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    第八 湖北省 2023 年高 下学 调研 模拟考试 英语 试卷 答案 下载 _模拟试题_高考专区_英语_高中

    1、英语试卷第 1 页(共 1 0 页)第八届湖北省高三(4月)调研模拟考试第八届湖北省高三(4月)调研模拟考试英 语 试 卷英 语 试 卷2023.4本试卷共10页,共67题。本试卷满分150分,考试用时120分钟。祝 考 试 顺 利 注意事项:本试卷共10页,共67题。本试卷满分150分,考试用时120分钟。祝 考 试 顺 利 注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3.非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔

    2、直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡 一 并上交。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第 一 节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有 一 个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一 小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.&19

    3、.15.B.&9.18.C.59.15.答案是 C。1.Whathappenedtothewoman?A.She boughta bag.B.Shefoundabag.C.Shelost her bag.2.Wherearethespeakersgoingfirst?A.Shoeshop.B.BookshopC.Computershop3.Whohas got the car key?A.The man.B.ThewomanC.Thewomansmother.4.What will the woman bring to the picnic?A.Salad.B.Pizza.C.Biscuits

    4、英 语 试 卷第 2 页(共 1 0 页)5.Whatdoesthemanmean?A.Hedidntliketheparty.B.Hedidntknowtheresult.C.Hedidntcareabouttheprize.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听 下 面 5 段 对 话 或 独 白。每 段 对 话 或 独 白 后 有 几 个 小 题,从 每 题 所 给 的A、B、C 三 个选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项,并 标 在 试 卷 的 相 应位 置。听 每 段 对话 或独 白前,你 将有时 间阅 读各个 小 题,每 小 题 5 秒 钟;听 完 后,各 小 题 将

    5、 给 出 5 秒 钟 的 作 答 时 间,每 段 对 话 或 独 白 读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Whatarethespeakersprobablytalkingabout?A.Abook.B.A news reportC.Afilm.7.Whatdothespeakersthinkoftheending?A.UninterestingB.Unclear.C.Unexpected.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Whatdoesthemanhelpthewomando?A.Log in the network.B.Changetheusername.C.Downloadt

    6、hesoftware.9.Whatstheprobablerelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A.Netfriends.B.ColleaguesC.Teacherandstudent.请 听 第 8 段 材 料,回 答 第 1 0 至 1 2 题。10.Wherewillthespeakerslive?A.Nearthebeach.B.Inthecountryside.C.Inthetowncenter.11.Howwillthespeakerstravelaroundmostprobably?A.Onfoot.B.Bytaxi.C.Bycar.12.Whatkind

    7、of vacationdoesthemanplantospend?A.Economical.B.Comfortable.C.Relaxing请 听 第 9 段 材 料,回 答 第 1 3 至 1 6 题。13.WhatrelationisJenifertothewoman?A.Herfriend.B.Herboss.C.Herclassmate.14.Whatistheadvantageof thepositioninLaSalleSchool?A.Itswell-paid.B.Itsalong-termcontract.C.Itslikelytobemadepermanent.15.Whyd

    8、oesChelseaFreeSchoolneedanewteacher?A.Ateacherhasbeenill.B.Ateacherhasleftthe job.C.Ateacherhastakenchild-careleave.16.Whatisthewomansattitudetowardsthelastposition?A.Confident.B.Uninterested.C.Concerned.英语试卷第 3 页(共 1 0 页)请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Whendidthespeaker jointhecircus?A.When she was a child.B

    9、.Whenshewasateenager.C.Whenshewasanadult.18.Wheredidthecircusstart?A.IntheUK.B.InAmerica.C.InAustralia.19.Whyhasthecircusbeenblamedrecently?A.Itusesanimals.B.It changes a lot.C.Itperformspoorly.20.Whydoesthespeakerthinkliveperformanceisattractive?A.Audiencecangetclose.B.Audiencecanfeelitsrealness.C.

