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    • 初中八年级英语学科节游园活动方案+资料包(含项目、题目、答案)
      • 遂实外第十一届文科节初二游园活动方案.docx--点击预览
      • 遂实外第十一届文科节初二游园活动资料库(项目+题目+答案).docx--点击预览
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遂实外第十一届文科节初二游园活动方案遂实外第十一届文科节初二游园活动方案为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强开口讲英语的自信和能力,在初二年级举办英语游园活动。通过系列活动,营造英语氛围,拓展学生视野,激发英语兴趣,展示语言能力,促进和谐发展。让每个学生在轻松愉快的活动中感受英语,运用英语,享受英语,让英语走进每个学生,使他们想说、敢说、能说、乐说。一、主办单位:初中部教务处承办单位:初二英语备课组二、活动时间:11 月 30 日(周四)下午 2:30-5:30三、活动地点:学校运动场四、参加对象:初二全体学生 小学六年级学生代表五、活动形式:分组进行,学生自主选择参与六、活动内容:(一)(一)Guessing Game 英语猜谜活动(黄老师)英语猜谜活动(黄老师)游戏规则:老师将事先准备好的英语谜语,谚语写在纸条上,并将其张贴或悬挂出来。学生自由选择,猜中可得奖券 2 张。(道具:包装绳打印的 A4纸)(二)(二)Chair Grabbing Game 抢椅子游戏(田老师)抢椅子游戏(田老师)游戏规则:5-6 名同学绕着椅子转,当老师说:“sit down”时,坐到椅子的同学获得答题机会,从老师处抽取题目作答(设计问题),答对可获得奖券 1 张。(道具:椅子、题卡纸)(三)(三)Conjunction 连词成句(黄老师)连词成句(黄老师)游戏规则:现场抽题,在规定时间 30 秒钟内说出连成的句子者获奖券 1 张。(四)(四)English Wide Angle 英语广角(赵老师)英语广角(赵老师)游戏规则:现场抽题,读出题卡上你所看到的英语,并说出汉语,可获得奖券 2 张。(五)(五)Free Talk 脱口秀(杨老师)脱口秀(杨老师)游戏规则:现场选题,随机抽取一个topic(主题),三分钟准备,然后说与topic相关的句子至少 5 句。可获得 3 张奖券。(六)(六)Play on the See-saw 跷跷板(李老师)跷跷板(李老师)游戏规则:两人一组,根据题卡,一人说出一个动作或特征,另一人说出相反的动作或特征。分别可获得 2 张奖券。(七)(七)Tongue twister 绕口令(杨老师)绕口令(杨老师)游戏规则:学生响亮、准确、流利地读完一句绕口令句子,可获得 1 张奖券.(八)(八)WordDomino 多米诺骨牌(英语接龙)(杨老师)多米诺骨牌(英语接龙)(杨老师)游戏规则:闯关者抽到一个字母后,必须以这个字母开头说出一个英文单词,然后再用这个单词最后一个字母开头再说另一个单词,以此类推。每 3 个单词就得1 张奖券(最多 5 张)(道具:26 张字母卡)。(九)(九)Passing Game 传声达人(田老师)传声达人(田老师)游戏规则:5 人一组,现场随机抽取一张卡片,第一个同学看了以后,一个一个在耳边悄悄传话,最后一个大声说出该句子,若挑战成功,全组成员都可获得 3张奖券。(道具:30 张上面分别写有一句话的卡片)(十)(十)Little Translator 小小翻译家(郑老师)小小翻译家(郑老师)游戏规则:根据题卡英汉互译。准确无误地完成任务,可获得奖券 2 张。(十一)(十一)Eye To Eye 心有灵犀(蒋老师)心有灵犀(蒋老师)游戏规则:两人一组,一分钟之内,一个同学做动作,另一个猜单词或短语(有一次换题机会),猜中 1 个每人即可获得奖券 2 张。(十二)(十二)Memory Storm 记忆风暴(杨老师)记忆风暴(杨老师)游戏规则:现场抽题,30 秒内说出同一类(如:水果、蔬菜、运动等)的三个单词即可获得奖券 1 张,六个单词奖券 2 张以此类推。(十三)(十三)Year Month Day Mix&Match 年、月、日对对碰(杨老师)年、月、日对对碰(杨老师)游戏规则:参加者分别抽取“年份”“月份”卡和“日期”各一张,用英语把所抽的“日子”正确读出来即可获得奖券 1 张。(十四)(十四)Opposite Turn 唱反调(周老师)唱反调(周老师)两人一组进行唱反调游戏,一人大声或小声说出一组词,词组和句子,另一个人则小声或大声说出来。完成一组,可获得奖券 2 张。(十五)(十五)Pass the Ball 击鼓传球(段老师)击鼓传球(段老师)游戏规则:一群(8-10 人)同学围成一个圈传球,老师击鼓喊停时,谁拿到球就站起来读单词,句子 3 遍。读对时,可获得 2 张奖券.1遂实外第十一届文科节初二游园活动资料库遂实外第十一届文科节初二游园活动资料库为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强开口讲英语的自信和能力,在初二年级举办英语游园活动。通过系列活动,营造英语氛围,拓展学生视野,激发英语兴趣,展示语言能力,促进和谐发展。让每个学生在轻松愉快的活动中感受英语,运用英语,享受英语,让英语走进每个学生,使他们想说、敢说、能说、乐说。(一)(一)Guessing Game 英语猜谜活动英语猜谜活动游戏规则:老师将事先准备好的英语谜语,谚语、格言写在纸条上,并将其张贴或悬挂出来。学生自由选择,猜中可得奖券 2 张。英语谜语、脑筋急转弯英语谜语、脑筋急转弯1.what letter is an animal?2.What letter stands for the ocean?3.what letter is a question?4.what letter is your eye?5.what letter is a vegetable?6.what fruit is never found singly(单数)?7.With which hand do you write?8.what man cannot live in a house?9.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?10.What question can you never answer Yes to?11.You have itYou read itThere are some pictures in it?12.It has a head,but no neck It has a body,but no warmth NO feet,but can travel?13.What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?14.