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    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit10复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit11复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit12复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit2复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit3复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit4复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit5复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit6复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit7复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit8复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》 Unit9复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》Unit1复习讲义(默写版).docx--点击预览
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2022 七年级下学期期末复习讲义 Unit10 一短语词组 带蔬菜的牛肉面_ 三种特色菜_想要某物/想要做某事_ 一大碗/一中碗/一小碗_ 要点菜了吗?_ 多大碗的?_ 在西红柿鸡蛋汤里 _ 说得对_麻婆豆腐带点米饭 _ 加胡萝卜的羊肉面_绿茶_ 橘子汁_ 全世界(2 个)_ 在他们生日时_ 在我 12 岁生日时 _ 的答案_在不同的国家_ 不同于_ 插有蜡烛的生日蛋糕 _ .蜡烛的数量_这个人的年龄_ 在几岁时_许愿 _ 吹灭蜡烛 _ 所有的蜡烛 _ 一口气_ 实现_在英国 _ 把放进里 _ 吃到糖的孩子 _正在变得受欢迎(流行)_ 有幸去做某事_把切碎 _ 长寿的象征 _ 在有些地方_ 所有这些生日食物_ 和相同_ 给某人带来好运_ 订了我们美味的煎饼_ 四元买一大碗_ 不要急/不要担心 _ 戴上你的眼镜 _ 在的帮助下_二单项选择1.Here is some meat.Please help me to _.A.cut up itB.cut up themC.cut it upD.cut them up2.Look!Some chicken_ on the plate(盘子)And some eggs _in the bowlA.is;isB.are;areC.is;are D.are;is3.The number of the students in our swimming club 66.Thats a lucky number.A.haveB.hasC.areD.is4.Look!There a number of sheep on the grassland.Wow,I think the number of the sheep over one hundred.A.is;areB.are;isC.is;is三完成句子1.你要什么种类的饺子?牛肉胡萝卜的。(kind)What _?。2.在网上买日常用品在农村也变得流行了。(get)It is _everyday things online.3.你要来点加蔬菜的牛肉汤吗?谢谢,不要。我还想再来一碗牛肉面。()Would you like _4.我们班的学生数量和我的年龄一样。(number)_ _5.如果你能一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,你将会实现你所有的愿望。(make)6.在你生日时,把面条切碎是不合适的。(cup)Its _ 2022 七年级下学期期末复习讲义 Unit11 一.短语默写1.去散步_ 2.给奶牛挤奶_ 3.喂鸡_4.照相_ 5.骑马_ 6.带领某人参观_ 7.摘草莓_ 8.在农村_ 9.去钓鱼_ 10.爬山_ 11.消防站 _ 12.进行学校旅行 _ 13.制作机器人模型_ 14.总的来说 _ 15.玩得非常开心_ 16.去艺术博物馆_17.看见了许多/看见了许多鸡_18.种苹果/种苹果树_19.学到很多关于_20.怎么样?_21.去钓鱼_22.变阴_23.(太阳)露出来_24.很快到那_25.教某人如何做某事_26.给某人买某物_27.某人对某事感兴趣/某事有趣_28.某人对某事感到兴奋/一次令人激动的旅行_29.根本不_30.担心某人_31.一个昂贵的礼物_32.一名相当优秀的学生_33.听见某人做/听见某人正在做_二单项选择()1.Did you do _ last weekend?-Yes,I went fishing with my grandpa.A.something special B.special something C.anything special D.special anything()2 _Who went to the zoo?-Jim _.A.did B.does C.was D.went()3.What _the weather_ that day?-It was sunny.A.was,B.waslike C.is,like D.do,studies()4.Riding a horse is very _.I am very _ in it.A.interesting,interest B.interested,interesting C.interest,interested D.interesting,interested三.完成句子1.他 照 相 了 吗?(take)_?是 的,他 照 了./不,他 没 照_./_.2.农夫带领他参观了农场。(show)_3.幸运的是,没有下雨,太阳很快又出来了!(come)_!4.然后导游教我们如何制作模型机器人.(teach)_.5.那之后,我去礼品店给我父母买了一些可爱的礼物.(buy)_.6.我对那个有趣的故事很感兴趣。(interest)_.7.我在礼品店里没有买任何东西.(something)_8.我一点也不喜欢这次郊游(all)_.四.