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句型转换句型转换一、对划线部分提问 一、对划线部分提问 1Mr.Wang is his favorite teacher.(对画线部分提问)_ _ his favorite teacher?2My father goes to work by car every day.(对画线部分提问)_ does your father _ to work every day?3My backpack is yellow.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ your backpack?4They are Mikes picture books.(对划线部分提问)_ picture books are they?5My brothers name is Peter.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ brothers name?6He likes maths,because its interesting.(对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ maths?7Her favorite subject is music.(对画线部分提问)_ _ her favorite subject?8Id like a bike as my birthday present.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ like as _ birthday present?9The pants are 100 yuan.(对画线部分提问)_ _ are the pants?10We must look at the traffic lights.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you do?11His book is in the schoolbag.(对划线部分提问)_ _ his book?12It can eat and sleep.(对划线部分提问)What _ it _?13There are ten desks in the classroom.(对画线部分提问)_ _ desks are there in the classroom?14I want to fly to the moon in the future.(对划线部分提问)_ do you want to _ in the future?二、改写句子 二、改写句子 15Jack took an umbrella with him.(改为一般疑问句)_ Jack _ an umbrella with him?16Close the box.(改为否定句)_ _ the box.17I like playing the piano.Yang Ling likes playing the piano too.(合并为一句)Yang Ling and I _ _ playing the piano.18I went to the supermarket last week.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to the supermarket last week?19The farmer caught a big fish this morning.(改为否定句)The farmer _ _ a big fish this morning,20He does well at home.(改为否定句)He _ _ _ well at home.21My mother found a hole in the coat.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ your mother _ a hole in the coat?No,she _.22Tim had a party last Saturday.(用 tomorrow 改写句子)Tim _ _ a party tomorrow.23There are five birds singing in the tree.(改成一般疑问句)_24There is an armchair in the living room.(改成一般疑问句)_25Theres a sofa in the living room.(改成一般疑问句)_26Theres a rubber duck in the bathmat.(改成一般疑问句)_27There were some kids in the village.(改为一般疑问句)_ there _ kids in the village?28They are tired after running.(改为感叹句)_ _ they are after running!29He finishes his homework very early every day.(用 yesterday 代替 every day)He _ his homework very early _.30Mike did housework last night.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mike _ housework last night?31My sister swept the floor in the living room.(改为否定句)My sister _ _ the floor in the living room.32Mary woke up late this Monday.(改为否定句)Mary _ _ up late this Monday.33You shouldnt be late for class.