011听力考场训练十一 -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.rar


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听力考场训练十一听力考场训练十一第一节第一节1 What will the man do for the woman?(男人会为女人做什么?)A Provide some free food.(提供一些免费食物。)B Cancel the order.(取消订单。)C Make another order.(再下一个订单。)答案:答案:A听力原文听力原文W:Excuse me.I ordered two cheeseburgers,but I got two fish burgers.(对不起,我点了两个芝士汉堡,但我有两个鱼肉汉堡。)M:Im awfully sorry about that.Your order got mixed up with someone elses.Id like to give you some free French fries to make up for it.ls that okay?(对此我深感抱歉。你的订单和别人的混淆了。我想给你一些免费的炸薯条来弥补。可以吗?)2 How does the woman sound?(这个女人听起来怎么样?)A She is worried.(她很担心。)B She is tired.(她累了。)C She is confident.(她很自信。)答案:答案:C听力原文听力原文M:How about your job interview?(你的工作面试怎么样?)W:I couldnt feel better about it.Ive already taken part in a written examination,a spoken test and an interview.I believe I can get the job opportunity.(我对此感觉非常好。我已经参加了笔试、口语测试和面试。我相信我能得到这份工作机会。)3 Why wont the man buy the leather gloves?(那个男人为什么不买皮手套?)A Because of the material.(因为材料。)B Because of the design.(因为设计。)C Because of the price.(因为价格。)答案:答案:C听力原文听力原文W:These gloves are much cheaper than the leather ones.They are made of artificial leather.(这些手套比皮手套便宜得多。它们是由人造革制成的。)M:But the designs are different.I really like the leather gloves better,but I cant afford them.So Ill take the artificial leather ones.(但设计不同。我真的更喜欢皮手套,但我买不起。所以我要人造革的。)4 What season is it now?(现在是什么季节?)A Autumn.(秋天。)B Winter.(冬天。)C Spring.(春天。)答案:答案:A听力原文听力原文W:Make sure to clean the leaves from the yard.Its almost winter and we dont want them to freeze under the first big snow.(一定要把院子里的叶子清理干净。快到冬天了,我们不想让它们在第一场大雪下结冰。)M:Why cant it be spring again already?(为什么春天不能再来了?)5 What does the woman suggest the man do?(女人建议男人做什么?)A Wait for his grandma.(等他的奶奶。)B Go to bed early.(早点睡觉。)C Call his grandma.(打电话给他的奶奶。)答案:答案:B听力原文听力原文W:Its ten oclock.Are you going to bed now,James?(现在是十点钟。詹姆斯,你现在要睡觉了吗?)M:No,Mom.Grandma said shed call me tonight.Im still waiting for her phone call.(不,妈妈。奶奶说她今晚会给我打电话。我还在等她的电话。)W:Im sure your grandma has forgotten about it.You know she has a poor memory.(我肯定你奶奶已经忘记了。你知道她记忆力不好。)第二节第二节听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题6 What was David?(大卫以前是干什么的?)A A skate instructor.(滑冰教练。)B A children educator.(儿童教育家。)C A professional skater.(职业滑冰运动员。)7 What does the woman think of David?(这位女士对大卫有什么看法?)A Fortunate.(幸运的。)B Optimistic.(乐观的。)C Helpful.(有用的。)答案:答案:6-7 CB听力原文听力原文W:Did you go to see David yesterday?(你昨天去看大卫了吗?)M:Yes.Hes got better.(对。他好多了。)W:Glad to hear that.Will he continue his skating career?(很高兴听到这个消息。他会继续他的滑冰生涯吗?)M:Its pitiful that he cant.He hurt his back badly.(真可怜,他做不到。他的背伤得很重。)W:Sorry to hear that.What does he plan to do next?(听到这个消息我很难过。他接下来打算做什么?)M:He said he would put most of his energy into local community service projects.(他说,他将把大部分精力投入到当地的社区服务项目中。)W:What does that mean?(这是什么意思?)M:He will volunteer as a skate instructor.And he will also learn children education.(他将自愿担任滑冰教练。他还将学习儿童教育。)W:What an optimistic person he is!(他是个多么乐观的人啊!)听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题8 What is the probable relationship between the speakers?(说话者之间可能的关系是什么?)A Friends.(朋友。)B Parent and child.(父母和孩子。)C Novelist and reader.(小说家和读者。)9 Why doesnt the woman write about her life?(为什么这个女人不写她自己的生活?)A Its too personal.(这太涉及隐私了。)B Its too boring.(太无聊了。)C Its too awkward.(这太尴尬了。)答案:答案:8-9 AB听力原文听力原文M:Ive kept a diary since I was 12.It helps me better understand my own emotions.(我从 12 岁起就写日记了。这有助于我更好地理解自己的情绪。)W:Wow,you must have a massive bunch of notebooks by now!(哇,你现在一定有一大堆笔记本了!)M:Its not as big as you think,since I only write for five minutes every day in the morning.It takes me about three days to fill out one page.(它没有你想象的那么大,因为我每天早上只写五分钟。填写一页大约需要三天的时间。)W:Coolcan I read it?Maybe if you become famous one day,they will turn it into a movie.(酷我能读一下吗?