-外研版七年级下册《英语》Module 8 Story time 名校培优拔高 检测题(含听力音频+听力材料+师生版).rar


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外研版七年级英语下册外研版七年级英语下册 Module 8 名校培优拔高名校培优拔高 检测题检测题时间:120 分钟满分:120 分班级:_姓名:_听力部分听力部分(共共 30 分分)一、听句子,选画面。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)1_ _2._ _3._ _4._ _5._ _二、听句子,选答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)()6.A.Yes,please.BNo,thanks.CYes,Id love to.()7.A.In 1999.BIn a small town.CBy plane.()8.A.Yes,I want to have a look at the dress.BNo,Id like to try on this hat.CYes,you can.()9.A.Yes,he was.BYes,he did.CYes,he does.()10.A.Yes,they are fine.BThey are fine.CThey were fine.三、对话理解。每段对话读两遍。(10 分)听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。()11.What would Mark like to drink?AOrange juice.BMilk.Ctea.()12.What does the girls mother do?AA doctor.BA nurse.CA businesswoman.()13.Where did the girl go yesterday?AGo to school.BGo to the zoo.CClimbing the mountain.()14.What will Tom do after school?AHave a walk.BWatch TV.CClean up the classroom.()15.What does the boy want to have for lunch?ANoodles.BRice.CHamburgers.听第一段长对话,回答第 1617 小题。()16.Who went to a birthday party?AMike.BKate.CKates cousin.()17.How was the party?AIt was great.BIt was bad.CIt was boring.听第二段长对话,回答第 1820 小题。()18.What did Mr Green do yesterday?AWent fishing.BWent to work.CWent for a walk in the mountains.()19.Where did he rest?AUnder a building.BUnder a small tree.CUnder a big tree.()20.Why did he want to walk?ATo be healthier.BTo leave home.CTo enjoy the nature.四、短文理解。短文读两遍。(5 分)()21.David is a_Awaiter Bstudent Cworker()22.David was born in a small town near _AParis BLondon CTokyo()23.David wants to have _ in the big restaurant.Aeggs Bchicks Chens()24.David cant speak _ very well.AFrench BJapanese CEnglish()25.At last,the waiter brings _ to David.Atwo eggs and a glass of milkBan egg and a cup of coffeeCchicks and a glass of milk五、听短文,填信息。短文读两遍。(5 分)Im 26._ _today.Now Im in a shop.Im looking for a birthday present for my good friend,Jane.She likes 27._ _.So I want to 28._ _her some stickers of the Chinese womens Volleyball Team.This 29._ _ stickers are expensive,but theyre very nice.I think she will 30._ _ them.笔试部分笔试部分(90 分分)六、单项选择。(共 10 分)()31.There is _ basket on the floor and _ basket is full of fruit.Aa;the Bthe;a Can;the Dthe;an()32.How _ you go to Shanghai last week?By plane.Ado Bdid Cwas Dwere()33.Amy,I called you yesterday evening,but _ answered the phone.Oh,I was at the doctors at that time.Aeverybody Bnobody Csomebody Danybody()34.When I was walking past the park,I noticed Lin Tao _ English there.Aread Breading Cto read Dreads()35.The boy _ the hat and returned it to the old man.Apicked up Blooked intoClooked up Dtook off()36.The boy was uncomfortable and decided _ a good rest.Ahave Bhas Chaving Dto have()37.Nobody will become a hero _ the help of others.Aon Bof Cwithout Dwith()38.The box was too heavy for me to carry,_ I pulled it into my room.Aso Band Cbut Dor()39.She attributes(归因于)her success to hard work and a _ luck.Aleast Bless Ca little Dlittle()40.He did not even say anything to her,and she did not speak to him _Aneither Bsame Ceither Dtoo七、完形填空。(共 10 分)Here is a mothers letter to her_41_.Lets read it and see whats moving you.Dear son,When I grow old one day,please be _42_ to me and try to understand me.If I get dirty when eating or if I cant _43_ myself,help me.Remember the hours I spent teaching you.If I say some things again and again when I speak to you,please _44_ me.When you were _45_,I had to read you the same story again and again _46_ you went to sleep.When my tired legs do not let me walk,give me your _47_.I did the same when you started walking.When I come near to you,you should be next to me,try to understand me and help me as I _48_ when you were a baby.When I am ill,you should look _49_ me well,just like I took good care of you day and night.Please spend more time _50_ with me when you are free.Ill pay you by a smile and love.I love you,son!Your mother,Mary()41.A.daughter Bmother Cson()42.A.happy Bgood Cserious()43.A.dress Bwear Cput on()44.A.listen Blisten to Chear()45.A.old Bbig Cyoung()46.A.until Bwhile Cafter()47.A.head Bhand Cleg()48.A.wanted Bdid Cwas()49.A.around Bout Cafter()50.A.being Bplaying Csinging八、阅读理解。