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    • 2023新沪教牛津版(深圳用)六年级下册《英语》期末综合试卷(含听力材料和答案)
      • 六年级下册期末英语听力测试材料.doc--点击预览
      • 六年级下册期末英语综合测试答案.doc--点击预览
      • 牛津深圳版六年级英语下册期末综合试卷(含听力材料和答案).doc--点击预览
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六年级下册期末英语听力测试材料六年级下册期末英语听力测试材料听力测试i.听录音,根据录音内容选出适当的图片。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)1.What should we do when we meet new people?2.If there is a fire.What should we do when we get out of the building?3.I have some dictionaries.Some are big.Some are small.4.Look!It can see the best!5.Yesterday afternoon,I was doing martial arts at the gym.ii.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)6.What should you do when you answer the phone?7.When you was young,you couldnt cook in the kitchen.8.I think the new calendar is too colourful.9.Cheetahs can run the fastest.10.On Monday evening at 9:00,I was visiting the hospital.iii.听录音,选出与你听到的句子意思最相近的选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)11.Where are you from?12.I like playing basketball the best.13.Tom is taller than me.14.Turtles walk more slowly than people.15.Whales can live more than 200 years.iv.听录音,根据录音所描述的内容选出适当的选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)16.It has a round face.It can tell us the time.17.They are birds.They can fly high.They can see the best.18.They are useful for us.They are kinds of books.They have many words in it.19.They are fish.They are dangerous.They can swim very quickly.20.It is a place.Its very big.People can do many sports in it.v.根据听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)21.How many brothers do you have?22.What class are you in?23.How much are the shoes?24.What about this red one?25.Could you lend me your storybook?vi.听录音,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)Today is Saturday.Im going to the shop with my grandparents this afternoon.Well buy some food and drinks.Because tomorrow is my birthday.Ill have a birthday party in my house.I will invite a lot of friends.Theyll make a birthday cake in the morning.And in the afternoon,well see a film on the DVD player.Would you like to join us?vii.听录音,根据短文内容,补全所缺的单词。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)The summer holiday is coming.All of my friends are so excited.They are planning how to spend their holiday.Sarah is going to climb mountains.Amy is a quiet girl.She doesnt like sports.She likes going shopping with her parents.They will go to Shanghai by plane.What are you going to do?六年级下册期末英语综合测试答案六年级下册期末英语综合测试答案听力部分1-5 ACAAC 6-10 CBCCA 11-15AABAA 16-20 BACAC21-25 CBBBB 26-30 BBBCA 31.holiday 32.planning 33.climb 34.shopping 35.parents 笔试部分36-39 XX 40-49 ACACC ACBCC50-54 BCBCC 55-59 BABBA60-64 CDDAB 65-69 CBCACVI:7074:CBBCCVII(i):75.What 76.meet 77.Where 78.station 79.withVII(ii):8084:CABDEVIII:85.put in 86.all over 87.on land 88.find out 89.out of六年级英语下册期末综合试卷六年级英语下册期末综合试卷听力测试(听力测试(35%)i.听录音,根据录音内容选出适当的图片。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)()1.A.B.C.()2.A.B.C.()3.A.B.C.()4.A.B.C.()5.A.B.C.ii.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)()6.A.What should I do when I meet new people?B.What should I do when I wait for a bus?C.What should you do when you answer the phone?()7.A.When I was young,I couldnt play with candles.B.When you was young,you couldnt cook in the kitchen.C.When there is a fire,you should call 119.()8.A.I think the new dictionary is too heavy.B.I think the new notebook is too thin.C.I think the new calendar is too colorful.()9.A.Eagles can see the best.B.Whales can live the longest.C.Cheetahs can run the fastest.()10.A.On Monday evening at 9:00,I was visiting the hospital.B.On Monday evening at 6:00,I was visiting my grandma.C.On Wednesday evening at 9:00,I was doing my homework.iii.听录音,选出与你听到的句子意思最相近的选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)()11.A.Where do you come from?B.Where are you going?()12.A.Basketball is my favorite sport.B.I am playing basketball.()13.A.I am taller than Tom.B.I am shorter than Tom.()14.A.People walk faster than turtles.B.We walk the fastest.()15.A.Whales can live over 200 years.B.Whales can live 200 years.iv.