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    初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit Family ties单词详细讲解2024秋 初中英语 新外研版七 年级 上册 Unit ties 单词 详细 讲解 2024 下载 _七年级上册(2024)_外研版_英语_初中

    1、七年级英语上册Unit 3单词详细讲解silent /salnt/adj. 不作声的常考搭配keep silent (保持沉默)remain silent (保持沉默)silent protest (默默抗议)例句和翻译She remained silent throughout the meeting. (她在整个会议期间保持沉默。)along /l/prep. 顺着;沿着常考搭配walk along (沿着走)go along with (支持,附和)along the way (在路上)例句和翻译We walked along the beach at sunset. (我们在日落时沿着

    2、海滩散步。)mountain /mantn/n. 高山,山岳复数形式mountains常用搭配climb a mountain (爬山)mountain range (山脉)mountain peak (山峰)例句和翻译They hiked through the mountains for days. (他们连续几天在山里徒步旅行。)road /rd/n. 路,道路,公路复数形式roads常用搭配cross the road (过马路)main road (主干道)dirt road (土路)例句和翻译The road was closed due to construction. (由于施

    3、工,道路关闭了。)handsome /hnsm/adj. (男子)英俊的;漂亮的副词形式handsomely常用搭配a handsome man (一个英俊的男人)handsome salary (丰厚的薪水)handsome reward (丰厚的奖励)例句和翻译He is quite handsome and charming. (他非常英俊迷人。)strict /strkt/adj. 严格的,严厉的副词形式strictly常用搭配strict rules (严格的规定)strict discipline (严格的纪律)be strict with (对.要求严格)例句和翻译The sch

    4、ool has strict rules about uniform. (学校对校服有严格的规定。)touching /tt/ adj. 感人的;动人的副词touchingly常用搭配touching moment / 一个动人的时刻touching story / 感人的故事touching tribute / 感人的致敬例句The film ended with a touching scene where the father and son embraced. / 电影以一个动人的场景结束,父亲和儿子拥抱在一起。son /sn/ n. 儿子复数形式sons常用搭配my son 我的儿子

    5、eldest son 长子son and daughter 儿子和女儿例句His son grew up to be a successful businessman. 他的儿子长大后成为一名成功的商人。serve /sv/ v. 为工作;供职三单形式serves过去式served现在分词serving常用搭配serve in the army 在军队服役serve a purpose 起到作用serve as an example 作为一个例子例句She served as the CEO of the company for over a decade. 她在公司担任CEO超过十年。are

    6、a /eri/ n.(国家、市镇等的)地区,区域复数形式areas常用搭配rural areas 农村地区urban areas 城市地区residential area 居住区例句This park is one of the largest green areas in the city. 这个公园是这座城市最大的绿地之一。absent /bsnt/ adj. 不在的;缺席的副词absently常用搭配absent from class / 缺课absent parent / 缺席的父母absent without leave (AWOL) / 未经批准缺席例句He was absent

    7、from the meeting due to illness. / 由于病情,他未能参加会议。seldom /seldm/ adv. 很少,罕见,不常常用搭配seldom seen / 很少见到seldom heard / 很少听到seldom do something / 很少做某事例句She seldom goes out after dark. / 她很少在天黑后外出。position /pzn/ n. 职位,职务复数形式positions常用搭配managerial position / 管理职位senior position / 高级职位apply for a position /

    8、 申请一个职位例句He was offered a senior position in the new department. / 他被提供了新部门的高级职位。each /it/ pron.(两个或两个以上物或人中的)每个,各常用搭配each other / 互相each time / 每次each day / 每天例句They gave each other a hug before parting. / 他们在分别前互相拥抱。carry /kri/ v. 把(某物或某人)带至(新的地点或位置)三单形式carries过去式carried现在分词carrying常用搭配carry out a

    9、 task / 执行任务carry luggage / 携带行李carry a burden / 承担负担例句She always carries a notebook in her bag. / 她总是把一个笔记本放在包里。across /krs/ prep. 横跨,跨越常用搭配across the street / 穿过街道across the country / 横跨全国swim across the river / 横渡河流例句We walked across the bridge to reach the other side. / 我们走过桥到达对岸。memory /memri/

    10、n. 记忆,回忆复数形式memories常用搭配childhood memory / 童年记忆fond memory / 美好回忆memory loss / 记忆丧失例句Her childhood memories are filled with happy times. / 她的童年记忆充满了快乐的时光。tear / t / n. 眼泪;泪水复数形式tears常用搭配shed tears / 流泪burst into tears / 突然大哭wipe away tears / 擦去眼泪例句She couldnt help but burst into tears when she heard

