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类型新高考虚拟语气写作句式学与练 导学案-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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    关 键  词:
    新高考虚拟语气写作句式学与练 导学案-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项 新高 虚拟 语气 写作 句式 导学案 2025 届高三 英语 上学 一轮 复习 专项 下载 _一轮复习_高考专区_英语_高中

    1、新高考虚拟语气写作句式学与练一、If 引导的常用于写作的虚拟语气句式(1)If sb had (not) done sth, sb would(not) have done /do sth. 如果某人过去做了某事,某人(现在)就. (从句与过去事实相反,主句与过去/现在事实相反的虚拟)句式可升级为: Had sb (not) done sth, sb would (not) have done/do sth. 例如:1. 如果我没读英文报Youth,我在英语方面就不会有这么大的进步。.If I hadnt read the newspaper Youth,I wouldnt have made

    2、 such great progress in English. 升级改写为:Had I not read the newspaper Youth,I wouldnt have made such great progress in English.2. “如果你更加细心一些,我们的女儿就不会走丢”,她抑制不住怒火,朝她丈夫大喊. If you had been more careful, our daughter would not have been lost, she couldnt contain her anger and shouted at her husband. 3. 如果我

    3、没有和Tom吵架且跑进森林里,我现在就不会被困在这个可怕的地方。 If I had not quarreled with Tom and gone into the forest, I would not be trapped in the awful place now. (2) If I were you , I would do sth. 如果我是你,我会. 升级改写:Were I you, I would do sth.例如:1. 如果我是你,我会和我的父母亲谈一谈。If I were you, I would communicate with my parents.升级改写:Were

    4、 I you, I would communicate with my parents.(3) Had it not been for(=If it had not been for) ., sb would (not) have done.= Without/But for., sb would (not) have done. (对过去的虚拟)没有.的话/要不是.的话,某人就.例如:1. 要不是这次经历,我不会意识到我应该花更多的时间和家人在一起。Without /But for/Had it not been for this experience, I would not have r

    5、ealized that I should spend more time with my family.2. 如果没有你耐心的指导,我就不可能解决这个问题,也不可能建立起信心。Had it not been for /Without But for your patient guidance, I would never have tackled the problem nor built confidence. 练一练11.如果我没有参加这次活动,我永远都不体会农民的艰苦生活。2.如果我是你,我就会跟你的父母坦诚交流。3.要不是我当时的无礼,我们就不会吵架了。4.如果不是他的教诲和帮助,我

    6、就不会有机会进入我梦想的大学。5.如果你听了医生的话,你现在就会好多了。6.要是没有英语老师的帮助,我就不会在英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖了。7.要不是家人和老师的帮助, 我是不可能意识到我的错误, 并且改变我对失败的态度。8.要是没有Eric当时的鼓励,我可能在这一天剩下的时间里都沉浸在悲伤的情绪里。9.如果没有挫折,我们的人生就不会充满精彩的故事。10. 如果没有他们的共同努力,他们的项目不可能按时完成。二、wish 表愿望(1) How sb wish (that) sb did/had done/would do 真希望.例如:1.多么希望之前没有那么粗鲁的对待教练啊!How I wish

    7、 I had not been so rude to the coach before!2. 事实上,我多么希望自己在课堂上能经常提出问题呀! Actually, how I wish I could raise questions often in class!(2) Sb.+谓语, wishing (that) sb did/had done/would do. .,真希望.例如:1. 我吓得愣在那里,真希望我昨天接受了Mr Smith的建议 。I was rooted on the ground due to being frightened, wishing that I had ac

    8、cepted Mr Smiths advice yesterday.2. 伙伴们在到处跑着,玩得很开心,可Susan却独自坐在草坪上,希望自己此刻在家里。Her companions were running about enjoying themselves, but Susan sat alone on the grass, wishing she were at home this moment.练一练21. 我无言以对,真希望我昨天就把真相告诉了Jack. 2. 他翻了翻相册,希望自己上星期天去参加了Lucy的生日聚会。3. 在那个时刻,我真希望我知道答案啊!4. 我几乎到了崩溃的别缘

    9、。我多么希望我没有对我父母亲撒谎呀!5. 我真希望我是一只小鸟自由地飞翔在天空!三、If only句式 “要是该多好啊!” (1) If only+主语+did/were 现在的愿望;(2) If only+主语+had done 过去的愿望;(3) If only+主语+could do 将来的愿望。例如:1.如果雨能停就好了。 If only the rain would stop. 2.“要是我当初听取了妈妈的建议该多好!”小女孩低声对自己说。“If only I had listened to my mothers advice! the little girl whispered t

    10、o herself.3. 要是我们有更多志愿者参加慈善活动,我们本可以筹集到更多的钱。 If only we had more volunteers for the charity drive. We could have raised even more money。 练一练31. 妈妈开心地说,要是每天都可以吃到这么类味的早餐就好了!2. 要是我是第 3 位到达终点线的跑步者该多好啊!3. 要是我在英语期中考试中没有那么粗心就好了! 4. 他后悔莫及,要是他当时坚持再多等两分钟该多好啊!5. 要是我们那天待在家里, 而没有去森林探险该多好啊!四、as if 句式 “似乎;好像.”(1) .

