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    移动笔试试题题库-招聘-DOC 27页 移动 笔试 试题 题库 招聘 DOC 27

    1、启封前绝密中国移动江苏公司2010校园补充招聘基本能力测试试题说 明 本次测试共100道题目,考试时间为90分钟。请在答题卡上严格按照要求填写自己的姓名、报考部门,涂写准考证号。请仔细阅读下面的注意事项,这对你获得成功非常重要:1题目应在答题卡上作答,不要在题本上作任何记号。2监考老师宣布考试开始时,你才可以开始答题。3监考老师宣布考试结束时,你应立即放下铅笔,将试题本、答题卡和草稿纸留在桌上,然后离开。如果你违反了以上任何一项要求,都将影响你的成绩。4在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在每道题上思考时间太久,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去,如果有时间再去思考。否则,你可能没有时间完成

    2、后面的题目。5试题答错不倒扣分。6特别提醒你注意,涂写答案时一定要认准题号。严禁折叠答题卡!第一部分数量关系 本部分包括两种类型的试题:一、数字推理:给你出一个数列,但其中缺少一项,要求你仔细观察数列的排列规律,然后从四个供选择的选项中选择你认为最合理的一项,来填补空缺项,使之符合原数列的排列规律。请开始答题:1、+= B A; B; C1; D12、若=5,则- = D 。A B、 C D43、 (1+0.1)+(2+0.12)+(3+0.13)+(99+0.199)+(100+0.1100)= A A5555 B、5005 C5505 D50554、+的值是 C 。A B、 C D5、(-

    3、2) 3+(-3) (-4)2+2 - (-3)2(-2)= D A58.5 B-58.5 C57.5 D57.5二、数学运算:在这部分试题中,每道试题呈现一道算术式,或是表述数字关系的一段文字,要求你迅速、准确地计算出答案。你可以在草稿纸上运算。遇到难题,可以跳过暂时不做,待你有时间再返回解决它。请开始答题:6、在一个不透明的袋子中装有2个红球,3个白球它们除颜色外其余均相同,随机从中摸出一球,记录下颜色后将它放回袋子中,充分摇匀后,再随机摸出一球,则两次都摸到红球的概率是多少?DA B C D7、 用一个杯子向一个空瓶里倒水,如果倒进了3杯水,连瓶共重440克;如果倒进5杯水,连瓶共重60

    4、0克,这个空瓶重多少克?BA100 B200 C300 D4008、一次数学竞赛共20道题,做对一题得5分,做错一题倒扣3分,结果小红只得了60分,问她做对了几道题?CA5 B8 C15 D209、一个农场现有鸡、兔,它们共100个头,350只脚,则鸡、兔各有多少只?BA75 25 B25 75 C15 85 D85 1510、甲乙两车同时从A到B再返回A地,甲车去时时速是每小时60千米,返回是每小时40千米,乙车来回速度都是每小时50千米。那么,什么车先回到A城?AA乙车 B甲车 C同时到达 D无法确定11、一次有100名学生参加的数学竞赛,平均得分63分,其中,男生平均得分60分,女生平均

    5、得分是70分,那么男生比女生多多少人?CA10 B30 C40 D、7012、某人登一座山,他上山的速度为每小时2千米,下山的速度为每小时4千米。那么他上山和下山的平均速度是多少?BA4/3 B2/3 C1/2 D3/413、某水池有一进水管和一出水管,单独开进水管,20分钟注满全池,单独开出水管,30分钟放完全池,现在水池有一半存水,若同时开放两管,多少分钟注满全池?AA30分钟 B25分钟 C20分钟 D15分钟14、某车间生产A、B两种零件,生产的A种零件比B种零件多12个,B种零件全部合格,A种零件只有合格,两种零件合格的共有42个,两种零件各有多少个?CA18个 30个 B38个 1

    6、0个C30个 18个 D10个 28个15、宏达电脑城运进某种电脑200台,按定价出售获利4万元,如果按定价打九五折出售,则要亏1万,问这种电脑的成本是多少万元?BA4000 B4800 C3800 D240016、一根丝绳,第一次用去它的一半少1米,第二次又用去剩下的一半多一米,结果还剩2.5米,则绳子原来的长是( C )A.10米 B.11米 C.12米 D.13米17、用两个完全相同的三角形拼成一个平行四边形。三角形的边长分别为6厘米、5厘米、8厘米。这个平行四边形的周长最大是多少厘米?CA22 B26 C28 D3 818、芳芳放学从校门向东走400米,再往北走200米到家;丽丽出校门

