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    2021 浙江省 中国美术学院 附属 中等 美术 学校 招生 考试 英语试题

    1、2 20 02 21 1 年年中中国国美美术术学学院院附附属属中中等等美美术术学学校校招招生生考考试试英英语语试试题题卷卷(A A)考考生生须须知知:1 1.本本试试卷卷分分试试题题卷卷和和答答题题卷卷两两部部分分,满满分分 1 12 20 0 分分,考考试试时时间间 1 10 00 0 分分钟钟。2 2.答答题题前前,请请将将自自己己的的姓姓名名、准准考考证证号号用用黑黑色色字字迹迹钢钢笔笔或或签签字字笔笔填填写写在在密密封封线线内内。3 3.所所有有答答案案都都必必须须做做在在答答题题卷卷的的标标定定位位置置,否否则则视视为为无无效效。4 4.考考试试结结束束时时,请请将将试试题题卷卷、答

    2、答题题卷卷一一并并上上交交。第第 I I 卷卷第第一一部部分分听听力力(共共两两节节,满满分分 3 30 0 分分)第第一一节节(共共 5 5 小小题题,每每小小题题 2 2 分分,满满分分 1 10 0 分分)听下面五段小对话,从每题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the man probably doing?A.Driving a car.B.Walking on the road.C.Riding a bike.2.What time is it

    3、now?A.5:00 pm.B.5:30 pm.C.6:00 pm.3.When will the man leave?A.On July 14th.B.On July 15th.C.On July 16th.4.What will the weather probably be like tommorrow?A.Stormy.B.Rainy.C.Fine.5.How much should the man pay?A.4.5 dollars.B.5 dollars.C.9 dollars.第第二二节节(共共 1 10 0 小小题题,每每小小题题 2 2 分分,满满分分 2 20 0 分分)听

    4、下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至 8 三个小题。6.Where did the Olympics hold in 2016?A.Sydney.B.London.C.Rio.7.How many gold medals did the US womens weightlifting team win at the Olympics after 1996?A

    5、.Three.B.Two.C.One.8.When did women begin to take part in the Olympics Games?A.In 1900.B.In 1996.C.In 2016.听下面一段对话,回答第 9 至 11 三个小题。9.When did Helen take the English exam?A.At the end of the term.B.In the middle of the term.C.At the beginning of the term.10.What does Helen think of her exam results?A

    6、.They are always good.B.They are always bad.C.We dont know.11.Why didnt Helen want to watch the football game?A.Because it was really boring.B.Because she didnt like football.C.Because the Chinese team did badly.听下面一段独白,回答第 12 至 15 四个小题。独白连读两遍。12.Why did the speakers dad buy the farm in Venezuela?A.

    7、Because the price of the farm was very cheap.B.Because the weather is good for cocoa beans to grow.C.Because the country has many chocolate factories.13.What do they do to get the chocolate flavor?A.Dry the cocoa beans.B.Burn the cocoa beans.C.Roast the cocoa beans.14.How do they make white chocolat

    8、e?A.By adding a lot of milk.B.By adding a lot of milk and sugar.C.By adding a lot of sugar.15.What elase does the speakers dad make besides chocolate bars?A.Chocolate meals.B.Chocolate cakes.C.Chocolate noodles.第第二二部部分分阅阅读读理理解解(共共两两节节,满满分分 4 40 0 分分)第第一一节节(共共 1 15 5 小小题题,每每小小题题 2 2 分分,满满分分 3 30 0 分分

    9、)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。A ADo you like to solve problems for children?Listed below are probably three of the best answers.16.Whats Haddies problem according to the passage?AShe cant begin a fantasy book.BShe doesnt want to grow up.CShe cant run fast in her class.DShe is laughed at by ma

    10、ny kids.17Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?AMost adults hope to stay kids forever.BThe gym teacher can help Tiona run faster.CKids who are teasing others want to get help.DThere are five ideas to help write fantasy books.18Which column of a magazine is the passage probably from?ACultu

    11、ral ThinkingBSports ClubCFantastic DiscoveryDGrowing PainsI I w wa an nt t t to o s st ta ay y a a k ki id d f fo or re ev ve er r.I I l lo ov ve e m my y b bi ir rt th hd da ay y,b bu ut t I I d do on nt t w wa an nt t t to o b be e o ol ld de er r.H Ha ad dd di ie e,W Wa as sh hi in ng gt to on nT

    12、he great thing about growing up is that it doesnt happen all at once.Day afterday,youll have new experiences which can be scary,but it can also be fun.When we feel sad about growing up,try thinking of all the things you hope to happenwhen youre older.Its good to enjoy being a kid,but you should know

    13、 that some adultssay they still feel like kids!I I l li ik ke e f fa an nt ta as sy y b bo oo ok ks s,a an nd d I Im m t th hi in nk ki in ng g o of f w wr ri it ti in ng g o on ne e.B Bu ut t I I d do on nt t k kn no ow w h ho ow w t to o b be eg gi in n.P Pl le ea as se e h he el lp p!L Li ia am m