    10、Audiencelaughsandcheers.第 二 部 分阅 读 理 解(共 2 0 小 题,每 小 题 2.5 分,满 分 5 0 分)第 二 部 分阅 读 理 解(共 2 0 小 题,每 小 题 2.5 分,满 分 5 0 分)第 一 节(共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。ATheres much more to Sydney than just Bondi Beach and the Opera House.This short listof things to do a

    11、nd see in Sydney should point you in the right direction.1.ExploreSydneyshottestneighborhoodsManyof the big-ticket attractions can be found in or around the Circular Quay area,rightby the harbor,in the city center.Here,you can get on ferries(渡 轮)to faraway islands or goonawalkingtouroftheSydneyOpera

    12、House,RoyalBotanicGardens,MuseumofContemporary Art and Museum of Sydney all nearby.2.CatchashowThe first place that jumps to mind is the Sydney Opera House.But its not the only place inSydneyputtingonashow.The1920sStateTheatre,inthecentralbusinessdistrict,isknowntohostinternationalballets,concertsan

    13、dworld-classorchestras.TravelerswillfindlivemusicandcomedyshowseverynightatEnmoreTheatre;TheMetrointheCBD;andtheFactoryTheatre in Marrickville.InSurry Hills,the BelvoirStreetTheatre putsonaward-winningshowsyear after year.3.Go to the zooTaronga Zoo Sydney is an extremely popular zoo in Australia,whi

    14、ch hosts more than 4,000animals,includinggiraffes,kangaroos,koalas,chimpsandmore.Adultsandchildrenalikewill find that there is plenty to see and do at this zoo.Traveling to the zoo is usually quiteconvenientfortourists,duetoitspopularity,andtherearemultipleoptionsforoutoftownguests.Parkingisavailabl

    15、eontheSydneyzoogrounds,forabout500cars.Citybusesalsomaketrips to thezoothroughout theday,andleavefrom the Wynyardbusstationfrequently.The Sky Safari cable car also operates daily between the zoo wharf and the top zoo entrance.英语试卷第 4 页(共 1 0 页)21.How can visitors explore Royal Botanic Gardens in the

    16、 Circular Quay area?A.Onfoot.B.Byferry.C.BybikeD.Bybus.22.Where can you enjoy live shows every night?A.SydneyOperaHouse.B.StateTheatre.C.BelvoirStreetTheatre.D.EnmoreTheatre.23.How many options of transportation are mentioned for tourists to the zoo?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.BDontcall MadisonStewa

    17、rtanenvironmentalist.Shesees herself simplyasanindividualtaking action in defense of something she loves thats in need of protection.Despite her youth,the 24-year-old is an undersea veteran(老 手).She grew up sailingaround theGreatBarrierReef on her parentsboatandspent herearlylifefreedivingwhilepatie

    18、ntly waiting for the day when she could get her scuba diving(水 肺 潜 水)certification,aged12.Already impressed bysharks,Madison was now pleased to be able toobserve them in theirownworld.“Igottoknowthesharks.Icouldrecognizethembysight,”Madisonsays.“Other people haddogsaround themgrowing up.Ihadsharks.”

    19、Butwithinacoupleof years,shesawagreatreductioninsharknumbersonthereef.“OnedayIwentinthewaterandcouldntfindmysharksanywhere,sharksIdspentmychildhoodwith,”shesays.“Theydbeencaughtandkilled.”ItwasagreatmomentforMadison.She left school at 14 to be homeschooled so she could spend more time in the ocean.S

    20、hetaught herself to shoot underwater video to document sharks in their own world and share hersense of wonder with others.She launched a YouTube channel and built a huge following forher documentaries where she focuses on issues like inadequate protection for some shark speciesand the global shark f

    21、in(鳍)industry.In2014MadisonwasthesubjectoftheencouragingdocumentarySharkGirl,whichintroducedhertoaglobalaudience.In2017sheappearedasan“OceanGuardian”inthedocumentaryBluethatexploredalotof threatstotheworldsmarineenvironments,includingthe damaging effect of the global shark fishery.The film encourage

    22、s viewers to get involved andincludes practical steps to guide them to do so.It shows Madisons philosophy that the power ofthe individual to make a difference by their own direct action should never be underestimated.24.WhatdidMadisondo beforegetting herscuba divingcertification?A.Shewentsailingofte

    23、n.B.Shewentboatingalone.C.Shepractisedfreediving.D.She protectedtheGreatBarrierReef.英语试卷第 5 页(共 1 0 页)25.Why did Madison shoot underwater video to document sharks?A.To record sharks world of wonder.B.To popularize her photography works.C.To raise awareness of shark conservation.D.To spare more time