(5155 每题 1 分;5670 每题 2 分,共 35 分)ATeeth are very important for our health.They will be our lifelong friends.So we should learn to protect them at a very young age.Here are some tips:First,we should eat right.*Dont eat too much candy or drink too much cola,or our teeth will go bad easily.*Have more cheese,milk and yogurt to make teeth strong.*Eat more vegetables and fruits to help clean teeth.Second,we should keep these numbers in mind.*2/DayBrush your teeth at least twice a day:in the morning and before bedtime.*23 MinutesBrush for at least two to three minutes every time.*3 MonthsGet a new toothbrush every three months.*6 MonthsGo to the dentist every six months for a checkup.判断正误,正确填 T,错误填 F。()51.Were too young,so we neednt start protecting our teeth.()52.Cheese,milk and yogurt can keep our teeth strong.()53.We shouldnt brush our teeth after supper.()54.We can brush our teeth for only one minute each time.()55.At least four toothbrushes should be used in a year.B Helen Keller lived in the USA.She was a great woman.When Helen was a baby.she got very ill.After many weeks,the doctor said,“She is better but now she cant see and cant hear.”Her mother and father were very sad.After a few years,things got worse.There was no way for Helen to speak to other people.She heard nothing.She saw nothing.She didnt understand anything.Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family.The teacher helped Helen learn about words.Helen was a very bright girl and soon she learned to spell her first word.When she was older,she went to college.Helen was very famous.She helped many blind(盲的)and deaf(聋的)people.()56.Helen Keller was a great _ woman.AEnglish BAmerican CAustralian()57.Helen got very ill when _Ashe was a babyBshe was a college studentCshe was very old()58._ taught Helen Keller her first word.AHer mother BHer father CHer teacher()59.Helen was blind and deaf,but she was very _Ahappy Bcareful Cclever()60.Helen was famous because _Ashe was blind and deafBshe had a good teacherCshe learned to read and write and helped many blind and deaf people in the worldC A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small village and sat down.The bus conductor came to them and asked them for their money(钱).The mother said,“I want one ticket to London,”and gave him a shilling(先令).The conductor looked at the small boy for a moment and then said to him,“How old are you,young man?”The mother began speaking,but the conductor stopped her and the boy said,“I am four years old at home and two and a half years old in buses and trains.”The mother took six pence out of her bag and gave it to the conductor.He gave her one and a half tickets.()61.The story took place(发生)_Ain a bus Bin LondonCat the boys home Dat a bus stop()62.The conductor asked the boy his age because _Ahe didnt like the motherBthe mother didnt like to speak to himCthe boy was cleverDhe thought the boy would tell him the truth(真相)()63.The boy was _Afour years old Btwo years oldCsix and a half years old Dtwo and a half years old()64.From the story we can guess a child of _ do not need to buy a ticket there.Afour years old Bmore than fourCless than three Dsix years old()65.A shilling is _A100 pence B10 pence C12 pence D6 penceD A man is going to the house of a friend.It is quite far away and so he takes some sandwiches along for his lunch.As he goes along,he says to himself,“My friend is sure to give me a very nice meal.He is going to give me good wine(酒)to drink.So whats the use of these dry sandwiches?”As he says this,he throws them onto the ground.He goes on and comes to a river.The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few days.He cannot cross the river.He hopes there is a boat to take him over.So he waits and waits.He waits for a long time.Then the sun begins to set.The man says to himself,“I cannot go to my friends house today.I must go home.”Then he starts for(出发)home.Soon he feels very hungry.He wants very much to have something to eat.But he doesnt have anything.Suddenly he sees some dry,dirty,hard sandwiches on the road.He is very happy.He picks them up and eats them all.Do not throw good things away.You may need them later on.