听录音,根据录音所描述的内容选出适当的选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)()16.A.dictionary B.watch C.notebook()17.A.eagles B.cheetahs C.bees and ants ()18.A.magazines B.newspapers C.dictionaries ()19.A.sharks B.parrots C.turtles ()20.A.Metro station B.hair salon C.gym v.根据听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)()21.A.There are two.B.Yes,there are.C.I have two.()22.A.From Shanghai.B.In Class One.C.In the classroom.()23.A.Its three yuan.B.Theyre sixty yuan.C.Theyre shoes.()24.A.I want a shirt.B.I dont like the colour.C.Show me that red one,please.()25.A.Hold on,please.B.Sure,it is over there.C.Sorry,but he isnt here.vi.听录音,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)()26.My birthday is_.A.in May B.on Sunday C.on Saturday()27.Im going to have a birthday party_.A.in a park B.in my house C.in our school()28.We are going to buy some food and drinks _.A.in a supermarket B.in a shop C.in the shopping mall()29._ are going to make a birthday cake for me.A.My parents B.My grandparents C.My friends()30.We are going to _ on the DVD player.A.see a film B.listen to music C.play a gamevii.听录音,根据短文内容,补全所缺的单词。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)The summer(31)_ is coming.All of my friends are so excited.They are(32)_ how to spend their holiday.Sarah is going to(33)_ mountains.Amy is a quiet girl.She doesnt like sports.She likes going(34)_ with her(35)_.They will go to Shanghai by plane.What are you going to do?笔试部分(笔试部分(65%)II 判断各组划线发音是否相同,相同的(),不相同的(x)。(共 4 小题,每小题 0.5 分)()36.A.see B.meet C.coffee()37.A.her B.cheaper C.winner()38.A.monkey B.mother C.map()39.A.chess B.chips C.ChristmasIII 选择填空。从每个小题的三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)()40.We usually work _ Monday _ Friday.A.from,to B.at,on C.at,at()41.When the firemen come,they will _ the fire.A.put on B.put off C.put out()42.The car is _.I dont want to buy it.A.to expensive B.expensive enough C.enough expensive()43.When the bells rang,Lucy _ the new year.A.were thinking about B.though C.was thinking about()44.Sam is sleeping now.Please _.A.waking him up B.to wake him up C.wake him up()45.A clever _ child can learn 1500 words.A.5 years old B.5-years-old C.5-year-old()46.Tom runs _ in his class.A.the slowest B.the slowest C.the most slowly()47.I went to the hair salon _ Sunday morning.Aat B.on C.in()48.When we _ the room,we should turn off the night.A.get to B.come to C.leave()49.We must _ candles and matches.A.careful B.careful with C.be careful withIV.完形填空。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)Christmas Day comes in_.It is always on the same day each year.Its on_ 25th.We always_ up early on Christmas Day.When we get up,we find presents at the end ofour beds.We_ our presents in the morning.We have a big lunch at home.In the afternoon,we play games and have a good time.In the evening,Im usually very tired,so I go to _atabout 10 oclock.()50.A.summer B.winter C.autumn()51.A.November B.September C.December()52.A.gets B.get C.got()53.A.give B.close C.open()54.A.hospital B.school C.bedV.阅读理解。(15 分)i.判断下面短文后的句子是(“A”)否(“B”)符合短文内容。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)AMr.Jones and Mr.Green work in the same office.One day Mr.Jones says to Mr.Green,“I will have a small party at our house on Tuesday evening.Would you and your wife like to come?”Mr.Green says,“Thank you very much.Id love to,but let me ask my wife first.”So Mr.Green goes to the other room and calls his wife.Then he comes back and looks very worried.“Whats the matter?”asks Mr.Jones,“Is your wife at home?”“No,”answers Mr.Green.“She isnt there.My little son answered the telephone.I said to him,Is your mother there,David?and he answered,No,she isnt in the house.Where is she?I asked.She is somewhere outside.Whats she doing?She is looking for me.”()55.There is a party at Mr.Jones house on Monday evening.()56.Mr.Jones asks Mr.Green and his wife to go to the party.()57.The telephone is in Mr.Greens office.()58.Mr.Green speaks to Mrs Green on the telephone.()59.Mrs.Green is looking for her son.ii.阅读下面短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)BSam was running late.She wanted a fast breakfast.She didnt have time to make he own breakfast.Her usual breakfast was rice congee,and vegetables.