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泉州市2023届高三适应性练习卷英语泉州市2023届高三适应性练习卷英语2023.052023.05(试卷满分:150分,考试时间:120分钟)注意事项:1答题前,考生须在试题卷、答题卡规定的位置填写自己的准考证号、姓名。考生应认真核对答题卡上粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束,考生须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是C。1.Which activity will the man take part in?A.Clothing Recycling.B.Water Conservation.C.Being a Vegetarian for One Day.2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Boss and secretary.B.Business partners.C.Interviewer and interviewee.3.What will the man most probably do?A.Make some coffee.B.Continue to read.C.Meet friends.4.When did the speakers arrive in Suzhou?A.May 9th.B.May 11th.C.May 13th.5.What does Jacob advise Sophia to do?A.Improve the design.B.Behave more confidently.C.Make better preparations.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.In a grocery store.B.In a canteen.C.In a kitchen.7.Which food does the woman like best?A.Chicken.B.Beef.C.Fish.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.How doesAndrew.feel about Claras marathon training?A.Its striking.B.Its boring.C.Its perfect.9.What is Andrews final decision?A.Signing up for a marathon race.B.Climbing mountains nearby.C.Joining a hiking club.10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Ways to work out.B.Clubs to make friends.C.Leisure activities for weekends.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.Who is the man?A.Ahost.B.Ajudge.C.A salesman.12.What advice does the woman offer in her book?A.Meet challenges.B.Ask for help if in trouble.C.Make a difference to others.13.What does the woman think happiness is?A.Sharing with others.B.Solving problems.C.Making accomplishments.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14.What will probably be covered in the presentation about the islands?A.Their economy.B.Their history.C.Their locations.15.How will the speakers present the islandseducation?A.By outlining background.B.By discussing details.C.By providing data.16.Who is in charge of the visual tools?A.Trevor.B.Dr.White.C.Julie.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What was a top attraction for children in Lewes Public Library?A.Discussing about books.B.Watching movie showings.C.Learning about special animals.18.Where can a family with kids get a free book monthly?A.From Lewes public Library.B:From Delaware Library.C.From Wheaton Library.19.Why do many libraries run book stores?A.To help children cover health insurance.B.To buy laptops for the poor families.C.To fund the development of libraries.20.Which of the following best describes the new libraries?A.Academic.B.Multifunctional.C.Digital.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHaving studied John Bergers Ways of Seeing,you will write a four-page image analysis essay and interpretwhat you“see”when you study the visual text.Your focus is not simply to describe the visual text youreanalyzing,but to explain to the readers the argument you believe is proposed by the visual text.Context:Some visual texts can motivate,persuade and/or influence.Advertisements,political cartoons,art orcampaign posters that are concerned with social or political issues are examples of this category of visual text.Weare surrounded every day by visual arguments or attempts at persuasionInstructions:Select a visual text that you believe presents an argument to its viewers.Briefly study the visual text youve selected and underlinc the central argument its designers are tryingto make.Analyze the design elements used and the organization of the text in order to determine some of thedecisions the designer or artist has made.Use the process of“observation/inference/evaluation”to check your essay and determine the tools thedesigner or artist is using to persuade you.Schedule&Due Date:(All work is due at the beginning of class on the dates listed below;late work will be downgraded.)March 1st:Select three visual texts for assignment consideration.March 20th:Berger-typed drafts due/peer-editing workshop.March 22nd:a four-page essay,free write with image&art show due;Class presentation(25%of yourgrade).21.Where is the text probably taken from?A.Atextbook.C.A course assignment.B.An exam paper.D.An academic article.22.What is the essay expected to center on?A.Description of the visual text.C.Introduction of the design elements.B.Explanation of the visual argument.D.Evaluation of the design tools.23.What will happen if you submit the essay after March 22nd?A.You will get a lower score.C.You will be given a test.B.You will receive a zero.D.You will have to rewrite it.BAn English mother,Liz Pinfield-Wells,has recycled more than 2,600 pounds(1,200 kg)of trash(垃圾)through a DIY recycling center in her garden shed(棚)in Dawley,Shropshire.Pinfield-Wells established therecycling center.after the birth of her.third child when she discovered that her towns roadside recycling programdid not accept certain items.The recycling center accepts 30 different categories of recyclable waste.Pinfield-Wells encouraged thepublic to leave their mixed recycled items at the end of her driveway,and dozens of residents have since droppedoff their trash in her shed.She has even accepted Pringles tubes,which have metal and plastic components andshould not be placed in the roadside bin.