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    浙江省 联谊 学校 2023 届高三 联考 英语 试卷 答案 下载 _模拟试题_高考专区_英语_高中

    1、2023年4月稽阳联谊学校高三联考英语试题卷本试题卷分笫I卷(选择题)和笫II卷(非选择题)笫1卷1至8页,第II卷9至10页。满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。第1卷注意事项:1.答笫 I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.

    2、5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is unavailable in the restaurant now?A.Coke.B.Milkshake.2.What did the woman do last night?A.She organized a party.B.She attended a gathering.C.She picked up her friend.3.What is the weather l

    3、ike today?A.Rainy.B.Windy.4.How will the man pay?A.By phone.B.By credit card.5.Why did the man go to the museum?A.To see an exhibition.B.To keep an appointment.C.To donate an ancient knife.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)C.Cheeseburger.C.Sunny.C.By cash.听下面5段对话或独白。钳段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最

    4、佳选项,井标在试卷的相应位甡。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间英语试题卷第1页(共10页),飞i F2023 年 4 月稽阳联谊学校高三联考英语参考答案第第一一部部分分:听听力力(共共两两节节,每每小小题题 1.5 分分,满满分分 30 分分)15 BBCAC610 ABACB1115 CACBC1620 BAACB第第二二部部分分:阅阅读读理理解解(共两节)第一节:每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分21-23 CBA24-27 CADD28-31 DADC32-35 BBDB第二节:每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分36-40 DEAFC第第三三部部分分:语语言言运运用用(共两

    5、节)第一节:完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)41-45 DBABC46-50 CDCAB51-55 ABCDC第二节:语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)56.terms57.are woken58.extremely59.busiest60.reaching61.which62.an63.bitten64.to65.themselves第第四四部部分分:写写作作第第一一节节:应应用用文文参参考考范范文文(满分 15 分)Dear fellow students,With the approach of the Asian Games,The

    6、 National Fitness Program is proceeding with full vigor(正在如火如荼地进行).Here,on behalf of the Student Union,I strongly advocate that every student should take an activepart in it.Initially,working out for one hour every day tops the list of my recommendation,during which time you canjog,walk or swim.Besi

    7、des,it is also advisable to grasp/develop a sport skill,such as playing table tennis andbasketball.You are also supposed to join a sport club in our school,where not only can you make more friends butalso sharpen your excellent skills.Lets work out and keep moving.You can build up your body,strength

    8、en your willpower and fully appreciatethe unique charm of sports.After all,the greatest wealth is health.The Student Union第第二二节节:读读后后续续写写参参考考范范文文(满分 25 分)Paragraph 1:What should have been a joyful moment was actually terrifying.In a split of second,our kayak waslifted out of the water about six feet

    9、 by the massive jaws.Liz and I slipped out of the kayak into the whalesmouth.My body was engulfed except for my right arm and paddle.So was Liz.As the whales mouth closed,Liz thrust her arm up to block it from crushing her.Feeling the creature begin to dive,I had to do everythingpossible to stop it.

    10、Suddenly,the paddle beside caught my eyes.Without hesitation,I seized the paddle,raised it to keep its mouth open.After a deep breath,I caught Liz by the arm and jumped out into the water.Paragraph 2:Meanwhile,a kayaker paddled over.Upon getting close to us,he immediately stretched out his paddle,pu

    11、lled us out of water and into his kayak,heading to the beach.It was until that moment that I recoveredfrom the terror.Never was I so much more aware of the power of nature and the ocean than I was before.Lizwas shaken up,likening the horrific experience to a near-death one,and she said her whale-wat

    12、ching dayswere over.But even she had to laugh when she got home that afternoon and realized shed brought back asouvenir.When she pulled off her shirt,six silverfish flopped out.答答案案详详解解第第一一部部分分:听听力力(共共两两节节,满满分分 30 分分)Text 1 饭饭店店点点餐餐W:Id like a double cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake please.M:I

    13、m sorry.Our milkshake machine is broken.How about a Coke instead?W:OK.And please give me a large order of fries.Text 2 和和朋朋友友聚聚会会M:You were well dressed last night.Did you go to a party?W:No.I met some new people last week and we had a small gathering last night.You know,its important todress proper

