专题18 全国甲卷阅读理解D篇核心词汇及长难句分解与提升训练 导学案-2025届高三英语一轮复习.rar


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    • 专题18 全国甲卷阅读理解D篇核心词汇及长难句分解与提升训练 导学案-2025届高三英语一轮复习
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      • 专题18 全国甲卷阅读理解D篇核心词汇及长难句分解与提升训练(解析版).docx--点击预览
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2024 年高考英语真题核心词汇及长难句2024 年高考英语真题核心词汇及长难句逐题分解与提升训练逐题分解与提升训练专题 18 专题 18 新高考卷:阅读理解 D 篇新高考卷:阅读理解 D 篇.通读真题原文.通读真题原文.提取核心词汇.提取核心词汇.剖析长难句子.剖析长难句子.打靶提升训练.打靶提升训练【通读真题原文】【通读真题原文】【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章首先通过作者与教授关于小说结局的讨论引发了对结局的思考,接着阐述了不同类型的文学作品结局的特点,最后提出了写作好的结局的重要性并介绍了Writers Digest杂志如何帮助作家写出更好的结尾。原文再现原文再现参考译文参考译文“I didnt like the ending,”I said to my favorite college professor.It was my junior year of undergraduate,and I was doing an independent study on Victorian literature.I had just finished reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot,and I was heartbroken with the ending.Prof.Gracie,with all his patience,asked me to think about it beyond whether I liked it or not.He suggested I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters,endings that“我不喜欢结局,”我对我最喜欢的大学教授说。那是我大三的时候,我正在做一项关于维多利亚文学的独立研究。我刚刚读完乔治艾略特的弗洛斯上的磨坊,结局让我心碎。格雷西教授以他所有的耐心,让我思考一下,除了我喜欢与否。他建议我考虑一下我想要的角色结局和适合角色的结局之间的区别,即使它们没有传统上积极的结果,也能满足故事的结局。当然,我宁愿汤姆和玛吉图利弗有一个不同的结局,但他们得到的结局对他们来说是最有意义的。satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome.Of course,I would have preferred a different ending for Tom and Maggie Tulliver,but the ending they got did make the most sense for them.This was an aha moment for me,and I never thought about endings the same way again.From then on,if I wanted to read an ending guaranteed to be happy,Id pick up a love romance.If I wanted an ending I couldnt guess,Id pick up a mystery(悬疑小说).One where I kind of knew what was going to happen,historical fiction.Choosing what to read became easier.But writing the end thats hard.Its hard for writers because endings carry so much weight with readers.You have to balance creating an ending thats unpredictable,but doesnt seem to come from nowhere,one that fits whats right for the characters.Thats why this issue(期)of Writers Digest aims to help you figure out how to write the best ending for whatever kind of writing youre doing.If its short stories,Peter Mountford breaks down six techniques you can try to see which one helps you stick the landing.Elizabeth Sims analyzes the final chapters of five great novels to see what key points they include and how you can adapt them for your work.This issue wont tell you what your ending should be thats up to you and the story youre telling but it might provide what you need to get there.12Why did the author go to Prof.Gracie?这对我来说是一个顿悟的时刻,我再也没有想过同样的结局了。从那时起,如果我想读一个保证幸福的结局,我会选择一部爱情小说。如果我想要一个我猜不到的结局,我会选择一个谜。一个我知道会发生什么的谜,历史小说。选择阅读内容变得更加容易。但写结尾这很难。这对作家来说很难,因为结局对读者来说非常重要。你必须平衡创造一个不可预测的结局,但似乎不是凭空而来的,一个适合角色的结局。这就是为什么本期作家文摘旨在帮助你找出如何为你正在做的任何类型的写作写出最好的结局。如果是短篇小说,彼得芒福德会分解六种技巧,你可以试着看看哪种技巧能帮助你坚持着陆。伊丽莎白西姆斯分析了五部伟大小说的最后几章,看看它们包含了哪些关键点,以及如何将它们改编成适合你的作品。这个问题不会告诉你你的结局应该是什么这取决于你和你正在讲述的故事但它可能会提供你到达那里所需要的东西。12.作者为什么去找格雷西教授?A.讨论一部小说。