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Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island?满分:100 分 学号 _ 姓名 _得分 _ 批改人 _Section A重点单词重点单词写出下列单词。(每空 1 分,共 17 分)1.珠宝;财富 n_2.岛 n_3.经典作品;名著 n_4.页;面,张 n_5.匆忙;赶快 v_6.预期;预定 adj_7.船 n_8.工具 n_9.枪;炮 n_10.迹象;记号;分数 n 做记号;打分 v_11.沙滩;沙 n_12.食人肉者 n_13.朝;向;对着 prep_14.陆地;大地 n_15.小说 n_16.科技;工艺 n_17.法语 n_写出下列单词变形。(每空 1.5 分,共 12 分)1.full_/_(反义词)_(动词)2.hurry_(过去式)3.land_(对应词)4.science(名词)_(形容词)-_(名词)5.French(形容词/名词)_(名词)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语。(每空 2 分,共 46 分)1.满是的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的 _2.赶快;急忙(做某事)_3.科幻小说(或影片等)_4.出海 _5.写 _6.长大;成长 _7.放下 _8.至少 _9.等待 _10.两周到期 _11.到达这座岛 _12.带回;取回 _13.失去生命 _14.种植水果和蔬菜 _15.的足迹 _16.在沙滩上 _17.一艘破船 _18.和某人住在一起 _19.向跑去 _20.一块土地 _21.在大海中航行 _22.在中间 _23.留下 _重点句型重点句型完成下列句子。(每空 1 分,共 25 分)1.我已经读完它了!Ive _ _ _ it!2.读书报告两周后要交。The book report _ _ _ two weeks.3.他们在这里多长时间了?_ _ _ they _ here?4.它真的很好,因此我爱不释手。It _ _ _,so I _ _ it _.5.她迫不及待地要读这本书。She _ _ _ _ this book.6.某人或某物留下的记号。_ _ _ _ someone or _.Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island?满分:100 分 学号 _ 姓名 _得分 _ 批改人 _Section B重点单词重点单词写出下列单词。(每空 1 分,共 17 分)1.流行音乐;流行乐曲 n_2.摇滚乐 n_3.乐队 n_4.永远 adv_5.在国外;到国外 adv_6.真实地;事实上 adv_7.迷;狂热爱好者 n_8.南方的 adj_9.现代的;当代的 adj_10.成功 n_11.属于;归属 v_12.笑;笑声 n_13.美;美丽 n_14.一百万 num _15.唱片;记录 n 录制;录音 v_16.介绍;引见 v_17.行;排 n_写出下列单词变形。(每空 2 分,共 18 分)1.actual(形容词)_(副词)2.south(名词)_(形容词)3.success(名词)_(形容词)_(动词)4.beauty(名 词)_(形 容 词)_(副词)5.introduce(动词)_(名词)6.modern _(对应词)7.pop(缩写)_(全称)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语。(每空 2 分,共 46 分)1.乡村音乐 _2.自从 _3.互相 _=_4.流行音乐 _5.的数量 _6.因某事和某人打架 _7.在国外学习 _8.充满 _=_9.在收音机上 _10.乡村音乐的故乡 _11.属于 _=_=_12.带某人回到 _13.提醒某人 _14.在人生中 _15.大自然的美 _16.对某事/某物做研究 _17.读很多关于(的书)_18.现场演唱 _19.把介绍给 _重点句型重点句型完成下列句子。(每空 1 分,共 19 分)1.听音乐是清醒的一种好方法。_ to music is a good way to _ _.2.这支乐队的人数是十人。_ _ of people in the band is ten.3.他过去常常因小事和别人争吵。He _ _ _ _ small things with others.4.他还没有去过那座城市。He _ _ to that city _.5.她逐渐意识到事实上她是多么想念他们所有人。She _ _ realize _ _ she _ missed all of them.6.我希望某一天看到他现场演唱。I hope to see him _ _ one day.Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island?满分:100 分 学号 _ 姓名 _得分 _ 批改人 _ReviewI.写出词汇导图(每空 1 分,共 38 分)II.根据 Section A 的 2d 对话,根据对话内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过 3 个单词。(每空 1.5 分,共 12 分)Amy and Steve will write a report of a book which they have read.Steve has 1._ finished reading a book called Little Women.He is going to write about the book 2._ English class.The book is about four sisters 3._.It was so good that he couldnt 4._ reading it.5._ Amy chose the book named Treasure Island.She 6._ finished reading it yet.She 7._ read it on page 25.Their book reports 8._ in two weeks.III.根据 Section A 的 3a 课文,根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过 3 个单词。(每空 2 分,共 20 分)When Robinson Crusoe first 1._ on the island,he didnt have 2._.But he has found the ship and made a small boat.And he has 3._ many things he needs,such as food and drink,tools,knives and guns.He has 4._ trees and built a house.He kills animals and birds for food.He has learnt to grow fruit and vegetables.So far he 5._ on the island for many years like that.A few weeks ago,he found the 6._ of another mans feet on the sand.Not long after that,he saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.One of them died but the other 7._ his house.Robinson saved him and 8._ him Friday,because that was the day Robinson met him.Now,Friday 9._ Robinson and helps him.Robinson has 10._ some English.IV.