    14、ly when meeting with some new friends.Text 3 天天气气晴晴朗朗M:I cant believe the weather is so perfect for your wedding.The sun is shining.W:Yes.I couldnt have asked for more.I was worried at first because the forecast said there would bethunderstorms and strong winds today.Text 4 支支付付方方式式W:Hello,sir.Did y

    15、ou find everything you need?M:Sure.Im just worried I dont have enough cash to pay for them.W:No worries.We accept credit cards,and you can also pay with apps.M:Oh,cool,I have my phone here.Text 5 向向博博物物馆馆捐捐赠赠物物品品W:I heard you and Jenny went to the museum yesterday.M:Yes.Jenny went there to see exhib

    16、itions,but I didnt.I found an ancient knife in a lake and I wanted toknow if theyd be interested.W:Were they?M:Yes.Ive already donated it to them.Text 6 偶偶遇遇W:Hi Tim!Ive been wondering when Id run into you.Have you been here long?M:(6)I arrived here on Friday.How about you?W:(6)I got here one day ea

    17、rlier than you.M:But we dont have to be here till Sunday.W:Yes,I know,but I want to get my things moved into my room,and just take a look around.So,did you decideto major in English?M:No,(7)I changed my mind and opted for history instead.And youre doing biology if I remember correctly.W:Yes,although

    18、 I couldnt decide between that and geography to start with.What will Tim major in?Text 7 下下载载 Podcast 软软件件W:Honey,what did you do on the computer just now?M:I downloaded a really interesting podcast about history.W:Really?Do you think Jennifer would find it useful for her exams?M:(9)Im not sure if i

    19、t covers the subjects shes studying,but the presenter is that guy on TV she loves,so thatmight interest her.W:Does it cost anything?M:You can download the podcast for nothing.Theres a course she offers that you need to pay for.However,ifthe topic is different,she might not have interest in it.W:Your

    20、e right.(10)Lets see what she thinks of the podcast first.She will be back from school soon.Text 8 为为足足球球运运动动员员设设计计足足球球鞋鞋M:What are you doing,Lili?W:Im painting a pair of soccer shoes.M:It looks interesting.Why did you begin to do that?W:(11)One day when I was watching my favorite football player Li

    21、onel Messi play in a game,I thoughtwhy not make a special pair of shoes for him?So I began to work.M:Did Messi love the shoes?W:Yes.(12)The shoes had lovely details with black and white images of the soccer player and his family.Ireceived a photo of him holding the shoes.I was very happy and decided

    22、 to work on more shoes.M:Have you sent any shoes to other famous football players?W:Yes.My colorful designs drew attention from other players and they wanted my artworks.M:So do you love doing that?W:Sure.(13)Football is something that I always like as well as art.Im glad I found a way to connect th

    23、etwo things.Text 9 采采访访有有发发明明成成果果的的青青少少年年W:Good evening,Vivek.Welcome to join us tonight.First,can you tell us something about yourself?M:Sure.My name is Vivek Sandrapaty.Im 17 years old.Im a senior at West Port High School.I love science.W:Recently you won an award at the Regeneron International Sc

    24、ience Fair in Atlanta.Congratulations!M:Thanks.W:So what place were you awarded at the fair?M:(14)I didnt win the top three awards,but I was still very happy about the result.(15)Altogether 1,750students from around the world participated in the fair and I was among the top four.W:Its really a big s

    25、cience fair.Could you tell us how you won the award?M:(16)I invented a system that sends a signal to emergency services when an injury occurs.You knowsometimes when one gets injured,he may be unable to call for help.W:Exactly.Im sure your invention can help save lives.I hope your story will inspire

    26、more people of your age towork on scientific projects.M:I hope so.W:(17)Well,thats all for tonights program.Thank you for your time.M:The honor is all mine.Text 10 新新学学期期讲讲话话M:(18)Good morning,everyone,and welcome to a new school term.We have an exciting time ahead for bothstaff and students.Next we

    27、ek we will be welcoming our new first-year students,and I hope that you will all makethem feel welcome and help them settle in.Now,I want to remind everyone that our school will be having agovernment safety check this Friday.The officials are due to arrive before morning meeting and will spend thefi