ATo discuss a novel.BTo submit a book report.CTo argue for a writer.DTo ask for a reading list.13 What did the author realize after seeing Gracie?AWriting is a matter of personal preferences.BReaders are often carried away by character.CEach type of literature has its unique end.DA story which begins well will end well.14What is expected of a good ending?AIt satisfies readers taste.BIt fits with the story development.CIt is usually positive.DIt is open for imagination.15Why does the author mention Peter Mountford and Elizabeth Sims?ATo give examples of great novelists.BTo stress the theme of this issue.CTo encourage writing for the magazine.DTo recommend their new books.B.提交读书报告。C.为作家辩护。D.索要一份阅读清单。13.作者见到格雷西后意识到了什么?A.写作是个人喜好的问题。B.读者往往被性格所迷惑。C.每种文学都有其独特的目的。D.故事开头好,结局好。14.对一个好结局的期望是什么?A.它满足了读者的口味。B.它符合故事的发展。C.通常是积极的。D.它对想象力开放。15.为什么作者提到彼得芒福德和伊丽莎白西姆斯?A.举一些伟大小说家的例子。B.强调这个问题的主题。C.鼓励为杂志撰稿。D.推荐他们的新书。【提取核心词汇】【提取核心词汇】undergraduate n.本科生;(未获学士学位的)大学生,大学肄业生independent adj.独立的;公正的;无关联的;自立的;私立的;无党派的 n.无党派议员outcome n.结果guarantee v.担保;提供(产品)保修单;确保;承诺对负法律责任n.保证;保修单;起保证的事物;担保金fiction n.小说;虚构的事;杜撰analyze v.分析;分解;化验issue n.问题;(报刊)期号;发行;子嗣v.发表,发布;供给;出版;将诉诸法律【剖析长难句子】【剖析长难句子】1.He suggested I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters,endings that satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome.【分析】1.主句:He suggested I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters2.谓语:suggested宾语从句:I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters定语从句:endings that satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome3.先行词:endings定语从句:that satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome2.You have to balance creating an ending thats unpredictable,but doesnt seem to come from nowhere,one that fits whats right for the characters.【分析】1.主句:You have to balance creating an ending谓语:have to balance宾语:creating an ending2.宾语补足语:thats unpredictable,but doesnt seem to come from nowhere定语从句:thats unpredictable并列状语:but doesnt seem to come from nowhere3.同位语:one that fits whats right for the characters先行词:one定语从句:that fits whats right for the characters【打靶提升训练】【打靶提升训练】一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1The course opens e (专门地)for undergraduates.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)2 independent from my parents,working in a neat and tidy office in a skyscraper,I will be a program designer.(根据句意单词拼写)3The outcome of the court case was d (令人失望的)for the family involved.(根据中英文提示填空)4The l on this bread says it is guaranteed free of/from preservatives.(根据首字母单词拼写)5Fiction writers often imagine they are the c in their books.(根据首字母单词拼写)6A chemist can analyze water into two colorless gases,(氢气)and oxygen.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)7In a newly issued document by the Ministry of Education,senior high schools are required to ensure (劳动)education.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)二、语法填空二、语法填空8The university has reached the stage they have more graduate students than undergraduates.(用适当的单词填空)9 Since the country became in 1842,it has played an important role .