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1Unit 1 The lion and the mouse第一课时教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse(Story time)教学目标教学目标 1.能听懂、会读、会说 large,strong,quietly,weak,loudly,mouse,walk by,wake up,some day,let go.The next day,net,bite,sharp,sadly 等。2.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 The mouse said sadly.The lion laughed loudly。3.能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能在板书与图片的帮助下尝试复述。教学重点和难点教学重点和难点重点:能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能在板书与图片的帮助下尝试复述。难点:能听懂、会读、会说不规则动词 bite,let,wake 的过去式。教学过程教学过程Step 1 Free talk&Warm-up T:Hello,boys and girls.Did you have a nice winter holiday?What are you going to do in the new term?S:Im going to T:Are you going to read English every day?What are you going to read?T:What English stories did you read?S:I read (Goldilocks and the three bears/Cinderella/The kings new clothes)T:Today well read a story about animals.Lets have a look!Step 2 Presentation1.Show the description of the lion.Ss guess what animal it is.T:Its large and strong.It has big sharp teeth.It can run fast.Its the king of the forest.What is it?large(very very big),sharp S:A lion.T:There was a lion in the forest.He was very large and strong.Look!What is this?(Show the mouse)T:All of you did a good job!Today well learn the story.2.Story time(1)T:Lets watch the cartoon and get the answer.Ss watch the cartoon of Story time.T:Can they be friends.S:Yes!T:What happened?Can you try to put the sentences in order?Read and order.The mouse woke the lion up.The lion caught the mouse.The lion let the mouse go.The lion could not get out from the net.2 The mouse helped the lion get out.The lion and the mouse became friends.(2)Teacher shows 2questions:Q1:Why did the lion let the mouse go?Are they friends?Q2:How did the lion get into the net?(3)T:Now we know the main idea about the story.Lets read together and know more details.PPT shows the story and the pictures.Ss read and learn.Picture 1:There was _.He was _.Picture 2:One day,a mouse walked by and woke the lion up.The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse.walk by 走过、路过 Picture 3:The next day,two men caught the lion with a large net.The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth,but that did not help.Ss try to say“How can I get out?”sadly like the lion.Picture 4:Just then,the mouse saw the lion.“I can help you.”He said.Picture 5:From then on,the lion and the mouse became _.Step 3 Consolidation and practice Retell the story.Step 4 Assignment 1.My question:What do you think of the mouse?2.Read the story.Unit 1 The mouse and the lion the picture of the lion became friends the picture of the mouse large strong small weak angry woke up afraid laughed loudly “I can help you one day!”said quietly let it go big sharp teeth two men caught with sad could not get out happy made a big hole small sharp teeth 教学反思:3第二课时第二课时教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse(Grammar time)教学目标教学目标1.能根据关键词或图片熟练复述故事。2.能掌握不规则动词 bite、let 和 wake 的过去式。3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写副词 quietly、loudly、happily.教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:能掌握副词的结构并能正确恰当地运用副词描述动作。教学难点:能正确恰当地运用副词描述动作。教学过程教学过程Step 1 Free talk&Review 1.My question:What do you think of the mouse?Ss:.2.T:Boys and girls,I like animals.I like dogs.I like tigers.And I like ants.Do you know why?S:You like dogs/tigers/ants because they are/like/can/have T:Ants are small and they look weak,but they can do many things.What other animals look small and weak?S:3.T:Some animals look strong,but sometimes theyll be weak.Some animals look weak but they can do something that others cant do.Just like the story about the lion and the mouse.Look!Can you work in groups and try to retell the story?Step 2 Presentation1.T:You can retell the story very well.Can you say the line well?(Show the pictures and the lines)Said the mouse quietly.Laughed the lion loudly.Asked the lion sadly.Said the lion happily.quietquietly,loudloudly,sadsadly,happyhappily The adverbs show the actions more vividly.Ss read the sentences.Compare the adjectives and the adverbs.Then try to tell the usage in groups.2.T:Now can you try to say out the sentence with different tones?“Can I have a look?”said the man excitedly/quietly/loudly/sadly/happily.4 3.Game:(1)T:Now lets play a game.Can you say the sentence with a special tone and let others describe how you speak.