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展开 2023届吉林省长春市高三质量监测四英语四模试卷答案听力.zip2023届吉林省长春市高三质量监测四英语四模试卷答案听力.zip
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长春市长春市 2023 届高三质量监测(四)届高三质量监测(四)英英 语语 本试卷共 12 页。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项注意事项:1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴处。2.选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。3.请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答 案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4.作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮 纸刀。第一部分 听力(120 小题)在笔试结束后进行。第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Nagamori Department Stores Countdown to the Holidays!Only 2 days to go to place your order and get SPECIAL FREE DELIVERY*for delivery by June 24 Good news to everyone!Come and shop at Nagamori Department Store!Its almost your last chance to place your holiday gift orders and ensure free city-wide delivery by June 24.Dont miss out on this great deal,and avoid leaving loved ones disappointed by submitting your order before 5 p.m.on Friday June 16.And you may be assured if you cannot spare some time to pick up a gift by 16.Orders placed after that time and before 3 p.m.on Thursday June 22 will still be guaranteed to arrive by June 24 using our standard delivery option.This remains at our year-round low price of$7 per item(to anywhere in the cityregular rates apply outside of the Townsburg Metropolitan area).Dont forget to wrap it:If you are short of time,go to our Gift Wrapping corner on this floor for a number of great options(at just$5.95 per item)and put a personalized message on your complimentary(免费赠送的)card.*Free delivery applies to gifts delivered to addresses within the Metropolitan area only and to orders of$10 or more.For all other delivery rates(including international),please ask the staff at our Delivery Service on the ground floor of this store.As for group purchase and delivery,a special discount is offered.Please contact our Sales Department at 347-448-8888 for more details.21.What is stated about the special free delivery?A.Items must cost more than$10.B.Orders must be placed before June 24.C.Delivery must be locations within the city.D.Items must be bought at full price and gift-wrapped.22.How much does it cost to have a gift wrapped?A.$5.95.B.$7.C.$10.D.$12.95.23.Where can this text be found?A.In a delivery company.B.In a department store.C.In a post office.D.In a gift factory.B Billy Barr,71,paused outside his mountainside cabin to measure the water percentage in snow.This year,it contained about 10 percent.“Another year of high figure,”Barr sighed.Things were quite different five years ago,when the number had been around 6 percent.“Now the snow here has gotten wetter for sure.We understand that weather is weather,and it changes all the time.But all of a sudden,the last five years have all presented high figures,”said Barr.“So thats when things need our attention.”Barr arrived in Gothic in 1972 as a student helping on a water chemistry project.He stayed until the end of the year,then came permanently the following summer.In the mountains,he felt relaxed even though home was a mining hut with a lamp and a sleeping bag.Hed always liked numbers;as a kid,he counted gas stations on family trips.Thats what inspired his records,not some grand scientific ambition.Over time,Barr found he liked comparing one year to others.On a recent afternoon,Barr sat at his computer,skimming through decades of numbers.In the numbers,he pointed out patterns.Nearly half the record low temperatures came in his first decade here,and more than half the record highs occurred in the past one.“Back in the 70s,there were winters when we had over 100 days in a row when it didnt get above freezing.Last winter,the most was nine,”Barr worried.“Theres a trend there.I really think were in a load of trouble.And we dont have much time for this.”After filling 10 notebooks with his records,Barr now organizes them in Excel and publishes them on his website.Researchers regularly ask him for data,he said,and he was always pleased to share.Barr is witnessing snow fall here for the 50th year straight.“I just want to keep it going.It is interesting it is,I think.And its helpful.”24.According to Barr,why should water percentage in snow be paid attention to?A.It increased by 4 percent this year.B.It varies from 6 percent to 10 percent.C.It is changeable like weather.D.It has been increasingly high for years.25.What made Barr choose to stay in mountains?A.The sense of relaxation.B.The boredom from city life.C.The passion for comfort.D.The commitment to scientific ambition.26.What can be inferred from paragraph 3?A.There is no hurry at all for people to address this issue.B.More days above freezing have come in the last decade.C.People are prepared to face temperature trouble nowadays.D.100 days of continuous low temperature is common now.27.Which words best describe Billy Barr?A.Crazy and ambitious.B.Generous and devoted.C.Lonely and outdated.D.Patient and optimistic.C Space elevators yes,literal elevators that will carry