    28、rst couple of hours checking the electrical system.Then,they will move on to checking the fire alarms and thesafety doors,which could mean they will be coming into your classrooms.(19)During an earlier visit,an officialpointed out a safety issue with the surface of our football field.It has now been

    29、 closed until changes havebeen made.However,football can still be played in the schoolyard.Depending on the results of the examination,there may have to be more changes.(20)To discuss this topic,our school will close on Friday afternoon for aspecial staff meeting.Thats all for today.Thank you.第第二二部部

    30、分分:阅阅读读理理解解(共共两两节节,满满分分 50 分分)第第一一节节(共共 15 个个小小题题;每每小小题题 2.5 分分,满满分分 37.5 分分)A本文主题为“人与自然”,主要介绍了几种适合家养的植物。21.C 事实细节题。根据第二段第三行“It grows in spaces with low sunlight,,has visual appeal and cleans theair”,第四段的第二行“They clean the air and look beautiful”可知这两种植物都具有净化空气的功能。故C 为正确选项。22.B 事实细节题。根据第三段的第二行“.and s

    31、pecially has anti-inflammatory effects when used as a medicinefor skin.”,可知 Lavendar 和其他植物不一样的特殊之处在于它的抗菌消炎作用。故 B 为正确选项。23.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句话“It has properties that help to relieve stress and anxiety,andeating it can clear your mind.”可知 Basil 可以食用,因而可能出现在厨师的菜单中。故 A 为正确选项。B本文主题为“人与社会”,主要介绍了 Meir Kal

    32、manson 想到了在“超级碗”非官方节日的时候无家可归的人也应该来享受这个节日,从而邀请他们一起看比赛,并最终把这一慈善行为扩大,帮到更多的人的故事。24.C 推理判断题。根据第一段第三行“Meir Kalmanson thought the homeless people,too,should get tocelebrate the big day.”,可知 Meir Kalmanson 想到了这些无家可归的人呢也应该庆祝节日,故 C 为正确选项。25.A 推理判断题。第三段第一行“when friends and YouTube fans asked about the next par

    33、ty,”。可知Kalmanson 意识到上次的邀请行为已经对周边的人产生了一定的影响,此外再根据这一段的第二行“Sobegan the charitable organization Super Soul Parties.”可知他开始创设了类似名称的慈善组织,因此这项活动已经呈现出它特有的生命力,故正确选项为 A。26.D 推理判断题。从整篇文章的故事情节中我们可以看出 Kalmanson 乐于帮助无家可归的人,在让他们有同样的权利去享受节日,感受平等因此他具有同情心。同时根据第三段最后一句话“Kalmansons next goalis to spread the celebrations

    34、to every state”可知他想把这项慈善扩展到所有的州,因此他也具有抱负,因此D 为正确选项。27.D 主旨大意题。从文章第一段“as he headed to a Super Bowl party at a New York City club a friend owned,he invited six homeless men he met on the streets to join him”和文章第三段“And so began the charitableorganization Super Soul Parties.Kalmanson worked with volunte

    35、ers and homeless shelters in cities to organizethe gatherings and transport guests on game day.”以及文章的最后一段“The parties have evolved from that firstone.”可以得出文章主旨就是Kalmanson如何在Super Bowl Sunday这一天帮助无家可归者享受节日进而对他们的生活产生了重大的影响。因此 D 项正确。C本文主题为“人与社会”,主要介绍了有研究表明老年人白天小睡时间过长会增加患上阿尔兹海默症的风险。与此同时随着年纪的增大,阿尔兹海默症也同样

    36、会让老年人白天嗜睡时间变长。28.D 细节查找题。根据第一段最后一句“too much daytime napping predicts an increased future risk ofAlzheimers,and Alzheimers speeds up the increase in daytime napping during aging”,白天小睡时间过长和阿尔兹海默症之间的关系不是因果关系,而是相互之间存在风险增加的问题。因此 D 为正确选项。29.A 细节理解题。根据第三段我们不难发现先前的研究都是只有一个参与者,并且只追踪研究了一次而已,但是这次的研究描述是“In the

