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    关 键  词:
    专家讲座 专家 讲座 高中英语 后续 交流 课件

    1、故事续写教学研讨?题型分析?写作技能?基础夯实?冲刺提高题型分析高考故事续写发展历程始于2016年10月时间:日?夜?日?夜?日地点:森林人物:夫妻事件:迷路2017年6月时间:日地点:野外人物:朋友事件:遇狼2017年11月时间:日?夜?日地点:户外人物:家人事件:旅行2018年6月时间:日?夜地点:草原?森林人物:父子事件:迷路Future?时间日 夜 兼 有地点户外室内?故事续写人物夫妻朋友家人师生?总结故事续写常考察有矛盾、有危机的事件。情节矛盾(人&人)(人&动物)(人&自然)题型分析:输入文本输入文本文本提示与结构?续写原文?Para.1 首句?Para.2 首句70%70%?十个

    2、关键词?确定主题?根据Para.1与Para.2开头语的提示内容以及原文最后一段的情节,确定Para.1开头与结束可能出现的情节?根据Para.2开头语的提示内容以及文章的主题,确定第二段开头可能出现的情节以及结尾部分内容?10个关键词在一定程度上确定了情节发展的一些主要因素,包括了主要人物(main character)、主要地点(place)、主要事件(event)以及主要场景(scene)等。所以,我们可以通过分析10个划线关键词预测续写部分可能出现的情节,根据需要选择关键词A Vacation with My Mother(2017.06)?I had an interesting c

    3、hildhood.It was filled with surprise and amusement,all because of my mother-loving,sweet,yet absent-minded and forgetful.One strange family trip we took when I was elven tells a lot about her.?My two sets of grandparents lived in Colorado and North Dakota,and my parents decided to spend a few weeks

    4、driving to those states and seeing all the sights along the way.As the first day of our trip approached,David,my eight-year-old brother,and I unwillingly said goodbye to all of our friends.Who knew if we would ever see them again?Finally,the moment of our departure arrived,and we loaded suitcases,bo

    5、oks,games,campingequipment,and a tent into the car and bravely drove off.We bravely drove off again two hours later after wed returned home to get the purse and traveler s checks Mom had forgotten.?David and I were always a little nervous when using gas station bathroom if Mom was driving whileDad s

    6、lept:“You stand outside the door and play lookout(放哨)while I go,and Ill stand outside the door and play lookout while you go.”I had terrible pictures in my mind:“Honey,where are the kids?”“What?!Oh,Gosh I thought they were being awfully quite.”We were never actually left in a strange city,but we wer

    7、e not about to take any chance.?On the fourth or fifth night,we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy.After driving in vain for some time,Mom suddenly got a great idea:Why didnt we find a house with a likely-looking backyard and ask if we could set up tent there?David and I became nervous.To ou

    8、r great relief,Dad turned down the idea.Mom never could understand our objections(反对).If a strange family showed up on her front doorstep,Mom would have been delighted.She thinks everyone in the world is as nice as she is.We finally found a vacancy in the next town.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标

    9、有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.Paragraph 2:We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.?主题:A vacation with my loving,sweet,yet absent-minded and forgetful mum.?第

    10、一段情节第一段情节:the brand-new tent,forget,solve the problem?第二段情节:great sights in different states?关键词分类:whoMomDadDavidhowabsent-minded;forgetful;nicewhatcampingtroubletenttrip?关键词分布:第一段:mom,dad,David,forget,tent第二段:trip,nice写作技能Plots&Language01Plots|情节推进1.问题链推进2.时间推进3.情感推进问题链推进通过故事“六要素”设计问题链教学案例以人教版高中英语必

    11、修教材第三模块 Unit 1 Using Language:A SAD LOVE STORY 为例,该文本是一篇典型的叙事类文本。上课教师根据“六要素”(5W1H)梳理已知文本情节,即:1.When did the story happen?2.Where did the story happen?3.Who were the main characters?4.What happened on that day?5.Why did he do so?6.How could Li Fang solve the problem?最后一个问题,How could Li Fang solve the