us into orbit may not be as far from reality as we think,says Stephen Cohen,a space engineer and physics professor.According to his ideas,such a wild concept could be realistic relatively soon.So,what exactly is a space elevator?Well,humans are headed to Mars by 2040,if all goes well,and one of the largest issues is the transport.Getting people up to space is a difficult and expensive task.A much better way,some believe,could be to put a really,really long cable(电缆)from the Earths surface all the way to orbit,and pass a pod(分离舱)up and down the cable.It would save on fuel,reduce overall expenses,and be far less dangerous than rockets.However,as you can imagine,though,space elevators do not come without significant questions.For example,how would the rope stay tight?How could we ensure that nothing comes along and destroys the cable,like terrible weather or space junk?How would you even build such a thing?Stephen Cohen,a long-time space elevator enthusiast,believes he has all the answers:Basically,a satellite orbiting Earth drops a cable(a very,very long one)while using fuel to get away from the Earth further into space.In this way the cable remains tight as it is fastened to the ground.Unfortunately,modern tech cant solve this because the cable needs a specific strength of around 50 times that of steel.But according to Cohen,were likely around 10 years away from the material being made and we shall be walking on Mars even before 2040.Most scientists remain unconvinced space elevators have been spoken about for years and yet a lot of questions are to be answered.But,who knows,maybe the days of fastening ourselves to rockets could soon be over;we can only imagine the astronauts would welcome the day.28.What advantage does the space elevator have over the traditional transport?A.Smaller noise.B.Higher speed.C.Less cost.D.Better protection.29.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A.The operating steps of the space elevator.B.The obvious benefits of the space elevator.C.The potential impacts of the space elevator.D.The possible challenges of the space elevator.30.What makes it impossible to build a space elevator now?A.The high risks are difficult to predict accurately.B.The dangerous tasks are hard to fulfil successfully.C.The required material is not technologically available.D.The fuel-burning satellite will lead to serious pollution.31.What is most scientists attitude towards the space elevator?A.Doubtful.B.Unconcerned.C.Favorable.D.Opposed.D A broken heart.A sad ending to a love affair.Thats something most of us have experienced,or probably will.The experience can be destructive.You might find yourself listening more to sad music,hoping it can resonate with your feelings of disappointment,and youll never heal(治愈)from your broken heart.You might go through a strong feeling of sorrow,as in Neil Youngs“Only Love Can Break Your Heart”,or the pain of a lyric from Bob Dylans“Love Sick”:“Im sick of love.I wish Id never met you.”But research shows listening to sad music can help you begin to feel joy and hopefulness about your life again.Sad music can help heal and uplift you from your broken heart.Or,from any negative,disappointing life situation.It can activate empathy(共情)and the desire to reach out for others both pathways out of the prison of heartache and hopelessness.A recent study from Germany found the emotional impact of listening to sad music can lift the feelings of empathy,compassion,and a desire for positive connection with others.That,itself,is psychologically healing.It draws you away from anxiety with yourself,and possibly towards helping others in need of comfort.Another experiment,from the University of Kent,found that when people were experiencing sadness,listening to music that was“beautiful but sad”excited their mood.In fact,it did so when the person first consciously understood the situation causing their sadness before beginning to listen to the sad music.That is,when they intended that the sad music might help,they found that it did.But that wasnt true if they just listened to sad music without first thinking about the sad situation.Then,you may be answering the question raised in the old Bee Gees song,“How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?32.What does the underlined word“resonate”in paragraph 1 refer to?A.Communicate.B.Cooperate.C.Contrast.D.Correspond.33.Why are the songs of Neil Young and Bob Dylan mentioned?A.To present the sad feelings from their songs.B.To celebrate their achievements in the music field.C.To compare the difference between their music.D.To convince others of the healing effects of music.34.What can we learn from the experiment from University of Kent?A.Shared feelings might enable people to help others.B.Sad music can strengthen relationship between people.C.Showing empathy does good both mentally and physically.D.Sad songs can benefit people with the intention of lifting spirits.35.Which is a suitable title for the text?A.What does music bring to us?B.How can sad music heal a broken heart?C.Why is sad music so popular?D.When can we turn to others for help?