    37、new study,more individuals,with an average age of 81,were involved.”因此说明这次新的研究的样本量更大。因此 A 为正确选项。B 选项中说这次研究指追踪记录了白天小睡时间,而文中第二段末提到“not only nighttime sleep but also daytime sleep for tracking the health of older adults.”,故 B 不对。C 选项中说研究主要是采用问卷调查,而这个方法文中提到是先前的研究采用的方法,也不对、D 中和原文倒数第二段有一句“the participants

    38、 studied are older,and therefore,the findings may not be easilytranslated to younger people.”是相反的,故 D 不对。30.D 细节查找题。根据文章最后一段“We hope to draw more attention to daytime sleep patterns,”说明未来研究人员对于白天睡觉模式是比较有兴趣的,但 A 选项中说是夜晚睡眠模式,因此 A 不对。B 和 C 未在文中明显提及,故不对。通过文章第五段“In addition,future studies should test whe

    39、ther a direct intervention indaytime napping can lower the risk of Alzheimers or cognitive decline.”说明研究人员未来感兴趣的应该是对白天睡眠的干预效果能否带来对阿尔兹海默症的影响。故 D 正确。31.C 主旨大意题。关于本文的标题选择,那从文章的主旨大意出发,从文章的开头第一段到文章的段中第四段,多次提出关于白天嗜睡与阿尔茨海默症的密切关系,因此 C 项正确。D本文主题为“人与自然”,主要介绍了在虎鲨的协助下,科学家近日在巴哈马发现了世界上最大的海草床生态系,这个海草床能吸收和储存大量碳,在缓解

    40、气候危机中扮演着重要角色。32.B 细节查找题。根据文章第一段“thanks to the assistance of tiger sharks”和第二段“In this study,tigersharks were selected as research tools due to their highly consistent associations with seagrass ecosystems.”得知,科学家利用虎鲨发现了海草床,因此选择 B 项。33.B 细节查找题。根据文章第三段“Seagrass can capture(捕获)huge quantities of carbon

    41、 by photosynthesis(光合作用)and stores it on the seafloor.”这一句就明显凸显出了海草床在气候改变领域所起到的作用。因此选择B 项。但是 A 和 C 文章未提及和原文不符,故错误。而 D 虽在文章第一段有提到,但与题目提问不服,因此不对。34.D 主旨大意题。通过文章第一段“a huge seagrass meadow in the Bahamas Banks has been discovered,offering the world a tool to fight climate change.”和最后一段“These meadows can

    42、 be protected and can becopied,offering hope for climate change around the globe.”都提到了海草床在缓解气候危机中的作用角色,故 D 正确。35.B 态度观点题。从文章第四段“This new discovery offers optimism and proves the importance of the oceanfor healing.”和文章第五段“These meadows can be protected and can be copied,offering hope for climatechang

    43、e around the globe.”可以得出作者对于海草床的发现表现出了积极乐观的态度。因此 B 项正确。第第二二节节 七七选选五五(共共 5 小小题题;每每题题 2.5 分分,满满分分 12.5 分分)主题语境:人与自我,如何在数码产品上瘾之前养成良好习惯。本文介绍了在数码产品上瘾之前采取方法,平衡现实生活与虚拟生活的方法。36.D 考查承上启下。前一句提到在过去的好多年,我们应对数码产品潜在危害的方法是在上瘾之后进行脱瘾治疗。后一句又说下面是三种保持生活平衡的方法,因此空格处应该填入:解决数码上瘾的唯一方法是在事前采取积极的措施,故正确选项为 D。37.E 考查细节支撑。本段的小标题为

    44、:确定你觉得有问题的时间。空格之前都是在列举可能会存在问题的时间或情况,E 项:或者由于花太多的时间在网购上而没有了工作效率 与前文属于同一话题,都在列举过多使用数码产品的潜在危害,故正确答案为 E.38.A 考查主旨大意。该空格为小标题,且整个段落都是在陈述确定痛点之后,接下来就要问问自己,你真正渴望的是什么。因此,小标题应为:确定你真正的渴望,故 A 为正确选项。39.F 考查对主旨的把握和上下文的衔接。本部分小标题为尝试一个替代品,后句为:找到让你感觉良好的事是很关键的,以及后面列举的事例,都说明,本空格应填入:通过其他事情来满足你的这些需求(这些需求承接上一段你真正的渴望)而不是屏幕时

