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    1、8th editionSteven P.RobbinsMary Coulter主讲人:Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.22L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.Historical Background of ManagementExplain why studying management history is important.Describe some early

    2、evidences of management practice.Scientific ManagementDescribe the important contributions made by Fredrick W.Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.Explain how todays managers use scientific management.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.23L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd)Follow

    3、 this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.General Administrative TheoristsDiscuss Fayols 14 management principles.Describe Max Webers contribution to the general administrative theory of management.Explain how todays managers use general administrative theory.Quantitative Approach to

    4、 ManagementExplain what the quantitative approach has contributed to the field of management.Discuss how todays managers use the quantitative approach.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.24L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd)Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this c

    5、hapter.Toward Understanding Organizational BehaviorDescribe the contributions of the early advocates of OB.Explain the contributions of the Hawthorne Studies to the field of management.Discuss how todays managers use the behavioral approach.The Systems ApproachDescribe an organization using the syst

    6、ems approach.Discuss how the systems approach is appropriate for understanding management.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.25L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd)Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.The Contingency ApproachExplain how the contingency ap

    7、proach differs from the early theories of management.Discuss how the contingency approach is appropriate for studying management.Current Issues and TrendsExplain why we need to look at the current trends and issues facing managers.Describe the current trends and issues facing managers.Copyright 2005

    8、 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.26Historical Background of Management Ancient ManagementEgypt(pyramids)and China(Great Wall)Venetians(floating warship assembly lines)Adam SmithPublished“The Wealth of Nations”in 1776vAdvocated the division of labor(job specialization)to increase the productivi

    9、ty of workers Industrial RevolutionSubstituted machine power for human laborCreated large organizations in need of managementCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.27Q and A 2.1Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.28 胡夫金字塔,也称大金字塔,建于公元前胡夫金字塔,也称大金字塔,建于公元前 2560 年,塔高年,塔高146

    10、.5米,因年久风化,顶端剥落米,因年久风化,顶端剥落10米,现高米,现高136.5米。塔身是米。塔身是用用230万块石料堆砌而成,大小不等的石料重达万块石料堆砌而成,大小不等的石料重达1.5吨至吨至160吨,吨,塔的总重量约为塔的总重量约为684万吨,它的规模是埃及迄今发现的万吨,它的规模是埃及迄今发现的108座座金字塔中最大的。金字塔中最大的。它是一座几乎实心的巨石体,成群结队的人将这些大石块沿它是一座几乎实心的巨石体,成群结队的人将这些大石块沿着地面斜坡往上拖运,然后在金字塔周围以一种脚手架的方式着地面斜坡往上拖运,然后在金字塔周围以一种脚手架的方式层层堆砌。层层堆砌。100,000 人共

    11、用了人共用了 20 年的时间才完成的人类奇迹。年的时间才完成的人类奇迹。Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.29Development of Major Management TheoriesCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.210Major Approaches to Management Scientific Management 科学管理 General Administrative Theory 行政管理 Quantitative Managem

    12、ent 质量管理 Organizational Behavior 组织行为 Systems Approach 系统理论 Contingency Approach 权变理论Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.211Scientific Management Fredrick Winslow Taylor The“father”of scientific management Published Principles of Scientific Management(1911)vThe theory of scientific

    13、management Using scientific methods to define the“one best way”for a job to be done:Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment.将正确的人员安排在适当的工作上,采用正确的工具和设备 Having a standardized method of doing the job.按标准化的方法严格操作 Providing an economic incentive to the worker.刺激性工资水平Copyr

    14、ight 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.212Taylors Five Principles of Management1.Develop a science for each element of an individuals work,which will replace the old rule-of-thumb method.2.Scientifically select and then train,teach,and develop the worker.3.Heartily cooperate with the worker

    15、s so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science that has been developed.4.Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers.5.Management takes over all work for which it is better fitted than the workers.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall

    16、,Inc.All rights reserved.213泰罗制泰罗制 泰罗科学管理的特点是从每一个工人抓起,从每一件泰罗科学管理的特点是从每一个工人抓起,从每一件工具、每一道工序抓起,在科学实验的基础上,设计出最工具、每一道工序抓起,在科学实验的基础上,设计出最佳的工位设置、最合理的劳动定额、标准化的操作方法、佳的工位设置、最合理的劳动定额、标准化的操作方法、最适合的劳动工具。例如他在某钢铁公司进行的搬运生铁最适合的劳动工具。例如他在某钢铁公司进行的搬运生铁和铲铁试验中,就具体规定了工人所铲物资的轻重不同,和铲铁试验中,就具体规定了工人所铲物资的轻重不同,所用的铲子大小也应该不同。为此,他专门

    17、设立了一个工所用的铲子大小也应该不同。为此,他专门设立了一个工具室,存有具室,存有10种不同的铲子,供工人们在完成不同作业时种不同的铲子,供工人们在完成不同作业时使用。使用。泰罗的科学管理系统将工人的潜能发挥到无以复加的泰罗的科学管理系统将工人的潜能发挥到无以复加的程度,程度,有人形容,在实行泰罗制的工厂里,找不出一个多有人形容,在实行泰罗制的工厂里,找不出一个多余的工人,每个工人都像机器一样一刻不停地工作。余的工人,每个工人都像机器一样一刻不停地工作。Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.214Q and A 2.2Copy

