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    关 键  词:
    赵永建全 新版 大学 英语 第二 综合 教程 Unit2 课件

    1、UNITTWOwwwCivil-RightsHeroeswTHE FREEDOM GIVERSPreparations1.Use your own words to explain the word“hero”?2.Who is your hero in your mind?3.What are the qualities to be a good hero?w Pre-reading Tasks)w Global-reading Tasksw While-reading Tasksw After-reading TasksText A THE FREEDOM GIVERSw Question

    2、s1.Whats the freedom?Do you enjoy it in this society?2.In your opinion,is a complete freedom a right thing?Read the introductory part of the text and think about the following questions.In 2004 a center in honor of the“underground railroad”opens in Cincinnati.The railroad was unusual.It sold no tick

    3、ets and had no trains.Yet it carried thousands of passengers to the destination of their dreams.Pre-reading tasks Questionsw 1.What is an underground railroad in the normal sense?w 2.What is this underground railroad special for?w 3.Can you imagine what this railroad was built for?w 4.What probably

    4、are the dreams of the passengers?w 5.What is the conductor of the Underground Railroad?w 6.What is the station of the Underground Railroad?w 7.What are the passengers of the Underground Railroad?w Map Readingw Read the following three maps and answer the following questions.w Map ReadingComing Soon!

    5、Warm-up Timeline of Slaveryw 1619-Slaves in VirginiaAfricans brought to Jamestown are the first slaves imported into Britains North American colonies.w 1705-Slaves as PropertyDescribing slaves as real estate,Virginia lawmakers allow owners to bequeath their slaves.The same law allowed masters to“kil

    6、l and destroy”runaways.w 1775-American Revolution BeginsBattles at the Massachusetts towns of Lexington and Concord on April 19 spark the war for American independence from Britain.w 1776-Declaration of IndependenceThe Continental Congress asserts“that these United Colonies are,and of Right ought to

    7、 be Free and Independent States”.w 1783-American Revolution EndsBritain and the infant United States sign the Peace of Paris treaty.w 1808-United States Bans Slave TradeImporting African slaves is outlawed,but smuggling continues.w 1860-Abraham Lincoln ElectedAbraham Lincoln of Illinois becomes the

    8、first Republican to win the United States Presidency.w 18611865-United States Civil WarFour years of brutal conflict claim 623,000 lives.w 1863-Emancipation ProclamationPresident Abraham Lincoln decrees that all slaves in Rebel territory are free on January 1,1863.w 1865-Slavery AbolishedThe 13th Am

    9、endment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery.Cultural NotesThe Underground Railroad was not underground.Because escaping slaves and the people who helped them were technically breaking the law,they had to stay out of sight.They went“underground”in terms of concealing their actions.Somet

    10、imes they even hid in unusual placesw Many clever and creative ideas helped slaves during their escape.When abolitionist(废奴主义者)John Fairfield needed to sneak(偷偷摸摸地进行)28 slaves over the roads near Cincinnati,he hired a hearse(灵车)and disguised the group as a funeral procession.w Henry“Box”Brown,a slav

    11、e,had himself shipped from Richmond to Philadelphia in a wooden boxMartin Luther KingUncle Toms CabinCultural Notes-Christian(1)wQuaker(贵格会教徒贵格会教徒/公谊会教徒公谊会教徒):any member of the Society of Friends(公谊会公谊会),a religious group established in England in the 1650s by George fox.Quakers worship Christ witho

    12、ut any formal ceremony or fixed beliefs,and their meeting often involve silent thought or prayer.They are strongly opposed to violence and war,and are active in education and charity work.Christian(2)wMethodist(卫理公会派教徒,循道宗卫理公会派教徒,循道宗信徒信徒):a member of the Methodist Church,the largest of the Protestan

    13、t(新教徒)Free Churches in Britain and the US.It emphasized the importance of moral issues,both personal and social.Christian(3)wMoses(摩西摩西):one of the characters in the Bible,who led the Jewish people out of the slavery in Egypt and to the Promised Land(福地,乐土).wBethlehem(柏利恒柏利恒):a famous old city in Pa

    14、lestine(巴勒斯坦)and a holy city(圣地)for Christians.1.Part Division2.Text Analysis3.New words Explanation (惯用法惯用法,扩展词汇扩展词汇,例句例句)Part one(paras 1-5)wMain ideawIt is high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rights struggles in America.P

    15、art two(paras 6-23)wMain ideawBy citing examples the author praises the exploits of civil-rights heroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.Text AnalysiswIn this part,the author tells the stories of three civil-rights heroes.Who are they?Give the main idea of each story.wThe