    11、 the news. / 听到消息后,她忍不住大哭起来。growth /gr/ n.(性格、智力或情感的)发展,成长复数形式growths常用搭配economic growth / 经济增长personal growth / 个人成长growth rate / 增长率例句The company has seen significant growth in the past year. / 公司在过去一年中实现了显著增长。hide /had/ v. 隐藏三单形式hides过去式hid现在分词hiding常用搭配hide something from someone / 向某人隐藏某事hide i

    12、n the closet / 躲在衣柜里hide and seek / 捉迷藏游戏例句She hid her diary under the bed. / 她把日记藏在床底下。care /ker/ n. 关心;忧虑复数形式cares常用搭配take care of / 照顾care for someone / 关心某人medical care / 医疗护理例句She showed great care in handling fragile items. / 她在处理易碎物品时非常小心。hug /h/ n. 拥抱复数形式hugs常用搭配give someone a hug / 给某人一个拥抱h

    13、ug someone tightly / 紧紧拥抱某人hug of greeting / 问候之拥抱例句She greeted him with a warm hug. / 她用一个热情的拥抱迎接了他。kiss /ks/ n. 吻复数形式kisses常用搭配kiss on the cheek / 脸颊上的吻kiss goodbye / 吻别passionate kiss / 热情的吻例句He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. / 他在她额头上轻轻地吻了一下。review /rvju/ n. 评论;复习复数形式reviews常用搭配write a r

    14、eview / 写评论book/movie review / 书评/电影评论critical review / 批评性评论例句The newspaper published a positive review of the new restaurant. / 报纸发表了对新餐厅的正面评论。character /krktr/ n. 角色;性格复数形式characters常用搭配main character / 主角fictional character / 虚构角色strong character / 坚强的性格例句She played the role of a strong-willed c

    15、haracter in the movie. / 她在电影中扮演了一个意志坚定的角色。quote /kwt/ n. 引语;语录复数形式quotes常用搭配famous quote / 名言inspirational quote / 励志语录quote of the day / 今日引语例句He began his speech with a quote from Shakespeare. / 他在演讲开始时引用了莎士比亚的一句话。reason /rizn/ n. 理由;原因复数形式reasons常用搭配for some reason / 由于某种原因reason behind / 背后的原因g

    16、ood reason / 充分的理由例句There is no reason for him to be upset about it. / 他没有理由为此而心烦意乱。comment /kmnt/ n. 评论;意见复数形式comments常用搭配leave a comment / 留言评论comment on something / 对某事发表评论constructive comment / 建设性意见例句She appreciated the positive comments on her presentation. / 她很感激关于她演讲的正面评论。loud /lad/ adj. 大声的

    17、;喧闹的副词loudly常用搭配loud music / 大声音乐speak loudly / 大声说话loud applause / 热烈的掌声例句The children were playing loudly in the yard. / 孩子们在院子里大声地玩耍。than /n/ prep. 比(用于两个事物的比较,引出第二个事物)例句She is taller than her brother. / 她比她弟弟高。theme /im/ n. 主题复数形式themes常用搭配central theme / 中心主题explore a theme / 探索一个主题recurring th

    18、eme / 反复出现的主题例句The partys theme was Hawaiian luau. / 派对的主题是夏威夷风味。marry /mri/ v. 结婚;娶;嫁三单形式marries过去式married现在分词marrying常用搭配get married / 结婚marry someone / 娶某人/嫁给某人happily married / 幸福结合例句They married last summer in a beautiful ceremony. / 他们去年夏天在一场美丽的仪式上结婚了。screen /skrin/ n. 屏幕复数形式screens常用搭配compute

    19、r screen / 计算机屏幕big screen / 大屏幕touch screen / 触摸屏幕例句The movie was shown on a huge screen in the park. / 电影在公园的一个巨大屏幕上播放。abroad /brd/ adv. 在国外常见搭配study abroad / 出国留学travel abroad / 出国旅行live abroad / 在国外生活例句Many students dream of studying abroad to experience different cultures. 许多学生梦想出国留学,体验不同的文化。hi

    20、gh-speed adj. 高速的,快速的副词形式high-speedly常用搭配high-speed train (高速列车)high-speed internet (高速互联网)high-speed chase (高速追逐)例句The high-speed train reached its destination in record time. (这列高速列车以创纪录的速度到达了目的地。)railway n. 铁路,铁道;铁路系统复数形式railways常用搭配railway station (火车站)railway track (铁路轨道)railway network (铁路网络)例