    14、,P Pe en nn ns sy yl lv va an ni ia aOne idea is to list“top five”memories,such as your top five trips,funny thingsthat happened at school and so on.Choose one of these for a story.Another idea is to imagine what bookyoud like to write.As words pop into your mind,write them down.Then challenge yours

    15、elf to write sstory using all of those words.Good luck writing.K Ki id ds s t te ea as se e(嘲嘲笑笑)m me e b be ec ca au us se e I Im m t th he e s sl lo ow we es st t r ru un nn ne er r i in n m my y c cl la as ss s.W Wh ha at t c ca an n I I d do o?T Ti io on na a,O Or re eg go on nWere sorry to hear

    16、 that.These kids may be looking for attention,and if you dontgive it to them,they may stop.If that doesnt work,you could try replying with kindness.Sometimes kind words are the best answerto them.If the teasing continues,be sure to talk to someone who can help.If improving your runningspeed is somet

    17、hing youd like to work on,you could also ask your gym teacher for advice.B BStill in shock!I moved around the house purposelessly trying to decide what to put into the suitcases.Earlier that evening,Id received a call telling me that my brother was killed in a car crash.“Come assoon as you can.”crie

    18、d my mother.I wanted to hurry to her at once.But my husband,Larry,and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle.Our house was in total mess.Supper dishes sat on the kitchen table.Toys lay everywhere.I purposelessly pickedthings up and put them down.Mothers crying went through my head again and

    19、 again.Larry called some friends to tell them what had happened.Someone asked to speak to me.“If theres anythingI can do,let me know.”But I didnt know what to ask for.Suddenly,the doorbell rang.It was Emerson.He and his wife Donna lived in the block nearby.“Ive cometo clean your shoes,”he said.I ask

    20、ed him to repeat.“Donna had to stay with the baby,”he said,“but we want to help you.I remember when my father died,it took me hours to clean our shoes for the funeral(葬礼).Give me all your shoes.”I gathered all our dirty shoes to the kitchen.Emerson got to work right away.Watching him devoting himsel

    21、fto one task helped me pull my own thoughts into order.I told myself to wash clothes first.Then,Larry andI bathed the children and put them to bed.One job after another.When we returned to clear the dishes,Emerson had left.All our shoes stood in a line against the wall,clean,shining.I couldnt help c

    22、rying.Early next morning,we left for the airport with all the jobs done.Now whenever I hear of a friend whos lost a loved one,I no longer call with the polite offer,“If theres anything I can do”Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that mans need,like takingthe dog to the boarding k

    23、ennel,or house-sitting during the funeral.If the person asks,“How did you knowI needed that done?”I reply,“Because a man once cleaned my shoes.”19The writer didnt know what to put into the suitcases because _.Ashe couldnt do it on her ownBshe was too sad to do anythingCshe wanted to take everything

    24、to SeattleDshe was not good at housework20Heres a time line of what happened in the story.Which of the events should go in the empty box above?AEmerson came to clean the shoes.BThe couple bathed the children.CThey cleared the supper dishes.DThe writer found the shoes cleaned.21If one of her friends

    25、has lost a loved one,what will the writer probably NOT do?ACall her friend to ask what she can do.BLook after her friends young children.CTake her friendss dog to the boarding kennel.DOffer her friend house-sitting during the funeral.22Which sentence best expresses the theme of this story?AOne perso

    26、ns loss is anothers gain.BAn act of kindness is often rewarded.CA near neighbour is better than a brother far off.DDo something specific to help those in need.C CThe way we spend our time can be divided into three“bottles”.These are the necessary tasks bottle,the voluntary tasks bottle and the happi

    27、ness bottle.Every day,we spend time filling the necessary tasks bottle with useful things,like making money,doinghousework,buying food and paying bills.We then fill another bottle with voluntary tasks.These are thingsthat we do for others,but we may not enjoy them.This bottle gets filled with tasks

    28、like taking childrento activities,cooking family meals,and doing laundry.Those bottles are very important.If we dont fillthem each day,our family wont run properly.However,we often forget to fill the third bottlethe happiness bottle that we fill with activities thatmake us happy.Is your happiness bo

    29、ttle sometimes empty at the end of the day?Between doing all the necessaryand voluntary tasks,time flies by,and before we know i it t,it is time for bed.We all have days like that.This is why each day we have to make an effort to fill our happiness bottle.I fill mine by going to thedancing class.And

    30、 I always leave classes more happily than when I enter.This week,I had the pleasure oftaking part in a guitar practice in my neighborhood.We show our musical talent and practice music for charity.It was a time of fun,friendship and music-making.At the end of the evening,my happiness bottle was fille

    31、dto top.Will your activities bring joy to your life?Or are the other two tasks eating up all your time?Try to find ways to achieve a balance between how you fill your three bottles.At the end of the day,hopefullyweve done all we can to make sure that our happiness bottle is filled.23Which activity b

    32、elongs to a necessary task according to the passage?AGoing to work though it is raining heavily.BBuying a birthday gift for your good friend.CHaving a yard sale to raise money for sick kids.DSending your son to a piano lesson on Sunday.24What does the underlined word“i it t”mean in the third paragra