    18、right 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.215Scientific Management(contd)Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Focused on increasing worker productivity through the reduction of wasted motion Developed the micro-chronometer 精密记时装置 to time worker motions and optimize performance How Do Todays Managers Us

    19、e Scientific Management?Use time and motion studies to increase productivity运用时间和动作分析 Hire the best qualified employees 选择最佳的人员 Design incentive systems based on output 基于产出的报酬体系Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.216Q and A 2.3Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.21

    20、7General Administrative Theorists Henri FayolBelieved that the practice of management was distinct from other organizational functions Developed fourteen principles of management that applied to all organizational situations Max WeberDeveloped a theory of authority based on an ideal type of organiza

    21、tion(bureaucracy)vEmphasized rationality,predictability,impersonality,technical competence,and authoritarianismCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.218Fayols 14 Principles of Management p331.Division of work.工作分工作分工工2.Authority.职权职权3.Discipline.纪律纪律4.Unity of command.统一统一指挥指挥5.Unity

    22、of direction.统一统一方向方向6.Subordination of individual interest to the interests of the organization.个人利益服个人利益服从整体利益从整体利益7.Remuneration.报酬报酬8.Centralization.集中集中9.Scalar chain.等级链等级链10.Order.秩序秩序11.Equity.公平公平12.Stability of tenure of personnel.人员的稳定人员的稳定13.Initiative.首创精神首创精神14.Esprit de corps.团结团结精神精神

    23、Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.219Q and A 2.4Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.220Webers Ideal Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织官僚行政组织Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.221 马克斯马克斯韦伯的科层制(或官僚制)理论有着丰厚的思想内蕴,它是韦韦伯的科层制(或官僚制)理论有着丰厚的思想内蕴,它是韦伯政治社会学的重要内容。这一理论的许多概念、范

    24、畴和分析成为现伯政治社会学的重要内容。这一理论的许多概念、范畴和分析成为现代西方政治学理论来源之一。代西方政治学理论来源之一。韦伯的韦伯的新教伦理与资本主义精神新教伦理与资本主义精神一书,是他关于一书,是他关于“世界诸宗教的世界诸宗教的 经济伦理经济伦理”系列研究的第一部著作。他认为近代资本主义产生和发系列研究的第一部著作。他认为近代资本主义产生和发 展,是以表现在欧洲宗教改革后的新教伦理中的展,是以表现在欧洲宗教改革后的新教伦理中的“资本主义精神资本主义精神”为为支支 柱,这种精神是西欧理性主义长期发展的结果;近代资本主义的产生柱,这种精神是西欧理性主义长期发展的结果;近代资本主义的产生 与

    25、新教伦理有着一种内在的亲和关系。他对比研究了东方的几种宗与新教伦理有着一种内在的亲和关系。他对比研究了东方的几种宗 教,建立起庞大的宗教社会学思想体系。他进一步把新教伦理相联系教,建立起庞大的宗教社会学思想体系。他进一步把新教伦理相联系 的经济合理性思想引入对国家、法的研究中,既论证了现代资本主义的经济合理性思想引入对国家、法的研究中,既论证了现代资本主义 及其形式主义法律和官僚制行政管理体系的合理性和必然性,也深刻及其形式主义法律和官僚制行政管理体系的合理性和必然性,也深刻 批判了资本主义反文化、反人道的实质非理性。从个人行动的意义、批判了资本主义反文化、反人道的实质非理性。从个人行动的意义

    26、、文化和价值等方面研究社会现象,被称为文化和价值等方面研究社会现象,被称为“方法论的个体主义方法论的个体主义”。他。他认认 为真正意义上的为真正意义上的“社会学社会学”,除了应对社会现象作合乎规律的因果分,除了应对社会现象作合乎规律的因果分析析 外,还必须深入地探寻导致特定社会现象出现的个人行动动机,理解外,还必须深入地探寻导致特定社会现象出现的个人行动动机,理解 现象背后隐藏着的属人的现象背后隐藏着的属人的“意义意义”。把社会学的对象规定为研究个体。把社会学的对象规定为研究个体社社 会行动的会行动的“主观意义主观意义”,开创了与实证主义社会学相对立的,开创了与实证主义社会学相对立的“理解的理

    27、解的”社社 会学传统。会学传统。Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.222Quantitative Approach to Management Quantitative Approach数量方法Also called operations research 运筹学or management science管理科学Evolved from mathematical and statistical methods developed to solve WWII military logistics and quality co

    28、ntrol problemsFocuses on improving managerial decision making by applying:vStatistics,optimization models,information models,and computer simulationsCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.223Understanding Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior(OB)组织行为学The study of the actions

