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    • 人教版PEP三年级英语下册-专项突破训练-合集
      • 句子一 图文匹配图片判断.doc--点击预览
      • 句子二 情景选择.doc--点击预览
      • 常考易错题.doc--点击预览
      • 情景交际一 问答匹配.doc--点击预览
      • 情景交际三 补全对话.doc--点击预览
      • 情景交际二 排序.doc--点击预览
      • 词汇一 同类词辨析.doc--点击预览
      • 词汇三 挖空填词 (短文).doc--点击预览
      • 词汇二 选词填空挖空填词.doc--点击预览
      • 语音.doc--点击预览
      • 阅读一 阅读选择.doc--点击预览
      • 阅读三 任务型阅读.doc--点击预览
      • 阅读二 阅读判断填空.doc--点击预览
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句子一:图文匹配句子一:图文匹配/图片判断图片判断班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、湖北省襄阳市读一读,给下列句子选择对应的图片。(20 分)A B C D E()1.I like oranges very much.()2.I see fourteen kites.()3.The bag is on the chair.()4.It has a small head and a short tail.()5.This is my father.He is a teacher.二、浙江省杭州市看图片,选择相应的句子。(20 分)()1.A.The cap is on the chair.B.The cap is on the desk.()2.A.The woman is my mother.B.The man is my father.()3.A.She is a teacher.B.She is a student.()4.A.I like strawberries.B.I like grapes.()5.A.Theyre from the UK.B.Theyre from Australia.三、浙江省丽水市判断图片与对话内容是(Y)否(N)相符。(20 分)()1.Is she your sister?Yes.She is.()2.Wow,its so big!Yes.And it has short legs.()3.Mum,where is my toy bear?Its in the box.()4.Have some watermelons.Sorry,I dont like watermelons.句子一句子一:图文匹配图文匹配/图片判断图片判断一、1.B 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.C二、1.A 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B三、1.N 2.Y 3.Y 4.N句子二:情景选择句子二:情景选择班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、根据图片提示,补全对话。(20 分)1.Who is that woman?_A.She is my grandma.B.He is my grandpa.2.Come here,children!Look at the bear._A.Wow!Its small.B.Wow!Its big.3._Im from China.A.Where are you from?B.Where is your mother?4._I see thirteen.A.How old are you?B.How many cars do you see?二、河南省三门峡市看图,选择合适的句子补全对话。(25 分)1.A:Whos that man?B:_2.A:_B:OK.3.A:Wow!Hes so tall!B:_4.A:_B:I have five.5.A:Where are you?_B:No.A.How many balloons do you have?B.And he has two long legs.C.Hes my grandfather.D.Under the desk?E.Lets buy some fruit.三、选择合适的一项补全对话。(15 分)1.Sarah:Mom,this is my friend,Mike.Mom:Nice to see you,Mike.Mike:_A.Welcome!B.Nice to see you,too.2.Wu Binbin:Whos that man?Chen Jie:Guess.Wu Binbin:_Chen Jie:No,he is my teacher.A.Is he your father?B.Is she your mother?3.Zoom:Where is my map?Zip:_Zoom:Yes,it is.Thanks.A.I cant find it.B.Is it under the table?句子二句子二:情景选择情景选择一、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B二、1.C 2.E 3.B 4.A 5.D三、1.B 2.A 3.B常考易错题常考易错题班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、辨别 he/she/woman/man/boy/girl。(10 分)单项选择。()1.浙江省宁波市Is she your sister?No,she isnt.She is my _.A.grandpaB.motherC.brother()2._Hes my father.A.Whos that girl?B.Whos that woman?C.Whos that man?()3.浙江省绍兴市Whos that woman?_ is my mother.A.HeB.SheC.It()4.浙江省台州市This is Mike._from Canada.A.ShesB.ItsC.Hes()5.浙江省台州市This is Miss Green._is an English teacher.A.sheB.HeC.She二、特殊疑问词(组)的用法。(10 分)WhereWho How What How many1.is this girl?She is my sister.2.This is my new dress(连衣裙).beautiful!3.boats do you see?I see fifteen.4.are you from?Im from China.5.is this?Its my new pencil box.三、介词 in/on/under 的用法。(10 分)看图,选择合适的选项回答问题。A.Its under the desk.B.Yes,it is.C.No,it isnt.D.Its in the box.()1.Is the pencil in the pencil box?