有 关知识。2. 练习用比较级描述人和物。3.情感目标:正确评价别人,学会尊重别人 ,与别人友好相处。,Learn the comparetive degree.,Task 1,形容词比较级的构成规则,1.直接在形容词后加-er。,2.以不发音的e结尾的形容词直接在其后加-r。,talltaller,nicenicer,3.以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加-er.,bigbigger,4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,先改“y”为“I”,再加-er。,happyhappier,5.多音节和部分。

16、Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sister. Language Goals: Talk about personal traits; Compare people Talk about one of your friends. ?She is tall. ?She is a little heavy. ?She has long hair. ?She is Liu Dan. Liu Xiang is tall. Pan Changjiang is short. Liu Xiang is taller than Pan Changjiang. Pan Changjiang is shorter than Liu Xiang . Jia Ling is heavy. Liu Yifei is thin. Jia Ling is heavier than Liu Yifei . Liu Yifei is thinner than Jia Ling. Fan Bingbing has long ha。

17、Section A 1a 1c tall thin short hair short heavy long hair 178cm 160cm What do they look like? Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 I think Mary sings better than Linda. I think play ping-pong well play chess well play the guitar well sing well/loudly/quietly speak English well/loudly write Chinese well read loudly 1a Match each words with its opposite. tall thin Long hair quietly loudly short hair heavy short 1 2 3 Listen and number the pairs of the twins (1-3). Challenge CE or CS。

18、I am more outgoing than my sister,Section A(1a1c),Unit 3,Learning aims,一、Knowledge aims:1)Key words: outgoing both better loudly quietly2)Target language:Sam has longer hair than Tom. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 3)通过观察,归纳形容词比较级的变化规则并会使用。二、Ability aims: 1)Learn to use comparatives to compare personal traits.(学习使用形容词的比较级来比较人的个性特征。)2)Moral aims:了解他人,正视自己,和谐相处,增进友谊。,Both Yi Jianlian and Yao 。

19、Section APeriod 1 (1a1c),Unit 3,Im more outgoing than my sister,young,The student is younger than me.,younger,tall,short,Father is taller than daughter,The daughter is shorter than .,heavy,thin,heavy,He is heavier than.,quietly,loudly,quietly,.,They both have short hair,Lily,Hellen,Liu Nings hair is longer than .,tallthinlong hairquietly,loudlyshort hairheavyshort,Match each word with its opposite.,Listen and fill in the blanks (1b),1. Sam has ______ hair。

20、LongerLonger than thereve been fishes in the oceanHigher than any bird ever flewLonger than thereve been stars up in the heavensIve been in love with you.Stronger than any mountain cathedralTruer than any tree ever grewDeeper than any forest primevalI am in love with you.Ill bring fires in the wintersYoull send showers in the springsWell fly through the falls and summersWith love on our wings.Through the years as the fire starts to mellowBurning lines in the book of our lives。

21、Unit 2 How often do you exercise? What do you usually do on weekends? What do you usually do on weekends? I usually on weekends. do my homework does she does her She What do you usually do on weekends? I usually on weekends. watch TV do they They watch What do you usually do on weekends? I usually on weekends. read books read books: 读书 = do some reading does she reads She What do you usually do on weekends? I usually on weekends. go shopping go shopping: 购物 = do some shopping = sho。

22、Section A (1a-2d) 英汉互译 1. 去看电影 ___________________ 2. 运动 ____________________ 3. 看电视 ____________________ 4. 读书 ___________________ 5. 上网 ___________________ 6. 去购物 ____________________ 7. 多久一次 ____________________ 8. 帮忙做家务 ____________________ go to the movie watch TV read books exercise use the Internet go shopping How often help with housework 请小组长记录得分,起来展示的同学每人 1分。 9. once a week ______________ 10. twice a week ____。

新人教版八上Unit 4 What's the best movie theater.(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件.ppt
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新人教版八上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation.(Section A 1a-2d)PPT课件.ppt
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新人教版八上Unit 2 How often do you exercise.(Section B 1a-1e)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 2 How often do you exercise.(Section B 1a-2e)PPT课件.ppt
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新人教版八上Unit 2 How often do you exercise.(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件.ppt
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新人教版八上Unit 2 How often do you exercise.(Section A 1a-2c)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 2 How often do you exercise.(Section A 1a-2c)课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 2 How often do you exercise.(Section A 1a-2d)PPT课件 .ppt
新人教版八上Unit 2 How often do you exercise.(Section A 1a-2d)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件 ).ppt
新人教版八上Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(Section A 1a-1c)课件 ).ppt
新人教版八上Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(Section A 1a-1c)课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(Section A 1a-1c)课件).ppt
新人教版八上Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(Section A period 1)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 7 Will people have robots.(Section A 1a-1c)公开课PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake.(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件 (.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake.(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件 ).ppt
新人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake.(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit9 (Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit9 Can you come to my party.(Section A 1a-1c)PPT课件.ppt
新人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake.(Section B 2a-2e)导学案.doc
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2022年新人教版八上物理知识梳理+拓展+练习 5.2 生活中的透镜(含解析).docx


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