    11、as if sb did/were 现在事实相反(2) .as if sb had done 过去事实相反(3) .as if sb would do 将来事实相反例如:1.他张开嘴巴好像要说什么。 He opened his mouth as if he would say something.(2.他挣扎着站起来,感觉大腿很疼,好像断了一样。He struggled to his feet, feeling his thigh ache as if it were broken.3.他觉得整个天都塌了。He felt as if the whole world had fallen apa

    12、rt on him.练一练41. 那些珍贵的回忆涌上心头。我记起了整件事情,就好像它发生在昨日。2. 我觉得好像有几百只眼睛在窥探着我,我脸都红了。3 我们到这里只有两天,但好像已待了几星期。4. 在和她最好的朋友争吵过后,Kate 表现得好像什么都没发生过一样。5. 小猫摇着尾巴,好像它是一个老朋友。五、表建议的句式(1) .suggest/recommend/advice/insist/request.that sb (should) do(2) It is recommended/suggested/requested .that sb (should) do例如:1. 强烈建议学校给学

    13、生们更多的自由时间参加体育活动。It is strongly recommended that the school should give students more free time to take part in sports activities.2. 我建议为了保持友谊,我们应该与朋友面对面交流而不是发微信。I suggest we (should) communicate with our friends face to face instead of sending WeChat messages so that we can maintain our friendship.

    14、3. 我坚持你们给我换件新的或者给我退款。 I insist you should change a new one for me or give me a refund.练一练51. 老师建议我们应该学会冷静、明智地处理冲突。2. 我建议你每天大声朗读英语。3. 教练解决要求所有队员都应该为这场比赛全力以赴。4. 要求所有人,包括学生、老师和家长都参加。5. 最后我想说的是,无论你做什么 建议你专心做好它。六、(1)Its high/about time that sb should do/did sth. “是某人该做某事的时候了”(2) Its important/necessary/s

    15、trange/natural that sb (should ) do sth. “某人做某事是重要的/必要的/奇怪的/自然的”。例如:1.重要的是我们要制订出一个学习计划。It is important that we should work out a study plan.2. 确实到了我们让公众意识到节能的重要性的时候了。Its high time that we made/should make the public realize the importance of saving energy. 3. 我们饭后散步是很有必要的。 Its necessary that we shou

    16、ld have a walk after supper.练一练61. 众所周知的是,充分利用时间好好学习是非常重要的事情。2. 该是我们人类采取适当的措施来保持生态平衡的时候了。3. 我们有必要在公共场所佩戴口罩,以防止病毒的传播。 4. 该是我们开始认真对待气候变化的时候了。答案:练一练11.If I had not taken part in this activity, I would never have understood the hard life for the most farmers.2. If I were you, I would have a sincere conv

    17、ersation with your parents.3. But for/ Had it not been for my rudeness, we wouldnt have quarreled with each other.4. Had it not been for his teaching and help, I would never have the chance to be admitted by my dream university. 5. If you had listened to the doctor, you would be better now.6.Without

    18、 the help of my English teacher, i would not have won the first prize in the English Speaking Competition.7. Had it not been for/Without/ But for the help from my family and teachers, I wouldnt have realized my mistakes and changed my attitude towards failure. 8. Without Erics encouragement, I would

    19、 have been immersed in sorrow for the rest of the day.9. Without/But for setbacks, our life would not be filled with wonderful stories.10. But for their common efforts, they couldnt have finished their project on schedule.练一练21. I was speechless, wishing that I had told Jack the truth yesterday.2. H

    20、e turned over the photo album, wishing that he had attended Lucys birthday party last Sunday. 3. How I wish I had known the answers at the very moment.4. I was almost on the edge (边缘) of breakdown. How I wish I had not lied to my parents.5. How I wish I could be a bird flying freely in the sky!练一练31

    21、. Mom said delightedly, if only she could have such a delicious breakfast every day.”2. If only I had been the 3rd runner who had got to the finish line.3. If only I hadnt been so careless in the English mid-term examination.4. He was full of regret. If only he had kept waiting for two more minutes.

    22、5. If only we had stayed at home and had not explored to the forest.练一练41. All those precious memories flooded into my mind. I remembered the whole thing as if it had happened yesterday.2. Feeling as if there were hundreds of eyes peeping at me, my face blushed.3. Weve only been here two days, but i

    23、t seems as if we had been here for weeks.4. After the argument with her best friend, Kate behaved as if nothing had happened.5. The little cat wagged its tail, as if he were his former friend.练一练51. My teacher suggests that we should learn to handle conflicts calmly and wisely.2. My advice is that y

    24、ou should read English aloud every day.3. Its required that all the people, including students, teachers and parents involved, should attend it.4. The coach insisted that all the teammates should go all out for this competition.5. In the end, Id like to say that whatever you do, it is suggested that

    25、 you should devote yourself to doing it well.练一练61. As is known to all, its very important that we make full use of time to study well.2. It is time we human beings took/should take proper steps/measures to keep the balance of nature. 3. It is necessary that we wear masks in public places to prevent the spread of the virus.4. It is time that we started /should start taking climate change seriously.

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