_()2.Where is my toy car?_()3.Where is the toy boat?_()4.Is the pencil on the storybook?_四、可数名词单复数的用法。(10 分)()1.浙江省丽水市How many_do you have?I have five.A.pencil B.crayons C.book()2.浙江省台州市Lets buy some fruit.Do you like_?A.appleB.pearsC.milk()3.河南省新乡市We have two new _.A.ballB.carC.friends()4.河南省鹤壁市Have some_.A.grapes B.grape C.five()5.Look!I have many_.A.strawberryB.strawberrysC.strawberries五、描述动物的特征。(10 分)()1.浙江省丽水市Look at the rabbit(兔子).It has_eyes and _ ears.A.long;red B.black;shortC.red;long()2.河南省新乡市The giraffe is _.A.catB.pig C.tall()3.河南省新乡市 The _has big ears and a long nose.A.elephant B.monkeyC.dog()4.陕西省西安市Look at the rabbit.It has a _ tail.A.tallB.longC.short()5.It is black and white.It has a fat body and black eyes.Its a _.A.tigerB.catC.panda六、a/an/the 的用法。(6 分)aanthe1.This is _ pear.That is _apple.2.My father is from _ UK.七、have/has 的用法。(4 分)havehas1.I_ fifteen bananas.2.Amy_ fourteen oranges.常考易错题常考易错题一、1.B2.C3.B4.C5.C二、1.Who2.How3.How many 4.Where 5.What 三、1.B2.D3.A4.C四、1.B2.B3.C4.A5.C五、1.C2.C3.A4.C5.C六、1.a;an 2.the七、1.have 2.has 情景交际一:问答匹配情景交际一:问答匹配班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、看图,根据图片内容,选出下列对话的问句或者答语。(20 分)()1.Where is my pencil?_A.Its on the pencil box.B.Its in the pencil box.()2._Yes,she is.A.Is she a student?B.Is he a student?()3.How many toy boats do you have?_A.I have fourteen.B.I have nineteen.()4.Do you like watermelons?_A.Yes,I do.B.No,I dont.二、合肥市庐阳区给下列问句选择正确的答语。(20 分)()1.Who is that man?()2.Where are you from?()3.Do you like watermelons?()4.How many oranges do you see?()5.Is she your grandma?A.Yes,I do.B.He is my father.C.I am from the UK.D.Yes,she is.E.Ten.三、看图,选择合适的句子组成对话,将序号填入方框内。(每个句子只能用一次)(20 分)A.Whos this girl?B.Do you like fruit?C.Where is my cap?D.I see seventeen.E.Yes,I do.F.No,it isnt.Hes Zoom.G.Shes my sister.H.How many birds do you see?I.Is that Zip?J.Its on the desk.情景交际一情景交际一:问答匹配问答匹配一、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B二、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.D三、1.A G 2.C J 3.I F 4.B E 5.H D情景交际三:补全对话情景交际三:补全对话班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、合肥市蜀山区选择合适的句子,补全对话。(20 分)Mum:Children,lets go to the zoo.Sarah&Sam:1._Sarah:2._Sam:Wow!Its so tall.3._Sarah:Look at the elephant.Sam:Its so big,and 4._Mum:What animals do you like best(最),Sarah?Sarah:5._A.I like pandas.Theyre so cute.B.It has a long neck(脖子).C.Great!D.it has two big ears and two small eyes.E.Look at the giraffe.二、补全对话。(20 分)A:Hi,Amy.1._B:OK.A:Oh,I cant find(找到)my toy car.B:2._A:No,it isnt.B:Look!3._A:4._B:5._A:I have ten.I like this one very much.A.Its under the desk.B.Is it in your toy box?C.Lets play with toys together.D.How many toy cars do you have?E.Silly me!Thanks.三、看图,补全对话。(20 分)A.Where are you from?B.Nice to meet you,too.C.Mum,this is John.D.Welcome to my home.E.Thank you!情景交际三情景交际三:补全对话补全对话一、1.C2.E3.B4.D5.A二、1.C2.B3.A4.E5.D三、1.D2.C3.B4.A5.E情景交际二:排序情景交际二:排序班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、山东省滨州市读一读,将下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。(15 分)A.Where are you from?B.Good morning,Zhang Peng.C.Nice to meet you,Tom.D.Hes my new friend,Tom.E.Good morning,Wu Binbin.F.Whos he?G.Nice to meet you,too.H.Im from the UK.BDH二、河南省郑州市看图片,读句子,请根据图片信息,为下列句子排序,组成完整的对话。