    16、 three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement.wIn this way the author achieve coherence of the text.1.After winning his own freedom from slavery,John Parker helped other slaves to escape north to Canada to get freedom.(lines3257)2.Supported by a stron

    17、g religious conviction,the white man Levi Coffin helped black slaves to escape at huge risk.(58-86)3.By traveling the Underground Railroad,Josiah Henson reached his destination and became free at last(87114)Direct speech is more convincing than indirect speech,especially when it comes to expressing

    18、personal beliefs.On other occasion,direct speech makes a story more vivid.1.breeze:n.a gentle wind 凉爽清新的微风凉爽清新的微风a cool,refreshing breezeAll of the following words are related to wind.Can you match them with their definitions?w 2.CF:slender,thin&slimw 这几个词都有细小、瘦弱之意。这几个词都有细小、瘦弱之意。w slender 主要表示苗条之瘦,往

    19、往含有瘦得好看主要表示苗条之瘦,往往含有瘦得好看或匀称的意思。例如:或匀称的意思。例如:w Film actress Zhang Ziyi is a slender woman.w 电影演员章子怡身材苗条。电影演员章子怡身材苗条。w thin 表示人或物的直径与长度的比例较小。例表示人或物的直径与长度的比例较小。例如:如:People usually get thinner after an illness.w 生病后,人们通常变得瘦一些。生病后,人们通常变得瘦一些。slim 用于指人与动物时,其含义与用于指人与动物时,其含义与slender相同,相同,但在引申意义上却侧重于贫乏和不足状态。例

    20、但在引申意义上却侧重于贫乏和不足状态。例如:如:As a slim boy,he has now filled out.他原是一个清瘦的男孩,现在胖多了。他原是一个清瘦的男孩,现在胖多了。To tell you the truth,your chances to pass the exam are too slim.实话告诉你,你考试过关的希望实在是太小了。实话告诉你,你考试过关的希望实在是太小了。3.be confident thatw麦克儿相信他能被哈佛大学录取.wMichael was confident that he would be enrolled by Harvard Univ

    21、ersity.be confident ofw足球队非常有信心能赢得这场重要的比赛.wThe soccer team is quite confident of being able to win this important game.be confident aboutw对机器越熟悉,对使用它就越有信心.wThe more familiar you are with this machine,the more confident you will be about using it.w4.racial:adj.relating to a persons race,or to differe

    22、nt races of people 种族的种族的There is a serious racial conflict in that African country.w 他是他是种族歧视种族歧视的牺牲者。的牺牲者。w He was a victim of racial discrimination.w racialist 种族主义者种族主义者5.principle:a rule or standard,especially of good behavior 原则原则违反原则违反原则against ones principle 作为原则性问题作为原则性问题as a matter of prin

    23、ciple 按照原则,根据原则按照原则,根据原则 by principle 有原则的有原则的 of principle 坚持原则坚持原则 adhere to ones principles 抛弃原则抛弃原则abandon ones principles 6.forge:v.1)create by means of much hard work(靠艰苦工作)建立(靠艰苦工作)建立他们和法国共产党建立了联系。他们和法国共产党建立了联系。They forged links with the French Communist Party.2)make a forgery or counterfeit

    24、伪造,假伪造,假冒冒He got the money dishonestly,by forging his brothers signature on a check.伪造签名伪造签名forge a signature 7.liberate:vt.set free 解放解放w Pattern:w liberate sb./sth.from sth.liberate people from poverty解除心中偏见解除心中偏见w liberate the mind from prejudicew n.Liberationw n.Liberty The Statue of Liberty8.au

    25、thorize:vt.give approval or permission for(sth.);give authority to 批准,委托批准,委托w主任允许我们在实验室工作。主任允许我们在实验室工作。The director authorized us to work in the laboratory.Authorize Money to do sthw 中央政府批准拨款200亿美元建造新的大坝用来水力发电.wThe central government authorized$200 billion to construct new dams to generate hydro-el

    26、ectric power.w Be Authorized to do sthw他被授权发表下列声明wHe was authorized to issue the following statement.wan authorized agentw指定的代理人.authoritywhave authority overw对对有权利有权利wsupreme in authorityw权利无上的权利无上的wby the authority of w蒙蒙的许可的许可wan academic authority w学术权威学术权威authorities 当局,官方当局,官方wauthorities conc