()66.It will take the man _ to walk to his friends house.Aa few days Ba few hoursCa whole night Done hour or two()67.He throws the sandwiches to the ground because _Ahe doesnt like themBthe sandwiches are dirtyChe thinks his friend will not like themDhe is sure to have a nice meal at his friends house()68.In“the sun begins to set”,“set”here means _ in Chinese.A落下 B升起 C变暗 D照耀()69.The story tells us that we _Amustnt walk a long way to visit a friendBmustnt throw dry sandwiches awayCmust throw things away when we dont need themDmust always keep good things()70.He has to go back home because _Ait is lateBhe hasnt got any sandwichesCit rains hardDhe is hungry九、补全对话。(共 5 分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有一项多余。A:Hello.This is John Brown.71._ _B:Hello.This is Julie Stone.The window of my living room got broken this morning.72._ _A:No problem.I will come tomorrow morning.73._ _B:Could you come immediately?A:Well,I will get to your house as soon as possible.B:Thats nice.It costs about 60 dollars,right?A:Yes,as long as its a small window.Mrs Stone,didnt I repair a window for you a few weeks ago?B:Yes,you did.A:74._ _ Were they playing ball in the house?B:No.I told them not to do that again.75._ _I was practising volleyball.AIs that OK?BThis time I broke it.CHow can we do that?DCan you come and repair it?EYour sons have broken the window again?FCan I help you?十、综合填空。(共 15 分)(一)选词填空。piece,either,final,try,tiredGoldilocks wanted to sit down because she was 76._ _First,she 77._ _ the big chair,but it wasnt very comfortable.Then she tried the middle chair.It was not comfortable 78._ _.79._ _,she tried the small chair.It was nice and comfortable,but Goldilocks was very heavy and soon the chair was in 80._ _(二)单词拼写,每空一词。81The teacher didnt _ _(注意到)the boy behind the door.82Jack _ _(进入)the classroom quietly just now(刚才).83Listen!The girl is _ _(哭)loudly in the next room.She must be very sad.84He pulled the door,but it didnt open,so he_ _(推)it.85He ate three bowls of noodles because he was very _ _(饿).86Tigers live in the f_ _87Its easy for us to get l_ _ in big cities.88Can you a_ _ the phone?89When Li Lei was a little boy,he d_ _ _to be an actor.90Once u_ _a time,Chinese invented(发现)paper.十一、书面表达。(共 15 分)91根据以下提示写一篇介绍陈涛的短文。60 词左右。提示:陈涛出生于 1988 年 5 月,小学开始对电脑感兴趣,初中时读了大量关于电脑的书籍,18 岁毕业后在一家电脑公司(company)上班,23 岁时开办了自己的电脑公司。他想成为一个像比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)一样的人。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 外研版七年级英语下册外研版七年级英语下册 Module 8 名校培优拔高名校培优拔高 检测题检测题时间:120 分钟满分:120 分班级:_姓名:_听力部分听力部分(共共 30 分分)一、听句子,选画面。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)1_D_2._C_3._A_4._E_5._B_二、听句子,选答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)(C)6.A.Yes,please.BNo,thanks.CYes,Id love to.(B)7.A.In 1999.BIn a small town.CBy plane.(A)8.A.Yes,I want to have a look at the dress.BNo,Id like to try on this hat.CYes,you can.(B)9.A.Yes,he was.BYes,he did.CYes,he does.(C)10.A.Yes,they are fine.BThey are fine.CThey were fine.三、对话理解。每段对话读两遍。(10 分)听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。(A)11.What would Mark like to drink?AOrange juice.BMilk.Ctea.(C)12.What does the girls mother do?AA doctor.BA nurse.CA businesswoman.(B)13.Where did the girl go yesterday?AGo to school.BGo to the zoo.CClimbing the mountain.