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    成人高考英语词汇大全实用DOC 13页 成人高考 英语词汇 大全 实用 DOC 13 下载 _各科综合_高中

    1、 即将做某事2. be about to do sth 能够做某事1. be able to do sth. 担当 4. act as根据、按照3. according to sth. 预先 6. in advance 合计达5. add up to 建议某人做某事7. advise sb. to do sth. 给某人提供某物8.afford sb sth. 害怕 10. be afraid of 买得起某物for sth. 钱 9. afford 再三地 12. again and again毕竟11. after all 13. once again 有时 14. now and aga

    2、in再一次 同意做某事 16. agree to do sth. 在几岁15. at the age of 。对意见一致 18. agree on sth同意某人意见17. agree with sb. 胜过,超过 20. get ahead 在之前;超过 19. ahead of 乘飞机 22. by air 针对 瞄准,21. aim at 到处 24. all over流传;不确定;23. in the air 不用谢 一点也不; 26. not at all 总计25. in all 。允许某人做某事 28. allow sb. to do sth首先 27. first of all

    3、 。生某人的气 30. be angry with sb连同一起, 29. along with 接电话 32. answer the telephone 相继地31. one after another 问题的答案34. the answer to the question回嘴,顶嘴33. answer back焦35. be anxious about sth. 道歉 36. apologize for sth. 虑 反对 38. argue against 议论某事37. argue about 抱 40. take sth. in ones arm 臂挽着臂39. arm in arm

    4、 42. arrive at/ in a place 在拐角处 41. around the corner ) 大地 小地,(到达 与不一样as 44. not as/so与一样as 43. as耻于 46. be ashamed of好像45. as if/ as though 。请某人给某物 48. ask sb. for sth请求47. ask for sth. 。因惊讶 50. be astonished in sth。请某人做某事49. ask sb. to do sth 努力;尝试52. make an attempt at/to/on sth. 。企图、试图做某事51. att

    5、empt to do sth注意53. pay attention to sth. 通常;按平均 54. on (an) average 基于 56. base on远离55. away from 睡觉58. go to bed 由于57. because of 不久以后 60. before long整理床铺59. make the bed 61. long before 请原谅 62. beg your pardon很早以前 首先 64. begin with 请求某人做某事63. beg sb to do sth 的起初 66. at the beginning of 开始做65. be

    6、gin/start doing sth. ) 介词 68. belong to (信仰67. believe in 属于 一切顺利 70. all the best 尽最大努力69. do ones best 最好做某事 72. had better do sth尽量利用;善用71. make the best of 有点儿 74. a bit of 小康73. better off 应受谴责75. be to blame 责备某人某事 76. blame sb for sth 两者都and 78. both向某人借某物77. borrow sth from sb 抛锚 出毛病, 80. br

    7、eak down 在底部79. at the bottom of 爆发81. break out 脱离;摆脱82. break away from 打断 闯入, 84. break into结束;解散 分裂83. break up 吃早饭 86. have breakfast 早饭时85. at breakfast 屏住气 87. hold ones breath 上气不接下气 88. out of breath 目瞪口呆;大为惊讶 90. take ones breath away歇息 89. take breath 迸发;突然起来 92. burst out白费口91. waste one

    8、s breath出差 on business 地点 94. go to 突然大哭 93. burst into tears 。忙于做某事 96. be busy with sth。忙于做某事95. be busy doing sth 乘 98. by bus/car/plane/train/ship/air 要不是 97. but for 请求 100. call for 不久以后; 99. by and by 来访 召来, 召集, 101. call in 。拜访 102. call on sb 镇定下来 104. calm down 召集;动员 103. call up 照料 106. t

    9、ake care of 喜欢105. care for 108. carry on 关心 担心,107. care about 继续,展开 以防;可能;倘若)句子 110. in case +(实现,执行109. carry out 赶上 112. catch up with 如果;万一 111. in case of着火 114. catch fire感冒113. catch a cold 。使得某人做某事116. cause sb. to do sth引起某人注意115. catch ones eye 确信 118. be certain of sth. 。集中精力做某事117. cent

