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    关 键  词:
    外研版八 年级 下册 英语 M6U2 教学 设计 课件 下载 _八年级下册_外研版(2024新)_英语_初中

    1、Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.Module 6 Hobbies目录contents课前预习课堂导学课课文文理理解解课课堂堂小小测测课课后后作作业业课前预习目录contents课前预习Listen attentively课课堂堂导导学学目录contents课堂导学Listen attentively1.Hobbies can make you grow as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills.爱好可以促使你成长,培养你的兴趣,并帮助你学习新技能。(

    2、1)make在此作使役动词,意为“使”,后面可以接省略to的动词不定式、形容词或名词作宾补。其常用结构如下:make sb.do sth.make sb.+adj.make sb.+n.His jokes made us all _.他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。laugh课堂导学Listen attentivelyListening to music can _.听音乐可以使我快乐。We make him _.我们选他当班长。(2)develop your interests培养你的兴趣。develop 表示“发展,形成,成长,提高”。如:This course can help you deve

    3、lop your speaking skills.这个课程能帮助你提高口语技能。Tom has developed into a strong leader.汤姆已长为一位强大的领导者。make me happyour monitor课堂导学Listen attentively2.During the summer of 2010,he spent four weeks at a summer camp.在2010年暑假期间,他在一个夏令营待了四周。I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team.我花费一些空

    4、余时间在校队练习打排球。spend money/time(on sth.(in)doing sth.JB)某人花时间/金钱(在某物做某事JB)(1)I spent 10 years_the book.我花了10 年时间在(写)这本书上。on/(in)writing课堂导学Listen attentively辨辨析析:spend,take,pay,cost 都表示“花费”,区别是:sb.spend+some time/money+on/(in)doing sth.It takes/took sb.+some time+to do sth.sb.pay+some money+for sth.sth

    5、.cost(sb.)+some money(2)The piano _May nearly$3,000.(3)My parents _half of their income for my hobby.(4)Joy _almost a week making the model plane.costpaidspent课堂导学Listen attentively(5)It _me half an hour to work out the problem.3.As well as the usual activities,除了常规的活动,还有as well as 表示“也,还,除以外还有;而且”,

    6、是并列连词,用来连接并列成分,后面接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一主语保持一致。如:The girl is lively as well as healthy.这个女孩健康又活泼。He _ his friends likes playing football.他和他的朋友们都喜欢踢足球。tookas well as课堂导学Listen attentively4.as a result,David has become a successful young writer.结果,戴维成为了一位成功的年轻作家。as a result意为“结果,后果”,与后面的句子以逗号

    7、隔开。注意:so表示“因此”,后面不用逗号隔开。这个女孩学习一直很努力,因此,她在期末考试的时候考了好成绩。The girl kept studying hard,and _,she got good marks in the final exam.=The girl kept studying hard,_she got good marks in the final exam.as a resultso课文理解目录contents课文理解Listen attentively一一、根根据据课课文文内内容容,完完成成下下列列思思维维导导图图,然然后后口口头头复复述述课课文文。writingad

    8、vantagesvolleyballfourstorysuccessfulpleasure success课文理解Listen attentively二二、请请认认真真阅阅读读课课本本Act.2短短文文,完完成成下下列列题题目目。()1.How long did David spend in the summer camp in 2010?A.One week.B.Two months.C.Four weeks.D.Two years.()2.When did Davids first book come out?A.In 2010.B.In 2011.C.In 2012.D.In 2013.

    9、()3.Davids first book is popular with_.A.young people B.adults C.the old D.young childrenCCA课文理解Listen attentively()4.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?A.He learned writing during a summer camp of 2000.B.David wrote a story about his life in senior high school.C.David

    10、 is interested in playing volleyball.D.Writing was his only hobby in his free time.()5.According to the passage,which is WRONG?A.Hobbies can make you grow as a person.B.Hobbies can help you make much money.C.Hobbies can develop your interests.D.Hobbies can help you learn new skills.CB课文理解Listen atte

    11、ntively三三、请请根根据据课课本本Act.2短短文文,完完成成下下列列短短文文填填空空。Many students have different hobbies,1._ reading and painting.Hobbies have many advantages to 2._ people.One of David Smiths hobbies is 3._.He joined a four-week summer camp in 2010.There was a writing class 4._ the usual activities.such asyoungwriting

    12、as well as课文理解Listen attentivelyThe teacher who was a 5._ encouraged him to write about their 6._at the camp.Back at school,David wrote a story about the life of a 7._boy and it came out 8._a book in 2012.It makes him a 9._young writer.David is also 10._ in playing volleyball as well as writing.writ

    13、erexperiencessixteen-year-old assuccessfulinterested课课堂堂小小测测目录contents4课堂小测Listen attentively一一、根根据据中中文文意意思思或或首首字字母母提提示示,用用单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。1.Which _(活动)do you like better,camping or swimming?2.Watching sports gave him great _(愉悦).3.He is a very nice p_to work with.4.Workers are learning a new s_.

