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    关 键  词:
    外研版 高中英语 一轮 复习 选择性 必修 Unit2 life work 课件

    1、一轮复习一轮复习1.识记单词识记单词(一)汉译英1._v.(使)摆好姿势2._n.食品杂货店3._名人,明星4._试验5._adj.珍稀的;贵重的6._古董,古玩,古物7._n.最大量,最大值8._v.擦亮,擦光9._v.(狗)吠叫10._adj.谦虚的,谦逊的11._ n.短文,论说文12._v.包括,.构成1.pose 2.grocery 3.celebrity 4.trial5.precious6.antique 7.maximum 8.polish9.bark10.modest 11.essay prise(二二)英译汉英译汉1.lens n._2.faraway adj._3.cra

    2、ft n._4.anthropologist n._5.craftsmanship n._6.atomic adj._7.hydrogen n._8.propulsion n._9.acclaim n._10.shun v._1.(照相机、摄像机的)镜头2.遥远的3.(某一行业所需的)技能4.人类学家5.手艺;工艺;技艺 6.原子能的;核能的7.氢 8.(车辆等的)推进力9.表扬,赞赏10.(故意)避开,躲开11.聚光灯;媒体的关注 12.恶劣的,艰苦的,严峻的13.庭院,院子14.深红色的15.工作场所16.计时器;钟;表17.使者,使节18.错综复杂的19.小心的;费尽心思的;精心的20.

    3、车间,工场11.spotlight n._12.harsh adj._13.courtyard n._14.crimson adj._15.workplace n._16.timepiece n._17.envoy n._18.intricate adj._19.painstaking adj._20.workshop n._21.歌曲;曲调22.巨大的,庞大的23.振(翼),扑动(翅膀)24.将(棉花羊毛等)纺成(线),纺(线)25.隐喻,暗喻26.然而,但是;尽管如此,虽然如此27.工匠,手艺人28.适当的,恰当的29.永恒的,恒久的;永不过时的30.安静地,慢悠悠地21.melody n

    4、._22.gigantic adj._23.flap v._24.spin v._25.metaphor n._26.nonetheless adv._27.artisan n._28.apt adj._29.timeless adj._30.sedately adv._2.拓展单词拓展单词1._n.着迷,迷恋_ v.使着迷_ adj.迷人的;吸引人的_ adj.着迷的,被深深吸引的2._n.时尚_ adj.流行的;时尚的3._adj.不复杂的,简单的;单纯的_ adj.复杂的,难懂的4._adj.富裕的,繁荣的,兴旺的,发达的_ v.繁荣;兴旺;成功;发达_ n.兴旺;繁荣;成功;昌盛1.f

    5、ascination;fascinate;fascinating;fascinated2.fashion;fashionable 3.uncomplicated;complicated4.prosperous;prosper;prosperity5.restoration;restore 6.exaggeration;exaggerate7.preserve;preservation 8.dominate;domination5._n.(旧建筑或旧家具等的)修复,整修_v.归还,交还;使恢复;修复6._n.夸大,夸张_v.夸张;夸大;言过其实7._v.维护,保护;保存_ n.保存8._v.支配

    6、,控制,主宰_n.统治,控制;优势9.architecture;architect 10.ambitious;ambition11.associate;associated;association 12.analysis;analyse9._n.建筑风格,建筑设计_n.建筑师10._adj.宏大的,艰巨的_n.志气,抱负,雄心11._v.与.有关_adj.有关联的,相关的;有联系的_n.协会,联盟;关系,联系12._n.分析_v.分析直击高考直击高考1(2020.全国卷I)As a result,she says,some of the injuries _(associate)with ru

    7、nning,such as runners knee,are uncommon among race walkers.2.(2020.天津高考)Scientists tend to be curious and_(ambition).3.(2020.天津高考)I had always been_(fascinate)with chemistry,biology,and math,but since those interests hadnt fit Tysons definition of“cool”,I had never pursued them.1.associated 2.ambiti

    8、ous 3.fascinated4.(2020.天津高考)Well,it functions by_(analyze)the waves of the incoming sound and creating a second set of outgoing waves.5.(2019.江苏高考)Even more worryingly,the_(fascinate)with the internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the“digital divid

    9、e between the rich countries and the poor countries.6.(2019.天津高考)Food webs may _(dominate)by many weak links because that arrangement is more stable over the long term.4.analyzing 5.fascination 6.be dominated7.(2019.全国卷I)Just as importantly,we tend to associate air_ health care.8.(2015.湖北高考)Many peo