(independent)(所给词的适当形式填空)10 The athlete fires several (shoot)from his handgun,causing serious outcomes.(所给词的适当形式填空)11If I do chance to find out where she is,I guarantee (inform)you immediately.(用所给词的适当形式填空)12In his long-term (fiction)creation Hemingway generalized and put forward his“iceberg”theory.(所给词的适当形式填空)13Their answers are then (analyze)and divided up between six different types of work personalities.(所给词的适当形式填空)14I use my photography to make an impact on people,especially when it comes to (environment)issues.(所给词的适当形式填空)三、完成句子三、完成句子15If they do not meet these requirements,they will not graduate school,even if they have excellent undergraduate grades.如果他们不符合这些要求,他们将不能被获准进入研究生院,即使他们有优秀的本科成绩。16unless 引导条件状语从句汤姆很独立,除非需要父母的支持,他从不征求父母的意见。Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents opinion .17他在比赛中表现良好,但结果却在他意料之外。He performed well in the play but the outcome was .18我个人认为,正是她乐观的个性保证了她这次比赛的获胜。(guarantee)As far as Im concerned,it was her positive quality that .19比较科幻小说和侦探小说,我更喜欢前者。science fiction with detective stories,I prefer the .20This article analyzes the subjective and reasons for those obstacles.本文分析了造成初中生同伴交往障碍的主、客观原因。21应当认真考虑健康和安全问题。should be given to issues of health and safety.2024 年高考英语真题核心词汇及长难句2024 年高考英语真题核心词汇及长难句逐题分解与提升训练逐题分解与提升训练专题 18 专题 18 新高考卷:阅读理解 D 篇新高考卷:阅读理解 D 篇.通读真题原文.通读真题原文.提取核心词汇.提取核心词汇.剖析长难句子.剖析长难句子.打靶提升训练.打靶提升训练【通读真题原文】【通读真题原文】【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章首先通过作者与教授关于小说结局的讨论引发了对结局的思考,接着阐述了不同类型的文学作品结局的特点,最后提出了写作好的结局的重要性并介绍了Writers Digest杂志如何帮助作家写出更好的结尾。原文再现原文再现参考译文参考译文“I didnt like the ending,”I said to my favorite college professor.It was my junior year of undergraduate,and I was doing an independent study on Victorian literature.I had just finished reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot,and I was heartbroken with the ending.Prof.Gracie,with all his patience,asked me to think about it beyond whether I liked it or not.He suggested I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters,endings that“我不喜欢结局,”我对我最喜欢的大学教授说。那是我大三的时候,我正在做一项关于维多利亚文学的独立研究。我刚刚读完乔治艾略特的弗洛斯上的磨坊,结局让我心碎。格雷西教授以他所有的耐心,让我思考一下,除了我喜欢与否。他建议我考虑一下我想要的角色结局和适合角色的结局之间的区别,即使它们没有传统上积极的结果,也能满足故事的结局。当然,我宁愿汤姆和玛吉图利弗有一个不同的结局,但他们得到的结局对他们来说是最有意义的。satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome.Of course,I would have preferred a different ending for Tom and Maggie Tulliver,but the ending they got did make the most sense for them.This was an aha moment for me,and I never thought about endings the same way again.From then on,if I wanted to read an ending guaranteed to be happy,Id pick up a love romance.If I wanted an ending I couldnt guess,Id pick up a mystery(悬疑小说).One where I kind of knew what was going to happen,historical fiction.Choosing what to read became easier.But writing the end thats hard.Its hard for writers because endings carry so much weight with readers.You have to balance creating an ending thats unpredictable,but doesnt seem to come from nowhere,one that fits whats right for the characters.Thats why this issue(期)of Writers Digest aims to help you figure out how to write the best ending for whatever kind of writing youre doing.If its short stories,Peter Mountford breaks down six techniques you can try to see which one helps you stick the landing.Elizabeth Sims analyzes the final chapters of five great novels to see what key points they include and how you can adapt them for your work.This issue wont tell you what your ending should be thats up to you and the story youre telling but it might provide what you need to get there.12Why did the author go to Prof.Gracie?