    14、5.It takes hard work to achieve s_.activities pleasureersonkilluccess课堂小测Listen attentively二二、用用所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。1.Mr Green made his students _(write)down these words.2.One of my brothers hobbies is _(play)volleyball.3.The doctor advised his father _(stop)smoking,but he didnt listen to the adv

    15、ice.4.My mother always spends much time _(buy)clothes online.5.Ms.Wang often encourages her son _(try)something new in his daily life.writeplayingto stop buyingto try课堂小测Listen attentively三三、单单项项填填空空。()1.He has a lot of hobbies,_ singing,painting and playing football.A.for example B.such as C.look l

    16、ike D.as()2.She is a singer_ an actress.A.as well as B.so well C.as well D.as good()3.Jackie asked me_ anything.A.not touch B.not touched C.not touching D.not to touchBAD课堂小测Listen attentively()4.Since then,the young man_ another bad habit.A.has developed B.developed C.will develop D.develops()5.The

    17、re is something interesting in todays newspaper.It makes him_ very happy.A.feel B.to feel C.feels D.feltAA课堂小测Listen attentively四四、根根据据所所给给汉汉语语意意思思完完成成句句子子。1.The authors new book_(出版)just now.2._do you_(认为怎么样)the teenagers smoking?3.He can speak Spanish_(还有)English.4._(结果)there is often trouble in A

    18、merican families.5.Thanks for_(照顾)my little sister so well.came outWhatthink of as well asAs a resultlooking after课课后后作作业业目录contents5课后作业Listen attentively一一、单单项项填填空空。()1.Would you like to help me with my English?_.A.Never mind B.It doesnt matter C.With pleasure D.Dont mention it()2.Every day I spen

    19、d two hours_ my homework.A.finish doing B.finishing to do C.to finish to do D.finishing doingCD课后作业Listen attentively()3.Damings hobby is_ tickets.He has collected them for two years.A.collects B.collected C.will collect D.collecting()4.The boss makes him_ twelve hours a day.A.working B.work C.worke

    20、d D.works()5.Mr Green wrote a book.It_ last month.A.took out B.turned out C.came out D.went outDBC课后作业Listen attentively二二、句句型型转转换换,每每空空一一词词。1.Da Ming has known the real truth of the matter.(对画线部分提问)_ _ has known the real truth of the matter?2.When we get there,well call you at once.(改写同义句)Well call

    21、 you_ we arrive there.Which childas soon as课后作业Listen attentively3.Mary is taking care of her sisters at home.(改写同义句)Mary is_ her sisters at home.4.Did Rose do well in singing?(改写同义句)_ Rose_singing?5.My parents visited that old man twice a week.(对画线部分提问)_ _ did your parents_ that old man?looking aft

    22、er Wasgood atHow oftenvisit课后作业Listen attentively三三、根根据据所所给给汉汉语语意意思思完完成成句句子子。1.商店买很多东西,比如学习用品、食品和玩具。The shop is selling many things,_ school things,food and toys.2.他父母不在家,因此他不得不在家照顾小妹妹。His parents were out,so he has to_ his little sister at home.3.我们都想去上海,也想去北京。We all want to visit Beijing_ Shanghai

    23、.such aslook afteras well as 课后作业Listen attentively4.你的新书什么时候出版?When will your new book_?5.我弟弟10岁的时候对跳舞很感兴趣。My brother _ dancing at the age of e out was interested in课后作业Listen attentively四四、拓拓展展阅阅读读。Stephen Chow was born in Hong Kong in 1962 and grew up in Shanghai,along with three sisters.He is be

    24、st known for his comic(滑稽的)film roles.He showed an early interest in the martial arts(武术)star Bruce Lee.It is the special hobby that made him more and more successful all around China.After studying from high school in 1982,with the help of his friend,Chow could take night courses in an acting课后作业Li

    25、sten attentivelyschool in Hong Kong.The school was run(经营)by TVB,a local television station.He graduated in 1983 and was hired(被雇用)as a host of a childrens television program called 430 Space Shuttle.He was not very much fond of children.Later,he had a chance to play in the film Final Justice.In 198

    26、8,Stephen Chow won Best Supporting Actor for it at the 25th Annual(年度的)Taiwanese Film Awards.This led to a series of mostly comic film and television roles.In 1992,he won Best Actor of Asia Pacific Film课后作业Listen attentivelyFestival for the film Justice My Foot.He is famous for his comic and humorou

    27、s actions and words in film and they always make people laugh.A Chinese Odyssey,Shaolin Soccerand Kung Fuare the best among his films.课后作业Listen attentively()1.At Chows early age,he has a hobby at_.A.martial arts B.teaching C.running D.hosting()2.Chow was hired as a host at the age of_.A.eighteen B.

    28、twenty-five C.twenty-one D.twenty-six()3.Which is not Chows film?A.Shaolin Soccer.B.Kung Fu.C.A Chinese Odyssey.D.Star Bruce Lee.ACD课后作业Listen attentively()4.The underlined word“run”means_ in Chinese.A.奔跑 B.逃离 C.经营 D.运动()5.Whats the best title for this passage?A.Stephen Chows family.B.Stephen Chows hobbies.C.Stephen Chows story.D.Stephen Chows films.CC谢谢观看!

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