    7、向东走200米到家,则丽丽家在芳芳家的( B )A.东南方向 B.西南方向 C.东北方向 D.西北方向19、中国移动举行的一次国际通讯交流会上,与会者有50名,其中会讲英语的有36人,会讲日语的有20人,即会讲英语又会讲日语的有14人,问既不会讲英语又不会讲日语的有多少人?A A.8 B.9 C.10 D.1120、一块手表,其从中午12时到下午1点钟,手表的时针与分针成直角的次数为( B )。A.1次 B.2次 C.3次 D.4次第二部分言语理解(一)阅读每小题的文段,然后按要求选择唯一最接近题意的答案。21、国内有一位画家作品,平实中见惊奇,其中有一幅名为新年赶集的画,画作不仅视野开阔,而

    8、且意境深远,像这样的细节也出人意料:画中在熙熙攘攘的人群中,( A ) 着几个衣衫褴褛的人。A. 点缀 B. 装点C. 装饰D. 装扮22.、手机支付主导权之争正在进行。在这个 而诱人的新业务领域,竞争者既有老牌的三家电信运营商,又有加入了通信体系外的中国银联。主导者所能确定的行业标准,将深刻 着上游芯片等供应商的命运。AA新鲜 影响 B崭新 主导C新奇 影响 D新鲜 主导23、人无论是高尚的、龌龊的、优秀的、猥琐的、睿智的、愚钝的,身处寂寞的境遇,不等于便陷入寂寞的窘迫。人无非生活在这两片天地里,环境似云,有聚的热烈,有散的寡落;心境似水,有静的轻柔,有动的汹涌。人无非生活在这两片天地里,以

    9、不断变幻的角色,把各个不同的命运去演示。C画线词语“这两片天地”分别指( )。A. 高尚的环境卑劣的环境B. 和平的环境变幻的环境C. 客观的环境主观的心境D. 寂寞的环境热闹的环境24、布鲁诺为了坚持“日心说”而被烧死,当攻城的士兵冲进来的时候,阿基米德仍然守护着沙盘,说“不要动我的圆”有很多东西可以高于生命,像爱情、主义等等,但是一个圆、一个“太阳、地球谁绕着谁转”这样的问题高于生命,以致成为追求的核心,这却是西方一脉相承的特点。对这段文字理解错误的一项是( D )。A.布鲁诺、阿基米德都不怕死B.沙盘上的圆对阿基米德来说是最重要的C一个圆、一个“太阳、地球谁绕着谁转”这样的问题离我们很遥


    11、更多的支付提供商,包括支付渠道,这部分渠道会绕过运营商达到跟用户之间的直接接触,可以完成自己的直接盈利。以上段落最主要谈论的焦点是(B)A传统的移动增值的产业链是纯粹以电信运营商为主导。B预计移动增值未来的市场会呈现多元化的发展和规模。C移动增值未来的市场会呈现多元化发展的方式和原因。D移动互联网的发展后有应用开发商跟内容开发商加入。(二)阅读以下中文或英文的文章,然后按要求选择唯一正确的一项答案。 ()近几年,通信技术网络的超高速化,已成为世界上的发展潮流。空间技术与计算机融合成跨越时间与空间的信息基础结构,它将逐渐深入千家万户,从根本上改变人们的生产、生活和相互交往的方式,加速人类文明和文

    12、化的传播,增进相互理解和全球意识。 空间信息的高速公路,这一名词是借鉴信息高速公路概念,也是信息高速公路的拓宽与延伸。所谓空间信息高速公路,我们可以形象地将它理解为以卫星、光纤再辅之以其他通信手段作为“公路”,而以集电脑、电话、传真等为一体的多媒体作为“汽车”,使信息高速传递并能共享的通信网络。这种网络遍布全国乃全球。在我国则将它称之为国家经济信息化基础设施,其内涵包括4项要素:网络与通信、计算机与信息化设备、信息资源与服务、人与信息化环境。 卫星通信和数字网络光缆就像高速公路一样,是促进社会经济发展的基础设施。它不仅包括地面光缆数字通信网络系统,而且还包括通信卫星、卫星定位系统和环境、灾害监

    13、测技术系统。此外,还有不断更新的社会、经济统计数据库和自然资源数据系列,以及宏观调控、规则决策和工程设计服务及知识库,逻辑推理机等人工专家系统,这样,才能有效地实现以信息交流代替人流、物流与能量流。加速发展空间技术,多方面、高效率利用空间技术,特别是充分利用空间信息资源,促进社会生产力的发展,已成为当今世界的共识。通信卫星具有通信容量( )、可靠性( )、传输距离( )、不受地理环境影响等许多优点,所以备受各国的重视可欢迎。在空间信息高速公路中,卫星无线电信频率宽,极容易实现双向高速率的数据和可视电信业务。并适用于单相多路的电视节目以及新闻报道,对大多数用户都有实用价值。对发展中国家来说,空间