这对我来说是一个顿悟的时刻,我再也没有想过同样的结局了。从那时起,如果我想读一个保证幸福的结局,我会选择一部爱情小说。如果我想要一个我猜不到的结局,我会选择一个谜。一个我知道会发生什么的谜,历史小说。选择阅读内容变得更加容易。但写结尾这很难。这对作家来说很难,因为结局对读者来说非常重要。你必须平衡创造一个不可预测的结局,但似乎不是凭空而来的,一个适合角色的结局。这就是为什么本期作家文摘旨在帮助你找出如何为你正在做的任何类型的写作写出最好的结局。如果是短篇小说,彼得芒福德会分解六种技巧,你可以试着看看哪种技巧能帮助你坚持着陆。伊丽莎白西姆斯分析了五部伟大小说的最后几章,看看它们包含了哪些关键点,以及如何将它们改编成适合你的作品。这个问题不会告诉你你的结局应该是什么这取决于你和你正在讲述的故事但它可能会提供你到达那里所需要的东西。12.作者为什么去找格雷西教授?A.讨论一部小说。ATo discuss a novel.BTo submit a book report.CTo argue for a writer.DTo ask for a reading list.13 What did the author realize after seeing Gracie?AWriting is a matter of personal preferences.BReaders are often carried away by character.CEach type of literature has its unique end.DA story which begins well will end well.14What is expected of a good ending?AIt satisfies readers taste.BIt fits with the story development.CIt is usually positive.DIt is open for imagination.15Why does the author mention Peter Mountford and Elizabeth Sims?ATo give examples of great novelists.BTo stress the theme of this issue.CTo encourage writing for the magazine.DTo recommend their new books.B.提交读书报告。C.为作家辩护。D.索要一份阅读清单。13.作者见到格雷西后意识到了什么?A.写作是个人喜好的问题。B.读者往往被性格所迷惑。C.每种文学都有其独特的目的。D.故事开头好,结局好。14.对一个好结局的期望是什么?A.它满足了读者的口味。B.它符合故事的发展。C.通常是积极的。D.它对想象力开放。15.为什么作者提到彼得芒福德和伊丽莎白西姆斯?A.举一些伟大小说家的例子。B.强调这个问题的主题。C.鼓励为杂志撰稿。D.推荐他们的新书。【提取核心词汇】【提取核心词汇】undergraduate n.本科生;(未获学士学位的)大学生,大学肄业生independent adj.独立的;公正的;无关联的;自立的;私立的;无党派的 n.无党派议员outcome n.结果guarantee v.担保;提供(产品)保修单;确保;承诺对负法律责任n.保证;保修单;起保证的事物;担保金fiction n.小说;虚构的事;杜撰analyze v.分析;分解;化验issue n.问题;(报刊)期号;发行;子嗣v.发表,发布;供给;出版;将诉诸法律【剖析长难句子】【剖析长难句子】1.He suggested I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters,endings that satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome.【分析】1.主句:He suggested I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters2.谓语:suggested宾语从句:I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters定语从句:endings that satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome3.先行词:endings定语从句:that satisfied the story even if they didnt have a traditionally positive outcome2.You have to balance creating an ending thats unpredictable,but doesnt seem to come from nowhere,one that fits whats right for the characters.【分析】1.主句:You have to balance creating an ending谓语:have to balance宾语:creating an ending2.宾语补足语:thats unpredictable,but doesnt seem to come from nowhere定语从句:thats unpredictable并列状语:but doesnt seem to come from nowhere3.同位语:one that fits whats right for the characters先行词:one定语从句:that fits whats right for the characters【打靶提升训练】【打靶提升训练】一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1The course opens e (专门地)for undergraduates.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)【答案】exclusively【详解】考查副词。