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    关 键  词:
    Module Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World 词汇 解读 教学 设计

    1、Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature WorldExplanations for new words and phrases 教学设计1、attack: vt.vi. 攻击;疾病发作;侵袭;开始处理(某事)。 n. 攻击; 疾病发作。 导学P62-1-1 make an attack on向.进攻 a heart attack 心脏病(发作) come / be under attack遭抨击The enemy attacked during the night.敌人在夜间发动攻击 The disease attacked his bones

    2、.病患侵袭骨骼2、footprint:n. (尤指软地上的) 脚印,足迹; (地板上的) 脚印,鞋印。 = footmarkdistinct footprints in the mud泥里清楚的脚印 footprints found near the murder scene凶杀现场的脚印footprints left in the hard dried mud 留在干硬泥地上的脚印He squatted down beside the footprints and examined them closely. 他蹲在脚印旁仔细地观察。3、hairy: adj. 毛的;多毛的。 反义词:hai

    3、rlesshairy skin多毛的皮肤 The bears chest is hairy. 那只熊的胸部毛茸茸的。4、frighten:v. 使害怕 (惊恐)/吓唬。 fright:n. 害怕/惊恐 (吓) 。 The sudden noise frightened the girl. A tree fell on the house and gave him a fright.树倒房上吓他一跳。frightened:adj.受惊/害怕的。The frightened girl was speechless. The child is frightened of dogs.怕狗。fright

    4、ening:adj. 吓人的,可怕的,令人害怕的,被吓得要死的。 He spoke in a frightening voice.5、creature:n.生物/动物;人。The crocodile is a strange-looking creature. 鳄鱼是一种模样古怪的动物。The poor creature had no home, family, or friends. 那个可怜的人既没有家和家人,也没有朋友。6、grey: adj. 灰色的/灰白的;灰暗的/阴沉的。 He wore a grey suit. 他穿一套灰衣服。His face turned grey as he

    5、 heard the bad news. 当听到这个坏消息时, 他的脸色变得灰白。The day started out grey with a shower or two. 天破晓时阴沉沉的, 下了一两场阵雨。n. 灰色 (衣服) 。 This color is grey. 这种颜色是灰色。 She was dressed in grey. 她穿着灰色服装。7、exist: vi. 存在。 导学P63-2 8、sharp: adj. 锋利/尖锐的;急转/陡峭的;突然/急剧的;明显的/清晰的;灵敏的/机警的 。Be careful with that sharp axe. 那把斧子很锋利,你要

    6、当心。There is a sharp bend in the road. 路上有一个急转弯。There were sharp differences of opinion between the two. 两者的意见存在着明显的分歧。The girl is sharp at music. 这个女孩对音乐的感受力很敏锐。9、sighting: n. (珍奇动物等的) 目击;发现。 导学P63-4 10、mysterious: adj. 神秘的; 难以理解的;诡秘的。 His action was very mysterious. 他的行动十分神秘。He was very mysterious

    7、in his manner. 他的行为举止十分神秘。mystery:n. 神秘 (性), 秘密 (性); 神秘的事,难以理解的事物;来历不明/难探究竟的人。He often tells stories full of mystery.他常讲些充满神秘色彩的故事。The flying saucer is yet an unsolved mystery. 飞碟仍然是未解之谜。Science can disclose the mysteries of nature. 科学能解开自然界的奥秘。Shes a bit of a mystery! 她这人有点来历不明!mysteriously:adv. 神秘

    8、地,不可思议地,难以理解地;诡秘地,故弄玄虚地。Foggy mountains are mysteriously attractive. 烟雾茫茫的群山有着神秘的魅力。11、claim:vt.声称/断言;主张/要求。claim to do sth.,claim that从句,claim + n.声称拥有。 导学P63-3 She claims to be related to the queen. 她声称自己与女皇有关系。The doctor claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease. 这医生声称已找到治疗此病的方法。He claime

    9、d the robber should be sentenced death. 他要求这个抢劫犯应该判处死刑。Has anyone claimed the purse I handed in yesterday? 有人认领我昨天交来的钱包吗?12、surface:n. C 面/表面;水面;物体的表面/外表/外观。 The surface of the road路面on the surface 在表面上/在外表上。 On the surface, she is nice. 表面上她很好。How many surfaces does a cube have? A cube has six surf

