人教PEP版六年级下册《英语》语法练习-一般过去时练习(含答案 ).rar


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    • 2023新人教PEP版六年级下册《英语》语法练习-一般过去时练习(含答案 )
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小升初 一般过去时练习一姓名 成绩 一、写出下列动词的过去式形式(10 分)1、stop stopped 2、have had 3、see saw 4、sleep slept 5、drink drank 6、can could 7、laugh laughed 8、go went 9、buy bought 10、come came 二、选出不同类的一项(10 分)(A )1、A.before B.climbed C.worked D.stopped (A )2、A.write B.drew C.got D.played(D )3、A.went B.rode C.flew D.ago(A)4、A.these B.kept C.put D.hurt(C )5、A.watch B.wash C.when D.write 三、单项选择题(20 分)(D )1、I not in school yesterday because I a cold.A.am,have B.were,had C.was,have D.was,had (B )2、When did he to school?A.goes B.go C.to go D.going(A )3、Mack didnt mountain last week.A.climb B.climbs C.climbed D.climbing(B )4、My father in a big company three years ago.A.works B.worked C.work D.working(D )5、Tim and his twin brother Tom born in 20007.A.are B.was C.is D.were(D)6、Was I a good student before?-Yes,.A.I am.B.I was C.You are D.You were (D)7、She to Mount Tai last year.A.goes B.to go C.going D.went(C)8、Yesterday I read a book and TV.A.watch B.watches C.watched D.watching(A )9、Did his parent in the same factory last month?A.work B.works C.working D.worked(C )10、You didnt the film before,right?A.saw B.seeing C.see D.to see 四、用括号里单词的之前形式填空(20 分)1、-Could your brother play the pipa three days ago?(play)-No,he cant .2、I fell off my bike last Sunday.(fall)3、How was the beach in Sanya?(be)4、Last summer vacation,my family drove to the forest.(drive)5、Jack didnt go (not go)to the library last Saturday.五、按要求完成句子(20 分)1、We had a wonderful party for Nancy last night.(改为否定句)We didnt have a wonderful party for Nancy last night.2、My sister Lily visited her grandma in the countryside.(对划线部分提问)What did your sister do?3、I saw a film with my friend last evening.(对划线部分提问)Ho didi you see a film with last evening 4、Did John teacher English before?(做肯定回答)Yes,he did.5、Peter did his homework yesterday.(改为否定句)Peter didnt do his homework yesterday.六、改错(20 分)1、He didnt ate any bread.ate 改为 eat 2、How did your mother felt just now?felt 改为 feel 3、He shows me some toys about panda last morning.shows 改为 showed 4、I can ride a bike two years ago.can 改为 could 5、Did the girl watches a panda in the zoo?watches 改为 watch 小升初 一般过去时练习二姓名 成绩 一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式(10 分)1、draw drew 2、read read 3、stop stopped 4、watch watched 5、sing sang 6、dance danced 7、live lived 8、eat ate 9、swim swam 10、do did 三、选出不同类的一项(10 分)(C )1、A.write B.come C.wrote D.speak (A)2、A.bought B.thought C.brought D.yesterday(C )3、A.do B.does C.did D.are(A )4、A.get B.did C.sang D.hurt(C)5、A.was B.were C.last D.saw三、单项选择题(20 分)(C )1、I my picture in the are class last Monday.A.color B.colors C.colored D.coloring (D )2、My sister Lucy eating apples before.A.isnt like B.doesnt like C.dont like D.didnt like(B )3、She stayed at home all day and her homework.A.does B.did C.to do D.doing(A )4、Why did your mother angry with your father?A.get B.got C.gets D.to get(D )5、The NO.10 bus at the stop and she got off the bus.A.stop B.stops C.stoped D.stopped(C )6、There a student asking me the rode to school yesterday.A.is B.are C.was D.were (B)7、My sister a pilot three years ago,but now she and me both scientists.A.is,is B.was,is C.was,are D.is,are(C)8、I a new scarf for my mother last year.A.buys B.buy C.buyed D.bought(D )9、What Maria yesterday morning?A.does,do B.did,does C.does,does D.did,do(D )10、The cat a bad mouse at home last night.A.chases B.chasing C.to chase D.chased四、用括号里单词的之前形式填空(20 分)1、Five days ago,our school had a swimming contest.(have)2、My family came to the restaurant to have dinner last night.(come)3、I cleaned the house and washed my clothes.(wash)4、The students felt ill and they had a fever last week.(feel)5、My brother Jack is a teacher .He taught Chinese in a middle school in 2009.But now he teaches maths.(teach)七、对划线部分提问(20 分)1、We took some pictures in the nature park.What did you do in the nature park?2、He went to Beijing last weekend.Where didi he go last weekend 3、There was a desk in the classroom before.What was in the classroom before?4、Our school held a sports meeting the day before yesterday.When did your school held a sports meeting?5、Sarah read a comic book two hours ago.What did Sarah do two hours ago?