“Setting up the recycling drop-off center in my front garden hashopefully helped the community to recycle more.It can sometimes seem a little difficult knowing where to startbut with every small step,it gets that little bit easier,”she said.Every month,she sends the collected items in vacuum-packed(真空包装的)bags to TerraCycle,a firm thatturns the waste into small plastic balls for use in other products,such as watering cans and benches.The weight ofthe trash is then changed into points for money,which can be paid out twice a year to a charity or sportsorganization of her choice.In the last three years,Pinfield-Wells has raised more than 1,000,which she has donated to her 14-year-olddaughter Zoes gymnastic group to buy new equipment.She has also donated money to another local charity tobuy woodchips for their community garden.Pinfield-Wells hopes that her recycling center will raise awareness about the importance of recycling andencourage others to take small steps to reduce their carbon footprint.She has created a Facebook group for hereco-center recycling shed,which now has over 1,000 members.24.What inspired Liz to start the program?A.Overloading trash.C.Her childrens encouragement.B.Her preference for DIY practice.D.Limitation of local trash service.25.What does TerraCycle do?A.It develops plastic tubes.B.It produces vacuum-packed bags.C.It processes waste into small plastic balls.D.It supplies woodchips for community gardens.26.What is Lizs expectation of her center?A.It will get new equipment.B.It will boost community economy.C.It will replace the local trash service.D.It will motivate more people to take action.27.Which of the following best describes Liz Pinfield-Wells?A.Ambitious and intelligent.C.Adventurous and determined.B.Responsible and thoughtful.D.Pioneering and humble.CIn a strawberry field surrounded by strawberry fields on the outskirts of Santa Maria,a pair of robots havebeen picking berries all summer.Each robot,made by a Colorado company called Tortuga AgTech,rolls in the field on wheels,then stops infront of a plant.A mechanical arm operates its sensor among the leaves;machine vision software scans the sensordata in search of ripe berries.If an unripe berry is in the way,the robot repositions for a better angle.Asnipper-grabber(夹爪)mounted in the middle of the sensors stretches to cut the berrys stem(茎),thencautiously places it in a waiting plastic container at the robots base.Tortugas robots are designed to pick strawberries from plants grown on hydroponic(水培的)tabletops,not the ground shadberries.The tabletop system enables Tortugas strawberry robots to work by making bermscower to be poked up with robotic arms and protecting the robots from direct exposure to the elements.Sincehitting this field last spring,the robots arc on their way to picking nearly as many berries as humanpickers.and with 95%accuracy.according to Tortuga.Unlike a human,the Tortuga robots dont need breaks,cantget sick,are always ready to work and can pick all day and into the night.With wages making up so much of agrowers expense,the allure of a robots increased reliability and potential to become more cost-efficient over timeis hard to resist.“I do think the best humans are going to be able to outperform robots at these judgment-driven tasks,saidEric Adamson,Tortugas cofounder and chief executive.“But thats OK.It doesnt have to be better than everyhuman;it just has to be better than enough people.”Meanwhile,the team behind Tortuga sees agricultural robots as more than labor-saving devices.They seethem as the only way that an industry facing climate change,land use and chemical regulation can adapt andsurvive.28.How can the robot detect ripe strawberries?A.By analyzing the sensor data.C.By monitoring their stem6.B.By observing their positions.D.By testing them in containers.29.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3?A.Add some relevant information.C.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Provide some advice for growers.D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.30.What does the underlined word“allure”in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Pressure.B.AppealC.Impact.D.Expansion.31.What is the text mainly about?A.Robots replacing human labor.B:Urgent need for agricultural robots.C.Robots shaping the future of strawberry.D.Great challenges of future robots.DAll human languages use vowels and consonants(元音和辅音)to express ideas.Most primates(灵长类)communicate almost using vowel-like calls,but non-human great apes(猿),like chimpanzees,produceconsonant-like sounds to varying degrees.This raises the question of where consonants came from,says AdrianoLameira at the University of Warwick.To find it out,he studied existing literature to see how common consonantsare among the great apes.He found that orangutans(猩猩),which spend most of their time in the trees,produce a greater number andvariety of consonant sounds than gorillas and chimpanzees living on the ground.