(改为祈使句)_ be late for class.34I can see some boats on the river.(改为否定句)I _ see _ boats on the river.35They flew a kite yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ a kite yesterday?三、同义句转换 三、同义句转换 36They walk to school every day.(同义句转换)They go to school _ _ every day.37They will see a play next Sunday.(同义句转换)They _ _ _ see a play next Sunday.38Tom eats lots of apples,bananas and oranges for dinner.(改为同义句)Tom eats _ of _ for dinner.39Helen doesnt know the way to the museum.(同义句转换)Helen doesnt know _ _ go to the museum.40Its time for having dinner.(改为同义句)Its time _ _ dinner.41There are many books on the floor.(同义句转换)There are _ _ books on the floor.1 Who is【详解】句意:王先生是他最喜爱的老师。对王先生进行提问,应问:谁是他最喜爱的老师?故答案为 Who;is。2 How go【详解】原句句意:每天我的爸爸乘小汽车去上班。划线部分是 by car,故用 how 提问,后跟一般疑问句,前面有助动词 does,原动词要恢复原形,故答案为 How;go。3 What colour is【详解】句意:我的背包是黄色的。划线部分 yellow 是颜色,用疑问代词 What colour(什么颜色)提问,本题特殊疑问句句子结构为:What colour+系动词+主语+其他?原句主语 My backpack 改为 your backpack,是单数,系动词为 is,故答案为 What;colour;is。4Whose【详解】原句句意:它们式迈克的图画书。划线部分是 Mikes,故用 whose 谁的提问,后跟一般疑问句,故答案为 Whose。5 What is your【详解】句意:我弟弟的名字叫彼得。划线部分是名字,询问名字用 what,后面跟一般疑问句,is提前,my 变 your,故答案为 What;is;your。【点睛】6 Why does like【详解】句意:他喜欢数学,因为很有趣。划线部分是原因,用 why 提问,应问:他为什么喜欢数学?因为是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数形式,助动词用 does,后面加动词原形。故答案为 Why;does;like。7 What is【详解】句意:她最喜爱的科目是音乐。对音乐进行提问,应问:她最喜爱的科目是什么?故答案为 What is。8 What would you your【详解】句意:我想要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。对自行车进行提问,应问:你想要什么作为你的生日礼物?故答案为 What;would;you;your。9 How much【详解】句意:这长裤一百元。对一百元进行提问,应问:长裤多少钱?应用 how much 多少钱,故答案为 how much。10 What should【详解】句意:我们必须看交通灯。此题考查就画线部分提问,应问:我们应该做什么?故答案为What;should。11 Where is【详解】句意:他的书在书包里。划线部分是地点,用 where 提问,后面跟一般疑问句,is 提前,应问:他的书在哪里?故答案为 Where;is。12 can do【详解】句意:它能吃能睡。划线部分是能做的事情,用 what 提问,后面跟一般疑问句,can 提前,应问:它能做什么?故答案为 can;do。13 How many【详解】句意:在教室里有十张桌子。对数字进行提问应用 how many 多少进行提问,故答案为How many。14 What do【详解】句意:将来我想飞到月球上去。划线部分是想做的事情,用 what 提问,用 do 代替,应问:将来你想做什么?故答案为 What;do。15 Did take【详解】原句句意:杰克随身带了一把雨伞。took 是实义动词的过去式,改为一般疑问句需加助动词 did,took 变回原形 take。故答案为 Did;take。16 Dont close【详解】原句句意:合上盒子。该句是祈使句,改为否定句在句首加 Dont,后跟动词原形。故答案为 Dont;close。17 both like【详解】原句句意:我喜欢弹钢琴。杨玲也喜欢弹钢琴。合并为一句可以为我和杨玲都喜欢弹钢琴。Yang Ling and I both like playing the piano.故答案为 both;like。18 Did go【详解】原句句意:上周我去了超市。went 是实义动词的过去式,改为一般疑问句需加助动词did,went 变回原形 go。故答案为 Did;go。19 didnt catch【详解】原句句意:那个农民今天早晨抓了一条大鱼。caught 是实义动词的过去式,改为否定句需加助动词 didnt,caught 变回原形 catch,故答案为 didnt;catch。20 does not do【详解】句意:他在家里表现得很好。改成否定句,句意:他在家里表现不好。需要借助助动词does,后加否定词 not,实义动词用原形 do,故答案为 does;not;do。21 Did find didnt【详解】句意:我妈妈在大衣上发现了一个洞。