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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?满分:满分:100 分分 学号学号 _ 姓名姓名 _得分得分 _ 批改人批改人 _Section A重点单词重点单词写出下列单词(每个 1 分,共 21 分)1.熊猫 n._2.动物园 n._3.老虎 n._4.大象 n._5.树袋熊;考拉 n._6.狮子 n._7.长颈鹿 n._8.动物 n._9.可爱的;机灵的 adj._10.懒散的;懒惰的 adj._11.聪明的 adj._12.美丽的;美好的 adj._13.吓人的;恐怖的 adj._14.种类 n._15.澳大利亚 n._16.南方的 adj.南;南方 n._17.非洲 n._18.宠物 n._19.腿 n._20.猫 n._21.睡觉 v.&n._写出下列单词变形(每个 1 分,共 13 分)1.beauty_(形容词)2.be from_(同义短语)3.sleep_(第三人称单数)_(形容词)4.kind of_(同义短语)5.interest_/_(形容词)6.giraffe_(复数)7.panda_(复数)8.lazy_(反义词)9.Australia(名词)_澳大利亚的(形容词)10.zoo_(复数)11.animal_(复数)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语(每个 3 分,共 30 分)1.整天 _2.黑白相间 _3.南非 _4.稍微,有点儿 _=_5.用两条腿走路 _6.非常;很_=_7.让某人做某事 _8.想做某事 _9.确实吓人 _10.来自 _=_重点句子重点句子完成下列句子(每空 1 分,共 36 分)1.咱们先看熊猫吧。我最喜欢熊猫了。为什么?因为它们非常可爱。_ _ the pandas first.Theyre _ _ animals._?_ theyre very _.2.你为什么喜欢大熊猫?_ _ you like pandas?3.它们来自哪里?_ _ they _?4.她整天睡觉,并且她的名字叫 Lazy.She sleeps _ _,and her name _ Lazy.5.你为什么想看它们?_ _ you want to see them?6.他能用两条腿走路。He can _ _ two _.7.你为什么不喜欢这只猫?嗯,因为她有点儿令人乏味。她整天都在睡觉。_ _ you like the cat?Well,because shes _ _ boring.She _ _ _.8.你为何不喜欢老虎?因为它们确实可怕。_ _ you like tigers?_ theyre _ scary.9.狮子来自什么地方?它们来自南非。_ _ lions _?_ _ South Africa.Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?满分:满分:100 分分 学号学号 _ 姓名姓名 _得分得分 _ 批改人批改人 _B 部分部分重点单词重点单词写出下列单词。(每个 1 分,共 17 分)1.友好的 adj._2.羞怯的;腼腆的 adj._3.救;救助 v._4.象征 n._5.旗;旗帜 n._6.忘记;遗忘 v._7.地点;位置 n._8.水 n._9.危险 n._10.砍;切 v._11.(坐,躺,倒)下 adv.向下;沿着 prep._12.树 n._13.杀死;弄死 v._14.象牙 n._15.超过,多于;在上方 prep._16.泰国 n._17.泰国人(的);泰语(的)adj.&n._写出下列单词变形(每个 2 分,共 22 分)1.danger_(形容词)2.down_(反义词)3.friend_(形容词)4.tree_(复数)5.over_(同义短语)6.forget_(反义词)7.flag_(复数)8.cut_(现在分词)_(过去式)9.lose_(现在分词)_(过去式)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语。(每个 2 分,共 34 分)1.迷路 _=_2.处于(极大)危险之中 _3.失去家园 _4.砍倒 _5.由制成的_6.玛丽的话 _7.来到 _8.演奏音乐 _9.拯救大象 _10.的其中之一_11.的标志/象征_12.祝好运_13.为杀死_14.五岁 _15.北京动物园_16.画得好_重点句子重点句子完成下列句子。(每空 1 分,共 27 分)1.我喜欢狗因为它们友好而且聪明。I like dogs _ _ _ and _.2.它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。They can _ _ places _ food and water.3.我们的第一面国旗上就绘着一头白象。Our _ flag _ a white elephant _ it.4.人们说“大象从来不会忘记”。_ say that“_ elephant _ _.”5.大象能够长时间行走,而且不迷路。Elephants can _ _ a long time and _ _ _.6.但是大象面临巨大的危险。But elephants _ _ _ _.7.我们必须拯救树木,拒买象牙制品。We must _ the trees and _ buy things _ _ ivory.Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?满分:满分:100 分分 学号学号 _ 姓名姓名 _得分得分 _ 批改人批改人 _ReviewI.写出词汇思维图(每空 1 分,共分)II.阅读 Section A 2d 的对话,根据对话内容在短文横线处填入一个正确的单词形式。(每空 2 分,共 20 分)Peter has a new pet.Its a cute dog 1._(call)Dingding.Its very 2._.He can walk 3._ two legs and he can dance 4._.Jenny doesnt have a pet,5._ she doesnt like her 6._(mother)pet.Its a big cat.Because 7._ name is Lazy.She sleeps 8._ day and 9._ of boring.Peter thinks Lazy is a good name 10._ the cat.III.阅读 Section B 2b 的课文,根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的单词。(每空 2.5 分,共 20 分)Elephants are important in Thailand.The elephant is one of Thailands 1._.A whiteelephant was on its first 2._ and its a symbol of good luck.Elephants are smart animals.They can play soccer or music.They can also 3._ very well.They can walk for a long time and 4._ get lost.Also,they can remember places 5._ food and water.But elephants are in great 6._.People cut down many trees and they also kill elephants for their 7._.Today there are only about 3,000 elephants(over 100,000 before).We must 8._ the trees and not buy things made of ivory.Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.IV.阅读短文,在没有汉语提示的空格处,根据首字母、音标或语境的提示填入 1 个适当的单词;在有汉语提示的空格处,填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。(每空 3 分,共 30 分)My favorite place is the zoo near my school.There I can see 1._/v/ten animals,such as cats,pandas,tigers,lions,elephants,giraffes and koalas.The lions are from South Africa.They are 2._ and many people are afraid of them.The koalas are from Australia.They often 3._ in the day.They are lazy.Of all the animals,I like pandas best because they are a symbol of China.They are cute,but 4._(有点儿)shy.I also like the elephants and the giraffes.The elephants are from Thailand.They are smart.They like 5._ with water and they can walk for a long time and never 6._(迷路).The giraffes are beautiful and friendly to people.My pet is a cat.I often watch it walk on two 7._.Sometimes I use a flag made of red cloth to call it here.Because many people 8._(砍伐)trees or kill them,for example,people kill elephants for their ivory,many animals are in great 9._.Animals are our friends.We should protect them and never 10._ to save them.Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section A重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词。1.*panda/pnd/n.熊猫2.*zoo/zu:/n.动物园3.*tiger/tag(r)/n.老虎4.*elephant/elfnt/n.大象5.*koala /k:l/n.树袋熊;考拉6.*lion/lan/n.狮子7.*giraffe/dr:f/,/drf/n.长颈鹿8.animal/nml/n.动物9.*cute/kju:t/adj.可爱的;机灵的10.lazy/lezi/adj.懒散的;懒惰的11.smart/sm:(r)t/adj.聪明的12.beautiful/bju:tfl/adj.美丽的;美好的13.scary/skeri/,/skeri/adj.吓人的;恐怖的14.kind/kand/n.种类15.*Australia/strel/n.澳大利亚16.south/sa/adj.南方的;n.南;南方17.*Africa/frk/n.非洲18.*pet/pet/n.宠物19.*leg/leg/n.腿20.*cat/kt/n.猫21.sleep/sli:p/v.&n.睡觉朗读下列单词变形。1.beautybeautiful(形容词)2.be fromcome from(同义短语)3.sleepsleeps(第三人称单数)asleep(形容词)4.kind ofa little(同义短语)5.interestinteresting/interested(形容词)6.giraffegiraffes(复数)7.pandapandas(复数)8.lazyhard-working(反义词)9.Australia(名词)Australian 澳大利亚的(形容词)10.zoozoos(复数)11.animalanimals(复数)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语。1.all day 整天2.black and white 黑白相间3.South Africa 南非4.kind of 微,有点儿=a little5.walk on two legs 用两条腿走路6.a lot 非常;很=very much7.let sb.do sth.让某人做某事8.want to do sth.想做某事9.really scary 确实吓人10.be from 来自=come from重点句子重点句子朗读下列句子。1.咱们先看熊猫吧。我最喜欢熊猫了。为什么?因为它们非常可爱。Lets see the pandas first.Theyre my favorite animals.Why?Because theyre very cute.2.你为什么喜欢大熊猫?Why do you like pandas?3.它们来自哪里?Where are they from?4.她整天睡觉,并且她的名字叫 Lazy.She sleeps all day,and her name is Lazy.5.你为什么想看它们?Why do you want to see them?6.他能用两条腿走路。He can walk on two legs.7.你为什么不喜欢这只猫?嗯,因为她有点儿令人乏味。她整天都在睡觉。Why dont you like the cat?Well,because shes kind of boring.She sleeps all day.8.你为何不喜欢老虎?因为它们确实可怕。Why dont you like tigers?Because theyre really scary.9.狮子来自什么地方?它们来自南非。Where are lions from?Theyre from South Africa.重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识。标题 1.Why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫?用 why 提问,用 because 回答.Why do you like tigers?你为什么喜欢老虎?Because theyre smart.因为它们聪明。1c 2.Why do you want to see them?你为什么想要看熊猫?want to do sth.想要做某事1)I want to see the tigers.(see)我想看老虎。2)I want to see the pandas.(see)我想看熊猫。2d 3.Why dont you like the cat?你为什么喜欢猫?Why dont you+v 原形=Why not+v 原形,为什么不做某事1)Why dont you go to school?(go)你为什么不去上学。2)Why not go swimming?(swim)为什么不去游泳?3a*But I like tigers a lot.但是我更喜欢老虎。