语法填词We had a terrible school trip yesterday.Some students were late.Then we waited(等待)half _ hour for the school bus,_ it didnt arrive._ the end,our teacher _(take)the subway.It took us about an hour.After we got off(下车)the subway,we walked and _(get)lost.When we finally _(arrive)at the zoo,we were tired and hungry.We wanted _(see)pandas,but there werent any.There were some really smart elephants,but we didnt see the show because we arrived too late.We left our cameras(照相机)at school,so we didnt take any_(photo).Then it _(rain),and no one had an umbrella(雨伞).So we went for lunch.My friends had some ice cream.But I didnt have any,_ I dont like it.We didnt see many animals because of the rain.At last,we went back to school.I didnt enjoy my school trip at all.2022 七年级下学期期末复习讲义 Unit12 一短语默写1.在湖边扎营_ 2.去野营_3.在海滩开心地打沙滩排球_ 4.去湖上划船_ 5.去海滩 _6.一些沙滩 _ 7.教他打羽毛球_8.一只羊/四只羊 _9.看见相当多牛马和羊_10.作为一名艺术家 _11.从事导游工作 _12.梦想当演员 _13.有点累 _14.累人的一天 _15.在自然历史博物馆_16.带游客参观消防站 _17.成百上千的蝴蝶_ 18.三百多种蝴蝶_ 19.两个蝴蝶馆 _20.呆在家 _21.保持健康 _22.熬夜打游戏_23.跑开 _24.一只小老鼠/一群老鼠 _25.两个婴儿 _26.听见他在喊 _27.停止喊叫 _28.冲.大声叫嚷_29.对某人喊叫 _30.又一门语言 _31.讲两种语言 _32.飞得高_33.放风筝_34.喂羊 _35.周末过得愉快_二单项选择1.I worked _ a farmer _ the farm A.be,in B.am,on C as,on D,be,on2.What did you do last weekend.I camped_ the lake,played _ with my father and played_.A by,the badminton,violin B in badminton the violin C.on,badminton,the violin D.by,badminton,the violin。3.Who arrived at school late this morning?Mary_.A did B.was C.does D.is 4.Is there_ in todays newspaper?A something interesting B anything interesting C interesting anything D interesting something5.The boy ran_ that I_ follow him。A.so quick,can not B,so quickly can not C.so quick,couldnt D so quickly,couldnt6._did you stay up late last night?-_to the soccer game on TV.A.What,Watch B.How,Watched C.Why,To watch D.Where,Watching7.When we went_ the room we saw a snake _near the door。A.out,sleep B.out of,sleep C.out,sleeping D.out of,sleeping8.When the baby _he started_.A waked up,crying B.woke up,to crying C.woke up,to cry D.wake up,to cry二完成句子1 上周六我呆在家.我为我的英语考试学习(study)2 听起来你们玩得很开心(sound)_ 3 那个欧洲男孩上个月和谁去野营了?(shout)4 班主任告诉我们别对父母嚷嚷(tell)5 那个黑衣人看见警察时赶快跑开了(run)6 你昨晚完成作业后累吗?(finish)7 这个工作很累人,但他从不感到累。(tired)_ 8 熬夜对我们的健康有害。(bad)9 他是如此累以至 在课堂上睡着了(tired)_ 四.填词1.Be quiet.The b_are sleeping。2.She can speak over three kinds of l_.3.Do not s_at your parents like that 4.The boy r_ away quickly when he saw his teacher in the hallways 5.Bill s_ a song and p_ the guitar at the party yesterday。Unit 2 复习讲义复习讲义 B 组:一、默写下列短语组:一、默写下列短语1.早睡/早起 _ 12.晚睡/晚起_2.给某人穿衣服_ 13.穿上衣服_3.刷牙_ 14.洗淋浴_4.一份有趣的工作 _ 15.在某地工作_5.从.到._ 16.在早上/下午/傍晚_6.在中午/夜晚_ 17.做作业_7.散步_ 18.吃地快_8.要么.,要么._ 19.大量,许多_9.尝起来不错_ 20.有着健康的生活_10.打扫房间_ 21.干净的房间_11.上班迟到_ 22.吃东西前洗手_二、单项选择二、单项选择()1.Mike often gets up _ 6:40 _ the morning.A.in;inB.on;onC.at;atD.at;in()2.Whats the time?Its _ three-thirty.A.of B.around C.at D.in()3.Please write and tell me _ your school day.A.about B.for C.with D.to()4.We often do _ homework at home.A.we B.us C.our D.the()5.Please come _ here.Dont go _ now.A.to;homeB./;to home C./;homeD.to;to home()6.Does the chicken _ nice?Yes.Its reallydeliciousA.sound B.feel C.look D.taste()7.What would you like to drink?-Either tea or coffer _ok.I dont mind.A.have B.is C.are D.hasA 组:三、用组:三、用 at,in 或或 on 填空填空1.Mike goes to school _seven oclock _the morning.2.Mr.and Mrs.Jackson dont go to work _Sundays.3.Bob often listens to music _6:00 p.m.4.Jims birthday is _April 18th.5.My mother usually does housework _ the evening.