    24、to accompany sharks.26.Which of the following may agree with Madisons philosophy?A.Many hands make light work.B.Action speaks louder than words.C.Together we can make a difference.D.Personalinfluencecantbeignored.27.Whats the purpose of writing this passage?A.To introduce an influential conservation

    25、ist.B.Toadvertise some encouraging documentaries.C.To inspire people to protect whatever they love.D.To inform people how to preserve marine wildlife.CDoctors at the University of California,San Francisco,in the US,have developed a pieceof softwarethatcanreadminds.Theproject,supportedbyFacebook,hope

    26、stohelppeoplewho,because of medicalconditions,are unable tocommunicate withothers.Until now,technologies that have helped speech-impaired(语 言 障 碍)peoplecommunicate have been tooslow to allow a natural conversation.People find these thingsupsetting to use.This new way uses brain signals to change a p

    27、ersons thoughts into text.Whenwe want to speak,the brain sends signals to make the lips,jaw and tongue move in the rightway to make an understandable sound.By discovering these brain signals,the new software isable to predict what a person want to say quickly enough to hold a conversation.The brain-

    28、reading software was tested on three volunteers who could all speak like healthypeople.They were being treated for epilepsy(癫 痫).As part of their treatment for epilepsy,each patient had electrodes(电 极)placed onto their brain.Edward Chang,who led the study,used these electrodes to record the signals

    29、in the patients brains while they listened to a list ofquestions and answered them.Chang and his team then built a computer program that learned to match the patients brainsignals to the words the patients heard and the words the patients spoke.For the questions,thesoftware matched the correct words

    30、 76%of the time.For the answers,it matched the correctwords 61%of the time.Now,the mind-reading software works only for the limited set of sentences on which it wastrained.Scientists hope that this early system will help them develop a more powerful one thatcould understand thoughts in real time to

    31、give people their voices back.Chang said,“We asscientists should try our best to help people to bring that most important and basic human abilityback.”英语试卷第 6 页(共 1 0 页)28.Whatisthedisadvantageof previoustechnologies?A.Theycouldnt read peoples minds correctly.B.Theycouldntmakecommunicationunderstand

    32、able.C.Theycouldntservethepurposeof naturalconversation.D.Theycouldntletmedicalconditionschangeforthe better.29.Howdoesthesoftwarehelppeople?A.Bychangingpeoplesmindintotext.B.By sending signals to their lips.C.Byorganizingconversationsforthem.D.By training them how to speak.30.Whatcan we know about

    33、the mind-reading software according to the last paragraph?A.It has been used on a wide scale.B.It has restored the basic humanability.C.It still has plenty of room for improvement.D.Ithasenhancedhumanreal-timeconversation.31.Whatis theattitude of theauthor towards the mind-readingsoftware?A.Favorabl

    34、e.B.Objective.C.Intolerant.D.Doubtful.DMorecities,statesandregionsarecommittingtocomprehensiveclimateplanstodecarbonize(减 少 碳 排 放)transportation by 2040.The need for action is now,and we need torisetothechallengequickly.Googletechnologyisunlockingourabilitytogenerateclimate-related insights and impa

    35、ct on the globe.Thetransportationsectoriswhereglobalgreenhousegas(GHG)emissionsarerisingthequickest.In2018,GooglelaunchedtheEnvironmentalInsightsExplorer(EIE).UsingAl,thesystemsanalyzetransportationtrendsinacitybymode,helpinglocalgovernmentsassesstheirprogressintacklingGHGemissions.GHGinventoryproce

    36、sses(温 室 气 体 排 放 清 单)traditionallytakemonthsandmultipledatasourcestocollect,andarenowhighlyefficient,allowing government staff to reduce the cost and personnel burden of reporting.Inpursuitofhelpingmorecitiestakeactionagainstclimatechange,wewillmaketransportationinsights available in EIEfor over 20,

    37、000 citiesand regionalgovernments by theend of the year,makingit oneof the largestevercollections of high-quality,globally consistentenvironmentaldatasources.With EIE,cities have free access to Googles unique mapping data and insights so they candecideoncleanertransportpolicies.AspartofGooglesmostam