    10、er on sth 。冒险做某事120. take a chance to do sth偶然119. by chance. 变为;使改变121. change into 负责 122. in charge of 做选择 124. make a choice 登记;)旅馆、飞机等123. check in/ out( 去看电影 126. go to the cinema 别无选择只能。125. no choice but 128. after class 上课127. have classes 课后 整理;完成;收拾 130. clear up彻底清理129. clear out 靠近 132.

    11、 be close to 下/爬上131. . climb up/down 上大学 134. go to college 感冒133. have a cold 下来 136. come down 回来 135. come back 进来 138. come in 来自 137. come from 出来,显露 140. come out 来吧。 快,139. come on 产生 形成, 142. come into being 实现141. come true B 比喻A把 144. compare A to B共识143.have sth in common 将连起来 146. conne

    12、ct with 与比较145. compare with 满意148.be content with 被看作147.be considered as 控制 150. in control 继续149. continue to do ) 屋里 (在拐角处 152. in the corner平静下来151. cool down 某人花钱买某物 钱 人 cost 物) 154. 街上 (在拐角处 153. at the corner 依靠 156. count on咳得厉害155. have a bad cough 指望;期待 当然 158. of course 几个;三两个 一对,157. a

    13、couple of 被覆盖 160. be covered with 在过程中159. in course of 急需;迫切需要 162. cry out for着迷的,狂热的161. be crazy about 对好奇 164. be curious about 大声抱怨 大声呼喊,163. cry out 插嘴 166. cut in 砍倒;减少 165. cut down 处于危险状态 168.in danger 剪除;切掉;放弃167. cut out 敢做某事 170.dare to do sth. 脱离危险169. out of danger 在黎明;破晓 172. at daw

    14、n过时的;废弃的171. out of date 日复一日 174. day after day 在白天 日间,173. by day 175. day and night ) 将来或过去(有一天176.one day 日日夜夜 前天178. the day before yesterday 后天 177. the day after tomorrow ) 不可数名词(大量的 180.a great (good) deal of 前一天179. the other day 订个协议 182. make a deal. 对付;应付 处理,181. deal with 决定某事 184. deci

    15、de on sth. 决定做某事183. decide to do sth. 做好事 186.do a good deed 作决定185.make a decision 187.in deed . 。引以为乐 188.delight in doing sth真正地 需求 190. in demand 。要求某人做某事189. demand sb. to do sth 视情形而定。 192. That depends. 依赖某人191. depend on sb. 渴望做某事 194. desire to do sth. 渴望得到 193. desire for sth. 献身于 196. de

    16、vote oneself to sth. 下决心做某事195.be determined to do sth 因某事而死)病以外 198. die from (因病死亡 197. die of 199. be different from 处于困境200. in difficulty 与不 方向 在 direction 202. in 由指挥201. under ones direction 分成 205. divide into做/某事/。不同意某人disagree with /on/to do sth203. 在远处:远方 204. in the distance 做清洁工作 207. d

    17、o some cleaning除206. divided by 购物 209. do some shopping 做饭208. do some cooking 做作业 211.do ones homework 在干得好210. do well in 需要 213.could do with 无关/与有关212. have sth/nothing to do with 怀疑 215. doubt about 必定;无疑 214. without doubt 顺着 217. go down 写下某事216. have sth. down 草拟;写 219. draw up许多218. dozens

    18、 of 梦想 221. dream of 梦见 220. dreamt about 223. due to sth把气疯了222.drive someone mad 应归于 。由于, 值班 225.on duty 欠的;应给的224. due to sb. 渴望做 227. be eager to do sth. 相互 彼此,226 each other 渴望得到228. be eager for sth. 以东 229. to the east of 容易做起来难 说起来 231. easier said than done别着急,放松230. take it easy. 收回前言;认错 2

