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    关 键  词:
    主题班团队活动课程设计方案DOC 12页 主题 团队 活动 课程设计 方案 DOC 12

    1、主题班团队活动课程设计方案一、主题班团队活动课题研究的现状 素质教育进一步推进,新课程改革的实施,迫切要求必须重视班团队主题活动。班团队活动是教育活动中的重要组成部分。开展丰富多彩的主题教育活动,使青少年学生张扬个性、发展特长、培养良好的意志、品格。班团队活动为学生共产主义思想品德的形成提供了实践的机会、条件,使学生树立共产主义理想、道德,加强组织纪律性,并靠实践来运用、检验和巩固,使之完成从之到行的过渡。残疾孩子的父母为补偿孩子的缺陷,使其在家中拥有优越的地位,使得他们常常唯我独尊,怕苦怕累。很多学生连最基本的劳动技能都没有学会,不会握扫把,不会拧抹布,甚至不会扣书包带。通过班团队活动,学生

    2、熟练地掌握了这些基本生活劳动技能,逐步实现了生活自理,减轻了家长的负担。 二、课题研究意义和价值 1、本课题在国内外的研究现状 在新课程标准的要求下,在倡导素质教育的今天,主题班会从形式与内容上都发生了较大的变化,也取得了较为丰硕的成果。与此同时,我们也看到了在中小学主题班会的开展还是存在一些问题。目前大多数主题班会不同程度存在着“无主题、无计划、无教育、欠科学”。当前的主题班会可以用“大杂烩、群英会、歌舞会”来加以形容。当前教师观念落后,教师德育观、学生观存在问题,过于忽视学生的主体地位,在主题班会德育目标的设置上过于空泛,内容过于脱离学生生活实际,方法上形式单一。教师的个人素质造成了主题班

    3、会的一系列问题。大家一致认为一堂好的班会课应具备以下几个特点:一要有计划,每周一次的班会应列入该学期该班级德育计划之中,防止备课出现课前“突击备课”、语言“惊人相似”等现象;二要有侧重,每个年级有每个年级的德育重点,每个班级有每个班级的德育特点,每一周有每一周的教育重点,德育侧重点应班而异、应时而异;三要有主题,主题切口应小,小中见大;四要有素材,不仅时效性强,而且实用性高,能吸引学生眼球;五要有交流,能站在学生的立场,与学生平等交流。 2、选题意义和研究价值 班会是班主任向学生进行思想品德教育的一种有效形式和重要阵地。有计划speed up technology results into,

    4、active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural

    5、scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural effic

    6、iency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of mod

    7、ernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session storing food in, storing food in land, this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and

    8、 limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 地组织与开展班会活动是班主任的一项重要任务。班会的形式是多种多样的,其中,主题班会是一种极受师生欢迎的极富教育意义的组织形式。所谓主题班会,是指在班主任的指导下,由班委会组织领导开展的一种自我教育的形式,是班主任对学生进行思想教育的一个重要途径。班会课是小学德

    9、育教育的平台,也是德育教育的主要途径。对班会课的研究,宗旨在于寻找有效提高班会课质量,培养小学生的健康人格,有效指导学生基础文明和道德习惯的形成。 通过本课题的研究,提高教师教育科研的能力,更新教育观念,改变传统教育模式,将德育分为几大重要版块,对班会课进行有效的设计与研究,让学生在愉悦中学会珍爱生命,健康茁壮地成长。在整个研究过程中,不断积累第一手的材料,拿出典型的、有意义的个案,并最终形成具有说服力的研究结果。 3、研究价值 有指导并帮助学生有效利用周边同学的学习资源,共同分享,并在相对稳定的学习环境中学会合作,学会协调,提高策划、组织、实施等能力;培养学生在互助合作中提升他们自主学习的能

