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    关 键  词:
    大学英语六级词汇练习题5套DOC 26页 大学 英语六级 词汇 练习题 DOC 26

    1、大学英语六级词汇练习题 (5 套 )词汇11. The Space Age _ D)_ _ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.A) initiated C) embarkedB) originated D) commenced 出现2. John said that he didnt quite _C_ and asked me to repeat what I had said.A) snatch up C) catch on 理解B) summon up

    2、D) watch out3. When he tried to make a _C, he foundthat the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.A) complaint C) reservation 预定B) claim D) decision4. A budget of five dollars a day is totally _A_ for a trip round Europe.A) in adequate 不够 C) in compatibleB) in capable 不能

    3、 D) in valid5. In our highly tech no logical society, the number of jobs for unskilled workers isA .A) shrinking 缩减 C) alteringB) obscuring 掩盖 D) constraining 约束限制6. The fire has caused great losses, but the factory tried to C_ the consequences 影 响 by saying that the damage was not as serious as rep

    4、orted.A) decrease C) mi nimizeB) subtract 扣除,缩减 D) degrade答案:DCCAA C词汇21. If the world is to rema in peaceful the utmost最大程度 effort must be made by nations to limit localD.(A) collisi ons (C)c on tradictio ns(B) combats (D)conflicts 冲突2. Satellite comm uni cati on are so up-to-datethat eve n whenBin

    5、 the middle ofthe Pacific, bus in essme n can con tact their offices as if they were n ext door(A) gliding 流畅滑动(C)pilotiing(B) cruising 巡航(D)patrolling3. In the past ten years skyscrapers havedeveloped_B in Chicago and NewYork Cit y.(A) homoge neously (C)sp ontan eously(B) simultaneously 同时一 (D)harm

    6、oniously4. The court considers a financial D to be an appropriate way of puni shi ng him.(A) opti on (C)obligati on(B) duty (D) penalty 惩罚5. I think that I committed a Ainask ing her because she seemed very upset by my questi on.(A) blunder弄错犯错(B) reve nge(C) reproach(D) sca ndal6. Even when textboo

    7、ks areBthrough a school system, methods of teach ing may vary greatl y.(A) common place(B) sta ndardized 标准化(C) competitive(D) ge neralized7. They have always regarded a manofC and fairness 公平 as areliable frie nd.(A) robust ness(B) temperame nt(C) integrity 诚实(D) compact ness8. Allin dividualsare r

    8、equiredtoB to the laws made by theirgover nments.(A) obey(B) conform 遵守(C) concede(D) observe9. The basic causes are unknown , althoughcerta in con diti ons that may lead to can cer have beenA.(A) ide ntified(B) guara nteed(C) no tified(D) conveyed10. It is verystra nge but I hadanBthat the pla ne w

    9、ould crash.(A) i nspirati on(B) intuition 直觉(C) imagi natio n(D) i ncen tive11. The changing image of the family ontelevisi on provides Ainto cha ngingattitudes toward the family in societ y.(A) in sights(B) prese ntati ons(C) revelati ons(D) specificati ons12. The tow n pla nning commissi on said t

    10、hat their financial outlook for the next year wasoptimistic. They expect in creased taxB.(A) efficie ncy(B) reve nues 收入(C) privileges(D) validity13. Bill is an example of a severely disabledpers on who has becomeAat manysurvival skills.(A) proficient 能手专家(B) persiste nt(C) c on siste nt(D) sufficie

    11、 nt14. The ties that bind us together in comm onactivity are soD that they candisappear at any mome nt.(A) trivial(B) fatal(C) te ntative(D) feeble虚弱的15. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes起重机掉啊车 are used toCbuildi ng materials to the upper floors.(A) toss(B) tow(C) hoist举起升起(D) hurl16. D

    12、iamonds have littleD valueand their price depends almost entirely on their scarcit y.(A) ext inct(B) perma nent(C) surplus(D) intrinsic本征的固有的17. The kitche n was small andBsothat the disabled could reach everything without difficult y.(A) c onven ti onal(B) compact 紧凑的(C) compatible(D) c on cise18.