    27、ernedw有关当局wthe military authoritiesw军事当局9.exploit:w1.n.brave or adventurous deed or actionw(usu.pl)功绩,业绩功绩,业绩歌颂某人的功绩歌颂某人的功绩sing sb.s exploits w 他的战功使我感到惊异。他的战功使我感到惊异。His military exploits amazed me.2.vt.(读音发生变化)(读音发生变化)1)employ to the greatest possible advantage 开开发,利用,开采发,利用,开采充分发挥某人的才能充分发挥某人的才能exp

    28、loit ones talents to exploit the oil under the sea 2)剥削剥削这家公司用工时长、工资低的方法来剥削工人。这家公司用工时长、工资低的方法来剥削工人。The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay.w n.exploitation10.Be intent on sth/doing sth:be eager and determined to(do sth.)w他在学业上很专心wHes intent on his studies.w他一心一意要去法国.wHe is inte

    29、nt on going to France.w11.peer:look closely or carefully,esp.as if unable to see well(followed by at/through/into,etc.)凝视,盯着看 e.g.She peered through the mist,trying to find the right path.He peered at me over the top of his glasses.He peered into his parents room and found they were quarrelling.Shor

    30、t-sighted people often peer at others when they are wearing no glasses.w 近视眼的人不戴眼镜时常常眯着眼看人。w peer,gaze&starew 这三个词都是动词,都有注视、凝视之意。w peer 通常指半闭着眼睛看,并伴随着向前移动,含有好奇地看或难以看清的意味。The sleepy father got up and peered through a crack in the door to see who knocked at the door.还未睡醒的父亲起了床,透过门缝眯着眼看是谁在敲门。w gaze 指持久

    31、不停地看,通常有惊奇、羡慕、感叹等含义。例如:w All of us gazed at the beautiful view in the distancew stare指出于好奇、惊讶、茫然或赞叹等原因而瞪大眼睛长时间、直接地注视。例如The woman stared at the stranger in astonishment.w 那个女人吃惊地盯着陌生人。w It is very impolite to stare at other people.死死盯着他人是极不礼貌的。12.On the sidew一些老师不得不找做兼职挣钱的途径.wSome teachers have to fi

    32、nd ways of making some money on the side.w他虽有妻室,但暗地里还有一个他虽有妻室,但暗地里还有一个女朋友。女朋友。Hes married but he has a girlfriend on the side.13.conviction:n.firm opinion or belief 坚定的看法或信仰她坚信她是对的。She had a firm conviction that she was right.Collocation:a lifelong conviction终身的信仰 political conviction 政治信念 strengthe

    33、n/deepen ones conviction that 增强/加深某人的信念14.Close in on/aroundw 当苏联军队包围柏林时,希特勒自杀了.wHitler committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.15.Impose fines on w当地政府对于那些将未处理的污水倒入河里的工厂要克以罚金.wThe local government tried to impose fines on the factories which poured untreated waste into the riv

    34、er.wimpose duties/taxes on sth.对对强加征税强加征税Impose sth.on sb.w 我不想把我的宗教信仰强加于任何人.wI wouldnt want to impose my religious conviction on anyone.w 对于父母而言将自己的兴趣强加于孩子是不明智的.wIt may not be wise for parents to impose their own interests on their children.w16.make the best of:accept an unsatisfactory situation ch

    35、eerful and try to manage as well as you can (对不满意的条件)欣然接受;充分利用,尽量利用,善用 Make the best ofw 我知道天气又冷又下雨,但我们现在到这儿了,就认命吧!wI know its cold and raining but were here now,so lets just make the best of it.Make the best ofw 村子里的生活条件很差,但我们只能认命了.wThe living conditions in the village were very poor,but we had to

    36、make the best of it.w17.disguise:1)give sb./sth.a false appearance假扮,伪装pattern:disguise sb./sth.ase.g.木兰女扮男装,所以她可以在战场上战斗。Mulan disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.He disguised himself as a woman.18.Be at risk ofw 据报道西部的一些地区正面临着沙漠化的极大危险.wIt is reported that some areas in

    37、the west are at high risk of desertification.wtake a risk/take riskswat all risks/at any risk 无论冒什么危险;无论如何19 starve:vt.cause to suffer or die from great hunger(使)挨饿,(使)饿死They tried to starve the army into surrender.starvation n.pattern:starve for=be starved of 渴望,急需渴望,急需偏远地区辍学的儿童渴望上学。The drop-out ch

    38、ildren in the remote area starve for schooling.w20.in the eyes of:in the opinion of,in ones opinion e.g.In the eyes of students,Richard is a sensible and reliable teacher.In the eye of my parents,Im still a young person although I am already in my thirties.In her fathers eye,she could do no wrong.w2