八、改错(20 分)1、Mike fall off his bicycle and hurt his left foot.fall 改为 fell 2、Im nine years old last week.Im last 改为 I wasthis 3、How old are you yesterday?are 改为 were 4、Last winter vacation I study how to make kites.study 改为 studied 5、He didnt watched TV when he went back to home.watched 改为 watch 小升初 一般过去时练习三姓名 成绩 一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式(10 分)1、study studied 2、carry carried 3、talk talked 4、make made 5、isam was 6、are were 7、take took 8、fall fell 9、think thought 10、teach taught 四、选出不同类的一项(10 分)(C )1、A.sleep B.read C.slept D.drink (A)2、A.watch B.bought C.hurt D.could(A)3、A.fall B.take C.know D.make(B )4、A.swim B.swimming C.sing D.draw(C )5、A.stay B.work C.teacher D.wait 三、单项选择题(20 分)(C )1、Did you him last Sunday?A.saw B.sees C.see D.seeing (B )2、How many classes Nancy last week?A.does,have B.did,have C.does,has D.did,has (A )3、My cousin Nick basketball yesterday.A.played B.plays C.play D.to play(D)4、What did your younger sister from the shop?A.takes B.took C.to take D.take(A )5、My aunt didnt her parents last weekend.A.visit B.visits C.visited D.to visit(B )6、I couldnt to the museum when I came back home.A.drove B.drive C.driving D.drives (C )7、He his bedroom last evening.A.clean B.cleans C.cleaned D.to clean(D)8、Where did they basketball outside the school?A.plays B.played C.playing D.play(C )9、Lucy her homework after class last Thursday.A.not did B.doesnt did C.didnt do D.isnt do(B )10、When she have dinner with you just now?A.does B.did C.do D.is 四、用括号里单词的之前形式填空(20 分)1、What time did Jack take the dancing class yesterday?(take)2、Are your cousins all from Germany?(be)3、My sister often goes to school by bus,but yesterday she went to school by car because of the rain.(go)4、Jack read an English book and didnt study (not study)yesterday morning.5、Did Sam and Jim dream (dream)to be a scientist last year?九、按要求完成句子(20 分)1、My friend Sarah kept to the right in the classroom because of the school rules last Wednesday.(对划线部分提问)Why your friend Sarah keep to the right in the classroom last Wednesday?2、He told you something about space last night.(对划线部分提问)What did he tell me last night?3、My mom went to work by bus yesterday.(对划线部分提问)How didi your mom go to work yesterday?4、The beach in Sanya was very beautiful.(对划线部分提问)How was the beach in Sanya?5、I did my homework at school last week.(改为否定句)I didnt do my homework at school last week.十、改错(20 分)1、The child learns French last year.learns 改为 learned 2、Did your sister goes to school last Tuesday?goes 改为 go 3、Mike didnt does the housework at home.does 改为 do 4、Why is your mother afraid of the mouse when she saw the mouse last night?is 改为 was 5、She draws some pictures and had a picnic in the nature park.draws 改为 drew 小升初 一般过去时练习一姓名 成绩 一、写出下列动词的过去式形式(10 分)1、stop 2、have 3、see 4、sleep 5、drink 6、can 7、laugh 8、go 9、buy 10、come 二、选出不同类的一项(10 分)()1、A.before B.climbed C.worked D.stopped ()2、A.write B.drew C.got D.played()3、A.went B.rode C.flew D.ago()4、A.these B.kept C.put D.hurt()5、A.watch B.wash C.when D.write 三、单项选择题(20 分)()1、I not in school yesterday because I a cold.A.am,have B.were,had C.was,have D.was,had ()2、When did he to school?A.goes B.go C.to go D.going()3、Mack didnt mountain last week.A.climb B.climbs C.climbed D.climbing()4、My father in a big company three years ago.A.works B.worked C.work D.working()5、Tim and his twin brother Tom born in 20007.A.are B.was C.is D.were()6、Was I a good student before?-Yes,.A.I am.B.I was C.You are D.You were ()7、She to Mount Tai last year.A.goes B.to go C.going D.went()8、Yesterday I read a book and TV.A.watch B.watches C.watched D.watching()9、Did his parent in the same factory last month?A.work B.works C.working D.worked()10、You didnt the film before,right?A.saw B.seeing C.see D.to see 四、用括号里单词的之前形式填空(20 分)1、-Could your brother the pipa three days ago?(play)-No,he .2、I off my bike last Sunday.(fall)3、How the beach in Sanya?(be)4、Last summer vacation,my family to the forest.(drive)5、Jack (not go)to the library last Saturday.五、按要求完成句子(20 分)1、We had a wonderful party for Nancy last night.(改为否定句)2、My sister Lily visited her grandma in the countryside.(对划线部分提问)3、I saw a film with my friend last evening.(对划线部分提问)4、Did John teacher English before?(做肯定回答)5、Peter did his homework yesterday.(改为否定句)六、改错(20 分)1、He didnt ate any bread.改为 2、How did your mother felt just now?