    14、信息高速公路的建设,可弥补通信基础设施差与区域性通信空缺之不足。例如,地面信息高速公路的成本昂贵,需要10-15年甚至更长时间才能建成,是一个无法在短期内普及服务的巨额投资项目,而卫星接收设备费用大约只需200美元,其技术是现成的,是一个在短期内能普及并能满足绝大多数用户需求的业务项目。请回答:26、在文中括号内填上恰当的词语是( A )A.大,高,远 B多,高,近C大,强,小 D小,低,远27、第一段“它将逐步深入千家万户”与第三段“它不仅包括地面光缆数字通信网络系统”两句中的“它”,各指的是(C )A.都是指空间信息高速公路B都是指卫星通信和数字网络光缆C前一个“它”指空间信息高速公路,后

    15、一个“它”指卫星通信和数字网络光缆D前一个“它”指空间技术与计算机融合成跨越时间与空间的信息基础结构,后一个“它”指空间信息高速公路。28、什么是“空间信息高速公路”?选出下列理解不正确的一项是(C )A是空间技术与计算机融合成跨越时间与空间的信息基础结构。B是以卫星、光纤再辅之以其他通信手段作为“公路”,以集电脑、电话、传真等作为“汽车”的一种高速传递信息的通信网络。C需要10-15年甚至更长时间才能建成,是一个无法在短期内普及服务的巨额投资项目。D是一种能使全球的信息起高速传递并能使入网各国共享其利的通信网络。29、选出对“卫星通信和数字网络光缆”理解不正确的一项是(B )A.它是地面光缆

    16、数字通信网络系统B.它能以信息交流代替人流、物流和能量流,从而使后者变得无意义C它包含各种各样数据库系列和知识库系列D它具有通信卫星、卫星定位系统和环境、灾害监测技术系统30、最适合本文标题的一项是( B)A通信技术网络超高速化B空间信息高速公路C.卫星通信和数字网络光缆D卫星通信和数字网络光缆的超高速化 () Fireworks are a big part of Fourth of July celebrations in the United States, as hundreds of thousands of Americans enjoyed public pyrotechnic

    17、displays across the country Sunday night to celebrate the U.S. birthday. The holiday throws the spotlight on another annual campaign ,an effort to completely ban consumer fireworks in the United States. As Americans around the country watched July Fourth fireworks celebrations, debate has been simme

    18、ring about whether individuals should be allowed to buy fireworks to celebrate privately. Seven U.S. states prohibit sales of all consumer fireworks. A coalition of groups, led by James Shannon, president of the non-profit fire safety group, the National Fire Protection Association, says that ban sh

    19、ould be extended to include the entire United States. Those fireworks axe inherently dangerous products, he said. There might be another problem with some of them being designed defectively, so that they are particularly dangerous. But even when theyre designed to do what theyre supposed to do and d

    20、o it, they can be very, very dangerous products. Other members of the coalition include the International Fire Chiefs Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, which has focused on the dangers fireworks pose to children. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, an independent federal r

    21、egulatory agency, says fireworks-related accidents in the United States in 2002 killed four people and injured about 8, 800 others in the United States. About haft of the people injured were children, a fact pointed to by Mr. Shannon. I dont think serious injury is as American as apple pie, if its a

    22、voidable. And particularly, if were talking about children, thousands and thousands of children, he said. But fireworks have strong defenders, such as the American Pyrotechnic Association, which says that they are becoming more and more popular in the United States. Officials with the association sa

    23、y that fireworks use in the United States has more than tripled since 1990, to nearly 100-kilograms in 2003. And Ann Crampton, spokeswoman for the National Council on Fireworks Safety, says fireworks are a big part of Fouth of July celebration and their use should not be banned. But Ms. Crampton als

    24、o says people should exercise care when using them. We know that millions of people are going to be celebrating with fireworks on the Fourth of July, she said. Its become part of a symbol of this country. Many thousands of people, millions of people, enjoy going to public displays. But there are als

    25、o people that like to be hands-on and do it themselves in their backyards. We feel they can be safe and they can be injury-free if they choose the right product, know what to choose,what to stay away from. Most of the fireworks sold in the United States come from China. According to the U.S. Census

    26、Bureau, Chinese fireworks imports to the United States in 2003 amounted to more than $157-million. Ms. Crampton says the U.S. pyrotechnics industry has been working with Chinese manufacturers to make fireworks safer. And about 15 years ago, a group was formed, called the American Fireworks Standards