也许有一天你出名了,他们会把它拍成电影。)M:Its very personal stuff.I think it would be too awkward if you read all of my secrets.(这是非常涉及隐私的事情。我想如果你读了我所有的秘密,那会太尴尬了。)W:I always wanted to write a novel based on my life,but I dont think anything interesting has happened to me yet.(我一直想写一部以我的生活为基础的小说,但我认为我还没有发生任何有趣的事情。)M:Your parents have had long lives so far.Why not write about one of them?(到目前为止,你父母的寿命很长。为什么不写其中一个呢?)听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题10 What does the man ask the woman to do?(男人要求女人做什么?)A Travel to South Africa.(去南非旅行。)B Write a book review.(写一篇书评。)C Go to Italy as a guide.(去意大利当导游。)11 How long will the woman be in South Africa?(这位女士将在南非呆多久?)A For two weeks.(两个星期。)B For three weeks.(三个星期。)C For one month.(一个月。)12 What does the woman finally decide to do?(女人最终决定做什么?)A Ask someone else for some help.(请别人帮忙。)B Finish the job within the given time.(在规定时间内完成这项工作。)C Send a note to the author of the book.(给这本书的作者发张便条。)答案:答案:10-12 BAB听力原文听力原文M:Anna,did you receive the copy of Gabrielle Mancinis new book that I sent you?We need someone to write up a review of it for our next magazine issue,and I thought you would be perfect since you lived in Italy for so long.(安娜,你收到我寄给你的加布里埃尔曼奇尼的新书了吗?我们需要有人为我们的下一期杂志写一篇评论,我认为你会很完美地完成这个任务,因为你在意大利生活了这么久。)W:Oh,you mean that new travel guide?Sure,Id be happy to do that.But how soon do you need it?Ill be away in South Africa for two weeks starting next Monday.(哦,你是说那本新的旅行指南?当然,我很乐意这样做。但你什么时候需要它?从下周一开始,我将在南非呆两周。)M:Well,the deadline for our next issue is a month from today.Is that too tight for you?Should I find someone else?(好吧,我们下一期的截止日期是一个月后的今天。对你来说时间太紧张了吗?我应该找别人吗?)W:No,it shouldnt be a problem.Actually,Ill have a lot of time while Im traveling.I should be able to read the whole book from cover to cover while Im on the plane.Ill just take notes and write the review as soon as I return.Youll have it in your hands three weeks from today.(不,这应该不是问题。事实上,我旅行的时候会有很多时间。我应该能在飞机上从头到尾读完整本书。我一回来就记笔记和写评论。三周后,你就可以拿到它了。)听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题13 When is the woman arriving in Orlando?(这位女士什么时候到奥兰多?)A On 15th.(15 日。)B On 17th.(17 日。)C On 24th.(24 日。)14 Where will the woman go first?(女人会先去哪里?)A To Disney World.(迪士尼乐园。)B To Daytona Beach.(前往代托纳海滩。)C To the Kennedy Space Center.(前往肯尼迪航天中心。)15 Who is John?(约翰是谁?)A The speakers old schoolmate.(说话人的老同学。)B The womans husband.(女人的丈夫。)C A guide.(导游。)16 What will the woman do in Florida?(这位女士将在佛罗里达州做什么?)A Visit the National Park.(参观国家公园。)B Meet some friends.(认识一些朋友。)C Relax on the beach.(在海滩上放松。)答案:答案:13-16 BAAC听力原文听力原文M:When are you arriving,Amy?The 15th?(艾米,你什么时候到?15 日吗?)W:No,let me see.The flight from London to Orlando is on Thursday,so thats 17th May,and were returning from Orlando on the morning of 24th.(不,让我看看。从伦敦到奥兰多的航班是星期四,也就是 5 月 17 日,我们将于 24 日上午从奥兰多返回。)M:Got it.And l suppose youre going straight to Disney World.(明白了。我想你要直接去迪士尼乐园。)W:Of course.Do you want to come?(当然。你想来吗?)M:No,I cant.Im working that week.But why dont we meet at Daytona Beach at the weekend?It is not that far from Orlando.(不,我不能。我那个星期在工作。但是我们为什么不在周末在代托纳海滩见面呢?离奥兰多不远。)W:Maybe,but I really want to see the Kennedy Space Center.And then at the weekend Im meeting John.Do you remember him from college?(也许吧,但我真的很想去肯尼迪航天中心看看。然后周末我要去见约翰。你还记得他大学时的样子吗?)M:Yeah.(是啊。)W:Were driving through the National Park.Im really looking forward to it.And then,you see,my husband Simon wants to stay in Miami for a few days because he has some friends there.(我们正开车穿过国家公园。我真的很期待。然后,你看,我丈夫西蒙想在迈阿密呆几天,因为他在那里有一些朋友。)M:So you cant spend any time in Orlando at all.(所以你根本不能在奥兰多度过任何时间。)W:Not really,we also want to spend some time relaxing on the beach.See Floridas best beaches and all that(不是真的,我们也想在海滩上放松一下。看看佛罗里达州最好的海滩和所有这些)听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题17 What is the speaker talking about?(说话的人在说什么?)A A hobby.(一种爱好。)B A studio.(一个工作室。)C A course.(一门课程。)