题干要求改为一般疑问句,由实义动词 found,可知需要把助动词 did 放到句首,did 后面接动词原形,found 改为 find,句子是 did 引导的一般疑问句,否定回答为 No,she didnt.故答案为 Did;find;didnt。22 will have【详解】原句句意:上周六蒂姆举行了一次聚会。用 tomorrow 改写句子,即将句子改为一般将来时,will do 结构。故答案为 will;have。23Are there five birds singing in the tree?24Is there an armchair in the living room?25Is there a sofa in the living room?26Is there a rubber duck in the bathmat?27 Were any28 How tired【详解】句意:跑步后他们很累。感叹句是他们跑步后多累呀!所以是 How tired they are after running!故答案为 How;tired。29 finished yesterday【详解】yesterday 是昨天,句子时态为一般过去时,所以 finish 要变为 finished,故答案为finished;yesterday。30 Did do【详解】原句句意:迈克昨晚做了家务。根据 last night 可知,句子是一般过去时。句中由实义动词did,改为一般疑问句要用助动词 did,句首大写为 Did,后面的实义动词 did 要改用原形do,故答案为 Did;do。31 didnt sweep【详解】句意:我妹妹在客厅扫地。此题考查一般过去时的否定句,借助于助动词 didnt+动词原形,swept 的原形是 sweep,故答案为 didnt;sweep。32 didnt wake【详解】原句句意:玛丽这个星期一起得很晚。句子是一般过去时,句中有实义动词 woke,改为否定句要用助动词 didnt,助动词 didnt 后接动词 woke 的原形 wake,故答案为 didnt;wake。33Dont【详解】句意:你上课不应该迟到。句子时态为一般现在时,根据题意改为祈使句应说上课不要迟到,因此应借助助动词 Dont,首字母大写,故答案为 Dont。34 cant any【详解】句意:我在河上能看到一些船。句子中有 can,所以否定形式是 cant。some 在否定句中要改为 any,故答案为 cant;any。35 Did fly【详解】句意:他们昨天放了风筝。根据 yesterday 可知句子是一般过去时,改为一般疑问句:他们昨天放风筝了吗?flew 实义动词,疑问句时前面需要助动词,一般过去时态,助动词用过去式 did,实义动词用原形 fly,故答案为 Did;fly。36 on foot【详解】句意:他们每天步行去上学。题干要求改为同义句,可知 walk to school=go to school on foot,故答案为 on;foot。37 are going to【详解】原句句意:下周日他们将看一场话剧。该句是一般将来时,will do=be going to do 结构,主语 They 是复数,故 be 动词用 are。故答案为 are;going;to。38 lots fruits【详解】句意:Tom 晚饭吃了很多苹果,香蕉,橙子。所以同义句是 Tom 吃了很多水果。故答案为lots;fruits。39 how to【详解】句意:海伦不知道去博物馆的路。此题考查同义句转换,句意:海伦真不知道怎样去博物馆。用特殊疑问词+不定式,故答案为 how;to。40 to have【详解】原句句意:该是吃晚餐的时间了。Its time for sth.与 Its time to do sth.都表示该是做某事的时间了,同义句可改为 Its time to have dinner.故答案为 to;have。41 lots of【详解】句意:在地板上有很多书。此题考查同义句转换,many+可数名词复数,lots of 许多,既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词,故答案为 lots;of。 一般、特殊和反意疑问句一般、特殊和反意疑问句一、单选题 一、单选题 1Do you like rainy days?()_AYes,I do.BI like rainy days.2_ be hot?()Yes,_.AWill;is itBWill it;it willCWill;it wontDWill it;it is3Does your friend speak Chinese?()_.He only speaks English.AYes,he doesBNo,he isntCNo,he doesnt4Is it white?()_AYes,we have.BNo,it doesnt.CYes,it was.DNo,it isnt.5_ you tired?()Yes,we are.ADoBAreCWere6Will it be windy in Beijing?()_ANo,it isnt.BYes,it wont.CNo,it wont.7Its windy outside,can you swim?()_AYes,I can.BNo,you cant.CDont go swimming.8Can I go outside now?()_AYes,you can.BNo,you dont.CNo,you can.9_ does the orange feel?()AHowBHow manyCWhat10_ was your school like five years ago?()AWhatBWhereCWhy11_ is the sports meet?()Its in November.AWhatBWhenCWhere12How _ do you write to your pen pal?()Once a week.AlongBsoonCoften13_ is the hamburger?