(15 分)()Wow!Its so tall.()Lets go to the zoo.()Look at the monkey.Its funny.It has a long tail.()Ah!Its big.It has a long nose.()Look at the elephant.(2)OK!(5)Look at the giraffe.三、看图,给下列句子排序,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(15 分)()Is it on your desk?()Oh!Its in my desk.Thanks,Mum.()No,it isnt.()Mum,where is my cap?()Is it in your desk?四、根据场景将下列句子排序。(15 分)(Zhang Peng and Mike are at Sarahs home.)()Thank you,Sarah.(2)Thanks.I like grapes.()Here you are,Zhang Peng.()Have some grapes.()Sorry,I dont like grapes.()Can I have some bananas?情景交际二情景交际二:排序排序一、BEFDCGAH二、6174325三、25314四、625134词汇一:同类词辨析词汇一:同类词辨析班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、湖北省孝感市读一读,选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(10 分)()1.A.heB.sheC.and()2.A.friendB.motherC.father()3.A.pigB.tallC.fat()4.A.in B.box C.on()5.A.orange B.bananaC.sixteen二、读一读,判断下列每组单词是(Y)否(N)属于同一类。(10 分)()1.schoolbagpenpencil()2.pupil studentChina()3.grandpa grandmadad()4.thin shortcar()5.pear grapefifteen三、浙江省杭州市从方框中选出与所给词同类的一项。(18 分)A.apple B.girl C.brother D.Canada E.thirteenF.under四、陕西省西安市 读一读,给下列单词归类。(填序号)(12 分)1.eighteen2.apple3.China4.strawberry5.Australia 6.Canada7.sixteen8.orange 9.nineteen10.grape11.UK12.fourteen国家类 数字类 水果类 五、小火车上载着不同身份的“乘客”,请给小火车补充部分相同身份的“乘客”吧。(10 分)1.father 2.big 3.green 4.giraffe 5.banana 词汇一词汇一:同类词辨析同类词辨析一、1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C二、1.Y 2.N 3.Y 4.N 5.N三、1.B 2.D 3.C 4.F 5.E 6.A四、国家类:3、5、6、11数字类:1、7、9、12水果类:2、4、8、10五、1.mother;sister;brother;grandpa;grandma2.small;tall;short;long;thin;fat3.red;yellow;blue;orange;black;white4.bear;dog;cat;tiger;elephant;fox5.apple;orange;pear;peach;watermelon;strawberry(答案不唯一)词汇三:挖空填词(短文)词汇三:挖空填词(短文)班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、安徽省滁州市选词填空。(20 分)bananas nineteentall studentbrotherLook at that 1._ boy!He is my 2._.He is 3._ years old.He is a university(大学)4._.He likes 5._.I love him!二、浙江省金华市根据图片提示,选择合适的单词填空。将序号填在横线上。(20分)Look,this is my 1._(A.family B.school).There are six people.This is my father.2._(A.HeB.She)is tall.The woman is my mother.She has 3._(A.long B.short)hair(头发).The old(老的)man is my 4._(A.grandfather B.grandmother).The old woman is my grandma.Whos that 5._(A.boy B.girl)?She is my sister.She is a student.Look at this boy.Its me.三、读短文,选词填空。在横线上写上物品数量,在括号中写上物品所对应的序号。(20 分)This is my room.Look!1._()are on my desk.I have2._ ().They are in my bag.Look at my 3.().I have _.There are 4._()on the wall.I like 5.().How many strawberries are in the bowl?One,two,three.数字:twotwelveTen twentyeighteen物品:A.strawberries B.cars C.books D.crayons E.kites词汇三词汇三:挖空填词挖空填词(短文短文)一、1.tall2.brother3.nineteen4.student5.bananas二、1.A 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B三、1.Ten;C2.twenty;D3.B;twelve4.two;E5.A;eighteen词汇二:选词填空词汇二:选词填空/挖空填词挖空填词班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、安徽省合肥市根据图片提示,写出正确单词,补全句子。(10 分)1.The boy is from the.2.Look at the bird.Its so!3.I see fish.4.Hes my.5.Where is the panda?Its the cap.二、浙江省绍兴市选词填空。(10 分)duck orange shand under ten1.My has five fingers.2.Look at the.Its cute.3.Do you like?No,I dont.4.I am years old 5.Where is the ball?Its the desk.三、浙江省嘉兴市读一读,选择合适的选项补全对话。(16 分)A.How manyB.What about C.Who D.Where()1._ is Zhang Peng from?Hes from Shandong.