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?15.what must you do before you return a book to the library?16.how many sides does a circle have?17.what is full when its used and empty when its at rest?18.whats the poorest bank in the world?19.what has two legs but cant walk?20.what always goes up and never goes down?21.what animal is taller sitting down than standing up?22.what is black when its clean and white when its dirty?23.what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?24.What is deaf and dumb(聋哑)but always tells the truth?25.What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?26.What month do soldiers hate?27.What is the smallest bridge in the world?28.What is dark but made by light?29.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun?30.What has feet but no leg,a face but no eyes,tells information but not talk?31.What is the longest word in the world?32.When can you get water with a net?33.What sounds like a letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all the animals.234.What has teeth but can not eat?35.What do every couple have in common?36.What will you break when you say it?37.What word is pronounced wrong even by the English teacher?38.A mouse has a large pocket,what is it?39.What can you catch but can not throw?40.A big Indian and a little walking down the street,the little Indian is the son of the big Indian,but the big Indian is not the father of the little Indian.How is this possible?附:英语谜语、脑筋急转弯答案附:英语谜语、脑筋急转弯答案1.Key:-B(Bee)2.Key::C(sea)3.Key::Y 4.Key::I 5.Key::P 6.Key::pear 谜语解析:pear 和 pair(一双)读音相同 7.Key::Neither,I use a pen!8.Key:snowman 9.Key:dictionary 10.Key:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗)11.Key:book12.Key:a car 13.Key:People.14.Key:In the dictionary.15.Key:borrow the book from library 16.Key:Two,the inside and the outside 17.Key:a shoe 18.Key:the river bank 19 Key:compass(圆规)20.Key::your age 21.Key:A dog 22.Key:a blackboard 23.Key:sixth(哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩 6 个?答案:sixth,去掉后是 six)24.Key:mirror 25.Key:your name 26.Key:March。(行军)27.Key:The bridge of a nose.(鼻梁)28.Key:a shadow(影子)29.Key:He wants to have a hot dog.(他想要一条热狗。)30.Key:a clock(钟)31.Key:smiles(两个 s 之间隔了一里 mile)32.Key:When water is turned into ice33.Key:eye334.Key:corn35.Key:Theyre married on the same day.36.Key:silence37.Key:wrong38.Key:a kangaroo39.Key:a cold (catch a cold)著名谚语、格言著名谚语、格言1.Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成.2.Time is money.时间就是金钱。3.Well begun is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半.4.East,west,home is best.金窝、银窝,不如自己的草窝5.There is no royal road to 1earning 学无坦途。6.Look before you leap./First think,then act.三思而后行/摸着石头过河7.It is never too late to mend.亡羊补年,犹为未晚8.Light come,light go.来得容易,去得快。9.All roads lead to Rome 条条道路通罗马.10.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交.11.After a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴.12.A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口.13.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早睡早起,富裕,聪明,身体好.14.No pains,no gains.不劳则无获.15.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事只怕有心人.16.God helps those who help themselves.自助者,天助之.17.Kill two birds with a stone.一石二鸟/一箭双雕.18.18.Easier said than done.