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    关 键  词:
    自考 上课 lesson4dieasyouchoose

    1、高级英语(上)Advanced English(Book A)Lesson 4Die as You Choose生死由你生死由你SESSION ONE:PREVIEW arguably 可争辩的,按理的 +able 可 if sth has a reason for it,that means it is arguable atrocity:outrage;terrible,cruel and violent acts,esp.in a war 暴行 atrocity 经常pl,Nazi medical atrocities atrocious 残暴的;糟糕的 Blameless:doing

    2、no wrong,free from responsibility for doing sth bad 无过错的,无指责的。culpable:responsible and deserving blame 应受谴责的,难辞其咎的 The accident was the result of a culpable failure to consider the risks involved.这场事故是没有考虑到有关风险引起的,应该追究责任。gruesome(line3):very unpleasant and filling you with horror,usually because it

    3、is connected with death or injury.令人厌恶的,可怕的,恐怖的 Intrude on/into/upon To go or be somewhere you are not wanted or are not supposed to be 闯入;to disturb sth 侵扰,扰乱 The Qing governments after 1840 were corrupt and weak,and Japan seized the opportunity to intrude into China.Invade 非法入侵者 illegal intruder i

    4、nvader languish:1)to be forced to stay somewhere,and suffer sth unpleasant for a long time 被迫滞留 长期受苦 受煎熬 languish in prison/in his dull job 由于坐牢/工作乏味而萎靡不振 living will A living will is a legal document that a person uses to make known his or her wishes regarding life prolonging medical treatments lib

    5、ertarian A proponent of libertarianism,a political philosophy that upholds individual liberty,especially freedom of expression and action;A member of a libertarian political party Macabre:unpleasant and strange because connected with death and frightening things.可怕的,恐怖的。monstrosity Monster 怪兽 ogre M

    6、onstrous 丑恶的,丑陋的,骇人的 Monstrosity 巨大而丑陋之物/事情 Polemical argumentative,disputatious polemic论战(c.)involving strong arguments for or against sth.Often in opposition to the opinion of others.Polemicist 善辩者支持 VS 反对 proponent opponent 支持:sustain,support,back,stand by,back sb up,反对:oppose,be against,object(o

    7、bjection-sustained,overruled),be opposed,fight/struggle/go against,take a stand against(stand against)Squeamishness refer to either a mild feeling of nausea or the quality of being easily disgusted or upset.May also cause feeling faint or general uneasiness.Squeamish neurotic psychotic 易心烦意乱的,神经质的,神

    8、经脆弱的-ish:似的,有点儿的-ly:像的 childish,girlish,mannish,boyish,reddish womanly ,motherly ,sisterly,brotherly,Taboo;tatoo a cultural or religious custom that does not allow people to do 禁忌,戒律;a general agreement not to do sth or talk about sth 避讳“Death”is one of the great taboos in your culture.tenacious =pe

    9、rsistent,insistent,dogged,stubborn,obstinate,strong-willed,belief/tradition 牢固的传统,坚定不移的信念 With tenacity Terminal adj.Can not be cured and will lead to death 晚期的,不治的,致命的 terminal lung cancer 晚期肺癌 airport/bus/train terminal 航空终点站/汽车终点站/铁路终点站 throes(line 3):violent pains,especially at the moment of dea

    10、th (尤指死亡时的)剧痛,(总是以复数的形式出现),阵痛(child delivery),in death throes 处于临终痛苦 usher 引座员The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.引座小姐领我沿着通道到我的座位。usher in:to be the beginning of sth new,or to make sth new begin 开创,开始,开启,带来 usher in a new age of prosperity 走进了一个繁荣的新时代 withhold:to refuse to give sth to sb

    11、拒绝给某物;抑制 She was accused of withholding information from the police.她被指控对警方知情不报。withhold the payment 1.dodge:1)avoid,evade or elude He was accused of dodging his taxes.他被指控逃税。2)move aside suddenly I dodged out of the way when he threw a chair at me.他将椅子向我扔来的时候,我急忙闪开。Text Analysis to come to light:to

    12、 be discovered or revealed On investigation some new facts came to light.一经调查,一些新的事实就被暴露了。It has now come to light that he was financially backed by some interest group.人们刚刚得知,他受到了某个利益集团的经济支持。Bring to light 揭示 显露 We hope the investigator will bring to lightbring to light more facts about this murder