句意:这门课程专为本科生开设。设空处修饰动词 opens(开设),故应用副词形式。结合句意。故答案为 exclusively。2 independent from my parents,working in a neat and tidy office in a skyscraper,I will be a program designer.(根据句意单词拼写)【答案】Financially【详解】考查副词。句意:经济独立于父母,在摩天大楼整洁的办公室工作,我将成为一名程序设计师。设空处修饰形容词 independent 作状语,应用副词,根据句意可知是 financially,句首单词首字母大写,故填Financially。3The outcome of the court case was d (令人失望的)for the family involved.(根据中英文提示填空)【答案】disappointing/isappointing【详解】考查形容词。句意:法庭案件的结果令涉案家庭失望。根据中英文提示可知应用形容词disappointing,作表语,故填 disappointing。4The l on this bread says it is guaranteed free of/from preservatives.(根据首字母单词拼写)【答案】label/abel【详解】考查名词。句意:这种面包上的标签说它保证不含防腐剂。根据句意和首字母可知,空处填单数名词 label“标签”作主语。故填 label。5Fiction writers often imagine they are the c in their books.(根据首字母单词拼写)【答案】characters/haracters【详解】考查名词。句意:小说作家常常把自己想象成书中的人物。根据单词首字母以及句意“人物,角色”以及句子结构可知,此处缺少名词充当宾语从句的表语,应使用名词 character,是可数名词,根据 they 可知,应使用复数形式。故填 characters。6A chemist can analyze water into two colorless gases,(氢气)and oxygen.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)【答案】hydrogen【详解】考查名词。句意:化学家可以将水分析成两种无色气体,氢气和氧气。根据汉语提示和句子结构可知,名词 hydrogen 符合题意,作同位语。故填 hydrogen。7In a newly issued document by the Ministry of Education,senior high schools are required to ensure (劳动)education.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)【答案】labour【详解】考查名词。句意:在教育部最新发布的一份文件中,要求高中确保劳动教育。根据汉语提示“劳动”可知,此处使用名词 labour,作前置定语,修饰名词 education。故填 labour。二、语法填空二、语法填空8The university has reached the stage they have more graduate students than undergraduates.(用适当的单词填空)【答案】where【详解】考查定语从句关系词。句意:这所大学已经到了研究生比本科生还多的阶段。分析句子结构,“_they have more graduate students than undergraduates”是定语从句,先行词 stage,表示抽象的地点,在从句中做地点状语,因此用 where 引导定语从句。故填 where。9 Since the country became in 1842,it has played an important role .(independent)(所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】independent independently【详解】考查副词和形容词。句意:自 1842 年国家独立以来,它独立地发挥了重要作用。第一空作表语,表示“独立的”应用形容词 independent;第二空用副词 independently,作状语,修饰动词 played。故空填independent,空填 independently。10 The athlete fires several (shoot)from his handgun,causing serious outcomes.(所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】shots【详解】考查名词。句意:这名运动员用手枪开了几枪,造成了严重的后果。空处需填名词 shot 作宾语可数名词,且有 several 修饰,故用可数名词复数形式。故填 shots。11If I do chance to find out where she is,I guarantee (inform)you immediately.(用所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】to inform【详解】考查不定式。句意:如果我有机会知道她在哪里,我保证会立即通知你。guarantee to do sth.(保证做某事),inform 用不定式形式作宾语。故填 to inform。12In his long-term (fiction)creation Hemingway generalized and put forward his“iceberg”theory.(所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】fictional【详解】考查形容词。句意:在长期的小说创作中,海明威概括并提出了他的“冰山”理论。空处应填形容词作定语,修饰名词 creation,fictional 小说(中)的,虚构的。故填 fictional。13Their answers are then (analyze)and divided up between six different types of work personalities.(所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】analyzed【详解
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专题18 全国甲卷阅读理解D篇核心词汇及长难句分解与提升训练 导学案-2025届高三英语一轮复习 专题 18 全国 阅读 浏览 理解 核心 词汇 辞汇 长难句 分解 提升 晋升 训练 导学案 高三 英语
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