说起容易做起难.19.Many hands make light work.人多力量大./众人拾柴火焰高.20.Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见.21.Once bitten,twice shy.一次被咬,下次胆小.22.Learn young,learn fair.学习趁年轻,学就学好.23.In doing we learn.经一事,长一智.24.Reading makes a full man.读书长见识.25.There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪.26.Action speaks louder than words.事实胜于雄辩.27.It never rains but it pours.祸不单行.28.No man was born wise or learned 人非生而知之.29.He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好.30.Live and learn.活到老,学到老31.Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow.今日事今日毕.32.Diligence is the mother of success.勤奋是成功之母.33.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母.34.Keeping is harder than winning.创业不易,守业更难.35.It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚.4(二)(二)Chair Grabbing Game 抢椅子游戏抢椅子游戏游戏规则:5-6 名同学绕着椅子转,当老师说:“sit down”时,坐到椅子的同学获得答题机会,从老师处抽取题目作答,答对可获得奖券 1 张。1.Are you Tom?2.Is your father an actor?3.Am I your teacher?4.Were your friends at school yesterday?5.Was your mother at work last night?6.Are you playing a game now?7.Is your best friend watching TV now?8.Am I talking with you?9.Can you play basketball?10.Can your best friend speak English?11.Can your parents play the guitar?12.Do you like English?13.Do your parents love you?14.Does your best friend like playing soccer?15.Did you go shopping last weekend?16.Did your favorite teacher help you 2 days ago?17.Are you a student or a teacher?18.Is your mother at school or at home?19.Do you like English or Chinese?20.Does your mother have long hair or short hair?21.Did you go to Beijing or Chengdu?22.Can you sing or dance?23.You are a student,arent you?24.Your parents love you,dont they?25.Your best friend cant play soccer,can he/she?26.Arent you a student?27.Cant your best friend speak English?28.What is one and one hundred?29.What is your family/given/full name?30.What are you/we doing now?31.What is your favorite color/subject/sport/animal/TV show/movie theater?32.What do you do?33.What do you like better,English or Chinese?34.What is your best friend like?35.What is the weather like today?36.What do you think of Beijing Opera?37.What color is your coat?38.What grade are you in?39.What time do you usually go to bed?40.What day is it today?41.What date is it today?542.Who is your best friend?43.Who do you like best,your mom,your dad or yourself?44.Who did you go home with last Friday?45.Who can help you with your English?46.Where do you live?47.Where did you and your family go last weekend?48.Where are we now?49.Where can people buy vegetables and fruit?50.When is your birthday?51.When do you go home on weekdays?52.When did you go to Chengdu?53.When does your mom get up?54.Why do you like pandas?55.Why does your best friend love you?56.How do you get to school?57.How does your best friend go home?58.How is the weather today?59.How is it going with you?60.How often do you exercise?61.How far is it from your home to school?62.How long does it take you to get to school?63.How soon will you go home?64.How tall are you?65.How high can you jump?(三)(三)Conjunction 连词成句连词成句游戏规则:现场抽题,在规定时间 30 秒钟内说出连成的句子者获奖券 1 张。