    13、.Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jails?It is the small one,Holland,which has rules for euthanasia and so can police it effectively.(which 指?)The Dutch doctor broke his countrys rules.在上述哪个国家有医生因为实施安乐死而在监狱里服刑呢?是在小国荷兰。荷兰制定了有关安乐死的法律,能有效地管理它。那位荷兰的医生违反了他国家的规定。Th

    14、ere is a moral here for all the countries,and not just for the big death-forbidding country,America.Right now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again.(moral about what?Death-forbidding 只是禁止死亡吗?It 指的是?)这里涉及到的(有关安乐死的)道德问题在所有国家都存在,决不仅只针对美国这个禁止安乐死的大国。目前美国正再次展开有关安乐死的辩论。6.bizarre:weird

    15、(adj.)unusual in appearance,style,or characters 外貌,风格或性格怪异 his bizarre behavior 他古怪的行为 Bizarrely dressed 穿着奇装异服 7.at her own request=at the request of sb 应她本人的要求 他按照经历的请求到了那里。He was there at the request of his manager/at his managers request.8.vote on:就.进行表决 Lets vote on this issue,since we cant agr

    16、ee.既然我们不能达成一致意见,就来投票表决吧。Rumble on 1.Thunder is rumbling in the distance.2.rumble on:(an argument or a dispute,to continue slowly and steadily for a long time)缓慢而长久地持续 Discussions rumble on over the siting of the new airport.关于新机场的选址问题,讨论起来没完没了。On purpose=deliberately Im sorry,I didnt do it on purpos

    17、e.对不起,我不是存心这么做的。Taboo;a cultural or religious custom that does not allow people to do 禁忌,戒律;a general agreement not to do sth or talk about sth 避讳“Death”is one of the great taboos in your culture.syringe:a plastic or glass tube for injection 皮下注射器 Most say they know somebody else who does.But becaus

    18、e they can rarely discuss euthanasia openly with patients even when those patients beg them for it doctors tend to kill only when the dying are too far gone to consent.(如何理解 be too far gone to consent)sb is gone 多数医生说他们知道其他医生也有同样的行多数医生说他们知道其他医生也有同样的行为。但是为。但是因为因为医生也几乎不能与病人公开讨论安乐医生也几乎不能与病人公开讨论安乐死死-即使在

    19、病人乞求他们的时候即使在病人乞求他们的时候所以所以医生往往倾医生往往倾向于向于仅在仅在要死的人要死的人处于垂危昏迷之际而无法表达是处于垂危昏迷之际而无法表达是否同意安乐死否同意安乐死时,才结束其生命时,才结束其生命。Questions for discussion:How do you understand“voluntary euthanasia”?And“involuntary euthanasia”?According to the authors opinion,which of the above is more humane?Does the author accept volun

    20、tary euthanasia or not?Where can you find proof?the Almighty:Thank Almighty,we are free at last!A mighty warrior 强而有力的,威猛的 A pen can be mightier than a sword 12.prosecution (line 6)prosecute:officially charge sb 控告(sb for sth/doing sth)charge sb with sth accuse sb of sth/doing v violate violation vi

    21、olent The company was prosecuted for breaching the Health and Safety Regulation.这家公司被控违反卫生安全条例 12.controversial controversy:争议 a controversial figure 有争议的人物。hold out(the last line):continue to last,坚持,挺住.The rebels hold out in the mountains for several years.Mountainous area 反叛分子在山区顽抗了几年。How long ca

    22、n the distinction between killing and letting die hold out?forms of euthanasia passive euthanasia-a patient doesnt want his life prolonged;letting patients die,do not save patients active euthanasia a patients want to die,kill him(Para 4)Just as there can be culpable omissions,so too can there be bl

    23、ameless acts.Omission,negligence 疏忽 不作为 ignorance,Culpable negligence 重大疏忽 Stand to do sth To be in a situation where you are likely to do sth;is likely to 可能做某事 stand to gain 处于有利地位.You stand to make/gain a lot from this deal.你很可能会从这笔生意中大赚一笔。Strike V.敲击,打击,撞击 He was struck by a heavy blow.突然发生A pow