()2._ is that boy?Hes my brother,Sam.()3.I like apples._ you?Me,too.()4._ kites do you see?I see eighteen.四、选词填空,使算式正确。(24 分)elevenfifteentwentytwelvethirteenfourteen1.four eight _2.five six _3.four five _4.three five _5.nine four _6.seven two _词汇二词汇二:选词填空选词填空/挖空填词挖空填词一、1.UK2.small3.sixteen4.father5.under二、1.hand2.duck3.oranges4.ten5.under三、1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A四、1.twelve2.eleven3.twenty4.fifteen5.thirteen6.fourteen语音语音班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、西安市雁塔区判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是()否()相同。(15 分)()1.elephantlegegg()2.apple father dad()3.big it nine()4.OKnose orange()5.run duck under二、芜湖市湾区选出单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。(15 分)()1.A.cakeB.bag C.dad D.hand()2.A.red B.legC.me D.seven()3.A.milk B.Mike C.six D.gift()4.A.nose B.orangeC.doll D.not()5.A.under B.fun C.student D.run三、浙江省杭州市选出与句中画线部分发音相同的一项。(15 分)()1.The apple is in my cap.A.mapB.car()2.I have three red pens.A.desk B.she()3.I like the pink pig.A.ice B.it()4.The cat is on the box.A.no B.body()5.The cat is under the umbrella.A.run B.ruler四、浙江省绍兴市看图,填写字母,补全单词。(15 分)1.We have t_n d_sks.2.This is a f_t c_t.3.I see a d_ck_nder the chair.4.It has a l_ng b_dy.5.Look at the f_sh.Its so b_g!语音语音一、二、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C三、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A四、1.ten;desks2.fat;cat3.duck;under4.long;body5.fish;big阅读一:阅读选择阅读一:阅读选择班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、河南省安阳市文峰区根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(30 分)This is Wang Lin.He is from Beijing.He is tall.He has small eyes.He likes ball games very much.His mother is from Shanghai.She is a teacher.She is tall and thin.She likes oranges and strawberries.1.Wang Lin is from _.A.BeijingB.BeihaiC.Shenzhen2.Wang Lin has _ eyes.A.big B.small C.short3.Wang Lins mother is a _.A.pupil B.student C.teacher4.Wang Lins mother is _.A.tall and thin B.tall and short C.tall and fat5.Wang Lins mother likes _.A.watermelons B.strawberries C.pears二、河南省济源市阅读短文,选择正确答案。(30 分)Hello,boys and girls!Im Mike.Look at my room(房间)!A ball is under the chair.Many books are on the desk.A toy boat is on the desk,too.I have many toys.Where are they?Look!They are in the toy box.And I like fruit very much.Strawberries,apples and pears are in the big bag.I have 11 pears.How many apples?One,two,three.I see twenty apples.Wow!Do you like apples?An apple a day keeps the doctor away!1.The _ is under the chair.A.boatB.mapC.ball2.Where is Mikes toy boat?A.In the desk.B.On the desk.C.On the wall.3.Many toys are _.A.under the chair B.in the desk C.in the toy box4.How many apples are there in the big bag?A.20.B.12.C.15.5.Mike likes _.A.animals B.booksC.fruit阅读一阅读一:阅读选择阅读选择一、1.A2.B3.C4.A5.B二、1.C2.B3.C4.A5.C阅读三:任务型阅读阅读三:任务型阅读班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、阅读短文,完成任务。(7 分)Hello,Im Jenny.I have a happy family.Look at the tall man.He is my father.He is a teacher.He likes apples.My mother is thin and short.She likes strawberries.My brother likes grapes.I like watermelons.What fruit do you like?(一)判断句子正(T)误(F)。(3 分)()1.Jennys father is a teacher.()2.Jennys mother is tall and thin.