改为 3、He shows me some toys about panda last morning.改为 4、I can ride a bike two years ago.改为 5、Did the girl watches a panda in the zoo?改为 小升初 一般过去时练习二姓名 成绩 一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式(10 分)1、draw 2、read 3、stop 4、watch 5、sing 6、dance 7、live 8、eat 9、swim 10、do 三、选出不同类的一项(10 分)()1、A.write B.come C.wrote D.speak ()2、A.bought B.thought C.brought D.yesterday()3、A.do B.does C.did D.are()4、A.get B.did C.sang D.hurt()5、A.was B.were C.last D.saw三、单项选择题(20 分)()1、I my picture in the are class last Monday.A.color B.colors C.colored D.coloring ()2、My sister Lucy eating apples before.A.isnt like B.doesnt like C.dont like D.didnt like()3、She stayed at home all day and her homework.A.does B.did C.to do D.doing()4、Why did your mother angry with your father?A.get B.got C.gets D.to get()5、The NO.10 bus at the stop and she got off the bus.A.stop B.stops C.stoped D.stopped()6、There a student asking me the rode to school yesterday.A.is B.are C.was D.were ()7、My sister a pilot three years ago,but now she and me both scientists.A.is,is B.was,is C.was,are D.is,are()8、I a new scarf for my mother last year.A.buys B.buy C.buyed D.bought()9、What Maria yesterday morning?A.does,do B.did,does C.does,does D.did,do()10、The cat a bad mouse at home last night.A.chases B.chasing C.to chase D.chased四、用括号里单词的之前形式填空(20 分)1、Five days ago,our school a swimming contest.(have)2、My family to the restaurant to have dinner last night.(come)3、I cleaned the house and my clothes.(wash)4、The students ill and they had a fever last week.(feel)5、My brother Jack is a .He Chinese in a middle school in 2009.But now he maths.(teach)七、对划线部分提问(20 分)1、We took some pictures in the nature park.2、He went to Beijing last weekend.3、There was a desk in the classroom before.4、Our school held a sports meeting the day before yesterday.5、Sarah read a comic book two hours ago.八、改错(20 分)1、Mike fall off his bicycle and hurt his left foot.改为 2、Im nine years old last week.改为 3、How old are you yesterday?改为 4、Last winter vacation I study how to make kites.改为 5、He didnt watched TV when he went back to home.改为 小升初 一般过去时练习三姓名 成绩 一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式(10 分)1、study 2、carry 3、talk 4、make 5、isam 6、are 7、take 8、fall 9、think 10、teach 四、选出不同类的一项(10 分)()1、A.sleep B.read C.slept D.drink ()2、A.watch B.bought C.hurt D.could()3、A.fall B.take C.know D.make()4、A.swim B.swimming C.sing D.draw()5、A.stay B.work C.teacher D.wait 三、单项选择题(20 分)()1、Did you him last Sunday?A.saw B.sees C.see D.seeing ()2、How many classes Nancy last week?A.does,have B.did,have C.does,has D.did,has ()3、My cousin Nick basketball yesterday.A.played B.plays C.play D.to play()4、What did your younger sister from the shop?A.takes B.took C.to take D.take()5、My aunt didnt her parents last weekend.A.visit B.visits C.visited D.to visit()6、I couldnt to the museum when I came back home.A.drove B.drive C.driving D.drives ()7、He his bedroom last evening.A.clean B.cleans C.cleaned D.to clean()8、Where did they basketball outside the school?A.plays B.played C.playing D.play()9、Lucy her homework after class last Thursday.A.not did B.doesnt did C.didnt do D.isnt do()10、When she have dinner with you just now?A.does B.did C.do D.is 四、用括号里单词的之前形式填空(20 分)1、What time did Jack the dancing class yesterday?(take)2、your cousins all from Germany?(be)3、My sister often to school by bus,but yesterday she to school by car because of the rain.(go)4、Jack read an English book and (not study)yesterday morning.5、Did Sam and Jim (dream)to be a scientist last year?九、按要求完成句子(20 分)1、My friend Sarah kept to the right in the classroom because of the school rules last Wednesday.(对划线部分提问)2、He told you something about space last night.(对划线部分提问)3、My mom went to work by bus yesterday.(对划线部分提问)4、The beach in Sanya was very beautiful.(对划线部分提问)5、I did my homework at school last week.(改为否定句)十、改错(20 分)1、The child learns French last year.改为 2、Did your sister goes to school last Tuesday?改为 3、Mike didnt does the housework at home.改为 4、Why is your mother afraid of the mouse when she saw the mouse last night?改为 5、She draws some pictures and had a picnic in the nature park.改为
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英语 人教PEP版六年级下册《英语》语法练习-一般过去时练习(含答案 新人 pep 六年级 下册 语法 练习 一般过去时 答案 谜底
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