四、完成下列句子四、完成下列句子1.他从星期一到星期五都没有时间散步。He doesnt _.2.我需要一个人来帮助那个说英语的学生打扫教室。I need someone _.3.我们得在吃完东西后刷牙来保护好牙齿。We have to _ to have good teeth.4.早睡早起对于学生来说是一种健康的生活。Its a _.5.放学后,麦克要么做作业,要么打半个小时的排球。Mike _.五、语法填空五、语法填空My name is Jane.Im a Chinese girl.I am 13 years old.There are 4 people in my family my father,my mother,my sister and I.We get on well with each other.My father is a _(work),and he works in a car factory.He works very hard _ Monday to Friday.My mother is a teacher and she _(teach)in a middle school.Her students love _(she)very much._she is a very good teacher.My sister is a nurse in a hospital.On weekends,she either plays sports or _(watch)TV.I am _student in Hangzhou No.1 Middle School.I am going to join the tennis club because I can _(play)tennis very well.We all want_ (live)happily at home.Every day _(be)a good day because we love each other very much.Unit3 复习讲义复习讲义 B 组:一组:一.重点短语重点短语1.乘火车/大巴/地铁(两种)_ 12.骑自行车(两种)_2.走路上学(两种)_ 13.到校_ 3.多远 _ 14.乘车上班 _ 4.在和.之间_ 15.过河 _ 5.实现_ 16.使梦想实现_ 6.害怕做某事(两种)_ 17 离开村庄_ 7.成百上千的学生_ 18.5 分钟的公交车程_ 8.两百个老师_ 19.为什么而感谢_9.在中国_ 20.住的离学校_10.5 千米远_ 21.一个十一岁的女孩_11.像父亲一样对我_ 23.做某事花费某人多长时间_二单项选择二单项选择()1.How do you get to school?I ride _ bike.But sometimes I go to school _ bus.A./the B.a a C.a by D./by()2 _ is it from your home to school?A.How far B.How long C.How much D.How old()3.My shoes are too old.Could you buy me a _ oneA.big B.clean C.long D.new()4.It _ her two hours _ by bikeA.take,get to school B.takes,to arrive in schoolC.takes,to get to school D.take,to arrive at school()5.I live near the bus stop.Its about six _ walkA.minutes B.minutes C.minutes D.minute()6.-Do you miss your grandmother?-yes,I always _ the happy time with her in the villageA.think of B.think about C.look at D.ask for()7.-How much is your new bike?Its about two_ and twenty yuanA.hundreds B.hundred C.hundred of D hundreds of A 组:三组:三.重点句式重点句式1._从你家到学校有多远?(far)2._?_.她乘地铁去上学吗?不,她走路上学3._Mary 想知道到她爷爷奶奶家要花费多长时间。(take)4._.在他们学校和村庄之间有一条河流(there)5._.这些学生需要乘滑索跨过河流去上学.(cross)6._.完成家庭作业只花费了我半个小时。(finish)7.For students in poor mountain areas,_.对于贫困山区的学生们来说,实现他们的梦想是困难的(come)8._.他们的梦想是拥有一座桥.(dream)9._.他们不能乘船上学,因为河流太急了(quickly)四四.阅读填词阅读填词My name is Bob.Im a middle school student.My home is about two miles _ my school.I usually l_ for school at 7:30.I usually go to school _ foot.It takes _(I)about 30 minutes.But sometimes I go there by b_.The bus r_ is about 15 minutes.My friend,Nick,often goes to school by bus.He g_ up at 5.30 every day.Then he goes to school at six.First he walks to the bus s_.Then he takes the bus.It usually takes forty _(分钟)to get to school.Sometimes he also _(骑)a bike.2022 七年级下学期期末复习讲义七年级下学期期末复习讲义 Unit4一短语默写 上课迟到 准时在走道里 在餐厅里吃东西/在外面吃东西在课堂上听音乐 和某人打架把某物带到某地 穿校服在图书馆保持安静 洗碗帮助妈妈做早餐 在上学期间的白天/晚上每个周六 整理床铺祝好运 对某人/某事严格制定/遵守规定 留短发吵闹 最好做某事二单项选择1.The girl_ a blue skirt today.She looks beautiful.A.gets dressed B.puts on C.wears D.dresses2.-Must we clean the classroom now?-_.You can clean it after class.A.Yes,you must.B.Yes,you can.C.No,you dont have D.No,you neednt3.I have _housework and _rules at home.A too many;too much B.too much ;too much C.too many;too much D.too many;too many4.