()Two dollars.AHow oldBHow manyCHow muchDHow about14_()He worked on a farm.AWhere did he work?BWhat do you do?CWhat were you before?DWhere are you now?15How _ are you?()Im 46 kilograms.AtallBheavyCold16Lets move the sofa,_?()Awill youBshall weCwont you 17Dont make so much noise,_?()Awill youBwont youCshall weDdo you18Please help me carry it,_?()Awill IBwill youCshall IDshall we19Everything in the meeting is all right,_?()Aisnt itBarent theyCisnt everything20Its a nice day,_?()Yes,it is.Aisnt itBis itChas itDhasnt it21She never sees a film,_?()Adoesnt sheBdidnt sheCis sheDdoes she22That clock is slow,_ it?()AdoesBdoesntCisntDis23They are students,_ they?()AareBarentCdontDwerent24He could hardly finish his homework,_ he?()AcouldntBcouldCdidntDdid25The computer is very useful in our life,_ it?()AisntBwasntChasntDdoesnt二、改写句子 二、改写句子 26There was a big gym near my home.(变一般疑问句)_27They can carry the big boxes.(变为一般疑问句)_ 28They will have a picnic in the park.(对划线部分提问)_29They are going to have a party next week.(变为一般疑问句)_30Its 5 oclock.(就画线部分提问)_ _ is it?31I will give her a gift.(变为一般疑问句)_32Lets go to see the film.(反意疑问句)Lets go to see the film,_ _?33Few people knew this word.(改为反义疑问句)_34There are 9 birds in the tree.(对划线部分提问)_35I am 48 kilograms.(就划线部分提问)_ 1A【详解】句意:你喜欢雨天吗?_。do 引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用 Yes,主语+do,否定回答用 No,主语+dont。故选 A。2B【详解】句意:天气会热吗?是的,会。will 开头的一般疑问句用 will 回答,排除 AD;will 开头的一般疑问句肯定回答是 Yes,主语+will.排除 C。故选 B。3C【详解】句意:你的朋友会说中文吗?_。他只会说英语。根据答语可知应作否定回答,问句是助动词 does 引导的一般疑问句,否定回答应为 No,he doesnt.故选 C。4D【详解】句意:它是白色的吗?_。问句主语是 it,答语也用 it,问句是系动词 is,答语也用系动词 is,故选 D。5B【详解】句意:你们累吗?是的,我们累。答句中用的是 be 动词 are,问句中也用 are。故选B。6C【详解】问句句意:北京会刮风吗?will 开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答是 Yes,主语+will.否定回答是 No,主语+wont.故选 C。7A【详解】句意:外面有风。你能游泳吗?是的,我可以。根据常识有风可以游泳,选项 A 是的,我能。选项 B 不,你不能。选项 C 不要去游泳。故选 A。8A【详解】问句句意:我现在能出去吗?can 开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答是 Yes,主语+can.否定回答是 No,主语+cant.故选 A。9A【详解】句意:这个橘子感觉怎么样?A 怎样,B 多少,C 什么。根据题意可知问怎样,故选 A。10A【详解】句意:五年前你们的学校是什么样子的?A 什么,B 哪,C 为什么,此题考查固定句式what be like 什么样子,故选 A。11B【详解】句意:运动会在_?在十一月。What 什么;When 什么时候;Where 哪里;根据答语可知问句是问时间,故用 When 提问,故选 B。12C【详解】句意:你多久给你的笔友写一次信?一周一次。根据答语可知是对频率的提问,因此应用 How often 提问,选项 A 长,选项 B 不久,选项 C 经常,故选 C。13C【详解】句意:_汉堡?两美元。根据答句可知问句问价钱,询问价钱用 how much 提问,故选 C。14A【详解】句意:他在一个农场工作。A.他在哪里工作?B.他是做什么的?C.你之前在哪里?D.你现在在哪里?由句子可知,时态为一般过去时。问的是在哪里工作,所以 A 符合句意。15B【详解】句意:你是_?我是 46 千克。A.tall 高的,how tall 多高,B.heavy 重,how heavy 多重,C.how old 多大,问的是年龄。所以 B 符合句意,故选 B。16B【详解】句意:咱们把沙发搬开,_?A 你会,B 好吗,C 你不会。根据题意,可知 Lets 表示第一人称的祈使句,说话人向对方提出建议,反义疑问句为 shall we?故选 B。17A【详解】句意:别那么吵,好吗?祈使句为否定句式,其反意疑问句通常只用 will you,故选 A。