根据 Section B 的 2b 课文,根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过 3 个单词。(每空 3 分,共 30 分)When Sarah was a teenager,she 1._ fight over almost everything with her family.But five years ago,2._ she was studying abroad in England,she heard a song 3._ feelings about returning home on the 4._.It made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US.She came to realize 5._ she actually missed all of them.Ever since then,she has been a fan of American country music.Country is a traditional kind of music 6._ the southern states of America.Many songs are just about 7._ life in the US,such as the importance of money and success,but not about belonging to a group.8._,country music brings us back to the“good old days”when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.It 9._ us that the best things in life are free.Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet,but it is her dream to go there 10._.She has already read a lot about the place and done some research on it.I.详见晨读本II.1.already 2.for 3.growing up 4.stop 5.While 6.hasnt 7.only/just 8.are dueIII.1.arrived 2.anything 3.brought back 4.cut down 5.has live 6.marks 7.ran towards 8.named 9.lives with 10.taught himIV.1.used to 2.while/when 3.full of/filled with 4.radio 5.how much 6.from 7.modern 8.However 9.reminds 10.one day/some day/in the futureUnit 8 Have you read Treasure Island?Section A重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词。1.*treasure tre n.财宝,财富2.*island alnd n.岛屿3.classic klsk n.经典著作,名著4.*page ped n.(书或纸张的)页,面,张5.*hurry hr v.匆忙,赶快6.*due dju:adj.预期的,到期的7.*ship p n.船8.tool tu:l n.工具9.*gun n n.炮,枪10.*mark m:k n.&v.分数,记号;作标记11.*sand snd n.沙滩,沙12.*cannibal knbl n.&adj.食人肉者;同类相残的,凶残的13.towards tw:dz prep.向着,朝着,对于,关于14.land lnd n.&v.陆地,大地,国土;着陆15.*fiction fkn n.小说,虚构,编造16.technology teknld n.科技,工艺17.*French frent n.&adj.法语,法国人(的)朗读下列单词变形。1.fullempty/hungry(反义词)fill(动词)2.hurryhurried(过去式)3.landsea(对应词)4.science(名词)scientific(形容词)-scientist(名词)5.French(形容词/名词)France(名词)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语。1.full of满是的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的2.hurry up赶快;急忙(做某事)3.science fiction科幻小说(或影片等)4.go out to sea出海5.write about写 6.grow up长大;成长7.put down放下8.at least至少9.wait for等待10.be due in two weeks两周到期11.arrive on this island到达这座岛12.bring back带回;取回13.lose ones life失去生命14.grow fruit and vegetables 种植水果和蔬菜15.the marks of的足迹16.on the sand在沙滩上17.a broken ship一艘破船18.live with sb.和某人住在一起19.run towards向跑去20.a piece of land一块土地21.travel in the sea在大海中航行22.in the middle of在中间23.leave behind留下重点句型重点句型朗读下列句子。1.我已经读完它了!Ive already finished reading it!2.读书报告两周后要交。The book report is due in two weeks.3.他们在这里多长时间了?How long have they been here?4.它真的很好,因此我爱不释手。It was really good,so I couldnt put it down.5.她迫不及待地要读这本书。She cant wait to read this book.6.某人或某物留下的记号。Signs left behind by someone or something.重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识。1.she cant wait to read them!(P.60)wait for sb./sth.“等待某人或者某事”We are waiting for the result of the exam.wait to do sth.“等待做某事”All the passengers are waiting to get on the bus.cant wait to do sth.“迫不及待做某事”The children cant wait to rush out after the class is over.Section B重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词。1.pop pp n.流行音乐2.rock rk n.岩石,摇滚乐3.*band bnd n.乐队4.forever frev(r)adv.永远5.abroad br:d adv.在国外,到国外6.actually ktli adv.