“Will you make me a fast breakfast?”she asked her boyfriend.He was American.She was Chinese.He liked cereal for breakfast.He grabbed a box of cereal.He grabbed a bowl and a spoon.He took a box of milk out of the fridge.He grabbed a banana.“Heres something fast for you,”he said.He put everything on the dining table.She looked at the box of cereal.“Let me try this first,”she said.She put a few flakes of cereal into her mouth.She ate them.“Yuck,”she said.“How can you eat this?Its so dry.”“Well,thats what the milk and banana are for,”he said.She said she didnt like it.She took the banana and went to work.()60.Sam was _.A.Early for work B.At a restaurant C.Running late D.Eating breakfast()61.Sam usually ate for breakfast _.A.fish and rice B.fruit C.cheese and milk D.congee and vegetable()62.Sam is _.A.American B.Canadian C.English D.Chinese()63.Sam s boyfriend is _.A.American B.Canadian C.English D.Chinese()64.Sam cereal _.A.loves B.doesnt like C.wants D.doesnt have anyCMany people know what a computer is and what it can do.The computer is fast and never makes mistakes,while people are slow and often make mistakes.That is what people often say when they talk about computers.For many,many years,scientists have improved computers.Now a computer can do a lot of everyday work quite well,and people can use a computer in many ways.Many computer scientists are now thinking of making the computer“think”like a man.With the help of a person,a computer can draw pictures,write music,talk with people,and so on.Maybe a computer will think and feel someday.()65.People know what a computer is.A.A few B.Some C.A lot of()66.People say .A.people are much faster than computers B.people often make mistake but computer dont C.computers are slower than people()67.A computer can .A.help people do a lot of work B.draw pictures with a persons help C.both A and B()68.Scientists want to make the computer like a man.They want to make the computer .A.do what people can do B.faster and faster C.think and talk()69.Scientists are making the computer .A.bigger and bigger B.faster and faster C.better and betterVI.情景问答。根据所给情景选出适当的问句或答语。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)()70.Where are you going?_A.Im doing homework.B.I can do homework C.Im going to the park.()71.How much are these notebooks?_A.Its ten yuan.B.Theyre twelve yuan.C.How much is it?()72.A:I had a bad cold yesterday.B:_A.Really?B.Im sorry to hear that?C.Im sorry.()73.Thank you so much,Pat?_.A.All right.B.Thats right.C.Its all right.()74.What were you doing when the bells rang?_.A.Im running.B.I can swim.C.I was running.VII.补全对话。(共两篇,各 5 小题,每小题 1 分)i.从所给出的单词中选出合适的补全对话,将答案写在横线上。station,with,what,meet,whereTom:Hello,Pat,(75)_ are you going to do?Pat:Im going to(76)_my friend.Tom:(77)_are you going to meet?Pat:At the bus(78)_.Will you go(79)_me?Tom:OK!Lets go.ii.从下列方框中选出合适的完成对话,并将其字母编号填写在横线上。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)A.About thirty minutes walk.B.Which bus shall I take?C.Wheres the Peoples Cinema?D.Wheres the bus stop?E.Where shall I get off?A:Excuse me,(80)_B:Go down this road and turn right at the third crossing,then turn left at the fourth crossing.You can see the cinema on your left.A:How far is it?B:(81)_ I think youd better(最好)catch a bus.A:(82)_ B:No.1 bus.A:(83)_ B:Its over there,on the other side of the street.A:(84)_ B:You can get off at the third stop and there you are.A:Thanks a lot.B.Youre welcomeVIII.选词造句。从所给出的五个表达中选出适当的完成句子(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)A.on land B.find out C.out of D.put in E.all over 85.Did you make the chocolate biscuits?-Yes,I made it myself.I_ _ lots of chocolate and sugar.86.What can we do at Chinas Folk Culture Villages?-We can enjoy dances and food from_ _ China.87.Which animal is the fastest_ _?-Cheetahs,they can run 76km per hour.88.What happened to the end of the story?-You can read the story and _ _ the answer.89.There was a fire in my building last night.-Yes,I ran_ _ our building.Then I called 119.IX 书面表达。(8 分)90.小作文。根据图片信息,写出三句以上完整、有意义的英文句子。(3 分)-_91.大作文。(5 分)以“My favourite”为题,写一篇短文。要求:条理清晰,书写规范,不少于 60 词。_
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英语 新沪教 牛津 深圳 六年级 下册 期末 综合 试卷 听力 材料 以及 答案 谜底
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