()3.Jennys family has four people(人).(二)选出 Jenny 一家人各自喜欢的水果,在表格的相应位置画“”。(4 分)FatherMotherBrotherJenny二、阅读短文,完成下列任务。(20 分)Hi,Im Amy.These are my desk,my chair and my bag.My cap is under the chair.My books are in my bag.My ruler is in my desk.My pencil box is on the chair.A banana is on the desk.(一)阅读短文,将物品的标号填在相应括号内。(10 分)A.capB.books C.ruler D.pencil box E.banana(二)选择正确答案。(10 分)()1.Where is the cap?A.Its under the chair.B.Its under the desk.()2.Where are the books?A.It is in the bag.B.They are in the bag.()3.Is the ruler in the desk?A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.()4.Is the pencil box on the desk?A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.()5.Whats on the desk?A.A banana.B.A cap.三、阅读材料,完成任务。(15 分)任务一:为 Jack 和 Sam 选择相应的照片,将序号填在相应的框内。(5 分)A.B.任务二:根据材料,补全 Jack 和 Sam 的信息卡。(8 分)Name:JackAge(年龄):1._From:2._Like:strawberries Name:SamAge:9From:3._Like:4._任务三:根据材料,完成对话。(2 分)How many strawberries does Jack have?_.(只填数字)四、任务型阅读。(18 分)(一)选择合适的选项完成对话,有两个多余选项。(10 分)A.Yes,she has two big eyes.B.Who is this woman?C.Hes my teacher.D.Come here,children.E.Hes tall and thin.F.Hes tall and fat.G.Shes short and fat.(二)根据对话内容填空。(8 分)1.This woman is the girls_.2.Grandma has_ eyes.3.This man isnt the boys _.He is Fathers _.4.This man is_ and _.阅读三阅读三:任务型阅读任务型阅读一、(一)1.T2.F3.T(二)FatherMotherBrotherJenny二、(一)1.E2.C3.B4.D 5.A(二)1.A2.B3.A4.B 5.A三、任务一:Jack:B Sam:A任务二:1.12 2.Shanghai 3.Hangzhou 4.grapes任务三:13四、(一)1.D2.B3.A4.F 5.C(二)1.grandma/grandmother2.big3.grandfather/grandpa;teacher4.tall;fat阅读二:阅读判断阅读二:阅读判断/填空填空班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 时间:40 分钟 满分:60 分一、广东省汕尾市阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(20 分)My name is Wu Fang.I am from China.Im eleven years old.I am a student.I am tall and thin.I like sports.I have a cat.It has a long tail and big eyes.Its cute.This is my friend.He is John.He is thin and short.He likes sports,too.()1.Wu Fang is a boy.Hes from Canada.()2.Wu Fang is 11.He is a pupil.()3.Wu Fang has a cat.It has small eyes.()4.John is tall and thin.()5.Wu Fang and John like sports.二、河北省承德市阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(20 分)Im Mike.I have a big family.This is my grandfather.He is tall and thin.He is from the UK.This is my grandmother.She is fat.This is my father.He has big eyes.He is a teacher.This is my mother.She is tall.And she has small eyes.She is from Canada.I have a sister and a brother.They are students.()1.Mikes grandfather is tall and thin.()2.Mikes mother is from the UK.()3.Mikes grandmother is fat and short.()4.Mikes father has big eyes.()5.Mikes brother is a student.三、阅读对话,用数字写出同学们捐赠物品的数量。(20 分)Mr Xiao:Children,Henan was hit by floods(洪 水).Lets donate(捐 赠)some stationery(文具).Wang Tong:I have twenty books.Wu Fang:I have nineteen pencils.Liu Meng:I have sixteen erasers.Meng Xi:I have twelve pencil boxes.Zhang Li:I have fifteen pens.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._阅读二阅读二:阅读判断阅读判断/填空填空一、1.F2.T点拨:从短文中我们得知 Wu Fang 今年 11 岁。他是一名学生。11 岁的孩子是一名小学生,而 pupil 尤指小学生。3.F4.F5.T二、1.T2.F3.F点拨:短文中只是提到“This is my grandmother.She is fat.”,没有提到“short”。4.T5.T点拨:从短文中的“I have a sister and a brother.They are students.”判断此题正确。三、
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