真实地,实际上,说实在的7.fan fAn n.迷;狂热爱好者8.*southern sn adj.南方的9.modern mdn adj.现代的,现代化的10.success skses n.成功11.belong bil v.属于12.*laughter l:ft(r)n.笑,笑声13.beauty bju:ti n.美丽,美好的事物14.million miljn num.百万15.record rek:d n.&v.记录,唱片;录制,录音16.introduce ntrdju:s v.介绍,传入,引进17.*line lain n.排,队,列朗读下列单词变形。1.actual(形容词)actually(副词)2.south(名词)southern(形容词)3.success(名词)successful(形容词)succeed(动词)4.beauty(名词)beautiful(形容词)beautifully(副词)5.introduce(动词)introduction(名词)6.modernancient(对应词)7.pop(缩写)popular(全称)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语。1.country music乡村音乐2.ever since自从3.one another互相=each other4.pop music流行音乐5.the number of的数量6.fight over sth.with sb.因某事和某人打架7.study abroad在国外学习8.be full of充满=be filled with9.on the radio在收音机上10.the home of country music乡村音乐的故乡11.belong to属于=be for=have/own12.bring sb.back to带某人回到13.remind sb.that提醒某人14.in life在人生中15.the beauty of nature大自然的美16.do some research on sth.对某事/某物做研究17.read a lot about 读很多关于(的书)18.sing live现场演唱19.introduceto把介绍给重点句型重点句型朗读下列句子。1.听音乐是清醒的一种好方法。Listening to music is a good way to wake up.2.这支乐队的人数是十人。The number of people in the band is ten.3.他过去常常因小事和别人争吵。He used to fight over small things with others.4.他还没有去过那座城市。He hasnt been to that city yet.5.她逐渐意识到事实上她是多么想念他们所有人。She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.6.我希望某一天看到他现场演唱。I hope to see him sing live one day.7.他已售出的唱片数量。The number of recorder he has sold重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识。1.The Toms must be popular.(P.61)must 此处表示“一定、肯定”,表示肯定的推测,否定推测用 cant be“一定不”。Sam must be nearly 90 years old now.2.Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet,but it is her dream to go there one day.(P.62)(1)“have/has been to+地点名词”表示“去过某地”,表示某人的一种经历,说话时已不在那个地方,常和once,twice,never,ever 等连用。当地点为副词时,则要省掉 no。-Where have you been?你去哪儿了?-Ive been to the post office.我去邮局了。(人已不在邮局)【拓展】【拓展】“have/has gone to+地点名词”表示“去了某地”,说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的路上、已在某地或在回来的路上,所以此句型常用于第三人称,不能与时间状语 once,twice,never,ever 等连用,也不能和 for 以及 since 构成的短语连用。-Where is Simon?西蒙在哪儿?-He has gone to Australia with his family.他和家人一起去澳大利亚了。(人已不在这儿,在去澳大利亚的路上、已在澳大利亚或从澳大利亚返回的途中)助记助记 have/has been to,have/has gone to 意不同,两者用法当分清。have/has been to+地点,“曾经去过某地”行;have/has gone to+地点,“已去某地”人无踪。“have/has been in+地点名词”表示“在某地待过(多久)”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:Mr.Brown has been in Shanghai for three days.布朗先生来上海已经 3 天了。(2)some day 指“将来的某一天”,常用于将来时one day 可以表示“将来的某一天”,作此意讲时,可与 some day 互换;另外它还可表示“某一天”(常用于故事的开头),常与过去时连用词汇导图词汇导图话题范文话题范文Do you know Mark Twain?Hes a famous American writer who wrote many famous novels.Let me introduce him to you.Mark Twain was born in a small village of Florida in 1835.At the age of four,his family moved to the city.And seven years later,his father died.As far as I know,when Mark Twain was just a child,he went to work in many places.Because of many different jobs,he had a lot of life experiences.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of his most famous novels which are so popular that many people all over the world have read it.In my opinion,Mark Twains writing ability wasnt born.It really came from his personal experiences.To sum up,thats Mark Twain,one of my favorite writers.As a saying goes,Your attitude,not your aptitude,will determine your altitude.I do think so.I will learn from Mark Twain who did not give up when life was hard.
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