(2)Ss say or act.Others describe.Step 3 Consolidation and practiceT:Boys and girls,the adjectives and the adverbs can make the sentences beautiful.Do you still remember the story about Cinderella?Lets review the story and make it better.You can work in groups.Choose one scene and add some adjectives and adverbs.Step 4 Assignment 1.My question:Can you find the adv of“fast、careful、beautiful”?2.Copy the words.板书设计:Unit 1 The lion and the mouseThere was One day,Then,The next day,Just then,From then on,wakewoke,letlet,bitebit,askaskedadjective 形容词 adverbs 副词 quiet quietly loud loudly sad sadly happy happily excited excitedly教学反思:5第三课时第三课时教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse(Fun time&Checkout time)教学目标教学目标1.能正确使用副词进行描述。2.能正确使用动词的过去式。3.能正确使用语言及合适的语气语调与他人合作表演故事。教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 重点:能正确使用语言及合适的语气与他人合作表演故事。难点:能正确使用副词和动词的过去式。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warm-up&ReviewT:My question:Can you find the adv of“fast、careful、beautiful”?Step 2 Presentation1.Checkout time:Look and write(1)T:You can use the adverbs very well.Here are some pictures.Lets talk about the pictures.What are they doing?S:The boy is running.The girl is shouting.The children are talking.(2)T:Can you make the story better?Use the adverbs to complete the story.Open your books to Page 14.Discuss in groups and try to say more.(小组合作)Theres a running race at school.The boy is Mike.Hes running _.A lot of students are watching it.The girl is shouting _.“Go!Go!Go!”T:The woman is crying sadly.Can you help her?What can you do?S:I can 2.Checkout time:Think and writeT:Helping people is very important.Love can make the world better.Su Hai is writing an e-mail to her e-friend Anna.She helped someone last Sunday?What happened?Who did she help?Why and how she helped?Lets read by yourself.Ss read the passage and get a main idea.Q1:Who did she help?She helped a small boy in a shopping centre.Q2:Why did the boy need help?The boy couldnt find his mother.Q3:How did they help the boy?Dad took the boy to an office in the shopping centre and Su Hai gave him a sweet.T:What tense should we use?Simple past tense(Last Sunday)6Now can you try to fill in the blanks?Ss fill in the blanks.Ss read and check.gowent,seesaw,looklooked,helphelped,askasked,taketook,givegave,becomebecame,amwasT:Is Su Hai a good girl?She likes helping people.Who likes helping people?S:likes helping people.T:What did he/she do?S:He/She T:All of you are good helpers.Who likes helping others too in the story The lion and the mouse?S:The mouse!T:Yes.The mouse helped the lion get out of the net.Lets review the story.T:What does the lion look like?Can you describe it?S:The lion is large and strong.He has He likes He can T:What did the lion say S:Im and T:How did the lion say?How did the animals say?The lion said loudly/excitedly.The animals were afraid.Ss say the lines with the correct tone.T:Now can you tell me how did the lion and the mouse say these lines?T:Can you finish the lines?Work in groups.(组内合作,补全对话)Show time:Work in groups and act the story.Dont forget the narration.Rubric:声音响亮,语言表达正确。语气合适,绘声绘色。能加上肢体动作或作适当改编。Step 3 Summarize T:What do we learn today?S:Help people.Step 4 Assignment 1.My question:We use the adv to make the sentences_?2.Copy the phrases.板书设计:教学反思:7第四课时第四课时教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse(Sound Culture&Ticking time)教学目标教学目标1.能掌握特殊疑问句中语音语调的使用。2.能梳理出学过的疑问代词,并正确使用。教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 重点:能梳理出学过的疑问代词并能使用正确的语音语调进行提问。能用使用合适的副词描述故事。难点:能使用正确的语音语调进行提问。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Free talk&Review My question:We use the adv to make the sentences_?T shows the picture of the lion.T:Where did he live?Whos his friend?Why did they become friends?What did the mouse do?How did the lion feel at last?Ticking time:I can understand“The lion and the mouse”.Show the questions.T:Do these questions have a special feature?Wh-questions 特殊疑问句Ss speak out more words about Wh-questions when,which,how many.Step 2 Presentation1.Sound time(1)Show the picture of Sound time.Where are you going?What do you want to buy?Who is it for?T:How to ask these questions.Do we use the rising tone or the falling tone?Lets listen.We use falling tones to ask the Wh-questions.Ss read together.T:Lets ask and answer in pairs.T:What other questions can you ask?(2)Show the questions.T:Can you say these sentences with the correct tones?Where are you going?To the sweet shop?What do you want to buy?Do you want a pie?Who is it for?T:Do you find the rules?Ticking time:I know the intonation of Wh-questions.2.Culture time(1)T:I have some pictures about animals.Can you tell me the name of these stories?