    12、 problem?其实是对下文未知情节的推断。但是,问题 6的切口比较大,学生常常不知道该如何回答。因此,可以按照上文中对第二轮问题链设计的思路,将疏导未知情节的问题6再细化成:1.What would he say to Hu Jin?(How would he explain the situation to Hu Jin?)2.What would Hu Jin say after hearing the news?3.What would Li Fang and Hu Jin do next?4.How did they feel?这些问题更细化且切口更小,更容易回答。根据这样的问题链

    13、和讨论的结果,学生撰写了故事的结局。以下为学生习作:“Em”Li Fangfaltered withembarrassment.“To behonest,I madea mistake.I thought weweresupposed tomeet atthecoffeeshop.”“Are youserious?”SaidHuJin,“How careless youare!Didyoupayanyattention tothisdate?Itwasawaste oftime waiting foryou!“Its allmyfault.”SaidLi Fang,“Im sosorry,I

    14、wasalways complaining that youdidnt turnup,butI hadnevermanaged tothinkthat itwasI that mixedupwiththecoffeeandtea.However,I bought agiftforyou.Thoughitwasthrown byme.CanI buysomething elseasanapology foryou?After all,Iloveyou!”After hearing hiswords,HuJindidnotannoy anymore.In fact,sheknew that the

    15、ylovedeachother,soshesaid:”Yourapology is accepted.I shouldhavecalledyoujustnow.Andway,I loveyou,too.”After aconversation,they brokedown thebarriers between them,andthey leadahappy lifeforever.时间推进In the morning,they awoke outside another HowardJohnsons,and this time Vingo went in.The girl insisted

    16、thathe join them.He seemed very shy,and ordered black coffeeand smoked nervously as the young people chattered aboutsleeping on beaches.When they returned to the bus,the girlsat with Vingo again,and after a while,slowly and painfully,he told his story.He had been in jail in New York for thepast four

    17、 years,and now he was going home.-Going Home情感推进分析各个角色的“情感线”2016 年11 月高考续写典型案例(段二)Itwasdaybreak whenJanewokeup.Sunshine embraced the forest plain.In her sleepyeyes,a helicopter was right in the sky.Wild with joy,shejumped up,grabbing the blouse and flourishing it while crying.Thehelicopter spotted h

    18、er and began to land on the grass.“ItsTom!I knowhe will he will come!”A pair of quivering hand reached Janes cheek.“ThankGod!If anything happened to you,Ill never forgive myself.They hugged more tightly.Imsorry.Jane said.情感可以是:adjectives,verbs,repetitions,conversations02Language动作描写范例(头部描写范例)头发:1.st

    19、h make ones hair rise 使头发竖起来(怒 惧 惊 激)2.run ones finger through ones hair 撩头发b 梳头发眉毛:1.sb frown 皱眉2.raise/cock ones eyebrows(表惊讶)/eyebrow(表怀疑)翘起眉毛/挑眉耳朵:1.ones ears perk/prick up/sb perk/prick up ones ears at the sound of 竖起耳朵听 眼睛:1.a flash of cross ones eyes 眼中闪过一阵2.blink 眨眼3.roll ones eyes 翻白眼4.meet

    20、 ones gaze 迎着/迎视某人目光5.eyes dart towards眼睛扫向6.stare at 凝视7.glare at 怒视脸颊:sb wince at a sudden pain畏缩,脸部肌肉的抽搐(疼痛/不安)2017 年6月高考故事续写习作范例“Hop in!”Paulroared atMac.Sensing arayofhope,Macjumped ofthebike andflung it at thewolfwithall his might!Instantly he stormedtowards thecarat his desperate effort.Butth

    21、ebike didntmakea bigdifference.Thebeastchasedhimandplunged athim,bitinghis anklethemoment he flungopenthedoor.A surgeof painpiercinghis body,Mactightened hisgriponthedoorhandle.“Go tohell!”Hegaveaheavy kickatitsheadandflunghimselfintothecar.Rightbeforehecouldslamthedoor,Paulstepped hardonthepedaland

    22、thecarwhizzed off,leavingthebeasthowlingbehind.“Damn it!”Mac,withall thebreath knocked outof him,laywhere hefell,“Jesus Christ!Thankyou!”对话描写:简短+地道+量少MomandI,a surgeof fragrance sweeping over,trodlightlythroughdaisies,lilies anda coupleof unknown flowers.“Wow!”I murmured tomyself,“IwishI hadbeenhere