“Orangutans have rich soundslike kiss sounds.scrapes and clicks.says Lameira.They typically use these sounds while building nests orcommencing with their young.Lameira thinks that living in the trees may explain that Great apes arc exports at processing protected foods.Like nuts,which often requires tools.While living in trees,however,orangutans must always use at least onearm to maintain stability.They have therefore developed more complex control of their lips,tongues and jaws,allowing them to use their mouths as a“fifth limb.orangutans can peel oranges just with lips,for example.This advanced motor skill enables orangutans make consonant-like sounds,argues Lameira.This could meanthat our early ancestors developed consonant sounds while hanging around in the trees,too.“Theres a growingsense that our dependency on trees was much larger and deeper than we think,”says Lameira.The link between feeding and sounds doesnt apply to smaller tree-living primates like monkeys,arguesLameira,because their size and tails make them more stable on branches and they eat differently.“This is an interesting assumption worth testing,says Chris Petkov at Newcastle University,though hequestions some aspects.As humans arent tree-living,there must be other reasons why consonants remain,whichcould be tested by characterising consonant-like sounds more systematically across species,he says.32.What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 1 refer to?A.Why vowels and consonants are used.C.Where the consonants came from.B.What ideas the consonants express.D.How common the consonants are.33.What fact can supportAdriano Lamericas assumption about orangutans?A.They build nests with their young.B.They are skillful in employing tools.C.They show stability in controlling arms.D.They gain advanced motor skill of mouths.34.What can we infer from Adriano Lameiras findings?A.Consonant sounds were made by our earliest ancestors.B.Our ancestors depended more on trees than believed.C.The link between feeding and sounds applies to monkeys.D.Monkeys differ from orangutans in eating habits.35.What is Chris Petkovs attitude to Adriano Lameiras assumption?A.Opposed.B.Puzzled.C.Confident.D.Cautious.第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Have you ever thought about traveling to new places,but you cant afford it?36Basically,you work afew hours each week in exchange for free housing.Both meals and other benefits are often thrown in.The jobsrange from cleaning to computer work.You can search by location or for the type of work youre interested in.One benefit of the more popular programs is that they assist you in different ways.They also charge as littleasUS$39 and offer extra features._ 37 And World packers pride themselves on their attention to safety andsecurity.They carefully check out each potential host.They also provide a 24/7 support network for volunteersand hosts.38You can gain new skills in creativity,leadership,languages and more.You can drown yourself in a newculture.Youll make new friends because you stay in one place for a while and work.Practically anyone at any agecan join a program and travel throughout the year.Your length of stay depends on your host.39 Typically,youll work 20 to 30 hours a week.This gives youplenty of free time to explore the area.When it comes to work exchange opportunities,the sky is the limit!You can help on a farm in Ireland.Youmight work in a wildlife park in Australia or as a photographer in Mexico.You could work in reception in aJapanese guesthouse.Or you might help at a South African surf camp.40Consider a travel work exchange.It might be the most exciting trip you ever take!A.The opportunities are endless!B.How can you work for the program?C.It can be from one week to many months.D.If so,consider a work exchange program.E.What are the reasons to do a work exchange?F.That doesnt mean you have no choice but to stay at home.G.For example,Workaways site lists over 50,000 places to choose from.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Dr.Karen Sciascia has delivered thousands of babies.But this week,she helped deliver:another life fromdanger,as she and her friend Seth McLean 41 a baby moose(驼鹿)that was separated from its mother whencrossing a_42Sciascia and McLcan were fishing when they _43 a cow moose and her baby.The two moose were havingtrouble _44 a spot on the river where a violent 45_is created by two channels.After 46_back and forth in the water,the cow moose made it to the far ri
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福建省 泉州市 高三 适应性 练习 卷五检 英语 试卷 答案 谜底 听力
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