(出示中国成语故事的图片)S:坐井观天、一箭双雕、画龙点睛、画蛇添足8Chinese idiomsT:What about these pictures?(出示伊索寓言的故事图片)T:Are these Chinese idioms?Aesops Fables(简要介绍 Aesops Fables)(2)T:Do you know some stories in Aesops Fables?Please use the proper adjectives and adverbs to complete the sentences.Ss read and fill in the blanks.Ticking time:I can use the adverbs.(3)Show the words and pictures of Culture time.Ss read.The stories tell us something.We learn from them.Show the pictures:Match the pictures and the names of the stories.Aesops Fables:“The North Wind and the Sun”“The Fox and the Grapes”“The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing”Chinese idioms:“Kill Two Birds with One Stone”“Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet”“Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well”Step 3 Consolidation and practiceT:Work in groups.And lets prepare a short play.You can choose one story to act it out.Well guess what story youre acting.The boy who cried wolfLong long ago,there was a boy.He had a lot of Every day he went to the hill with the Step 4 Assignment 1.My question:Can you write a story about animals?2.Copy the phrases.板书设计:Unit 2 The lion and the mouseWh-questions:who,what,where,when,why,how Aesops Fables Chinese idioms教学反思:9第五课时第五课时教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse(Cartoon time)教学目标教学目标1.能听懂、会读、会说 cheer、hit、deep、reach、quickly、pour into 2.了解三组新的形容词与副词:realreally、hardhard、quickquickly。3.能根据上下文与图片猜测新单词含义。教学重点和难点教学重点和难点重点:能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能表演故事。难点:能整理出关键词,并根据关键词复述故事。教学过程教学过程Step 1 Free talk&Review T:My question:Can you write a story about animals?Show the stories.Do you like stories?Do you know these stories?What do you know about that?Discuss in groups.S:This is story is from Aesops fables/Chinese idioms.Its about T:What do you know from the story?S:Step 2 Presentation1.Pre-readingT:Today well read a new story.Look!Herere some question words.Can you ask questions about the picture?(出示 Cartoon time 第一幅图)Ss ask questions with wh-questions.T:What questions can you answer from the picture?Q1:Who are they?Q2:What are they doing?Q3:How do they feel?T:Look at Sam!He can play table tennis very well.Hes really good at table tennis.2.Reading time(1)T:Now what happened then?Whats the story about?Lets watch the cartoon.T:What is the story about?A.Its about how to play table tennis well.B.Its about how to get the ball.C.Its about how to get the water.(2)Look,read and order10 T:Herere 4 pictures and the sentences.Can you read and try to put them in order?Lets work in groups.(学生小组合作)Ss read and try to guess the meaning of the vocabulary:cheer for,hit,quickly,pour Into hardhard,quickquickly(fast)(3)Think and say T:What are they talking about?(4)Read and imitate T:Whats the story?Lets follow the recorder.3.After reading(1)Retell the storySs look at the blackboard or the pictures try to retell.Work in pairs and then report.(2)Show time T:Which story do you like?Choose the style you like and act it out with your friends.(四人一组)Ss have a show.(3)Think and say T:Do you have any ideas to get the ball out?Ss discuss.T:Can you give the story a name?Ss discuss.Sam is clever.T:In Aesops Fables,there are also some clever animals.Do you know them?The crow and the pitcher.乌鸦喝水Step 3 Consolidation and practiceT:The crow is clever.Can you try to tell this story in English?板书设计:Unit 2 The lion and the mouseplay table tennis hit the ball hard a deep hole bring get many ballscheer for cannot find cant reach pour into realreally hardhard quickquickly11第六课时第六课时教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse(练习课)教学目标教学目标1.能听懂、会读、会说 cheer、hit、deep、reach、quickly、pour into 2.了解三组新的形容词与副词:realreally、hardhard、quickquickly。3.能根据上下文与图片猜测新单词含义。教学重点和难点教学重点和难点重点:能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能表演故事。难点:能整理出关键词,并根据关键词复述故事。教学过程教学过程Step 1 Step1Revision 自主梳理(画一画、说一说本单元的学习内容思维导图或整理本单元的学习单,需留存资料,附后。)Step2Exercises 错题辨析学生准备好本单元的典型易错的题目,比如:1.My parents and I _(visit)the Bund yesterday evening.It _(is)so wonderful.2.What present _(do)you _(get)last Chinese New Year?3.王兵正在快乐地唱歌。Wang Bing is _ _.2.学生练习。3.学生自主反馈,教师点评。课课练相应内容,也可以是其他练习册上的内容。Step3Assignment 1.My question:精题优练The man caught the tiger with a net.(对划线部分提问)_ _the man _the tiger?2.配套作业。拓展提升.板书设计板书设计 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse
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