18B【详解】句意:请帮我拿,好吗?祈使句的反义疑问句一般是 will you,故选 B。19A【详解】句意:会议上的一切都没问题,是吗?该句为反义疑问句,结构为:陈述句+附加疑问部分,其中,附加疑问部分为:be 动词/助动词/情态动词+陈述句主语对应的代词。本句中前半句为肯定句,后半句应用否定,Everything 对应的代词应用 it,故选 A。20A【详解】句意:今天天气很好,_?是的,很好。该句是反义疑问句,要体现前肯定后否定,或前否定后肯定,前一句是肯定句,故简短的问句用否定形式,简短问句中用系动词is,故选 A。21D【详解】句意:她从来没有看过电影,是吗?此题考查反义疑问句,因为句子是主语是第三人称单数的一般现在时,后面应借助于助动词 does 连变反义疑问句,又因为前面有否定词never,后应用肯定形式,故选 D。22C【详解】句意:那个钟表很慢,不是吗?该句是反义疑问句,要体现前肯定后否定,或前否定后肯定,前一句是肯定句,故简短的问句用否定形式,问句是系动词 is,故答语也用系动词is,故选 C。23B【详解】句意:他们是学生,不是吗?该句是反义疑问句,要体现前肯定后否定,或前否定后肯定的形式,前一句是肯定句,故简短的问句用否定形式,根据前句中的系动词,可知反义部分也用系动词 are,故选 B。24B【详解】句意:她几乎很难完成他的作业,是吧?这是考查反义疑问句,根据前肯后否,前否后肯的原则,hardly 表示否定,所以后面表示肯定,所以用 could。故选 B。25A【详解】句意:电脑在我们的生活中非常有用,不是吗?这是反义疑问句,前肯后否,且主句谓语动词是 is,横线处用 isnt,故选 A。26Was there a big gym near my home?【详解】句意:我家附近有一个大体育馆。根据题意,可知句子为 there be 句型。变为一般疑问句,只需把系动词 was 放到句首,其他不变,故答案为 Was there a big gym near my home?27Can they carry the big boxes?【详解】句意:他们能搬动那些大箱子。变为一般疑问句需将情态动词提前,首字母大写,故答案为 Can they carry the big boxes?28Where will they have in the picnic?【详解】句意:他们会在公园里野餐。该句时态为一般将来时,结构为:will+动词原形,题意要求对划线部分提问,询问地点,应用疑问词 where 来引导,故答案为 Where will they have in the picnic?29Are they going to have a party next week?【详解】句意:他们下周要开个派对。该句时态为一般将来时,结构为:be going to+动词原形,一般疑问句需把 be 提前,结合句意可知,此处应把 are 提前,其它不变,故答案为 Are they going to have a party next week?30 What time【详解】句意:五点了。根据划线部分指时间,用疑问词 what time 几点引导,句意为几点了?故答案为 What,time。31Will you give her a gift?【详解】句意:我将给她一个礼物。句子是含有 will,所以一般疑问句把 will 提前,I 变 you,故答案为 Will you give her a gift?32 shall we【详解】原句句意:让我们去看电影吧。原句是一个祈使句,以 Lets 开头的祈使句其反意疑问句部分应该用 shall we,故答案为 shall;we。33Few people knew this word,did they?【详解】句意:很少有人认识这个单词。英语中反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。该句前半部分为否 定,时态为一般过去式,后半句助动词应用 did,主语应用人称代词 they(他们)来代替Few people,故答案为 Few people knew this word,did they?34How many birds are there in the tree?【详解】句意:树上有 9 只鸟。划线部分是 9,故用 how many 多少提问,后跟一般疑问句,故答案为 How many birds are there in the tree?35How heavy are you?【详解】句意:我 48 公斤。划线部分是重量,用 how heavy 提问,主语用 you,be 动词 are 的肯定句变疑问句时,将 are 放句首,故答案为 How heavy are you? 一般将来时和一般过去时一般将来时和一般过去时一、单选题一、单选题1_ he _ a good rest?()-No,he didnt.ADo,hadBDid,haveCDid,had2What you do yesterday evening?()AdoBdidCdoing3Did you the piano yesterday?()AplayBplayingCto playingDplayed4We went to the park and beautiful flowers and tall trees.()AseeBsawCseeingDsees5In the past,I a pen to write a letter.()AusedBuseCusesDusing6Yesterday I _my grandma all day.()AhelpedBhelpChelps7Did he _his mum yesterday?()AcalledBcallingCcall8_ you _ at six oclock yesterday?()ADo;get upBDid;got up.CDo;got upDDid;get up9_ are they going to_ tomorrow?