-Daniel,do you know that bees never get lost?-Yes.Bees always remember_ the same way as they went.A.Come back B.came back C.coming back D.to come back 三单句填空 1.Its very_ to make a plan(计划)before we do everything。2.She often_(放松)herself by reading books.3.Your shoes are _.Please wash them.4.We can l_ a lot about pandas from different books and TV5.Time flies!It wont be long _ we say goodbye to our lovely school.6.-What _(可怕的)rules.7.The cake is delicious.I want some m_.四句子1.上课不迟到是重要的。_.2.你的同学们不得不在图书馆保持安静吗?_?3.上学期间的夜晚请不要外出。_4.我的妹妹必须在吃晚餐前练习吉他_。5.他每个上学日都是按时起床的,但是今天早上他起来晚了。_6.你能来厨房帮我清洗餐具吗?_五、语法填空Sue is my cousin.She is short and she 1(keep)her hair short.She is a cute girl.O weekends she often comes to my house 2_(visit)my grandparents and play with me.When we are together,we always have a lot to 3._(talk)about.We talk about our 4._(friend),hobbies and school life.There are many_5._(rule)at her school.But she doesnt mind 6._(they).She never arrives late and always listens to the teachers carefully in class.Her teachers are very strict 7._ them,but the students dents all like their teachers.Sue is friendly to her classmates,and she never 8._(fight)with them,9 _ she has many friends at school.At home,she must clean her room and do_10_dishes.学科网(北京)股份有限公司Unit5 复习讲义复习讲义B 组练习:组练习:一、重点短语默写1.稍微,有点_2.让我们先看._3.最喜欢的动物_4.有点有趣 _5.南非 _6.来自(两种)_7.对某人友好_8.用两条腿走_9.整天/整夜_10.对于她是个好名字_11.非常喜欢._12.黑白相间_13.其中之一_14.我们的第一面旗_15.好运的象征_16.画得好_17.忘记要做某事_18.忘记做过某事_19.迷路(两种)_20.有食物和水的地方_21.为杀死_22.失去某人的家园_23.处于危险_24.砍倒_25.超过/多于_26.象牙制成的东西_二、单项选择1.-_ you like Wolf Warriors II?-.Because its boring.AWhy doBWhy not CWhy dont D.Why are2.This _ book is _ funny,I like reading it.A.kinds of;kind of B.kind of;a kind of C.kind of;kind of D.kind of;all kinds of3.To save the elephant,we mustnt buy the things _ ivory.A.is made of B.are made of C.made of D.make of 4.The trees are the homes of birds.So dont _.A.cut it down B.cut down them C.cut them up D.cut them down5.-Where is this animal _?-It_ South Africa.A.come from;comes from B.from;come from C.is from;comes from D.from;comes from三、语法填空1.I forgot_(write)my name on the notebook.2.Bobs brother can walk _ two hands.(介词填空)3.Now,Maria _(work)into the kitchen w_ a frown(皱眉)on her face.4.Tony speaks English well b_ he practices it every day.5.Lisa is _(friend)to me and were _(friend).6.What animals do you like _(good)?A 组练习:组练习:四、翻译句子1.我们必须做点事情来拯救那些处在极大危险中的动物。We must_.2.不要忘了对别的游客友好些.Dont _3.其中的一只长颈鹿已经 30 多岁了。One_.4.于对一个八岁的孩子来说很容易在森林里迷路。It _5.各种各样的红色物品都是好运的象征。_.学科网(北京)股份有限公司Unit 6 复习讲义复习讲义 B 组:一短语词组1.看报纸 _ 2.做汤 _ 3.去电影院(两种)_ 4.出去吃饭_ 5.喝茶_4.洗碗_6.使用电脑_ 7.在电话上交谈_ 8.明天晚上_9.在超市购物_ 10.在游泳池游泳_11.端午节_12.听收音机_ 13.为了考试学习_ 14.在客厅_15.洗衣服_ 16.每个星期六_ 17.打扫房间_18.帮助做晚饭_ 19 在电视上观看龙舟比赛_ 20 希望做某事_21 像任何一个其它夜晚_ 22 想念他的家人_23 很多孩子_24.美国的寄宿制家庭_ 25.去购物 _ 26 给他的孩子讲故事_27 包粽子_ 28 美国 _ 29 来自深圳的学生_二选择填空()1._-Can you help me_ soup now?