    10、ple are working hard _(preserve)these ponies,and trying to come up with plans to find a sustainable future for one of Dartmoors most financially-troubled elements.9.(2014.浙江高考)Classic works,written by masters,present great thoughts through_(fascinate)stories and language10.(2014.安徽高考)However,there m

    11、ay be other reasons for example,economic reasons-why they should_(preserve).7.with 8.to preserve9.fascinating 10.be preserved11.(2014.山东高考)When she arrived home from work,the dog threw itself against the screen door and_(bark)madly at her.12.(2013.浙江高考)Most college papers require you to have some ki

    12、nd of idea,then to spend some time thinking about it,revising it,and_(polish)it.13.(2013.上海高考)The first step appears to be an_(analyze)of the physical features of a persons face,which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries.14.(2010.湖北高考)When people see stars such as Judi Dench and

    13、Helen Mirren looking attractive and_(fashion)in their sixties,they want to follow them.11.barked 12.polishing13.analysis 14.fashionable3短语巧练短语巧练1 _ 反复试验(以得出最佳结果)2 _退让;认输3_ 开辟新的领域;有新发现4._ 为.摆好姿势;.带来,向.5._不管,不顾;不理会6._一次也不;不止一次;未曾有过7._按某人自己的步调8._日复一日9._呈现;承担,接受;具有(特征);雇用10._占用,花费(时间、空间或精力);开始从事11._(某事物

    14、发展的)尖端,最前沿12._不拘一.格地思考,跳出框框思考13._发源于;起源于14._范围涵盖.到.15._使.复活,.重获生机1.by trial and error 2.back down 3.break new ground4.pose for 5.regardless of 6.not once 7.at ones own pace 8.day in,day out 9.take on 10.take up11.the cutting edge(of sth.)12.think outside the box13.originate from 14.range from.to 15.

    15、bring.back to life高考与教材高考与教材1.(2015.陕西高考)Peter will _(开始从事)his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.2.(2014.湖南高考)Study and write_(按你自己的步调)you do not have to rush-as you have a year to go through the project.1.take up 2.at your own pace4句式仿写句式仿写1.one of+可数名词复数This ordinary l

    16、ooking man was Bill Cunningham,_ of the last 50 years.这位看起来普普通通的人就是比尔.坎宁安,美国近五十年来最重要的摄影师之一。2.where引导地点状语从句He found inspiration_.他在别人发现不了的地方找到灵感.1.one of the most important American photographers2.where others could not3.it was within their reality that4.what made Cunningham great5.stopped him from g

    17、etting3.强调句强调句These things were real,and_ Cunningham saw both beauty and potential.这些东西是真实的,坎宁安就是在它们的真实中看到了美好和潜力。4.what引导名词性从句Moreover,_ was his devotion tophotography,and the hours and hours of sheer hard work he put into his work.此外,坎宁安的伟大之处还在于他对摄影的奉献精神,以及他在工作中投人的大量时间和精力。5.stop sb.from doing sth.阻

    18、止某人做某事Nothing ever_ the photo he wanted.没有什么能阻挡他拍到想要的照片。高考与教材高考与教材1.(2020.江苏高考)他证明了不是发生在我们身上的事决定了我们的生活。He proved that its not_ that determines our lives.2.(2020.天津高考)静音机是一种专门设计的设备,可以阻止不想要的声音影响你。The Silence Machine is a device specially designed to _.1.what happens to us2.stop unwanted sound from aff

    19、ecting you3.one of the greatest advantages4.where the Belt meets the Road3.(2019.浙江高考)我父亲总是告诉我受教育是我最大的优势之.。My father always told me that an education was_ I could have.4.(2017.江苏高考)位于“丝绸之路经济带和“21世纪海上丝绸之路交汇处,江苏将会为“一带一路”的建设做出更大的贡献。Located _,Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road constructio

    20、n.1.单词拼写单词拼写1.The girl was employed by a company to _(使摆好姿势)for photos.2.Last summer vacation,I found a part-time job in the local_(食品杂货店)store.3.The steps involved are _(不复杂的),and,with some familiarity,can be performed very easily.4.A _(名人)is someone who is famous,especially in areas of entertainme

    21、nt such as films,music,writing,or sport.5.Love is the most_(珍贵的)gift that my mother has given to me.1.pose 2 grocery 3.uncomplicated 4.celebrity 5.precious6.The job will require you to use all your skills to the_(最大量,最大值).7.My father always_(擦亮,擦光)his shoes before hegoes to work.8.It is said that do