第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Friendship is based on respect,common interests,and laughter.Studying doesnt usually appear on the list of shared activities.So why are more and more students meeting with their friends after class to do homework and prepare for exams?There is a simple reason:Having a study buddy(同伴)has many advantages.Of course,you can always study alone at home,but youll miss the numerous benefits that come from learning with a friend or two.There are several reasons why you should think of finding a study buddy or a study group.1.It can reduce procrastination(拖延)and distraction.36 But when you have a study buddy,it will be easier to achieve because you will keep each other reliable.With common goals in mind,you will avoid being unnecessarily distracted and focus on the result.2.37 Having a study buddy can help you learn faster.Lets face it:two brains are always better than one.You can also learn some new study methods and techniques from your study buddy.When you have someone to discuss the newly acquired information,learning becomes more accessible.38 3.Study buddies can test each other.Apart from teaching each other,motivating each other,and holding each other accountable,you can get a better result from testing each other.39 It can help to identify areas that need more attention.4.Learning becomes organized yet fun.Last but not least,it can be enjoyable to share your study journey with another person.40 Plus,it is nice to have a break once in a while.It will turn the learning into a fun yet organized process.A.You get the material faster than alone.B.A smarter learning partner will guide you.C.Quizzing before the exam can benefit both of you.D.Most students are struggling to stay focused and motivated.E.A funny friend who keeps joking with you is an advantage.F.Besides that,you can clarify something if either of you isnt sure.G.Long evenings in the library will seem less lonely if youre with a friend.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Its 2023 and almost everyone with a smartphone also has a high-resolution(分辨率)camera built-in.We carry this image-making 41 with us at all times.We snap photos and videos of our daily lives.Every day I record something.It seems I 42 go 24 hours without snapping a photo or video of some sort.I began to wonder why?Why cant I just go a day without pressing the shutter(快门)button?My huge number of photos and videos began to 43 me.Ive loved photography since I was a teenager.Lots of cherished family 44 were documented.Revisiting them was like 45 a treasure box.Im 46 for these visual records because they showed my youth and growth.For more than a decade I worked as a professional filmmaker and photographer because I loved the 47 conveyed by the story on video.I recorded a wide range of varieties,therefore collecting tens of thousands of 48 both still and moving.However,gradually I felt I was drowning under them and so I deleted a large part.This was 49 but in some ways it set me free.Image taking and 50 have greatly changed ever since the social media became popular.Like it or not,its not surprising to see many have become 51 sharing our lives on the social media about 86 million images are 52 to Wechat daily.We want to show others what were up to.We want to be seen.We want to 53 .Perhaps it helps us feel less 54;as if someone is there to see us grow and achieve.We dont feel as if were 55.41.A.skill B.material C.tool D.system 42.A.rarely B.personally C.casually D.frequently 43.A.satisfy B.excite C.disappoint D.burden 44.A.decorations B.names C.moments D.bedtime 45.A.clearing B.opening C.hiding D.breaking 46.A.grateful B.sorry C.fit D.ready 47.A.song B.detail C.confidence D.emotion 48.A.films B.images C.cameras D.photographers 49.A.difficult B.convenient C.worthwhile D.necessary 50.A.selling B.fixing C.sharing D.cheating 51.A.addicted to B.responsible for C.afraid of D.curious about 52.A.moved B.applied C.turned D.uploaded 53.A.forget B.explain C.connect D.admit 54.A.confused B.important C.selfish D.lonely 55.A.remembered B.ignored C.interrupted D.controlled 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Anne Hidalgo,the mayor of Paris,wants to clean the Seine,56(make)the river swimmable by 2024 when the city will host the Olympic Games.Unfortunately,the Seine has a lot of pollution,which is the addition of harmful materials 57 the environment.Around 360 tons of plastic 58(find)in the Seine every year.Lucky for Hidalgo,11-year-old Raphael is on the case.For nearly two years,he 59(spend)nearly every weekend with his dad,fishing debris(垃 圾)out of almost 60 whole stretch of water.It all started when Raphael saw a YouTube tutorial from someone doing something similar.So Raphael asked his parents for 61(supply).“I was initially taken back by his request.62,once he showed me the YouTube video I ended up being quite impressed,”Raphaels dad said.How to Choose Your Future Career?Raphael feels 63 (e
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吉林省 长春市 高三 质量 监测 英语四 试卷 答案 谜底 听力
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