    23、earlier!”Pickingaflower,I dashed tomom.“Here!”I reached outmyhand,“This is foryou.”Mom,withherfacecracking/broadeningintoa bright/big smile,tookit over,“Thankyou,sweetheart!”Mombentdown,sweeping meintoa hug.Lookingupatthesky,wesawsunlight filtering through overlapped clouds.环境描写:烘托气氛、画龙点睛从视觉角度描写环境可以

    24、分类为 社会环境和自然环境的描写。其中,社会环境是指能反映社会、时代特征的 建筑、场所、陈设等景物以及民俗民风等。自然环境是指自然界的景物,如 季节变化、风霜雨雪、山川湖海、森林原野 等,对表现人物身份、地位、行动,表达人物心情,渲染气氛都具有重要作用。在故事续写中,自然环境的描写更加易用,并且,一般来说,故事续写中的场景主要发生在户外的大自然中,这也为自然环境的描写提供了充分机会。2016年10月高考一篇高分作文的开头首句:Paragraph 1:Butno morehelicopters cameanditwasgetting darkagain.Clustersofstarsdecora

    25、ted thevastsky,weakly shininginthemoon-eclipseddarkness.Paragraph 2:Itwasdaybreak when Janewokeup.Sunshine embraced theforest plain.声音描写飞禽走兽花鸟鱼虫,金木水火土风雷电声音描写例句一、单独成句,加感叹号或者省略号Crack!The stick broke in two.二、拟声词可以做动词/名词1.The cock in the yard crowed its first round.2.He felt as if he must shout and sin

    26、g,he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and innumerable wings.三、拟声词做副词The logs were burning briskly in the fire.夯实基础Input&Output01Input1.教材2.课外素材教材的使用A Sad StoryHealthy EatingPower of Nature.必修三课文拓展范例:“Em”Li Fangfaltered withembarrassment.“To behonest,I madea mistake.I thought weweresu

    27、pposed tomeet atthecoffeeshop.”“Are youserious?”SaidHuJin,“How careless youare!Didyoupayanyattention tothisdate?Itwasawaste oftime waiting foryou!“Its allmyfault.”SaidLi Fang,“Im sosorry,I wasalways complaining that youdidnt turnup,butI hadnevermanaged tothinkthat itwasI that mixedupwiththecoffeeand

    28、tea.However,I bought agiftforyou.Thoughitwasthrown byme.CanI buysomething elseasanapology foryou?After all,Iloveyou!”After hearing hiswords,HuJindidnotannoy anymore.In fact,sheknew that theylovedeachother,soshesaid:”Yourapology is accepted.I shouldhavecalledyoujustnow.Andway,I loveyou,too.”After aco

    29、nversation,they brokedown thebarriers between them,andthey leadahappy lifeforever.课外素材开发电影读本典范英语地道经典英美国家英文原版教材改编权威大学英语课文提升英语流利说文本精选流行02Output1.从小做起:单句写作2.点滴汇聚:片段写作(场景描写3.一气呵成:故事续写等)单句写作是文章的“细胞”教师需要引导学生创作各种情况中的单句描写,如在各种情感中可以使用的单句,各种逻辑情况下可以使用的单句。例如:描写“情感”的单句喜、怒、哀、虑、惧、惊、激、期、疑、恨、妒、闲、尬场景写作是文章的“血肉”场景分类:1.

    30、时间角度:早、中午、傍晚、夜晚2.天气角度:晴天、阴天、雨天、雪天 3.地点角度:金(户内)、木(森林)、水(溪湖河海)、火、土(郊外、山地)4.事件性质角度:正面(开心)、负面(伤心、危险)故事续写(平时习作)?要求学生必须使用自己写过、积累过的单句、场景写作素材。?没有人天生是莎士比亚,学生需要的,更多是积累与熟练。?多角度、有规划、循序渐进地推进高中三年的教学冲刺提高Limits+Guidance=Accuracy考前最后冲刺阶段Limits+Guidance=Accuracy1.Limits:Use the most impressive sentence structures.2.Guidance:(1)Pre-writing:Offer different kinds of examples ofthe whole stories.(2)Post-writing:Catalogue different expressions后 话合作写作阅读You!Thank

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