    45、间,故正确选项为 F40.C 考查对整个段落的逻辑把握。本段话题为:试图寻找电子产品的替代品,上文列举了许多寻找替代品的方法,本空应为寻找替代品之后所会达到的效果:很快这些替代品就会让你感到更加满足(与数码产品相比),故正确选项为:C第第三三部部分分:语语言言运运用用(共共两两节节,满满分分 45 分分)第第一一节节 完完形形填填空空(共共 15 个个小小题题,每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)主题语境:人与社会,通过帮助他人脱困从而达到自我内心的成长。本文讲述了作者通过帮助好友戒酒,邀请好友去他家过圣诞,受到家人的真诚欢迎的故事。作者也在帮助好友的过程中,明白了自己拥有一个温暖的

    46、家庭,从而更加珍惜自己的生活。41.D 本文属于倒叙,第一段通过回忆当年的情景,明白了那一个晚上,改变了我们两人的生活,故答案为 D changed42.B 作者的好友当初处于困境,酗酒,争吵,且通过保持沉默把自己与别人隔离开,表明了朋友有点孤僻的性格。故答案为 B separating43.A 看到朋友的这种状态,我非常想要帮他脱困,所以觉得是时候跟他好好交流一下了,B.investigation调查;C.exploration 探索;D.promotion 促进,均与文意不符。故答案为 A:communication.44.B“我”告诉朋友,应该戒酒,因此“我”试图拿走他的酒,A.put

    47、up 意为:举起,张贴,留宿;B.takeaway 拿走;C.break out 爆发;D.call off 取消。根据句意,正确选项为 B。45.C 根据第二段第一句话作者的回忆:那天晚上“我”与“我”最好的朋友拳脚相向可知那天他们是打起来了,因此正确答案为 C fighting.46.C 我原以为,酗酒是他的问题所在,酗酒:alcohol abuse 故正确选项为 C:滥用47.D 但后来“我”发现他只是利用酒精来帮他度过艰难时光。carry oneself through:帮助渡过难关,故D 为正确选项。48.C 在那个圣诞节,我给了他一份礼物,连我自己都不知道我拥有这份礼物。由最后一段

    48、可知,那年圣诞节“我”和“我”的好友都收到了一份礼物,而好友收到的礼物就是一个可以渡过圣诞节的温暖的家,此空格与后文照应,故正确选项为 C gift.49.A.“我”邀请好友回家过圣诞,由后文可知,“我”的家人非常热情好客,因此我的父母亲非常开心地为我们准备一切,故正确选项为 Ahappily.50.B 由后文的转折可知,我们到家时父母并不在现场,且妈妈给我们留了一张字条,因此可以推断,父母已经入睡,故正确选项为 B51.A“我”家以慷慨而为人所知,故正确选项为 A52.B 好友受到温暖的对待之后崩溃哭泣。就在此时,我才意识到自己过去把父母的爱当成是理所当然。故正确选项为 B。53.C 我们两

    49、人都收到了我们一生都会珍惜的礼物,故正确选项为 C54.D“我”得到的礼物是对人生的一种新的视角,新的见解。本题考查熟词新意,eye 的含义为视角,故正确选项为 D。55.C 句意:如果那天“我”没有与好友分享我的家,我就不会意识到我有多幸运。故正确选项为 C。第第二二节节 语语法法填填空空(10 个个小小题题;每每小小题题 1.5 分分,满满分分 15 分分)主题语境:人与自然。本文介绍了中国的二十四节气中的惊蛰,讲述了惊蛰相关的常见民俗,如春耕,祭祀白虎。36.terms 考查名词 term 的复数形式;57.are woken 形成谓语动词的时态和语态,同时考查 wake 的变形;58.

    50、extremely 考查副词用法,修饰后面的 important;59.busiest 考查形容词的最高级形式,前面有 the 修饰;60.reaching 考查 with 后面跟的非谓语动词;61.which 考查非限制性定语从句的关系词;62.an考查冠词63.bitten 考查非谓语动词做定语;64.to 考查 offerto 的介词搭配;65.themselves 考查代词。第第四四部部分分:写写作作第第一一节节:应应用用文文参参考考范范文文(满分 15 分)Dear fellow students,With the approach of the Asian Games,The Na

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