    10、aces. 立方体有六个面。The submarine slowly rose to the surface. 潜艇慢慢浮出了水面。You must not look only at the surface of things. 看事物不能只看表面现象。13、horn:n. C (动物头上的) 角;号/号角/喇叭。 Horns are a useful weapon for some animals.The young goat was just beginning to grow horns小山羊刚开始长角。 blew horn吹号,按响喇叭。 He played the tune on t

    11、he horn. 他用号吹奏了这首曲子。14、dive: vi;头向下钻, 猛/俯冲。The men are diving for pearls. 这些人正在潜水采集珍珠。He dived from the bridge and rescued a drowning child. 他们从桥上跳入水中, 救起一位溺水儿童。The plane dived sharply and rose again. 飞机猛然俯冲而后又拉了起来。dive into:头朝下跳入水中;溜进/闪进(某处/建筑物/人群中)。Sally dived expertly into the pool. 熟练地跳入水中。We di

    12、ved into a coffee shop to avoid the rain. 闪进一咖啡店躲雨。dive off:从(某高处)头朝下跳入水中。 Diving off the cliffs is very dangerous. 悬崖跳水很危险。dive:n. C 潜水,跳水。 make a dive for 扑向,冲向。 When the bell rang, all the students made a dive for the school gate. 铃声一响冲向校门。15、calm: adj. (水面/天气) 平静/无风的; (情绪) 镇定/静/沉着的/心平气科的。=silent

    13、, quiet, still 导学P63-5 The sea was calm. Her voice is calm. Keep calm, and try not to panic. calm:v (使)平静/镇静(定)。Calm yourself !请你镇静下来! Charlie tried to calm the frightened children.calm down 使镇/平静下来。 Calm down and tell me what happened. 16、skeptical:adj. 怀疑的,不相信的。 be skeptical about /of 对.有怀疑I am sk

    14、eptical about his chance of winning. 对他获胜的可能性有怀疑。Many scientists remain skeptical about the value of this research program.仍怀疑研究课题的价值。17、unlikely: adj. 未必的, 不可能的。 导学P64-6 It is unlikely that /be unlikely to do sth It is unlikely that she will come. 她不大可能来了。反义短语:be likely to:很可能。He is likely to be th

    15、e best poet here.他很可能是这儿最好的诗人。likely是以-ly结尾的形容词,其他常见的以-ly结尾的形容词:daily(每日的;日常的); friendly(有好的); deadly(致命的); lovely(可爱的); lonely(孤独的); ugly(丑陋的); brotherly(兄弟般的); oily(多油的) 18、volcanic:adj. 火山的;由火山作用引起的。volcanic lake/islands/ash/eruption火山湖/岛/灰/火山爆发 导学P64-7 19、cover: vt. 占地(多大面积)。cover an area of占面积

    16、The city covers an area of 10 square miles.走完(多少路程)。 They covered 40 miles yesterday. They covered 60 miles in two days.包括,涉及。 The report covered all aspects of the problem.Most of the key points are covered in this book. 采访。 He was sent to Switzerland to cover the Winter Olympic. 采访冬奥会读完,看完。 I have

    17、 covered 120 pages of the novel. 雪覆盖了大地。覆盖。be covered with/by The ground was covered with fallen leaves. Snow covered the ground. 20、adapt: vi 适应,适合。 adapt to 使适合 导学P67-1 The children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school. adapt oneself to: 使自己适应或习惯于。 You must adapt yourself to new custom

    18、. adapt from: 根据.改写/编。 This play is adapted from a novel written by Dack. 该剧是据.改编的。21、disappear: vi. 不见;消失。 导学P68-2 22、extinct: adj. 绝种的;消亡了的。 导学P68-3 23、evolve: vi. 进化;演变。 导学P68-4 24、die out: vi. 灭绝/死绝;消失/消灭。 导学P69-6 That custom died out years ago.那种风俗许多前就消失了。短语:be dying for (口语)渴望,很想。die away (声、光

