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    高中英语 Unit Morals and Virtues Word Study ppt课件 _2024新人教版2019高中英语必修第三册 ppt 课件 _2024 新人 2019 必修 第三 下载 _必修 第三册_人教版(2019)_英语_高中

    1、 Word Study Book 3 Unit 2020304词形变化重点单词词组归纳01单词速记目录CONTENTS 单词速记011.To illustrate my point,let me tell you a little story.2.The majority is/are preparing for the final exam.3.She won a scholarship to study at Stanford.4.Prices are higher here than elsewhere.5.Two decades ago,I was in a kindergarten.

    2、6.John wants to work at the student union at college.7.She is scared of going out alone.8.I have to go to hospital for an operation.9.You need to be more flexible in your approach.10.Hes only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.Complete the sentences:阐 明 奖学金 别 处 十 年 幼 儿 园 学 生 会 害 怕 手 术 灵活的 因 此 大多数

    3、 词形变化02词形变化:n.n.adv.adv.pt.&pp.pt.&pp.illustrateretireenergeticflexiblebitespill illustrationretirementenergeticallyflexiblybit,bittenspilt/spilled,spilt/spilled 重点单词03 1.moraladj.1.only before noun 道义上的;道德上的1.We will give them moral support.我们将给予他们道德上的支持。2.Governments have a moral obligation to ans

    4、wer these questions.政府在道义上有责任回应这些问题。moral sense/values 道德感/道德价值moral responsibility/duty 道义上的责任/义务2.only before noun 能辨别是非的 Children are not naturally moral beings.儿童并非天生就能分辨是非。n.品行;道德;寓意1.Young people these days have no morals.现在的年轻人根本不讲道德。2.The moral of the story is that you will succeed if you wo

    5、rk hard.这个故事的寓意就是:如果你努力,你就能成功。morally adv.道德上;道义上 morally right/wrong/justified/unacceptable 从道义上讲是正确的/错误的/正当的/不可接受的He felt morally responsible for the accident.他觉得在道义上应对这次事故负责。【拓展】plain v.抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚1.Im going to complain to the manager about this.我要就这件事向经理投诉。2.He complained bitterly that he had been

    6、 unfairly treated.他愤懑地诉说他所受到的不公平待遇。3.She left early,complaining of a headache.她说自己头疼,很早就离开了。Id like to make a complaint about the noise.我要就噪音问题提出投诉。complaint n.抱怨【拓展】1.(formal)回答,回应3.respond v.1.She never responded to my letter.她从来没给我回过信。2.When asked about the companys future,the director responded

    7、that he remained optimistic.问到公司的未来的时候,经理回答说他依然乐观。2.作出反应;响应 1.How did they respond to the news?他们对这则消息有什么反应?response n.反应;回答;回复1.I knocked on the door but there was no response.我敲了门,可是没有回应。2.I am writing in response to your inquiry.我现写信回复您的询问。【拓展】1.任命;委任4.appoint v.1.They have appointed a new head t

    8、eacher at my sons school.我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。2.They appointed him(as)captain of the English team.他们任命他为英格兰队队长。3.A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.一位律师被指定为这个孩子的代表律师。appointment n.任命;委任;预约;约定1.There has been a mixed reaction to her appointment as director.对她获任命为主管一事,人们的反应褒贬不一。2.She has an app

    9、ointment with her accountant.她和她的会计约好了见面。【拓展】2.(formal)安排,确定(时间、地点)1.A date for the meeting is still to be appointed.会议日期尚待确定。2.Everyone was assembled at the appointed time.全体人员均按规定时间召集到场。1.往往会;常常就5.tend v.1.Women tend to live longer than men.女人往往比男人长寿。2.When Im tired,I tend to make mistakes.我累了就容易出

    10、错。2.倾向;趋于 1.His views tend towards the extreme.他的观点趋于偏激。2.Prices have tended downwards over recent years.近年来物价趋于下降。3.照料;照管;护理=care for1.Ambulance crews were tending(to)the injured.救护车上的救护人员在照料受伤者。2.Doctors and nurses tended the injured.医生和护士护理受伤者。6.principle n.1.I refuse to lie about it;its against

    11、my principles.我绝不为此事撒谎;那是违背我的原则的。2.She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle.她不要家人帮忙,对她来说这是个原则问题。3.There are three fundamental principles of teamwork.团队合作有三个基本原则。4.These people lack all understanding of scientific principles.这些人对科学原理一窍不通。道德原则;法则;原则;定律1.The present world cr