    10、力和大胆探索的精神,从而在相对约束的微环境下,谋求自身的进步。具体表现为: (1)班级活动能提高学生的认识。经常的班级活动,不仅能帮助学生进一步掌握课本中的知识,而且能帮助学生进一步认识课本以外的大千世界和社会生活,不断提高自己的认识。 (2)能提高学生的能力。学生在活动中要看、要听、要想,而且要说、要做,凡事都需要身体力行。即便是一次班级活动的发言,也要认真构思,精心准备。经过一次次班级活动的锻炼,学生们不断走向成熟。 (3)能丰富学生的校园生活。学校生活应该多色彩。开展形式多样的班级活动,能丰富学生的课余生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生“乐学”。一个班级,有书声、有笑声、有歌声,那该是多

    11、么生动活泼的局面啊这样的学校生活,学生是终身难忘的,也是乐于回忆的。 (4)能提高学生的心理素质。应该承认,人在学习上是有差异的。作为班主任不能单纯抓学习,把学习成绩的好坏作为度量学生优劣的唯一标准,这是违背人的发展实际的。而有效地开展班级活动,从不同角度让学生有机会表现自己、释放自己的潜能,对改善学生的心理素质大有裨益。而如果在活动中获得满意的评speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate

    12、 into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers,

    13、crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Instit

    14、ute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 pl

    15、enary session storing food in, storing food in land, this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural se

    16、ctor, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 价,学生们往往又能“迁移”到学习上,激发学习的潜能,从而相得益彰。 (5)能培养学生的良好个性。蔡元培先生说:“教育者,与其守法,毋宁尚自然;与其求划一,毋宁展个性。”这表明,教育应追求人的心灵和谐,尊重个性、发展个性。班会课能为学生个性的发展提供良好的机会。擅长美术的同学可以在活动场所布置中大显身手,爱好文娱的同学可在联欢会上纵情歌舞,喜欢争辩的同学可在演讲、论辩活动中锻炼口才。班级活动是个导向,班主任要充分利用班级活动的平台,为学生的

    17、成长与发展创设机会,鼓励同学们各施其能,各展其才,让学生在集体活动中增长才干,发展良好的个性品质。 通过本课题的研究,发现合作式学习方式较之“单打独斗”式学习方法的有效性和优势所在,及其在学生自学方面所起到的作用,进而为进一步推广此种学习模式作铺垫。 三、课题研究所达到的目标: 本课题主要是对班团队主题活动形式和内容实效性进行研究。班团队主题活动在发展学生个性,培养学生自主活动能力、创新精神等方面有着不容忽视的作用。通过班团队活动 使青少年学生张扬个性、发展特长、培养良好的意志、品格。促使学生德智体美劳全面发展,促进班集体的建设,有助于形成良好的班风、促使学生个性的发展,丰富学生的精神生活。提

    18、高学生们自我服务的能力和为他人服务的能力。班团队活动对于每个青少年的成长和进步,对于学生集体的组织建设都有着不可忽略的作用。有目的的班团队活动,既实现了班集体的教育目标,又促进了学生集体的发展和完善。特殊教育学校应该高度重视对班团队活动的研究,并充分运用这一行之有效的教育方式来教育和影响残疾孩子,使之成为残而不废、残而有为的人。 四、课题研究的内容: (一)开展班团队活动,能促使学生德智体美劳全面发展。 1 、班团队活动能使学生在积极的思想状态中接受教育形成良好的道德品质。 2、班团队活动能使学生们的学习兴趣增强,学习机会增多,有助于学生智能的发展,能力的提高。 3、班团队活动有助于增强学生的

    19、体质,增进其身心健康。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with mo

    20、re into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, scienc

    21、e and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of

    22、this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session storing food in, storing food in land, this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely

    23、 on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 4、班团队活动有助于美育的实施,陶冶学生美的情趣。 5、班团队活动有助于对学生进行劳动教育,培养良好的劳动习惯。 (二)班团队活动能促进班集体的建设,有助于形成良好的班