    29、of people at work;people are the most important asset of an organization Early OB AdvocatesRobert OwenHugo MunsterbergMary Parker FollettChester BarnardCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.224The Hawthorne Studies A series of productivity experiments conducted at Western Electric fro

    30、m 1927 to 1932.Experimental findingsProductivity unexpectedly increased under imposed adverse working conditions.The effect of incentive plans was less than expected.Research conclusionSocial norms,group standards and attitudes more strongly influence individual output and work behavior than do mone

    31、tary incentives.社会规范、群体标准和态度比金钱对群体成员的影响更大。Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.225Early Advocates of OBCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.226The Systems Approach System DefinedA set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unifie

    32、d whole.Basic Types of SystemsClosed systemsvAre not influenced by and do not interact with their environment(all system input and output is internal).Open systemsvDynamically interact to their environments by taking in inputs and transforming them into outputs that are distributed into their enviro

    33、nments.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.227The Organization as an Open SystemCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.228Implications of the Systems Approach Coordination of the organizations parts is essential for proper functioning of the entire organization.Decisio

    34、ns and actions taken in one area of the organization will have an effect in other areas of the organization.Organizations are not self-contained and,therefore,must adapt to changes in their external environment.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.229The Contingency Approach Continge

    35、ncy Approach DefinedAlso sometimes called the situational approach.There is no one universally applicable set of management principles(rules)by which to manage organizations.Organizations are individually different,face different situations(contingency variables),and require different ways of managi

    36、ng.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.230Popular Contingency Variables Organization size Routineness of task technology Environmental uncertainty Individual differencesCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.231Current Trends and Issues Globalization全球化 Ethics道德 Workfo

    37、rce Diversity劳动力多元化 Entrepreneurship创业精神 E-business电子商务 Knowledge Management 知识管理 Learning Organizations 学习型组织 Quality Management 质量管理Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.232Current Trends and Issues(contd)GlobalizationManagement in international organizationsPolitical and cultural c

    38、hallenges of operating in a global market (BHP video)EthicsIncreased emphasis on ethics education in college curriculumsIncreased creation and use of codes of ethics by businessesCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.233A Process for Addressing Ethical DilemmasStep 1:What is the ethic

    39、al dilemma?Step 2:Who are the affected stakeholders?Step 3:What personal,organizational,and external factors are important to my decision?Step 4:What are possible alternatives?Step 5:Make a decision and act on it.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.234利润重要还是人命重要 60年代后期,美国的汽车业受到外国货,尤




    43、严重的后果超过50人在人在翩度车中烧死,另多人烧伤。福特被控谋杀,但陪审团最后裁定福特翩度车中烧死,另多人烧伤。福特被控谋杀,但陪审团最后裁定福特无罪。无罪。Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.235工作间的伦理无所不在工作间的伦理无所不在 某日,张三与同事周末出海钓鱼时,你就将在某日,张三与同事周末出海钓鱼时,你就将在下星期会议上的项重要议程,向同事透露你用了下星期会议上的项重要议程,向同事透露你用了无数心血想出来的意见,你同事赞你独具慧眼,无数心血想出来的意见,你同事赞你独具慧眼,意见精到。意见精到。开会时,在你未提意见

    44、之前,你同事却抢先将开会时,在你未提意见之前,你同事却抢先将你告诉他的东西,当作自己的意见,向主席提出你告诉他的东西,当作自己的意见,向主席提出来,深得主席赏识。来,深得主席赏识。Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.236Current Trends and Issues(contd)Workforce DiversityIncreasing heterogeneity in the workforcevMore gender,minority,ethnic,and other forms of diversity in e

    45、mployeesvThe“melting pot”assumption has been replaced by the recognition and celebration of differences.Aging workforcevOlder employees who work longer and do not retirevThe increased costs of public and private benefits for older workersvAn increasing demand for products and services related to agi

    46、ng.Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.237 Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.238Current Trends and Issues(contd)Entrepreneurship DefinedThe process whereby an individual or group of individuals use organized efforts to create value and grow by fulfilling wants and

    47、 needs through innovation and uniqueness.个人或者群体通过有组织的努力以创新的和独特的方式追求机会,创造价值和谋求增长。Entrepreneurship processPursuit of opportunities 追求机会 QQInnovation in products,services,or business methods创新Desire for continual growth of the organization增长Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.239 Copyr

    48、ight 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.240Current Trends and Issues(contd)E-Business(Electronic Business)The work preformed by an organization using electronic linkages to its key constituenciesE-commerce:the sales and marketing component of an e-business (Case Amazon)Categories of E-Busine

    49、ssesE-business enhanced organizationE-business enabled organizationTotal e-business organizationCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.241Categories of E-Business InvolvementCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall,Inc.All rights reserved.242Current Trends and Issues(contd)Knowledge ManagementThe

    50、cultivation of a learning culture where organizational members systematically gather and share knowledge with others in order to achieve better performance.培育一种学习文化,在这种文化中组织成员能够系统地收集知识和与其他组织成员共享知识,以便取得更好的绩效。Learning OrganizationAn organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn,ad

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