    13、He will Cresign in view of thecomplete failure of the research project.(A) doubtfully(B) adequately(C) presumably 大概想来(D) reas on ably答案: DBBDA BCBAB ABADC DBC词汇31. The goal is to make higher educationavailable to every one who is willi ng and capableChis finan cial situati on.A) with respect to C)

    14、regardless ofB) in accord with D) in terms of2. The original elections were declared Aby the former military ruler.A) void 无效 C) surplusB) vulgar D) extravaga nt3. . They stood gazing at the happyD _of childre n play ing in the park.A) perspective C) Ian dscapeB) view D) scene4. An obvious change of

    15、 attitude at the top towards womens status in society will _A through the curre nt law system in Japa n.A) permeate 渗入贯穿 C) violateB) probe D) grope5. Whe n he realized he had bee nDtosig n the con tract by in trigue, he threate ned to start legal proceed ings to can cel the agreeme nt.A) elicitedB)

    16、 excitedC) deducedD) induced 引诱6. These areas rely on agriculture almostD _, having few mineral resources and a mi ni mum of in dustrial developme nt.A) respectivelyB) extraord in arilyC) in crediblyD) exclusively专门的唯一的7. The directi ons were soDthat it wasimpossible to complete the assig nment.A) i

    17、ngeniousB) ambitiousC) no toriousD) ambiguou含糊不清8. Because a degree from a good university isthe means to a better job, educati on is one of the mostB _ areas in Japa nese life.A) sophisticatedB) competitive 竞争力C) con siderateD) superficial9. If a pers on talks about his weak poin ts, hislistener is

    18、 expected to say something in the way ofC _ .A) persuasi onB) remedyC) en courageme nt 鼓励D) compromise10. Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really_ A _ of the reality that they represe nt.A) reflectio n 反 应B)dem on stratio nsC) illum in ati ons D)reproducti ons11. It is through lear n

    19、ing that the individual_D many habitual ways of reacting tosituati ons.A)retai ns B)ga ins C)achieves D) acquires 获得12. Gen erally ,it is only whe n an imals aretrapped that they _Cto viole nee in orderto escapeA)proceed B)appeal C)resort 求助 D)incline13. Mary once B with anothermusicia n to compose

    20、a piece of pop music.A)merged B) collaborated 合作 C)coincidedD) con stituted14. Duri ng their first teacher trai ning year, thestudents often visited local schools forCof the less ons.A)observati onB)i nvestigati onC)i nspecti on考察 D)examination15. .He attends to the_A _ of important bus in ess himse

    21、lf.A)transaction 交易业务B)transitionC) tra nsmissi on D)tra nsformatio n16. Out ofC _ reve nge ,he did his worst toblacke n her character and ruin her reputati on A)perfect B)total C)sheer 纯粹的完全的D) i ntegral答案: CADAD DDBCA DCBCA C词汇41. A mostA _ argume nt about who shouldgo and fetch the bread from the

    22、 kitchen was going on whe n I came in.A) trivial 无价值的 B)delicate C)minorD)mi niature2. The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons_ D _ slowly into the sky.A)floating B)raising C)heaving D)ascending 上升攀登3Do you have any_ C about whatliv ing beings on other pla nets would be l

    23、ike?.A)ideal B)comprehension C)notion 观点 D)i ntellige nee4. We rarely perceive more tha n a minuteCof the sights and sounds that fail upon our sense orga ns; the great majority pass us by.A)fictionB)function C)fraction 一 会片段D)frictio n5. For many patients, institutional care is themost_Band ben efic

    24、ial form of careA) persiste nt B) appropriate 合 适 的C) thoughtful D)sufficie nt6. Its a pleasure for him to_ Ahis en ergyand eve n his life to research workA) dedicate 奉 献 B)dictate C)decorateD) direct7. They are wellD _ with each other sincethey once studied in the same universityA) identified B) re

    25、cognized C)acknowledged D)acquai nted 知晓了解8. There is_ B a differenee in meaning betwee n the words surro undings and en viro nmentA) gentle B)subtle 微妙的巧妙的C)feebleD)humble9. AII the finished products are stored in Dof the delivery port andshipp ing is available at any time.A) garage B)cab inet C)ca

    26、psule D)warehouse 仓库货站10. When he tried to make aA, hefound that the hotel wascompletely filled because of a conven ti on.A) reservation 预定 B)claim C)mess D)revisi on11. Pare nts take a great in terest in theBquesti ons raised by their childre n.A) nasty B)naive 天真的幼稚的 C)obscureD)offe nsive12. Altho

    27、ugh it was his first experienee as chairma n, heAoverthe meeti ng with great skill.A) presided 主 持管理 B)administered C)mastered D)executed13. Both parties promised to C _ thecon tract to be sig ned the followi ng day.A) keep with C) adhere to 附着 依附B) ta ngle with D)devote to14. His career was not not