(C)14.What will Tom do after school?AHave a walk.BWatch TV.CClean up the classroom.(C)15.What does the boy want to have for lunch?ANoodles.BRice.CHamburgers.听第一段长对话,回答第 1617 小题。(B)16.Who went to a birthday party?AMike.BKate.CKates cousin.(A)17.How was the party?AIt was great.BIt was bad.CIt was boring.听第二段长对话,回答第 1820 小题。(C)18.What did Mr Green do yesterday?AWent fishing.BWent to work.CWent for a walk in the mountains.(C)19.Where did he rest?AUnder a building.BUnder a small tree.CUnder a big tree.(A)20.Why did he want to walk?ATo be healthier.BTo leave home.CTo enjoy the nature.四、短文理解。短文读两遍。(5 分)(B)21.David is a_Awaiter Bstudent Cworker(A)22.David was born in a small town near _AParis BLondon CTokyo(A)23.David wants to have _ in the big restaurant.Aeggs Bchicks Chens(C)24.David cant speak _ very well.AFrench BJapanese CEnglish(A)25.At last,the waiter brings _ to David.Atwo eggs and a glass of milkBan egg and a cup of coffeeCchicks and a glass of milk五、听短文,填信息。短文读两遍。(5 分)Im 26._free_ today.Now Im in a shop.Im looking for a birthday present for my good friend,Jane.She likes 27._volleyball_.So I want to 28._buy_ her some stickers of the Chinese womens Volleyball Team.This 29._years_ stickers are expensive,but theyre very nice.I think she will 30._like_ them.笔试部分(90 分)六、单项选择。(共 10 分)(A)31.There is _ basket on the floor and _ basket is full of fruit.Aa;the Bthe;a Can;the Dthe;an(B)32.How _ you go to Shanghai last week?By plane.Ado Bdid Cwas Dwere(B)33.Amy,I called you yesterday evening,but _ answered the phone.Oh,I was at the doctors at that time.Aeverybody Bnobody Csomebody Danybody(B)34.When I was walking past the park,I noticed Lin Tao _ English there.Aread Breading Cto read Dreads(A)35.The boy _ the hat and returned it to the old man.Apicked up Blooked intoClooked up Dtook off(D)36.The boy was uncomfortable and decided _ a good rest.Ahave Bhas Chaving Dto have(C)37.Nobody will become a hero _ the help of others.Aon Bof Cwithout Dwith(A)38.The box was too heavy for me to carry,_ I pulled it into my room.Aso Band Cbut Dor(D)39.She attributes(归因于)her success to hard work and a _ luck.Aleast Bless Ca little Dlittle(C)40.He did not even say anything to her,and she did not speak to him _Aneither Bsame Ceither Dtoo七、完形填空。(共 10 分)Here is a mothers letter to her_41_.Lets read it and see whats moving you.Dear son,When I grow old one day,please be _42_ to me and try to understand me.If I get dirty when eating or if I cant _43_ myself,help me.Remember the hours I spent teaching you.If I say some things again and again when I speak to you,please _44_ me.When you were _45_,I had to read you the same story again and again _46_ you went to sleep.When my tired legs do not let me walk,give me your _47_.I did the same when you started walking.When I come near to you,you should be next to me,try to understand me and help me as I _48_ when you were a baby.When I am ill,you should look _49_ me well,just like I took good care of you day and night.Please spend more time _50_ with me when you are free.Ill pay you by a smile and love.I love you,son!Your mother,Mary(C)41.A.daughter Bmother Cson(B)42.A.happy Bgood Cserious(A)43.A.dress Bwear Cput on(B)44.A.listen Blisten to Chear(C)45.A.old Bbig Cyoung(A)46.A.until Bwhile Cafter(B)47.A.head Bhand Cleg(B)48.A.wanted Bdid Cwas(C)49.A.around Bout Cafter(A)50.A.being Bplaying Csinging八、阅读理解。(5155 每题 1 分;5670 每题 2 分,共 35 分)ATeeth are very important for our health.They will be our lifelong friends.So we should learn to protect them at a very young age.Here are some tips:First,we should eat right.*Dont eat too much candy or drink too much cola,or our teeth will go bad easily.*Have more cheese,milk and yogurt to make teeth strong.*Eat more vegetables and fruits to h
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英语 -外研版七年级下册《英语》Module Story time 名校培优拔高 检测题(含听力音频+听力材料+师生版) 新外研版七 年级 下册 module 名校 拔高 检测 听力 音频 材料
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