    12、isis should in principle be analysed from different perspectives.原则上说来,目前的世界危机应该从不同的角度加以分析。2.They are agreed in principle but not in detail.他们的看法基本上是一致的,但是在细节上有所不同。in principle 原则上;理论上;基本上【拓展】adj.急剧的;锋利的;明显的;敏锐的7.sharp 1.sharp knives/teeth 锋利的刀/牙齿2.There is a sharp rise in crime.犯罪率的急剧上升。3.The photo

    13、 is not very sharp.这张照片不是很清晰。4.There has been a sharp slowdown in economic growth.经济增长的速度明显放慢。5.The masses have sharp eyes.群众的眼睛是雪亮的。adv.(用于表时间的词语后,表示准时).整 Please be here at seven oclock sharp.请七点整到这里。1.The report was sharply critical of the police.报道猛烈地抨击了警方。2.Profits fell sharply following the tak

    14、eover.接管后,利润突然大幅度降低。3.Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children.他们的经历和其他孩子的形成鲜明的对比。【拓展】sharply adv.严厉地;猛烈地;急剧地;明显地 8.replace v.1.代替;取代;替换 1.The new design will eventually replace all existing models.新的设计最终将会取代所有现有的型号。2.Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classro

    15、om.课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。3.It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。3.把放回原处I replaced the cup carefully in the saucer.我小心翼翼地将杯子放回茶碟。replacement n.替换;更换;替代品1.In addition,we supply small parts for replacement.此外,我们还提供备用小零件。2.It is hard to find a replacement for our a

    16、ssistant.很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。【拓展】2.更换;更新All the old carpets need replacing.所有的旧地毯都需要更换。9.whisperv.耳语;低语;私语;小声说 1.Dont you know its rude to whisper?难道你不知道窃窃私语是不礼貌的吗?2.What are you two whispering about?你们两人在低声说些什么?3.He whispered to me that he was afraid.他低声对我说他害怕。n.耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传 1.They spoke in whispe

    17、rs.他们在交头接耳。2.Her voice dropped to a whisper.她压低声音小声说话。3.Ive heard whispers that hes leaving.我听人传他要走。10.assist v.1.Well do all we can to assist you.我们要尽量帮助你。2.We will assist you in finding somewhere to live.我们将帮你找个住的地方。3.Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries.有两个人正配合警方的询问。4.Well assist

    18、 at your wedding.我们将出席你们的婚礼。帮助;协助;援助;出席assistance n.帮助;援助;支持technical/economic/military assistance 技术/经济/军事援助1.Can I be of any assistance?我能帮上忙吗?2.Despite his cries,no one came to his assistance.尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。3.You need an assistant to help you with your work.你需要一个助手来帮助你的工作。assistant n.助理;助手【拓展】伤害;

    19、损害 11.harm v.&n.1.He would never harm anyone.他永远不会伤害任何人。2.Pollution can harm marine life.污染会危及海洋生物。3.He may look fierce,but he means no harm.他可能看上去很凶,但并无恶意。4.The court case will do serious harm to my business.这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。harmful adj.有害的1.Water is not an effective shield against the suns more har

    20、mful rays.水不能有效阻挡太阳中更有害的射线。2.Fruit juices can be harmful to childrens teeth.果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。3.No cigarette is completely harmless.没有什么香烟是完全无害的。harmless adj.无害的【拓展】词组归纳04carry sb through sthpass awayin memory oftrip overin tearsin despaira great deal(of)a majority ofa chain ofin disguise帮某人度过难关去世为纪念;作为.的

    21、纪念被.绊倒流着泪;含着泪处于绝境中大量大部分/大多数一系列;一连串伪装;假装;乔装打扮1.We set up a museum in memory of the dead in the war.2.We should watch out for those friends in disguise.3.The accident caused a chain of events.4.Their support carried the people through the hard years.5.A majority of slaves are forced to work for the la

    22、ndlord.6.He unfortunately passed away last year.7.Tie your shoelaces,or youll trip over.8.He gave up the struggle in despair.9.She left the room in tears so I went after her.10.They spent a great deal of money/time on the house.Complete the sentences:为 纪 念 伪 装 一连串 度 过 帮 助 大 部 分 去 世 绊 倒 绝 望流 着 泪 大 量 的Homework:1.2.THANKS

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