Unit1 Teenage life section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. Have you wondered what future一代will think of our efforts 2.What first吸引 ,Unit1 Teenage life section 基础
1、Unit1 Teenage life section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. Have you wondered what future一代will think of our efforts 2.What first吸引 。
2、Unit1 Teenage life section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. The company is ready to meet the挑战of the next few years. 2.The environme。
3、Unit1 Teenage life section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. He has been a talented musician in his青年时期 2.He made the announcement in。
4、Unit2 Travelling around section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. Your local library will be a useful来源 of information. 2.There was o。
5、Unit2 Travelling around section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. You can要求a free copy of the leaflet. 2. Wed like a room with a视野of 。
6、Unit3 Sports and fitness section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. How do you manage to stay so苗条的 2.Brisk walking burns up more calo。
7、Unit3 Sports and fitness section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1.Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, especially playing足球。
8、Unit3 Sports and fitness section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1.She欺骗her aged aunt out of her fortune. 2.Its partly true that Dicke。
9、Unit4 Natural disasters section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1.The tree fell down with a great碰撞. 2.Its partly that his writings ro。
10、Unit5 Languages around the world section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1.They had to作斗争against all kinds of difficulties. 2.Coal is 。
11、Unit5 Languages around the world section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1.Her本国的language is Korean. 2.Youth is simply an态度of mind. 3.。
12、Unit5 Languages around the world section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. He also deleted files from the computer系统. 2.Id感激it if you。
13、Welcome Unit 单元专项练习单元专项练习 基础专练基础专练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. The organization is set up for the free交换of information. 2. In his讲座,Mr G。
14、Unit3 Sports and fitness section 重点词汇重点词汇 1. fitness n.健康;健壮;适合 fit adj.合适的;健壮的 keep fit 保持健康;养生 2.event 队比赛项目;大事;公开活动 e。
15、Unit1 Teenage life section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. He took her to the芭蕾舞演出to cheer her up. 2.Let us enjoy the time when ser。
16、Unit4 Natural disasters section 重点词汇重点词汇 1.volcano n. 火山 volcanic adj. 火山的 volcanic eruption 火山喷发 2.rescue vt. 权力强大的 19.。
17、Unit2 Travelling around section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. England has many ancient and beautiful城堡. 2.I forgot to打包my slipper。
18、Unit2 Travelling around section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. His family坟墓is located in the suburbs. 2.The team leader was not av。
19、Unit3 Sports and fitness section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. Which运动员do you admire, Liu Xiang or Yao Ming 2 . Duff soon掌握the sk。
20、Unit4 Natural disasters section 基础训练基础训练 单词拼写单词拼写 1. The oil spill was afor sea animals. 2.The crops died during the千旱. 。