    19、、风等)渐弱/渐息;停息。All his anger died away. 满腔怒气渐渐平息下来。die down 熄灭;平息; 逐渐消失。The fire is dying down. Put some more wood on!火快熄灭了加点柴!25、throw light on /upon:帮助弄清楚;阐明某事/使明白(清楚)。 导学P69-7 Your investigation has thrown light on this question. 你的调查使得这个问题弄清楚了。The teachers explanation can throw light on the studen

    20、ts questions. Can you throw light on the question? 你能把这个问题阐述清楚吗?同义短语: come to light 显露,为大家所知。 So another amazing fact came to light.于是又发现了一种令人惊讶的情况。see the light 领悟/明白过来;(书籍的)出版/发表。I did not approve of his action, but he explained his reason and then I saw the light.我原来不赞同他的行动,但经解释以后我明白过来了。26、come (

    21、straight) to the point 谈正题;直接说要点;开门见山。 导学P69-8 Im in a hurry, so come to the point. 请直说吧, 我很忙。The criminal soon came to the point. 罪犯很快就供认了。off the point 离题 to the point中肯/扼要 on the point of 即将27、 fierce: adj. 凶猛的/凶狠的/残暴的;强烈的/激烈的/极度的/酷烈的。The house is guarded by a fierce dog. 这栋房子由一条凶犬看守。A wounded li

    22、on can be fierce. 受伤的狮子会变得很凶猛。This heat is really fierce. 这样的高温真叫人难受。What he said met with fierce opposition. 他的话语遭到激烈反对。28、destruction:n.破坏/毁灭/消灭。 construction n. 建造/建设/建筑业。structure n.结构/构造。The enemy bombs caused widespread destruction. 敌人的炸弹造成大面积的破坏。29、generous: adj. 慷慨的/大方的;有雅量的/宽宏大量的/善良的;心地高尚的。

    23、He is a generous contributor.慷慨的捐助者。 She was generous with her money.乐于仗义疏财。She was kind and generous. 她心地善良, 宽容大量。It was generous of you to forgive me. 你原谅我的过错真是宽宏大量。30、unpredictable: adj. 无法预言的,不可预测的,捉摸不透的,不稳定的,反复无常的。He makes unpredictable decisions. 他做的决定难以预料。Changes in the stock market are highl

    24、y unpredictable. 股票市场的变化是变幻莫测的。I find it difficult to get along with Paul, he is so unpredictable. 不好相处,他这个人深不可测。同义词:irregular 反义词:predictable31、reputation: n. 名声/誉/气。This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing. 该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。32、positive: adj. 正面的,积极的,肯定的; (电) 正的, 阳性的。I am positive th

    25、at I saw him.我敢肯定我见过他。 The test proved positive.试验结果呈阳性。The positive pole carries a positive charge while the negative pole does a negative charge.正极带正电荷, 负极带负电荷。33、indicate: vt. 象征;表示/暗示;指示/出/标示。 导学P70-9 The arrow indicates the way to the park. 那个箭头指示到公园的路。His signs indicate what we should do. 他的手势

    26、告诉我们该怎么做。Those clouds indicate rain. 那些云是下雨的迹象。indication:n. 指/表示;象征/迹象。Did he give you any indication of his feelings?向你表示感情了吗?33、identity:n. 身份;个性/特性。He had to conceal his identity to escape the police. 为了躲避警方, 他只好隐瞒身份。The planners decided to preserve their distinct identities. 设计者们决定保留他们各自的特色。34、

    27、due to:由于/因为;因引起/造成;可归于。 导学P70-10 The stove smokes, that is due to the pipe being stopped. 火炉冒烟了,那是由于烟道堵塞的缘故。He succeeded at last, which is mainly due to his efforts instead of luck. 他最后成功了,这很大程度是由于他的努力而不是运气。辨析:due to, because of, owing to, thanks to这四个短语都有“由于、因为”的意思,都是介词短语,后面不可接从句。1) due to一般只作表语。T

    28、his accident was due to his carelessness. 这场事故是由于他的粗心引起的。2) because of只能作状语。 We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback.决不可因这样一小挫折就灰心丧气。3) owing to既可作状语,也可作表语,它引导的状语多是修饰全句的,因此应用逗号和主句分开。如:They decided to postpone the trip, owing to the change of the weather.由于天气变化决定延期启程。4) thanks to只