    21、句The railway connects cities across the country. (这条铁路连接了全国各地的城市。)alive adj. 仍然存在的,活着的副词形式alive常用搭配feel alive (感到活着)stay alive (保持生存)alive and well (活得很好)例句After the accident, he was grateful to be alive. (事故后,他感到很庆幸还活着。)meeting n. 会议复数形式meetings常用搭配business meeting (商务会议)attend a meeting (参加会议)hold

    22、 a meeting (举行会议)例句The board meeting lasted for three hours. (董事会议持续了三个小时。)cheese n. 奶酪复数形式cheeses常用搭配cheese platter (奶酪拼盘)grated cheese (磨碎的奶酪)cheese sandwich (奶酪三明治)例句He ordered a pizza with extra cheese. (他点了一份额外加奶酪的披萨。)harmony n. 融洽相处,和谐常用搭配in harmony with (与.和谐相处)harmony in relationships (关系中的和

    23、谐)living in harmony (和谐共处)例句Their voices blended in perfect harmony. (他们的声音完美地融合在一起。)solve v. 解决(问题)过去式solved现在分词solving常用搭配solve a problem (解决问题)solve a puzzle (解开谜题)solve an equation (解方程)例句They worked together to solve the difficult math problem. (他们一起解决了这道难题数学题。)relationship n. 关系,联系复数形式relation

    24、ships常用搭配family relationships (家庭关系)business relationships (商业关系)build a relationship (建立关系)例句Building strong relationships with clients is important in business. (在商业中,与客户建立良好的关系至关重要。)parent n. 父母复数形式parents常用搭配single parent (单亲父母)adoptive parent (收养父母)strict parent (严格的父母)例句His parents attended th

    25、e school meeting together. (他的父母一起参加了学校会议。)race /res/ v. 比赛三单形式races过去式raced现在分词racing常考搭配race against time (与时间赛跑)race to the finish line (冲向终点线)race each other (彼此竞争) 例句They raced against time to complete the project. (他们与时间赛跑以完成项目。)n. 赛车finish /fn/ v. 完成,做完三单形式finishes过去式finished现在分词finishing常考搭配

    26、finish a task (完成任务)finish on time (按时完成)finish a race (完成比赛) 例句She finished her homework before dinner. (她在晚饭前完成了家庭作业。)serious /sris/ adj. 严重的副词形式seriously常用搭配serious illness (严重的疾病)serious problem (严重的问题)take something seriously (认真对待某事) 例句This is a serious problem that needs immediate attention.

    27、(这是一个需要立即关注的严重问题。)disease /dziz/ n. 疾病,病复数形式diseases常用搭配infectious disease (传染病)chronic disease (慢性病)prevent a disease (预防疾病) 例句Scientists are working hard to find a cure for the disease. (科学家们正在努力寻找这种疾病的治疗方法。)trailer /trel/ n. 拖车,挂车复数形式trailers常用搭配movie trailer (电影预告片)travel trailer (旅行拖车)haul a tr

    28、ailer (拖一辆挂车) 例句They watched the trailer for the new movie. (他们观看了新电影的预告片。)pull /pl/ v. 拉,扯,拖三单形式pulls过去式pulled现在分词pulling常考搭配pull a rope (拉绳子)pull out (抽出)pull over (靠边停车) 例句He pulled the door open with great effort. (他使劲把门拉开。)refuse /rfjuz/ v. 拒绝,回绝三单形式refuses过去式refused现在分词refusing常考搭配refuse an of

    29、fer (拒绝提议)refuse to answer (拒绝回答)refuse entry (拒绝入内) 例句She refused to accept the gift. (她拒绝接受这份礼物。)result /rzlt/ n. 结果,后果复数形式results常用搭配exam results (考试成绩)as a result of (由于)get a result (得出结果) 例句The result of the test was not what we expected. (测试结果不是我们所预料的。)matter /mt/ v. (尤指对某人自己或对发生之事)重要,要紧,有关系三

    30、单形式matters过去式mattered现在分词mattering常考搭配matter of time (时间问题)matter most (最重要)no matter what (无论如何) 例句It doesnt matter how you do it, as long as its done. (你怎么做不重要,只要完成就行。)power /pa/ v. 给(车辆或机器)提供动力三单形式powers过去式powered现在分词powering常考搭配power a machine (为机器提供动力)power up (启动)solar-powered (太阳能驱动) 例句The engine powers the car efficiently. (发动机有效地为汽车提供动力。)10

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