    24、风。 l、班团队活动能促进学生集体的形成。 2、班团队活动有助于实现班队的教育目标,能促进学生集体的发展与完善。 (三)班团队活动能促使学生个性的发展,丰富学生的精神生活。 1、班团队活动满足了学生交往的需要,丰富学生的精神生活。 2、班团队活动可以促进学生主体意识的增强,培养创造精神和独立工作的能力。 3、班团队活动有助于发挥学生的特长,挖掘他们的潜能,并使之发展得更快、更好。 五、课题研究的问题: 1、通过调查分析单亲家庭和留守学生现状,总结出合乎教育发展规律和青少年身心发展的经验,并上升为理论,而不是用已有的经验去验证。 2、自立能力不强,缺乏自信心。 3、学习和生活习惯不好。 4、缺乏

    25、爱心,为小事斤斤计较,不够宽容。 六、课题研究的措施和方法: 为了确保课题研究的顺利展开、提高研究水平,我们在研究过程中主要落实以下工作措施: 1、建立组织机构,落实工作责任。我校不仅把班团队主题活动形式和内容作为研究项目,而且把它作为推进课程改革,实施素质教育,创建学校特色,实施课程整合的突破口。为加强对课题研究的顺利进行、我们成立了以四年级组为单位的课题小组,开展课题研究工作,负责协调本课题的研究工作。同时,其他课题组成员,具体负责课题方案的设计,教学资源的研发,实施过程的指导,调控,检查,评价等等。 2、加强理论学习,提高研究水平。介于要突破以往的班队会陈旧落于俗套的形式。我们课题小组首

    26、先利用班主任例会对教师进行有关于班团队主题活动形式和内容实效性的理论培训。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide res

    27、earch institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and techno

    28、logical innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic produc

    29、ts. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session storing food in, storing food in land, this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely re

    30、ly on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 3、结合学生实际开展各项活动。由于我校学生的特殊性,在开展课题研究后,我们课题组成员根据学生的实际情况,制定了相关的


    32、早餐活动,也增设了,学期末的回报活动,使主任工作更好地落在实处,体现其实效性。 七、课题研究方法: 调查发现法:即在研究中,通过调查分析单亲家庭和留守学生现状,总结出合乎教育发展规律和青少年身心发展的经验,并上升为理论,而不是用已有的经验去验证。 经验总结法:定期召开经验交流会,形成经验交流文章,科学概括研究成果。 文献研究法:组织教师加强理论学习,尤其是对课题研究有理论支撑和有重要指导作用的文献资料行动研究法:研究人员做好资料的收集、整理工作,定期召开专题研究会,邀请专家诊断指导。 八、课题研究的创新之处 坚持以人为本,创新德育工作方式,加强校园文化建设,开展丰富多彩的德育活动,逐步提高学生

    33、自我管理能力及人文素养和道德修养,促进了学生的和谐发展。 1、“红领巾监督岗”-让学生自我管理。 每天都有“监督员”监督学生违规违纪;课余时他们净化校园环境;两操时,他们评价班级纪律 . 2、.采取内外结合的方法,规范学生行为。 对于出现的违规、违纪现象,班级予以及时纠正,形成上下、内外和谐统一教speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, e

    34、fforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing,

    35、 animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should g

    36、ive full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session storing food

    37、 in, storing food in land, this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking terti

    38、ary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 育,通过这种方式规范了学生行为,使学生养成了良好的文明习惯。 3、加强校园环境建设,充分发挥环境育人作用。 充分发挥板报、墙壁文化、宣传标语等媒介,大力宣传各类先进人物和事迹,表彰先进,激励后进,让学生从中受到教育、受到启发。 4、开展丰富多彩的活动 学校采取多种形式组织学生开展活动,让学生在活动中得到锻炼,在活动中享受快乐,学会知识,学会做人,健康成长。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will matu

    39、re technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achi

    40、evements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income an

    41、d services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping

    42、 the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session storing food in, storing food in land, this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the

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