    19、33. eat ones words吃光232. eat up 235. in effect在的边缘234. at the edge of 实际上 或者或者 or 237. either尽力做236. made an effort to do sth. 终于 最后, 239.in the end 。鼓励某人做某事238. encourage sb. to do sth 用英语 241. in English 的尽头 在 240. at the end of sth. 喜爱做某事 243. enjoy doing sth. 过得快乐 242. enjoy oneself 与相等 245. equ

    20、al to/with sth. 进入244.enter into 246. escape from 纵然 即使, 247. even if/though 避免 逃离, 永远 249. for ever 从那时一直到现在248. ever since 以前 251. ever before 时时250. ever and again 例如 253. for example 参加考试252. take/have an exam 。请原谅。 255. Please excuse me树立榜样 。为254. set an example for sb 期待做 257. expect to do sth

    21、. 原谅某人某事256.excuse sb. for sth. 258. experiment on sth. 做实验 259. conduct experiment 对进行实验 面对面 261.face to face 给出理由 讲解,说明260. explain oneself 不顾;面对 263.in the face of向做鬼脸262.make a face at sb. 事实上 264. as a matter of fact 实际上265. in fact 入睡 267. fall asleep 未能做某事266.fail to do sth. 爱上 269. fall in l

    22、ove with sb. 患病268. fall ill /sick 倒下 271.fall down 落在的后面 270. fall behind 物某人熟悉某事物 be familiar with 人 be familiar to 物 273. 陷入 272. fall into 到目前为止 275. so far 以而闻名274. be famous for sth. 远离 277. far from 遥远276. far away 。到目前为止,一切都还不错 so good, 279.So far尽;就;至于278. as far as 帮某人个忙 281. do sb. a favo

    23、r 赞成;支持280. in favor of 感觉自在 283. feel at home 觉得想做282. feel like doing sth. 发烧285. have a fever 不好/感觉良好284. feel good/bad 在领域 287. in the field of几个 一些,286. a few 为而战 289. fight for 反对 288. fight against 算出;了解 291. figure out奋斗前进 290. fight ones way 用装满 293. be filled up with填写 292. fill in ;)真相(查出

    24、 找出;294. find out 找到出路 295. find a way out 了解 放火 297.set on fire 完成某事296. finish doing sth. 赴汤蹈火 299. would go through fire and water玩火;冒险298. play with fire 首先 301. first of all 开始的时候300. at first 适合,303. be fit for 去钓鱼302. go fishing 胜任第二)英(第一层)美306.on the first floor(乘机旅行愉快 305. have a good fligh

    25、t保持健康304. keep fit. 如下 307. as follows层 跟随308. follow after 喜爱309.be fond of 游手好闲310. fool about 步行311. on foot 在的脚下312. at the foot of 强迫 314. force sb. to do sth. 禁止313. forbid sb. to do sth. )forget doing sth. (还没做315. . forget to do sth. ( 忘记做某事)已做完 失态;忘形 317. forget oneself 不放在心上 算了吧。316. forge

    26、t it. 以形式319. in the form of 不念旧恶318. forgive and forget 养成的习惯320. form a habit of 释放 322. set free 期待,盼望321. look forward to sth. 免费 324. free of charge 免于;不受323. be free from 交朋友 326. make friends 免税区325. free zone 到 从to 328. from那时起/从现在327. from now/then on (从另一方面329. from another point of view)

    27、看,说 挨家挨户地 330. . from door to door 有时 332. . from time to time 世世代代331. from generation to generation ) 包含(的前方 在) 334. in the front of 分离 (的前面 在 333. in front of 335. be full of 饱了 336. full up充满的 取笑某人 338. make fun of sb. 完全地;全部地337. in full 集合在一起 340. gather together往后 将来, 未来,339. in the future 一般