()They are going to have a party.AWhen;doBWhat;goCWhat;do10Im my grandmother tomorrow.()Avisited Bgoing to visit Cvisit 11Im going _ a tree tomorrow.()Aplant Bto plant Cplants12We _ have a football match tomorrow.()Aare goingBare going toCare go toDgoing to13Daming and Simon _ to America next year.()AgoesBare goingCwentDgo14We are going to have a farewell party.I a song at the party.()Awill singBsingCsang15Tomorrow Tim will _ to the zoo.()AgoingBgoesCgo16 your father you to the park tomorrow?()Yes,tomorrow is Sunday.ADo,takeBDid,takeCWill,take17Her mother _ her to see a doctor yesterday.()AtakesBtakeCtook18 you watch TV yesterday?()ADoBDidCDoes19I didnt _“cups”.I _“caps”.()Asaid;sayBsay;saidCsaid;said20Lisa _ us some good news yesterday.()AtoldBspokeCsaidDtalked21There _ a ball game next week.()Awill haveBhasCis going to be 22What did you see _?()AnowBevery dayCsince 1990Djust now23-_ he _ his lunch?()-Yes,he did.AHave,hadBHad,hasCDid,haveDDid,had24There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.()Awill be going toBwill going to beCis going to be25Charlie _ here next month.()Aisnt workingBdoesnt workingCisnt going to workingDwont work26He _ very busy this week,he _ free next week.()Awill be;isBis;isCwill be;will beDis;will be27_ you _ free tomorrow?()No.I _ free the day after tomorrow.AAre;going to;willBAre;going to be;willCAre;going to;will beDAre;going to be;will be28Lily _ me a nice gift on my next birthday.()Awill givesBwill giveCgivesDgive29 Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?()_.(不,不要。)ANo,you wontBNo,you arent.CNo,please dontDNo,please.30Where is the morning paper?()I _ it for you at once.AgetBam gettingCto getDwill get31_ a concert next Saturday?()AThere will beBWill there beCThere can beDThere are32He _ to us as soon as he gets there.()AwritesBhas writtenCwill writeDwrote33He _ in three days.()Acoming backBcame backCwill come backDis going to coming back34What _ they _yesterday?()They played football.Adid,doBdid,didCdo,do35John _to school by bike yesterday.()AgoesBwentCgo36They_old then.They _old now.()Awerent,areBwerent,wasCwasnt.are37_ you _ at six oclock yesterday?()ADo;get upBDid;got up.CDo;got upDDid;get up38He went into the room and _ the door.()AlockBlockingClocksDlocked39 What _ you _ last week?()I bought a bag.Adid;buyBdid;bought Cdo;buyDdo;bought 1B【详解】从 No,he didnt 可选择 B。2B【详解】句意:昨天晚上你干什么了?yesterday evening 昨天晚上,是一般过去时的时间状语,助动词用 did,故选 B.3A【详解】句意:你昨天钢琴了吗?本句是一般过去时的一般疑问句,谓语用动词原形,play弹,动词原形,故选 A.4B【详解】句意:我们去了公园了美丽的花朵和高大的树木。went 去,是动词的过去式,可知本句是用 and 连接两个谓语,谓语用动词过去式,see 看,过去式是 saw,故选 B.5A【详解】句意:过去,我钢笔写一
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