    24、erful earthquake struck the Italian island of Sicily early this morning.给印象,让觉得 It struck me as stupid at first.N.打击,罢工,突然袭击 Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the irresponsible doctor.Air strike,nuclear strike withhold:to refuse to give sth to sb 拒绝给某物;抑制 She was accused of withhold

    25、ing information from the police.她被指控对警方知情不报。administer:to apply as a remedy administer laws 执行法律 The doctor administered some medicine to the girl.prescribe prescription Diagnose diagnosis Suppose to take an example from the moral philosophy books that a man stands to gain from the death of a certai

    26、n child.The child strikes his head in the bath and falls unconscious.The man sits down and watches him drown.The fact that the man has performed no action does not excuse him.(把the fact放到后面翻译)让我们从道德伦理著作中举例说明。假定一个人会从某个孩子的死亡中获益,当这个孩子在浴缸中撞伤头部而失去知觉时,那个人坐视不管,任其溺水身亡。虽然这个人什么都没有做,但这不能使他因此逃避罪责。Similarly,supp

    27、ose that a doctor does no wrong by withholding some treatment in order that death should come sooner rather than later.Is he then necessarily wrong if he administers enough painkillers to kill?(passive euthanasia vs active euthanasia,在病人的要求之下;should表示对将来的虚拟)Does the fact that the doctor performed an

    28、 action,rather than an omission,condemn him?类似地,再假设,假设医生停止某种治疗措施,以期病人更早地而不是更迟地死去,他没有做错什么。那么,如果这位医生使用足够的镇痛剂让那位病人死去,他就一定大错特错吗?这位医生采取了某种作为,而不是不作为,这会使他有罪吗?西方医学之父Father of Western Medicine Hippocrates 希波克拉底 ancient Greek physician four humors:blood,phlegm,black bile,yellow bile 体液学说:血液、粘液、黄胆、黑胆 Hippocrat

    29、ic Oath The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically.It is widely believed to have been written by Hippocrates,often regarded as the father of western medicine,in Ionic Greek(late 5th century BCE),1 or by one of his students,2 and is usually i

    30、ncluded in the Hippocratic Corpus.I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it,nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.rule out Rule sb/sth out(as adj)认为而把sb/sth排除之外;认为而觉得sb/sth 不合适 The proposed plan was ruled out as too expensive.建议的解决方案被认为花钱太多而遭否决。We cant rule out the possibili

    31、ty of his quitting the new job.我们无法排除他辞掉新的工作的可能性。Let your heart rule your head 感情用事 There is nothing new in this view.When Hippocrates formulated his oath for doctors,which explicitly rules out active killing,most other Greek doctors and thinkers disagreed with his ban.这个观点并不新颖。当希波克拉底为医生制定信条的时候,曾明确禁

    32、止安乐死,而多数其他希腊医生和思想家都不赞成这一禁令。Let the past be a guide.前事不忘,后事之师。agree with 同意,和意见一致 agree on 对取得一致意见 agree in 在方面意见一致;在相同 agree about 对有相同的看法;就取得一致意见 agree upon 对取得一致意见 Embrace 1.hug They embraced and swept and promised to keep in touch 2.to accept an idea,a proposal,a set of beliefs,etc,when it is don

    33、e with enthusiasm democracy/feminism 3.include The talks embraced a wide range of ply with:to obey a rule/order 遵守(意愿,要求或条 件等).Abide by.Follow,obey the rules/the demands/the law/the requests.in compliance with According to in accordance with 15.prescribe 1.to tell sb to take particular medicine 2.(a

    34、 person or an organization with authority)to say that what should be done and how sth should be done 指定,规定,命令 The prescribed textbook 15.pose danger to/for sth/sb 给.造成危险 Pose:cause sth.to exist 引起;产生;造成(威胁、问题等)pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk 构成威胁/挑战/危险/风险 Give rise to Bring about Precedent antec

    35、edent -descedent 范例;先例,前例 set a precedent for sth 为提供了范例 There is no precedent for a disaster of this scale.这种规模的空难的空前的。precede unprecedented 史无前例的 Heroic 英雄般的,英勇的 Heroically 英雄般地 Historic historically historical Hero heroin heroine Another worry is that a legal framework for euthanasia,permitting a