    28、地;大体上;通常 342.in general的概括情况341.general idea of 343. get along 逃脱 离开, 344.get away 和睦相处 进展, 下车 降下,346. get down 返回 取回,345. get back 下车; 348. get off 收集 进入,347. get in 脱下 与某人相处 350. get on with sb. 上车349. 349. get on 聚会 352. get together 接通电话 通过;351. get through 做好准备 354. get ready for 起床353. get up

    29、分发 356. give out 归还355. give back 散发 358. give off 放弃357. give up 瞥一眼 360. have a glance at sth. 投降 屈服,359. give in ) 地点(经过 过去;)时间 362. go by (回去361. go back 363.gofishing/skating/swimming/shopping 购物/ 游泳/滑冰/去钓鱼 继续 365. go on 出去散步364. go for a walk 继续自己的工作 367. go on with ones work 继续做某事366. go on d

    30、oing sth. 复习, 369. go over 熄灭) 灯,火368. go out ( 检查 善于 372. be good at sth. 上学 371.go to school 睡觉370. go to bed 无用)。 374. no good (doing sth对人有益)健康或行为373.do sb. good(一层楼 376. ground floor 毕业于 375. graduate from ) 英 由而来 378. grow out of成长377. grow up 。有的习惯 380. have a habit of doing sth长成379. grow in

    31、to 交纳 上交, 382. hand in 半小时381. half an hour 手拉着手地 384. hand in hand分发383. hand out 一方面385. on the one hand 另一方面 386.on the other hand 别挂断 388. hang on 移交;让与387. hand over 碰巧)某事件(发生 390.happen to挂断电话389. hang up 形391.hard( 努力工作) 副 392. work hard(辛苦的工作) work 憎恨做)做完了)/hate doing sth. (没做过393. hate to d

    32、o sth. ( 穿着 395.have sth. on 不得不394. have got to 感冒 397. have a cold 不得不396. have to 运动 399. have sports 吃午饭398. have lunch 上课 401. have lessons 开会400. have a meeting 别(。最好402.had better (not) do sth 做) 往去) 地点 404.head for (动脑筋403.use ones head 收到的来信 406.hear from 头痛405.have a headache 记住某事 408.lear

    33、n/know sth. by heart听说407. hear of 心脏病 410.heart disease . 心脏病发作409.heart attack . 向问好 412.say hello to sb. 高度是411.at a height of 帮助某人某事 414. help sb. with sth. 随便吃413. help oneself to sth. 促进 。情不自禁,415.couldnt(cant) help doing sth有助于, 416. help to忍不住 到处 418.here and there 帮助某人做某事417. help sb. do st

    34、h. 抑制 阻止; 420. hold back 坚持 等等,别挂电话;419.hold on 举起 421. hold up 在度假 422. on holiday 回家424. go home 在家里423.at home ) 距离 (多远 426.how far 为祝贺 向表示敬意,425. in honor of多久427.how long ) 可数(多少) 428. how many 时间( ?为何 431. How come几岁)430. how old 不可数(多少429. how much (怎麽样432.how about 成百上千) 433.hundreds of 建议性

    35、渴望得到 435.be hungry for sth. 渴望;欲望434. hunger for sth. 匆忙地 437. in a hurry 赶快436. hurry up 代替, 439.instead of 坚持做438.insist on doing sth. 而不是 对感兴趣 441. be interested in sth. 名胜440.a place of interest B 介绍给A将 443. introduce A to B 利率442. interest rate 。邀请某人做某事444. invite sb. to do sth场合,地点445. invite

    36、sb. to ( 交通堵塞 446. a traffic jam 邀请) 连接起来) 448. join up 组织(参加447. join in 一跃而起 450.jump to ones feet 。开了某人一个玩笑449.play a joke on sb刚才,451. just now 正在那时 452.just then 不久前 避开;不接近 454.keep off 继续做某事453. keep on doing sth. 保守秘密456. keep a secret 跟上;不落后;455. keep up with 保持联络 458. keep in touch . 远离 457