    38、bitiousdecadeofclimateaction,wevecommittedtohelpingmorethan500citiesandlocalgovernmentsreduceatotalsum of 1 billion tons of carbon emissions per year by 2030 and beyond.As the window continues to narrow on carrying out policies and plans to reduce emissions,were collaboratingwithotherassociations,co

    39、mmittedtoaddressingclimatechange.OurworlwithCitiesClimateLeadershipGroup(C40)willhelpusbettersupporttheneedsofcities.Togetherwecanprovidehigher-qualitytransportationactivitydatatomeasureandtrackGHGemissionsataglobalscale,whilealsogivingstateandlocalgovernmentsresourcestobetterunderstand whats workin

    40、g at a local level.英语试卷第 7 页(共 1 0 页)32.What can we learn about ElE from paragraph 2?A.It takes over government staffs work.B.It predicts transportation trends in acity.C.It results in the rising of GHG emissions.D.Itdeals withdatacollectionandanalysis.33.What is the purpose of the project EIE?A.Top

    41、romoteGooglesambitiousclimateaction.B.Tohelpcitiesmakemoresustainabledecisions.C.Toprovideenvironmentalprotectionresources.D.To partner with 40 countries for climate solutions.34.Whichofthefollowingcanreplacetheunderlinedword“collaborating”inthelastparagraph?A.Cooperating.B.Compromising.C.Competing.

    42、D.Corresponding.35.Whatis the main idea of the passage?A.Google helps calculate peoples carbon footprint with EIE.B.Localgovernmentsbenefitfromenvironmentaldatasources.C.Technology does its part in the action against climate change.D.Technologycanincreasepeoplesenvironmentalconsciousness.第二节(共5小题;每小

    43、题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When I read that we spend almost three hours every day checking our smartphones,I wasshocked.What was I missing in the real world when walking down the street,lost in a virtualworld of social media updates and videos of dogs on bicycles?I promis

    44、ed myself I would use mysmartphone less,but it didnt happen.Then one day my phone died and I had to wait a weekfor a new one.36Ithoughtitwouldbehard,butinfactitwasquiteeasyandsurprising in a good way for a number of reasons!The first consequence was quite amazingOn the first day in the office withou

    45、t my phone,Iwasthinkingmoredeeplyandconcentratingmore.Irediscoveredmybrain!37Another consequence was that I actually talked to people more and felt more connected to them.I realized I was being more responsive to their news and sympathetic to their problems because Iwasntconstantlycheckingmyphone.38

    46、Their kindness made mefeel welcome,andIdiscovered my brain has very good GPS!At the very beginning,I was worried that I would be bored without my phone,but actuallyIenjoyeditIdforgottenhowmuchIlovebooksandnewspapers.39And Ialsosensed that I slept so much better and felt more awake in the morning.Att

    47、imesitwasinconvenienttohavenomobileinternetconnection,butallinall,therewere a lot of benefits from not being connected 24/7.So,if you think you use your smartphonetoo much,put it away for a few days and see what happens.40英 语 试 卷第 8 页(共 1 0 页)A.WouldIsurvive?B.Whatstheproblem?C.Youneverknow,youmaybe

    48、comesmarter!D.WithoutaphoneathandIwasmoreproductive.E.Readingeverydaymademefeelalotmorespecial.F.Ima lot more carefulabout how much I use it now.G.Another day I was in a new city and I asked people for directions.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第 一 节:完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,

    49、从 短 文 后 各 题所 给 的 四 个选 项(A、B、C和 D)中,选 出 可 以 填 入 空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Chick-fil-Aisknownfortheirincrediblecustomerservice.Buttherestaurantsoftenfindspecialwaysto41intimesofcrisis,too.AndthisNorthCarolinaChick-fil-AhelpedHurricaneFlorencerelief42byopeningitsdoorsonSunday.Youllalwayshear“Mypleasure”from

    50、Chick-fil-A43whentheyserveyou.AndtheWilmington,NorthCarolinaChick-fil-A,ownedbyDonovanandNikkiCarless,wasquicktoservelocalsonSundayafterHurricaneFlorenceleftthousandsof people44Bythen,thehurricanehadalready45thelivesof43people.Rescuemissions46around5,000peoplefromdangerousconditions.AndtheGovernorof

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