    33、ph?AWe require enough time to fill the necessary tasks bottle.BNecessary and voluntary tasks are less important.CAll the three bottles are filled to top at the end of the day.DWe need time to do something to make ourselves happy.25How did the writer fill the happiness“bottle”this week?ABy cooking me

    34、als for family.BBy going to the dance class.CBy practicing music for charity.DBy listening to some nice music.26Which of the following is the best for“”in the last paragraph?AMake sure to fill all the three bottles.BSo consider how your time will be spent.CPeople will have more happy activities.DIts

    35、 not enough to fill the happiness bottle.D DWe all know the strange feeling of watching the time change on a clock.You never see it change becausethe hands move so slowly.But,of course,the time is changing all the time.Human faces,like clock faces,are also changing.And like clocks,the changes take p

    36、lace too slowly to benoticed.Over many thousands of years,though,huge changes are possible.For example,the human brain tripled(增至三倍)in size and began to think more.Our faces became flatter.If our heads became larger in the past,how will things change in the future?Unlike the changes of a clockface,t

    37、he changes in human faces are very difficult to predict.One of the main reasons for this is the wayin which we can now control parts of nature.Hundreds of thousands of years ago,all changes were natural,butnow we can actively choose paths for our own evolution(进化).A US artist named Nickolay Lamm has

    38、 recently offered an idea.It is what human faces may one day look like.Thedesigns,inspired by his conversations with scientist Alan,show humans with larger heads and eyes.Inparticular,Lamm predicts the forehead may be larger because of increased usage of the brain.Just a few hundred years ago,most h

    39、umans were working in the fields,w wh he er re ea as s nowadays more and more peoplereceive education.These are just predictions,and no one can be sure how human beings will become in the future.But with such huge changes in our environments,it seems likely that we will look very differently in the

    40、future.27.The changes of human are hardly noticed because_.A.human faces never changeB.the changes take place too slowlyC.the human brain becomes biggerD.we never think about the changes28.The third paragraph tells us_.A.it is easy to predict the changes in human changesB.human cant change the size

    41、of our brain in the futureC.human faces used to change by natureD.human faces cant be controlled by us29.The underlined word“whereas”in the last paragraph has the similar meaning as _.A.finallyB.at the same timeC.howeverD.on the other side30.From the last two paragraphs,we can learn that _.A.the pre

    42、dictions will surely be truthB.people in the past liked to be educatedC.future humans must have larger headsD.humans will not look the same as today第第二二节节(共共 5 5 小小题题,每每小小题题 2 2 分分,满满分分 1 10 0 分分)下面文章中有 5 处(第 3135 题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。其中一项为多余选项。31._ Latin music is very common

    43、 in countries where people speak Spanish or Portuguese.This musiccomes from Mexico,the Caribbean,Central America,and South America.32._.Latin music is a mixture of European music and African music.It has a strong beat.Many yearsago,people played Latin music mostly on guitars with drums,but now whole

    44、 orchestras with lots of otherinstruments play it.33._ People plat Latin music at home or when they visit their friends.Sometimes fans play cardsin the afternoon or at night on weekends or holidays while they listen to Latin music.Some peple bring guitarsand play them when they sing.They listen to t

    45、he music while they eat.34._ people who dance enjoy Latin music because it is easy to dance to.The beat is very strong.Dancers can move their whole bodies.They can dance on their own or with someone.35._ Other people enjoy listening to Latin music.Usually the words are in Spanish or Portuguese,butso

    46、metimes they are in English or another language.Many Latin songs have beautiful words,but if a person doesntunderstand them,its not important.A person can still enjoy the music.The sound is international.第第三三部部分分英英语语知知识识运运用用(共共两两节节,满满分分 2 25 5 分分)第第一一节节完完形形填填空空(共共 1 15 5 小小题题,计计 1 15 5 分分)阅读下面的短文,掌握

    47、其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。One day the bathroom door had slammed on Timmys finger.The doctor asked if we had found the tip ofTimmys finger.He said there was a small chance of36it if we could get it to him quickly.Pulling myselfout of a daze,I ran back to the bathroom.37,it had already turn

    48、ed blue.I knew from the 38 on the doctorsface that it was too late.I felt39,unable to take the pain away from my little boy.Then a(n)40cameto me.I whispered in his ear,“Timmy,did you know that lizards grow their tails41and little boys cangrow their fingers back too?”Timmys soft green eyes grew wide

    49、with42.“They can?”he asked,obviouslysurprised by the thought,“And43?”I told him,“Inside your head you have a little voice telling your finger how much you love it and howmuch you44 it.”I could see Timmys little face focused in deep concentration.Then I continued,“Nowjust say,grow for me,finger,grow.

    50、I love you and I need you.”A few days later,Timmy said to me45,“Imtalking to my finger every day,46 it well.”Weeks later,with a joyful burst of47,Timmy ran towards me.“See,”he said,“Its growing back really good!”A year later,Timmys finger grew back and became wellagain just as any finger 48 be.Timmy

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