    39、1.pass for:w appear like;be accepted or look upon as(same as pass as)看上去像;被看作,被当作w 他英语讲的如此好以至于被当作是美国人.w He speaks American English well enough to pass for an American.w 他被认为是个医生。He passes for a doctor.w 他被误认为是个有学问的人。He passes for a learned man.While-reading-Language pointsw I had traveled here to He

    40、nsons last home-now a.lines15.Why was Henson called an African-American Moses?Henson,a black who lived in America,helped other blacks escape from the US.w Josiah Henson is but one name on a long.(lines21-23)w What is the part of speech of but in this sentence?w And what does but mean?Here but is an

    41、adverb,which means“only”.w Eventually he saved enough money working at this trade on the side to buy his freedom(lines40)Translate the sentence into Chinese.w 后来他终于靠这门手艺攒够钱赎回了自由。In Kentucky,where he was now headed,there was a$1000 reward for his capture,dead or alive.(lines44)Paraphrase the sentence

    42、.In Kentucky,anyone who captured him,no matter he was dead or alive,would be rewarded$1000 and now he was going to Kentucky.w There was room for all but two(lines50)What does but mean?What is the part of speech of but in this sentence?Here but is an preposition,which means“except”.w The others made

    43、it to the Ohio shore,where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them(lines54)1.What does made it mean?Make it means“succeed in doing something”.Here made it means“arrived(at the Ohio shore)”.2.What does leg mean?Leg means“a stage of a journey or course”.For example,the last leg of the fligh

    44、t(飞行中的最后一段路程).Henson worked diligently and rose far in his owners regard(line92)Paraphrase“rose far in his owners regard”.He was regarded highly by his owner.After-reading-Useful expressionsw1.微风轻拂wA gentle breeze sweepsw2.前往wWalk towardw3.打算让某人做某事wIntend sb to do sthw4.不仅仅wBe more thanw5.对某人的挚爱wDev

    45、otion to sbw6.家庭荣誉wFamily honorw7.具有讽刺意义的是wironicallyw8.支持wStand up for w9.奋起力争wStand up for oneselfw10.有原则的人wA man of principlew11.历史遗迹wHistoric sitew12.在许多方面wIn many waysw13.一个更繁重的使命wA larger missionw14.勇敢的男女们wCourageous men and womenw15.建立地下铁路wForge the Underground Railroadw16.秘密网络wA secret webw1

    46、7.解放奴隶wLiberate slavesw18.批准/委托wauthorizew19.民权斗争wCivil-rights strugglew20.定与/被安排(在某时)wBe scheduled tow21.坚决做某事wBe intent on doing sthUseful expressionsw1.铸铁wIron moldingw2.做兼职wOn the sidew3.阴冷的夜晚wChilly nightw4.丧魂落魄wBe frozen with fearw5.团团围住wClose in aroundw6.在某人有生之年wOver the course of ones lifew7

    47、.被激发wBe motivated byw8.被感召wBe driven byw9.宗教信仰wReligious convictionsw 10.给饥者以食物,给无衣者以衣衫wFee the hungry and clothe the nakedw11.得到庇护wFind refugew12.课以罚金wImpose a finew13.短期监禁wA brief jail sentencew14.至于w As forw15.在夜色掩护下wUnder the cover of nightw16.把某人装扮成wDisguiseasw17.出殡队伍wFuneral processionw18.首选终点

    48、站wPrimary destinationw19.广阔的未开发的土地wVast virgin landw20.遭毒打wBe beaten harshlyw21.非常认命wMake the best of ones lotw22.深受某人器重wRise far in ones regard/opinionw23.强迫某人做某事wCompel sb to do sthw24.冒极大的危险wAt huge riskw25.和取得联系wMake contact withw26.扑倒在地wThrow oneself on the groundw27.在看来wIn the eyes ofw28.被看做wP

    49、ass forAdditional phrasesw1.slender woman/figure/book/chance/handsw苗条的女人/身材/薄书/微小的机会/纤细的手w2.racial pride/customs/origin/type/prejudice/discriminationw种族优越感/种族起源/种族类型/种族偏见/种族歧视w3.historic meeting with./historic buildingsw历史上与重要的会见/有历史性的建筑wHistorical peoplew历史人物wHistorical documentsw历史文献w4.the site of

    50、 the new skyscraperw新大楼的位置wArchaeological sitesw考古现场wSite of the battlew战场w5.underground passage/movement/organizationw地下人行道/地下活动/组织w6.daring/wartime exploitsw英勇事迹/战时功绩Sentences for appreciationw Line 6w He was confident that the Creator intended all men to be created equal.And he never gave up stru

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