18 Who introduced the speaker to filming?(谁向说话的人介绍了拍摄?)A Her friends father.(她朋友的父亲。)B A camera operator.(摄像机操作员。)C Her parents.(她的父母。)19 When were the extra sessions?(额外的课程是什么时候?)A In May.(五月。)B In September.(九月。)C In December.(十二月。)20 What was unprovided in the course?(课程中没有提供什么?)A Cameras.(摄像头。)B Computers.(计算机。)C Batteries.(电池。)答案:答案:17-20 CBAC听力原文听力原文Hello,everyone.(大家好。)Im glad to be here with you.(很高兴和你在一起。)My video-making course began when a friend invited me to go to see her father at work in a TV studio.(我的视频制作课程始于一位朋友邀请我去电视演播室看她父亲的工作。)While l was there,the camera operator let me try filming and it was amazing.(当我在那里的时候,摄影师让我尝试拍摄,这太棒了。)I wanted to learn more,so I persuaded my parents to let me sign up for a film course.(我想了解更多,所以我说服父母让我报名参加电影课程。)The course was every Saturday morning from 10 till 2.(课程是每周六上午 10 点到 2 点。)It lasted from September to May with a break in December,and then we had some extra sessions in the afternoon when we reached the final month of the course.(它从 9 月持续到 5 月,12月休息,然后我们在下午到达课程的最后一个月时进行了一些额外的课程。)We worked in groups.(我们分组工作。)I was with some really nice people and we created videos about various things.(我和一些非常好的人在一起,我们制作了关于各种事情的视频。)We even filmed our own plays.(我们甚至拍摄了自己的戏剧。)We didnt need any equipmentthey had enough computers and cameras.(我们不需要任何设备他们有足够的电脑和相机。)The things we had to bring were batteries we needed.(我们必须带的东西是我们需要的电池。)At the end of the course,I got a certificate.(课程结束时,我拿到了证书。)Id really recommend this course to anyone who wants to make great short videos.(我强烈推荐这门课程给任何想制作精彩短视频的人。)Im sure you will enjoy the course.(我相信你会喜欢这门课的。)听力考场训练十一听力考场训练十一第一节第一节1 What will the man do for the woman?A Provide some free food.B Cancel the order.C Make another order.2 How does the woman sound?A She is worried.B She is tired.C She is confident.3 Why wont the man buy the leather gloves?A Because of the material.B Because of the design.C Because of the price.4 What season is it now?A Autumn.B Winter.C Spring.5 What does the woman suggest the man do?A Wait for his grandma.B Go to bed early.C Call his grandma.第二节第二节听第听第 6 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 6、7 题题6 What was David?A A skate instructor.B A children educator.C A professional skater.7 What does the woman think of David?A Fortunate.B Optimistic.C Helpful.听第听第 7 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 8、9 题题8 What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A Friends.B Parent and child.C Novelist and reader.9 Why doesnt the woman write about her life?A Its too personal.B Its too boringC Its too awkward.听第听第 8 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 10 至至 12 题题10 What does the man ask the woman to do?A Travel to South Africa.B Write a book review.C Go to Italy as a guide.11 How long will the woman be in South Africa?A For two weeks.B For three weeks.C For one month.12 What does the woman finally decide to do?A Ask someone else for some help.B Finish the job within the given time.C Send a note to the author of the book.听第听第 9 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 13 至至 16 题题13 When is the woman arriving in Orlando?A On 15th.B On 17th.C On 24th.14 Where will the woman go first?A To Disney World.B To Daytona Beach.C To the Kennedy Space Center.15 Who is John?A The speakers old schoolmate.B The womans husband.C A guide.16 What will the woman do in Florida?A Visit the National Park.B Meet some friends.C Relax on the beach.听第听第 10 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 17 至至 20 题题17 What is the speaker talking about?A A hobby.B A studio.C A course.18 Who introduced the speaker to flming?A Her friends father.B A camera operator.C Her parents.19 When were the extra sessions?A In May.B In September.C In December.20 What was unprovided in the course?A Cameras.B Computers.C Batteries.
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