    36、 doctor to comply with a dying mans request in a prescribed set of circumstances,might pose dangers for society by setting a precedent for killing.另一个担忧是,这种安乐死的法律框架(体系),允许一个医生在一套规定的限制下顺从一个垂死病人的要求,也许会给谋杀开了先例,从而对社会造成危害.It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most heroically resiste

    37、d pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities that have given euthanasia its worst name.当年就是荷兰医生们英勇无比地顶住了压力,拒绝当年就是荷兰医生们英勇无比地顶住了压力,拒绝参与纳粹进行的令安乐死声名狼藉的参与纳粹进行的令安乐死声名狼藉的(人体)(人体)医学医学实验,这恐怕不是巧合。实验,这恐怕不是巧合。The same tenacious respect for individual liberty that stopped them killing healthy people,who did

    38、 not want to die,now lets them help dying people who do.这些医生对个人自由坚定不移的尊重使他们没有杀害渴望活下去的健康人。今天正是同样的精神又使他们去帮助不愿活下去的垂危病人。libertarian:a person who strongly believe that people should have the freedom to do and think as they like 自由论者 liberate V.解放 liberty N.自由 a liberated woman 不受传统思想羁绊的女性 liberation PLA

    39、Opposition is too fierce,because of the shadow of the past.Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia.By refusing to discuss it,they usher in something worse.由于历史的阴影,反对(安乐死)的力量异常强大。而在那些近年来有着持续的自由主义传统的国家,在为自愿

    40、安乐死制定有限的规定时,则担忧会比较少。拒绝讨论这个问题,则会使他们走进更糟糕的境地。In January the Journal of the American Medical Association published a bizarre letter,in which an anonymous doctor claimed to have killed a 20-year-old cancer patient at her own request.This started a debate that will rumble on into the autumn,when Californ

    41、ians may vote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia.The letter was probably written for polemical impact.It is scarcely credible.Its author claims that he met the cancer patient for the first time,heard five words from her “Lets get this over with”then killer her.A.credible B.Journal E.onC.with D.

    42、at F.anonymous Yet medical monstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue,almost as a matter of macabre routine,in America,Britain and many other countries.It is disturbingly easy to find doctors who will say,in private,that they sometimes kill patients on purpose.Most say that know s

    43、omebody else who does.But because they can rarely discuss euthanasia openly with patients even when those patients beg them for it doctors tend to kill only when the dying are too far gone to consent.Thus,because voluntary euthanasia is taboo,a doctor makes the decision himself and the patient is ki

    44、lled involuntarily in the night with a syringe.:A.involuntarily B.on E.routineC.consent D.monstrosities F.for Because many people accept that it is sad,undignified and gruesome to prolong the throes of death will all the might of medical technology,passive euthanasia letting patients die is widely a

    45、ccepted.Most American states have“living will”legislation that protects doctors from prosecution if they do not try to save someone who has said he does not want life prolonged.Active euthanasia killing remains controversial.How long can the distinction between killing and letting die hold out?:A.th

    46、roes B.prosecution E.distinctionC.controversial D.undignified F.legislation Just as there can be culpable omissions,so too can there be blameless acts.Suppose to take an example from the moral philosophy books that a man stands to gain from the death of a certain child.The child strikes his head in

    47、the bath and falls unconscious.The man sits down and watches him drown.The fact that the man has performed no action does not excuse him.Similarly,suppose that a doctor does no wrong by withholding some treatment in order that death should come sooner rather than later.Is he then necessarily wrong i

    48、f he administers enough painkillers to kill?:A.administer B.perform E.omissionsC.strikes D.withholding F.does Many doctors working on the battlefield of terminal suffering think that only squeamishness demands a firm difference between passive and active euthanasia on request.Their argument for kill

    49、ing goes like this:one of a doctors duties is to prevent suffering;sometimes that is all there is left for him to do,and killing is the only way to do it.There is nothing new in this view.When Hippocrates formulated his oath for doctors,which explicitly rules out active killing,most other Greek doct

    50、ors and thinkers disagreed with his ban.Let the past be a guide.A.formulated B.be E.forC.battlefield D.demand F.explicitly Some people believe that the time of death is appointed by God and that no man should put the clock back on another.Yet if a patients philosophical views embrace euthanasia,it i

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