    29、作状语,可表达正面意思 “幸亏”,也可用于讽刺口吻中(近于讽刺口吻的“感谢”)。由于那位官员的失误,这个城镇的经济曾处于全面崩溃的边缘。The towns economy was on the brink of total collapse, thanks to the officials mistake.濒于倒塌/崩溃35、myth: n. 神话;杜撰出来的人 事物 。The story is a pure myth. 这故事纯属虚构。 Nobody believes in the myth about human beings becoming immortals. 谁也不相信人能成仙的神

    30、话。36、fortune: n. 运气/机会/转机;财产/财富;前途/命运。 导学P70-11 have the fortune to do 幸好/幸运做 receive a large fortune 获得一大笔财产Fortune smiled on us. 命运之神向我们露出了笑脸。fortunate: adj. 交好运的, 带来好运的; 幸运的。be fortunate in doing / to do在方面运气好be related to 与有关系。You should make clear the facts that are related to this question.你应弄

    31、清与这个问题有关的事实。1)同义短语:be connected with 与有关系。2) relate.to.将 与联系起来。 如:Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?你能否把你童时的遭遇同目前的心境联系起来?I cant relate what he does to what he says.我没法把他做的和说的联系起来。3) be related to 还有“与有亲戚关系”的意思。如:I am related to your family.我和你家有亲戚关系。be allo

    32、wed to do sth.被允许做某事The children are not allowed to play on this lawn.孩子们不准在这块草地上玩耍。 1)同义短语:be permitted to do sth.被允许做某事2) 注意区分 be allowed to do sth.与be permitted to do sth.allow词义较弱,含有“听任;默许;不加阻止”的意思;permit词义较强,强调“正式许可;批准”的意思。He is allowed to stay in the corridor at night though it is not permitte

    33、d by the hospital.他被允许在走廊里过夜,虽然这是医院(规定)不允许的。grow out of 产生于The mistake grew out of his carelessness.这个错误是由于他的粗心造成的。grow out of的另一个意思是“因长大而丢弃”。如:She has grown out of all her old clothes.她已长得所有的旧衣服都穿不下了。The vegetable has grown out of the earth.蔬菜长出了土壤。6. be back in the news Its quite something 3. Acco

    34、rding to 根据,按照;随着 (1)根据天气预报,今天会下雨。 (2) the timetable, the train leaves at 10:25, so we should be at the station by 10:00. A. According to B. Because of C. Judging from D. In the opinion of 5. He claims to have seen. 不定式完成时1)不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。2)表示过去没有实现的原望,打算、计划等。(1)他碰巧以前看过这部电影。 He happened the film

    35、 before.(2)We wanted at the airport but we didnt get there in time. 我们原想去机场为你送行。go for (1)适用于 (2)喜欢,支持 Your sister is a selfish girl and . 你也是如此。 . 你喜欢现代音乐吗?instead of替代They have been playing all afternoon instead of doing their homework.整个下午都在玩,没做作业。1) 同义词组:take the place of(意义相似,但instead of是介词词组,t

    36、ake the place of是动词词组)2) instead of 介词词组,“替代”,后跟名词、代词或v.-ing形式。3) 副词instead的动作是被“取”的,即“要做的”;而instead of后面的动作是 “舍”,即不做的。如:Last winter we went to Hainan Island. This winter we are going to Guangzhou instead.去冬天我们去了海南岛,今冬天将去广州。This winter we are going to Guangzhou instead of Hainan Island.今冬天将去广州而不去海南岛

    37、。be similar to 与类似/相似His problem is similar to yours.他的问题和你的相似。1)similar意为“相像的”“类似的”,无比较级,可作前置定语。similar后接介词to;表示“某物与另一物相似”。2) similar与like,same的意思比较接近。但也有较明显的差别。like作形容词时,意思是指人或物相似到难以区分的地步。same指同一个人或物,也指在性质等方面完全相同的不同事物。similar指相似但不完全一致。3) similar的名词是similarity,作不可数名词时,意为“相似性”“类似性”,后常接介词 between,in,to,with。similarity作可数名词时,意为“类似处”“相似事例”。My view is similar to yours. (similar,familiar)3、close: adj. 亲密的,仔细的,势均力敌的;近的,接近的,常与be, get , go, stand , come 连用。 一个亲密的朋友 密切注意 势均力敌的比赛 靠近 离站得近

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