    37、. keep away from 解答;答案 460. a key to sth. 紧记459.keep in mind 的键 462.a key of sth. 的钥匙 461.a key for sth. 各种各样的464. all kinds of 一种,一类463. a kind of 465. kind of ) 窗 门, (敲 466. knock at 有点儿,有几分 了解 468.know about sth. 撞在某人身上467. knock into sb. 缺乏 470.lack of 以而闻名469.be known for sth. 471.at large 最后,终

    38、于 472. at last 逍遥法外的 嘲笑,漠视 474. laugh at 迟到473. be late for (school) 导致;通向 476.lead to 布置;安排,陈列475. lay out 得知;获悉 478.learn of/about 团员477.league member 479.learn ones lesson 记住 480.learn by heart . 接受教训 ) 技能(学习 482. learn to do sth. 向学习481.learn from sb. 乱扔,乱放 484. leave about(around) 至少483. at lea

    39、st 到。去,出发前往 486. leave for 留下,遗留,超过485. leave behind 在左边 488. on the left 留下487. leave over 少于,不到 490.less than 把借给489. lend sth to sb. 491. do ones lessons 上课 492. have lessons 做功课 让进来 494. let in 给教训493. teach sb. a lesson 生活水平 496.level of living 放出,发出;泄露495. let out 取决于,依赖,压迫497. lie on 过着幸福生活49

    40、8.live a happy life 传记 500.life story充满活力499. full of life 点火,点燃 502.light up让搭便车501. give sb. a lift 504.feel like像503. be like 想要 排成行,排成列 506.line up似乎,好像505. look like 一点儿;少量) 508. a little 讲话(听507. listen to 渐渐509.little by little 靠生活 510. live on 高水准的生活 512. high standards of living谋生511. make

    41、a living 不久以后,很快 514.before long 起居室513.living-room 516.long before 很久以前515. long ago 很久以前 不再any longer 518.not 不再517. no longer 照料 520. look after 渴望519.long for sth. 看;观看521.look at 寻找 522. look for 查寻)参考书中在字典 524.look up (当心,小心523 .look out 看一看 526.take a look 看一看525. have a look 许多,大量 528.a lot

    42、of =lots of 盼望527.look forward to 欣喜若狂 530.be mad with joy 吃午饭529. have lunch 主修;专业 532. major in 对痴迷530.531.be mad about sth. 停车534. park the car主旨533.major idea 兼任,部分时间 536. part time参加535.take part in 党员 538.Party member 尤其,特别537.in particular 539.a political party 双方 540.both parties 政党 去世;死 542

    43、.pass away经过541.pass by 经过,通过 544.pass through 传递543. pass on时间545.in the past( 付钱;付出代价 546.pay for 过去;) 去参观,拜访) 548.pay a visit to债务(偿清547. pay off 举行仪式 550.perform a ceremony注意549.pay attention to 。劝说 552.persuade sb.to do sth。允许551.permit sb. to do sth 选出,挑出 554. pick out 照相553. take photos 提取,搭便

    44、车556.pick-up拾起 555. pick up 野餐 558.have a picnic 弹钢琴557. play the piano ) 片,块(一张 560.a piece of 。给照相559.take a picture of sb一大堆 562.piles of 累积561.pile up 少先队员 564.the Young Pioneers 挤入,进入563. pile into !多遗憾啊! 566.What a pity。怜悯某人565.pity for sb 发生 568. take place 代替某人职务567.take ones place 让位 570.give place to代替;接替569.take the place of 。计划做某事 572. plan to do sth在适当的位置571.in place 。起作用 574.play a part in sth。开某人玩笑573.play a joke on sb玩火575.play with fire . 不客气 576. My pleasure. 指出)5

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