_No problem.A making B is making C to make D makes()2.He usually _ in the morning,but now he _his room.A exercising,is cleaning B.exercises,clean C exercises,is cleaning Dis exercising,cleans()3.Shanghai is bigger than _city in China.A any B other C any other D the other()4.Look!Emma is _her bedroom.Her room is always _A clean,clean B clean,cleaning C cleaning,clean D cleaning,cleaning()5.Let the boy _these books in the box.A puts B put C to put D putting()6 It is 12:00.Thegreen family _lunch.A have B has C is having D are having()7.I have two books.one is for you,and _is for her.A another B other C the other D others()8.Bob with his friends _soccer now,he and his friends often _it in the park.A play,is playing B plays play C is playing,play D are playing,play()9.They are talking _the movie _the phone.A to,by B about,on C about,by D to,onA 组:三翻译句子1.你的爷爷奶奶在做什么?他们正在客厅电视上观看龙舟比赛。(watch)What are your grandparents doing?They _2.我表弟正在和来自深圳的朋友通过电话交流。(talk)My cousin is _.3.她希望帮她的妈妈洗衣服。(wish)She _.4.孩子们没有在图书馆看报,他们在超市购物。(read)_.They_5.你爸爸在泳池游泳吗?(swim)6.我现在不想去看电影,我正在家里使用电脑玩游戏。(use)I_四填词Many middle school students like _(watch)TV very much.But _Monday to Friday they must go to school.On Saturday and Sunday,they can _(stay)at home and watch TV all day.They dont know its bad for _(they)eyes._(usual)they like hamburgers,fried chicken and some beef.They dont like any vegetables _fruit.They dont know _(eat)more vegetables and fruit is better than eating meat.At school,the students only do a few_(minute)of sports.The teachers think it is quite necessary(必 要的)_the students to do some sports,_they try to ask the students to play sport every day.2022 七年级下学期期末复习讲义 Unit7 A 卷卷一短语默写1.在公园打篮球_2.在他的朋友家学习_3.给某人捎口信_4.给某人回电话_5.没问题_6.玩的开心做某事_7.关于某事学习了很多_8.一些我的老朋友_9.感觉快乐地做某事_10.坐在泳池边上_11.喝橙汁_12.晚点见_13.努力学习_14.下大雨_15.在度假_16.去海南度假_17.在山里_18.给你写信_19.正适合做某事_20.把某物带回家_21.去滑冰_22.给某人拍照_23.在下雨天(2)_24.给某人做饭_25.拜访我在加拿大的姑妈_26.上百个国家_27.在夏天/冬天_28.堆雪人_二单项选择1.Our dream will_ if we study _ A.come true;hardlyB.come out;hardly C.come true;hardD.come out;hard2.How about your holiday?I am so happy _ with my friends.We have a great time _ with each other.A.to play;to play B.playing;to play C.playing;playingD.to play;playing3.Does it often _here?YesIts always _ A.rainy;rain B.rainy;rainy C.rain;rainy D.rain rain4.May I speak to Annie,please?_.A.Yes,youre right B.Speaking C.Thank you D.She is fine5.Tell him _ in the river alone.Its very dangerous.A.to swim B.swimming C.not to swimD.dont swim6.Look!Alex _ a great time _ in the library.A.has;to readB.has;reading C.is having;to read D.is having;reading7.I dont know if it _ tomorrow.If it _,I wont go.A.will rain;will rainB.rains;rains C.rains;will rain D.will rain;rains三单句填空1.Sorry,I cant follow you.Could you please say it a_?2.Julie is _(sit)in the study room and doing her homework.3.Now Im not at home.Im in Beijing.I will go b_ home in two days.4.It _(rain)a lot here in July and August every year.5.A lot of _(visit)from other countries are going to Beijing.6.China is an old country _ a long history.B 卷卷四完成句子1.欧洲的天气怎么样?_=_?2.看,一些小孩子正在给各种动物拍照。(take)Look,some children _.3.你能告诉那个俄罗斯女孩一会给我回电话好吗?(tell)Could you _later?4.海伦和她的家人正在加拿大山里度假(be)Helen _ in Canada5.她不喜欢刮风的日子,因为她不得不戴帽子(wear)She _.6.看太长时间电视对我们的眼睛不好(be)_our eyes.7.这儿的天气凉爽多云,正适合散步(right)The weather _.2022 七年级下学期期末复习讲义 Unit8 A 卷卷一默写短语1.在桥街上左转_ 2.沿着这条路走_3.在第一个十字路口_ 4.在你的右边_5.在这附近_ 6.在这个街区_7.和某人在公园度过时光_ 8.喜欢阅读_9.为.支付._ 10.花 费 时 间 做 某 事(spend)_11.在.前面_ 12.在.对面_13.在后面/在前面/
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