1.what,do,you,last,weekend,did (?)2.was,how,weekend,your (?)3.stayed,late,I,watch,to,up,game,soccer.(.)4.last,was,but,scary,weekend,interesting (.)5.I,so,that,couldnt,move,was,scared,I (.)6.for,English,test,weekend,studied,I,last (.)7.to,she,tell,something,important,us,came in (.)8.how,your,trip,was,school (?)9.did,take,Jenny,photos,any (?)10.you,any,did,see,cows (?)11.got,so,by,train,we,there,fast.(.)12.to,the,taught,how,make,a,us,model,robot,guide (.)13.what,do,did,on,you,vacation,summer (.)14.I,some,like,noodles,beef (.)15.there,meat,any,in,the,soup,is,tomato,and,egg (?)16.kind,of,what,noodles,you,would,like (?)17.candles,the,must,out,blow,the,person (.)18.noodles,a,symbol,long,of,long,life,are (.)619.you,would,like,bowl,a,large (?)20.does,what,like,he,look (?)21.is,of,height,she,medium (.)22.him,meet,in,of,the,front,cinema,Just,(.)23.or,curly,they,have,Do,straight,hair (?)24.she,does,look,what,like (?)25 station,is,near,there,a,police,here (?)26.the,pay,from,is,the,phone,library,across (.)27.hotel,where,the,is (?)28.have,you,to,street,cross,center,the (.)29.go,down,turn,left,and (.)30.like,I,to,my,spend,with,grandparents,time,on,Sundays (.)31.far,it,too,is,not,from,here (.)32.in,is,the,how,weather,Beijing (?)33.is,what,like,the,weather,in ,shanghai (?)34.they,football,park,in,playing,are,the (.)35.having,Im,a,time,in,great,Canada (.)36.it,your,in,country,hot,is (?)37.how,it,is,going (?)38.he,reading,is,a ,newspaper (?)39.they,are,using,computer,the (?)40.is,living,with,he,an,family,American (.)41.I,a ,letter ,am ,to,my ,writing,pen,pal (.)42.do,want ,you,movies,to ,go ,to,the (?)43.really,I,feel,excited,beautiful,in ,this ,place(.)44.do,you,lions,why,like (?)45.dont ,why ,you ,tigers,like (?)46.are,where,from ,elephants (?)47.is,the,cat ,of,kind,boring (.)48.is,this,a ,of ,symbol,luck,good (.)49.elephants,the,are,danger ,in ,great (.)50.you,Do ,want,see ,to ,the,dolphins (?)51.listen,dont,to ,in,music,class (.)52.are,what ,the,rules (?)53.have,does,he,to ,a ,at ,school ,wear,uniform (?)54.we,can,eat,the,in ,classroom (?)55.I,play,on ,can ,weekends,only (.)56.there,too ,are,many,at ,home,rules (.)57.cant,I ,on,relax,weekends,either (.)58.is,he,always,late ,for,class (.)59.must ,you,do ,your ,before,homework,dinner(.)60.get,to,how,you,do,the,hospital (?)61.from,how,your,far ,is ,it ,to ,home,school (?)62.ride,the,bus,takes,20,about,minutes (.)763.it ,take ,how,long ,does,you,to,to,get ,school (?)64.they,do,take,the ,school ,bus,to (?)65.is,a ,there,the,school,river ,between,and,village,the (.)66.go,on,these,a,ropeway,students,to,school (.)67.true,can,dream,their ,come (?)68.do,leave,when,home,you (?)69.what,do,time,you,school ,go ,to (?)70.a,funny,thats,time ,breakfast,for (.)71.what ,do,time ,get ,dressed,they (?)72.do,your,when ,friends,exercise (?)73.either,I,watch TV,or ,computer,games,play (.)74.I,have,quickly,a,and ,shower,eat,breakfast (.)75.you ,can,the,guitar,play (?)76.Tom ,can ,and ,you,play ,chess (?)77.club,what,do,you,to,join,want (?)78.can,what ,do ,you (?)79.sister,my,helps,often,me,my ,with,English (.)80.many,oranges,you,how,can ,see (?)81.often,she,five,times,homework,a,does,week (.)82.sometimes,TV,watches,he (.)83.of,two,I,cups,want,water (.)84.book,on,desk,the,is,the (.)85.a,country,is,China,great (.)86.afraid,speaking,of,she,is,many people,front,in,of(.)87.is,very,the,beautiful,city (.)88.have,I,sisters,two (.)89.is,a,the,there,in,desk,classroom (.)90.morning,on,my,football,Saturday,plays,father (.)91.does,love,you,she,not (.)92.much,have,I,money,not,do (.)93.is,nothing,the,there,in,room (?)94.interesting,is,film,not,the (.)95.your,this,bedroom,is (?)96.the,is,book,expensive (?)97.they,go,every,summer,do,to,America (?)98.buy,you,dont,why,a,sweater (?)99.New York,to,I,vacation,went,on (.)100.wonderful,a,place,Australia,is(.)(四)(四)English Wide Angle 英语广角英语广角游戏规则:现场抽题,读出题卡上你所看到的英语并说出汉语,可获奖券 2 张。中外部分节假日中外部分节假日 中英文表达及时间中英文表达及时间:1.New Years Day(January 1st)新年,元旦 2.Womens Day 国际妇女节(March 8th)3.May Day(May1st)国际劳动节 4.Mothers Day(the second Sunday of May)母亲节 5.Fathers Day(the third Sunday of June)父亲节 6.Childrens Day(June 81st)儿童节 7.Teachers Day(September 10th)教师节 8.Chinese New Years Eve(the last day of the lunar December)除夕 9.the Spring Festival/Chinese New Year(the 1st day of the lunar January)春节 10.the Lantern Festival 元宵节(the 15th day of the lunar January)11.the Dragon Boat Festival(the 5th day of the lunar May)端午节 the Mid-autumn Festival(the 15th day of the lunar August)中秋节 the Double Ninth Festival(the 9th day of the lunar September)重阳节 Tomb Sweeping Day/the Qingming Festival(the 5th day of the lunar April)清明节 15.Chinas Youth Day(May 4th)中国青年节 16.National Day(October1st)国庆节 17 Chinese Communist Party Day(July1st)建党节 18.Army Day(August 1st)建军节 19.Christmas Day(December 25th)圣诞节 20.the Halloween(November 1st)万圣节 Easter(between March 22nd and April 25th))复活节 22.April Fools Day(April 1st)愚人节 23.Thanksgiving Day(the fourth Thursday of November)感恩节 Valentines Day(February 14th)情人节 25.the Double Seventh Festival(the7th day of the lunar July)七夕节 26.World Health Day(April 7th)世界卫生日 World Earth Day(April 22nd)世界地球日 28.China Arbor Day/Tree-Planting Day(March 12th)植树节 29.National Eye Health Day(June 6th)全国爱眼日World Water Day(March 22nd)世界水日National Nurses Day/China Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day(May 12th)国际护士节/中国防灾减灾日常见常见 电视节目电视节目 中英文表达中英文表达:1.A Bite of China 舌尖上的中国 2.Morning News 朝闻天下 3.Legal Report今日说法 4.the Chinese Poetry Conference中国诗词大会 5.CCTV Avenue of Stars星光大道 6.Voice开讲啦 7.Across the Strait 海峡两岸 8.Lecture Room百家讲坛 9.China in Classics典籍里的中国 10.News Broadcast新闻联播 11.Wait for Me等着我 12.Topics inFocus 焦点访谈 13.KAIMENDAJI 开门大吉 14.China News中国新闻 14.China Report 中国报道15.Soccer Night 足球之夜 16.CCTV SPORTS体育新闻 17.Military Report 军事报道 18.Exploring 探索.发现 19.News in 30 Minute新闻 30 分 20.Big Pinwheel 大风车 21.IS IT TRUE?是真的吗 22.Gold 100 Seconds黄金 100 秒 23.Chinese World 华人故事 24.Spring Festival Gala Evening 春节联欢晚会 25.Health Club 健康俱乐部 26.China Today 今日中国 27Tangram 七巧板 28.The Mask Singer 蒙面唱将 29.The Voice of China/Sing1 China 中国好声音 30.Running Man奔跑吧,兄弟 31.Happy Camp 快乐大本营 32.Daily Upwardly 天天向上 33.Lucky 52 幸运 52 部分电影中英文表达部分电影中英文表达1.Wolf Warriors II 战狼 2 2.The
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