    28、iceably_ C _ by the fact that he had n ever bee n to college.A) prevented C)hindered 阻碍妨碍B) restra ined D)refra ined15. Whe n trapped in drift ing san ds, do notstruggle, or you will be_ Din deeper.A) absorbed C)heavedB) pushed D)sucked 陷入16. To_C for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little mor

    29、e tha n was good for him.A) comme nee C)compe nsate 弥补B) compromise D)complime nt17. AII visitors are requested toA _with the regulati ons.A) comply 遵从依附 C)assistB) agree D)consent18. The captain A thehorizonapproachi ng ships.A) scanned游览扫描 C)exploredB) scruti ni zed D)swept19. The vast majority of

    30、 people in any givenculture will B to the establishedsta ndards of that culture.A) confine C)confrontB) c on form 遵守 D)c on firm20. AIthough he was on a diet ,the food_ B him eno rmousl y.A) i nspired C)overcameB) tempted 怂恿 D)encouraged21. His argument does not suggest thatmankind canC _ to be wast

    31、eful in theutilizati on of their resources.A) resort C) afford 支付起B) grant D)entitle答案: ADCCB ADBDA BACCD CAABB C词汇51.lf you want this pain killer, you have to ask the doctor for a _ D _A) receipt C)subscripti onB) recipe D) prescription 处方2.Some fish have a greaterA _ for acidwater tha n others.A)

    32、toleranee 容忍 C)dependenceB) resista nee D)persiste nee3. There was once a tow n in this country where all life seemed to live inB _ with itssurro undings.A) co in cide nee C)uniformB) harmony 和i皆 D)allianee4. The court con siders a financialD _ tobe an appropriate way of punishing him.A) payme nt C)

    33、opti onB) ob1igation D) penalty 惩罚5.lt is true that_ B _ a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time.A) multiplying C)magnifyingB) breed ing D)ge nerati ng6. The gover nment has devoted a larger slice of its national_ C _ to agriculture than most other coun tries.A)

    34、 resource C)budget 预算B) pote ntial D)ec on omy7.ln this poor country ,survival is still the lead ing in dustry; all else isA _ .A) luxury 奢侈 C)entertainmentB) accommodati on D)refreshme nt8.Some criminals were printing_ B dollar bills un til they were arrested.A) dece nt C)pate ntB) fake 假货样品 D)susp

    35、icious9. M r.Bloom is notDnow , but he willbe famous someda y.A) sig nifica nt C)mag nifice ntB) dominant D) prominent 著名的杰出的10. His body temperature has been_Cfor 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree cen tigrade.A) un comm on C) abno rmal 不正常的B) disordered D)extraord inary11 .He seems to

    36、beDeno ugh to climbto the mountain top in an hour.A) radia nt C)con spicuousB) con scie ntious D)en ergetic12.Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more _C _to light tha n are huma n eyes.A) glowing C) sensitive 敏感B) brilliant D)gloomy13 .While nu clear weap ons prese nt

    37、grave_D _ dan gers, the predom inant crisis of overpopulati on is with us toda y.A) i nevitable C)overwhelmi ngB) constant D) potential 潜在的14. This is the _ Bpiano on which thecomposer created some of his greatest works.A) trueB) original原始的最初的C) realD) genuine15. Comparison and contrast are often u

    38、sed A in advertiseme nts.A) intentionally有意的故意的B) pert inen tlyC) in cide ntallyD) tiresomely16. A complete investigation into the causes ofthe accide nt should lead to improved sta ndards and shouldA new operati ngprocedures.A) result in 导致B) match withC) subject toD) proceed with17. B popular beli

    39、ef that classicalmusic is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.A) Subject toB) Contrary to与相违背C) Familiar toD) Similar to18. The bond of true affection had pulledus-six very different men from six very differe nt coun tries-across An tarctica; we proved in the end that

    40、 we were nt very differe nt D.A) for allB) as usualC) in particularD) after all毕竟终究19. Though her pare ntsB her musicalability, Jerrilous piano playing is really terrible.A) pour scor n onB) heap praise upon 大加赞赏C) give vent toD) cast light upon20. Some children display an A curiosity about every ne

    41、w thi ngtheyencoun ter.A) incredible难以置信B) in fectiousC) in compatibleD) in accessible21. Bruce Stephen gripped the _C wheel hard as the car boun ced up and dow n.A) stirri ngB) driv ingC) steering 驾驶D) revolv ing22. Many of the scientists and engineers arejudged D how great theirachieveme nts are.A) in spite ofB) in ways ofC) in favor ofD) in terms of 就而言答案: DABDB CABDC DCDBA ABDBACD欢迎下载26

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