a lot 常放在行为动词后面,表示很,更,非常,很多Section B重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词。1.friendly/frendli/adj.友好的2.shy/a/adj.羞怯的;腼腆的3.save/sev/v.救;救助4.symbol/smbl/n.象征5.*flag/flg/n.旗;旗帜6.forget/f(r)get/v.忘记;遗忘7.place/ples/n.地点;位置8.water/w:t/,/w:tr/n.水9.danger/dend(r)/n.危险10.cut/kt/v.砍;切11.down/dan/adv.(坐、躺、)下;prep.向下;沿着12.tree/tri:/n.树13.kill/kl/v.杀死;弄死14.*ivory/avri/n.象牙15.over/v(r)/prep.超过,多于;在上方16.Thailand /talAnd/n.泰国17.Thai /ta/adj.&n.泰国人(人)朗读下列单词变形。1.dangerdangerous(形容词)2.downup(反义词)3.friendfriendly(形容词)4.treetrees(复数)5.overmore than(同义短语)6.forgetremember(反义词)7.flagflags(复数)8.cutcutting(现在分词)cut(过去式)9.loselosing(现在分词)lost(过去式)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语。1.get lost 迷路=be lost2.be in(great)danger 处于(极大)危险之中3.lose ones home 失去家园4.cut down 砍倒5.(be)made of由制成的6.Marys words 玛丽的话e to 来到8.play music 演奏音乐9.save the elephants 拯救大象10.one of的其中之一11.a symbol of的标志/象征12.good luck 祝好运13.killfor为杀死14.five years old 五岁15.Beijing Zoo 北京动物园16.draw well 画得好重点句子重点句子朗读下列句子。1.我喜欢狗因为它们友好而且聪明。I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.2.它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。They can also remember places with food and water.3.我们的第一面国旗上就绘着一头白象。Our first flag had a white elephant on it.4.人们说“大象从来不会忘记”。People say that“an elephant never forgets.”5.大象能够长时间行走,而且不迷路。Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.6.但是大象面临巨大的危险。But elephants are in great danger.7.我们必须拯救树木,拒买象牙制品。We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识。2b 1.The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.大象是泰国的象征之一。One of+复数名词,.之一1)One of the beautiful girls is my sister.(girl)其中一个漂亮的女孩是我的姐姐。2)One of the cute dogs is mine.(dog)其中一条可爱的狗是我的。2.This helps them to live.这有助于他们生存。help sb./sth.to do sth.帮助.做某事1)He can help me(to)sing.(sing)他能帮助我唱歌。2)It can help me to remember many y things.(remember)这有助于我记住很多东西。3.We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.我们必须拯救树木,不买象牙制品。be made of 由.制造(成品可见原材料,物理变化);be made from 由.制造(成品不可见原材料,化学变化);be made in 在某地制造1)My jacket is made in China.我的夹克衫是中国制造的。2)The desk is made of wood.这张书桌是木制的。3)The paper is made from trees.纸是用树制造的。词汇思维图词汇思维图生词成文生词成文My favorite place is the zoo near my school.There I can see over ten animals,such as cats,pandas,tigers,lions,elephants,giraffes and koalas.The lions are from South Africa.They are scary and many people are afraid of them.The koalas are from Australia.They often sleep in the day.They are lazy.Of all the animals,I like pandas best because they are a symbol of China.They are cute,but kind of shy.I also like the elephants and the giraffes.The elephants are from Thailand.They are smart.They like playing with water and they can walk for a long time and never get lost.The giraffes are beautiful and friendly to people.My pet is a cat.I often watch it walk on two legs.Sometimes I use a flag made of red cloth to call it here.Because many people cut down trees or kill them,for example,people kill elephants for their ivory,many animals are in great danger.Animals are our friends.We should protect them and never forget to save them.话题范文话题范文There are many kinds of animals.My favorite animals are pandas.Pandas are only from China.They are black and white.They eat bamboo leaves every day.They are quiet and kind of shy.People all think pandas are gentle and cute,so they like them very much.They can climb the trees.Arent they interesting?
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