    27、 Laboratory, to work with Chinese manufacturers, to make sure that the product that they were making meets the safety standards that are required here, she said. The National Fire Protection Association has been lobbying against consumer fireworks sales since 1910. Their efforts are not going to be

    28、made any easier by Consumer Product Safety Commission statistics showing that the number of fireworks-related deaths and injuries in the United States has actually fallen in recent years. 31、 Which group in the following has been lobbying against consumer fireworks sales since 1910? DA The U.S. Cons

    29、umer Product Safety Commission. B The American Pyrotechnic Association. C National Council on Fireworks Safety. D The National Fire Protection Association. 32.、In defending the firework sale in US, the American Pyrotechnic Association argued_C. A fireworks are a big part of Fouth of July celebration

    30、 and their use should not be banned B people should exercise care when using them C fireworks are becoming more and more popular in the United States D Americans can be injury-free if they choose the right product 33、 What efforts have been made to ensure safer fireworks in US? AA The set-up of Amer

    31、ican Fireworks Standards Laboratory to regulate the firework market. B Increasing imports of fireworks from China. C To give temporary warnings to Americans about the dangers of fireworks. D To ban the use and sales of fireworks across the States. 34.、Ann Crampton, spokeswoman for the National Counc

    32、il on Fireworks Safety ,doesnt say_D_. A fireworks are a big part of Fouth of July celebration and their use should not be banned B people should exercise care when using fireworks C millions of people are going to be celebrating with fireworks on the Fourth of July D fireworks are inherently danger

    33、ous products 35.、What is the authors attitude in this article? DA We should ban the fireworks in all states in US. B Children can easily been injured in fireworks display. C Americans should enjoy the freedom of using fireworks as much as they like. D US government should not totally ban the firewor

    34、k market, but better regulate it. () America The Beautiful,is a song almost every American can sing. And while its true that The Star Spangled Banner has been Americas official national anthem since 1931 ,many Americans feel a unique affection for the peaceful, patriotic words the poet Katherine Lee

    35、 Bates was inspired to write during her great journey through the American out West back in 1893. The gently rousing melody, written by the hymnist Samuel Augustus Ward also helped to popularize the song. Willie Nelsons version of America the Beautiful, is just one of the countless styles in which i

    36、ts has been sung. Lynn Sherr, author of America the Beautiful: The stirring True Story of Our Nations Favorite Song, seems to appreciate them all. This is the song that has always given me goose bumps, she says. I think it is the quintessentially optimistic vision of America. It is hopeful. It is pe

    37、aceful. And it just feels great to sing. Ms. Sherr notes that in each of the songs four verses, Katherine Lee Bates includes something significant about America to celebrate, something to pray for, and some challenge to overcome. In the beginning of the poems familiar first verse, Ms. Bates praised

    38、the beauty of the land and its bountyThy purple mountains majesties, above the fruited plain, America, America, God shed His grace on thee. Each stanza of Katherine Lee Bates famous poem also contains a prayer. Ms. Sherr likes to quote the prayer in the songs second verse, which says America, Americ

    39、a, God mend thy every flaw . Imagine understanding that America has some flaws and that we are after all a work in progress, she says. It is a song of pure patriotism. But its not blind patriotism. She knew this was a country that was not perfect. She knew we had a way to go which of course we still

    40、 do, and yet she still knew that you could know that and still be patriotic. It is important to understand that we are complex human beings and its a complex country. We are not perfect but we still love it. Folk singer and left-wing-leaning social activist Pete Seeger whistling the introduction to

    41、his version of America the Beautiful. .And Pete Seeger and understands about patriotism in a way that a lot of Americans didnt have to, says Ms. Sherr. He got into trouble with the law because of some of his political beliefs. The very fact that he also sings it indicates that, bottom line, he loves

    42、 America. Ms. Sherr contrasts the meaning of America the Beautiful with The Star Spangled Banner-a song which also happens to be much harder to sing. Our actual national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, was written by a man, Francis Scott Key, who saw a battle and he was writing about a war, she sa

    43、ys. The rockets red glare, and the bombs bursting in air. This one, on the other hand, is peaceful. Its about a land and a country, not about a flag and a war. Still, the words to America the Beautiful abound in heroism, as we hear in RayCharles iconic rendition of the song, which he began with the

    44、third verse. Oh beautiful for heroes proved ,in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, in mercy more than life. Oh beautiful for heroes proved,in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, in mercy more than life. I think those words were astounding, and so did he

    45、, obviously, says Ms. Sherr. And I must say they resonate more than ever after 9/11. How can you hear the words who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life. and not think of all the rescue workers who went into the buildings when everyone else was coming out? Its an amazing thought in that verse and he

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