    22、gs often _(吠叫)nervously just before earthquakes strike9.Dont let others_(支配,控制,主宰)you because it is you who are the master of your life.10.My parents always tell me that I should study from others ina _(谦虚的,谦逊的)attitude.6.maximum 7.polishes 8.bark9.dominate 10.modest2.单句语法填空单句语法填空1.We shall not star

    23、t the_(restore)of the historic buildings until our plan has been approved by the committee.2.Regardless_ the strong objection from his family,hedecided to quit his job.3.He is more_ a teacher to me;he is the man who encouraged me most.4.Failure is the mother of success,which means progress will be m

    24、ade only_ trial and error.5.Youngsters who suffer the academic burden are encouraged to take _ a sport and lead an active life.1.restoration 2.of 3.than 4.by 5.up6.A healthy lifestyle is often considered to be_(associate)with exercise,the mood and diet.7.I feel there is no point in spending time_(ar

    25、gue)with such a stubborn person as him.8.He is intelligent that he can always find a good approach to _(solve)the problems.9.I will insist on doing what is right and I will never back_!10.Only when the country becomes powerful and_(prosperity)can families become rich.6.associated7.arguing 8.solving

    26、9.down 10.prosperous3.语段填词语段填词1.He is an_ man who can do anything in order to achieve his_(ambitious).2.We need to_ the nature_ in our area and the_ needs all the local peoples participation.(preserve)3._ people should be masters instead of slaves of _.(fashion)4.Ever since I was a child,I have been

    27、_ with sports and this_ made me become an athlete.(fascinate)5.Your task today is to_ the data we have collected and your_ will be shown in the next meeting.(analyze)1.ambitious;ambition 2.preserve;preserve;preservation 3.Fashionable;fashion 4.fascinated;fascination5.analyze;analysis4.完成句子完成句子1.He i

    28、s_ of modern jazz.他是现代爵士乐最有影响力的表演者之一。2.Keep it_.把它放在你看得见的地方。3._ I met Li Ming yesterday.我昨天是在火车站遇见李明的。4.Do you believe_ just now?你相信他刚才说的话吗?5.I dont think my parents will _ this sports activity.我认为父母不会阻止我参加这个体育活动。1.one of the most influential performers2.where you can see it3.It was at the railway s

    29、tation that4.what he said5.stop me from taking part in5.微写作假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Mike即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否到中国工作询问你的意见。请根据下列要点给他回一封电子邮件。要点如下:1.通过对你提到的问题的分析,我建议你在完成你的毕业论文后在中国工作。2.第一个原因,中国过去40年的繁荣发展为外国人提供了许多宝贵的机会。3.另外,你正在学习的东西与当今中国许多工作需要的息息相关。4.事实上,我们城市许多雄心勃勃的工作场所都愿意去雇用像你这样的人。5.为什么你不打破思维定式,在一个你能最大限度地展现你的才能的国度工作呢?6.我相

    30、信你会在这儿开创新的领域。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元的知识点;3.可适当增加细节。Dear Mike,By analyzing the question you mentioned,I suggest that you work in China after finishing your graduation essay.For one reason,Chinas prosperous development over the past 40 years offers many precious opportunities to foreigners.Whats more,wh

    31、at you are studying is associated with many jobs needed in China nowadays.In fact,many ambitious workplaces in our city are willing to hire people like you.Why not think outside the box and work in a country where you can show your talent to the maximum?Im sure you will break new ground here.Yours,L

    32、i Hua6.课文语法填空课文语法填空Bill Cunningham was one of1_ most important American photographers of the last 50 years So that every member of New Yorks wealthy high society wanted 2 _(pose)for him very much.Cunningham always used simple.3 _(relative)cheap cameras and took all his pictures on the streets of New

    33、 York.Although Cunningham always knew where 4 _(fashion)parties and events were happening,he liked to photograph ordinary people.He found 5_(inspire)where others could not.1 the 2.to pose 3.relatively 4.fashionable 5.inspirationIn addition,6_ made Cunningham great was his devotion to photography.He

    34、would even stay outside in a storm,not 7_(come)back until he knew he had the right photos.He hardly ever 8 _(take)a day off and not once stayed home sick.Although he was a world-famous fashion photographer,Cunninghams approach 9 _ life was uncomplicated.Cunningham never accepted the benefits 10_(offer)to him for being a fashion photographer.He was a,cultural anthropologist,who we can thank for recording the life of a whole city and its people over half a century.6.what ing 8.took 9.to 10.offeredThank you!

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