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    高中英语 Unit 单词ppt课件_新外研版2019高中英语必修第二册 单词 ppt 课件 新外研版 2019 必修 第二 下载 _必修 第二册_外研版(2019)_英语_高中

    1、Unit 2 Vocabulary1.honour n v.向表示敬意;给予表扬n.尊敬;荣幸;奖励honourable荣誉的;值得尊敬的honourably值得尊敬地;体面地in honour of sb./in sbs honour 为纪念;为庆祝Its an/ones honour to do.做.是一种/某人的荣幸 2.dragon/drn/n.龙 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节3.lunar lunadj.月亮的,月球的;阴历的lunar month 农历月4.poet ptn.诗人poetic adj.诗的;诗意的 poem n.诗(可数名词)poetry n.(

    2、总称)诗,诗歌,诗集(不可数名词)5.harvest hvstn.收成 vt.收割a good harvest 丰收;好收成reap a/the harvest 获得成果;承担后果;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆6.decoration dekre()n n.装饰物v.decorate 装饰eg:She picked a large bunch of flowers for table decoration.她摘了一串餐桌装饰用的花。7.freedom fridm n.自由;自由权利free adj.免费的;自由的 vt.使自由,解放8.participate ptspet v.参加,参与particip

    3、ant n.参与者 participation n.参加,参与 participate in 参加fully-participated elections 全民参与选举9.vote vt v.投票,表决 n.投票;选票 vote for/against 投票赞成/反对10.regardless rdls adv.不管,不顾regardless of 不顾,不管eg:Everyone was allowed to vote regardless of skin colors.无论肤色,人人都可以投票。11.inequality /nkwlti/n.(社会上的)不平等equality n.平等eq

    4、ual adj.平等的 unequal adj.不平等的 equally adv.平等地 unequally adv.不平等地 racial equality 种族平等 social inequality 社会不平等12.fantasy/fntsi/n.幻想,想象 v.想象fantastic adj.空想的;极好的fantastically adv.想像中地13.novel nv()l n.(长篇)小说 adj.新颖的;与众不同的novelty n.新奇 novelist n.小说家fantasy novels 奇幻小说14.limitless lmtls adj.无限的 limited ad

    5、j.有限的 limit n./vt.限制15.regard rdv.认为,看作 in/with regard to sb/sth 关于;至于 regardas.把视作.be regarded as.被视作.eg:The Spring Festival is regarded as the most important festival by many people in China.16.literature lt()rt n.文学;(某学科的)文献literary adj.文学的 17.envelope/envlp/n.信封18.pole/pl/n.(行星的)地级,(尤指地球的)北极或南极1

    6、9.handwritten/hndrt()n/adj.手写的eg:The letter was handwritten in black ink.20.regular rejulr adj.频繁的,经常的;定期的;有规律的 regularly adv.经常;定期地;有规律地irregular adj.不规律的,不规则的,不定时的irregularly adv.不规律地,不规则地,不定时地eg:Laura was one of his regular customers.21.polar/pl/adj.极地的 Polar Bear 22.roof /ruf/n.(建筑物,汽车,帐篷等的)顶,顶部

    7、plain kmplen v.抱怨,不满,发牢骚plaint 抱怨complain(to sb.)(about/of sth.)抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚 eg:The American people complained about the high cost of visiting Europe.24.warning wn n.警告,警示,告诫warn v.警告,提醒eg:Doctors issued(发出)a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.25.starving /stv/adj.挨饿的,即将饿死的 starve v.饿死

    8、;挨饿 starvation n.饿死;挨饿26.indicate ndket v.表明,显示 indication n.指示;象征 27.request rkwest n.要求,请求 v.(正式)请求,要求request for 要求;对有请求28.fancy fnsi adj.花哨的;别致的 v./n.喜欢;想象fancy dress 化装服29.guy/a/n.(尤指青年)男子30.wave wev v.挥手;招手 n.海浪wave to/at sb.向某人挥手31.lantern /lntn/n.灯笼 Lantern Festival 元宵节 32.dessert/dzt/n.(饭后的

    9、)甜食,甜品,甜点33.attract trktv.吸引,引起的兴趣adj.attractive 吸引人的 adv.attractively 有吸引力地n.attraction 吸引力;吸引人的事物34.firework/fawk/n.烟火,烟花35.decorate dekret v.装饰,布置,美化n.decoration 装饰品 decorate sth.with.以.来装饰某物eg:We decorate our windows with ballons and posters.36.riddle/rdl/n.谜,谜语petition kmpt()n n.比赛,竞赛petitive 比

    10、赛的 petitively 有竞争力地petitor 竞争者 pete 竞赛lantern riddles cmpetition 灯谜竞赛38.formal fm()l adj.正式的formally adv.正式地;形式上informal adj.非正式的;不拘礼节的39.host/hst/n.东道主,主人;主持人v.主办;做主持人 hostess n.女主人40.occasion ke()n n.时刻,场合;重大的活动/仪式/庆典adj.occasional 偶然的 occasionally adv.偶然;有时候 on the occasion of.在.的仪式/庆典上;值此之际eg:Th

    11、eir wedding turned out to be quite an occasion.他们的婚礼很隆重。41.editor/edt/n.(报纸,杂志的)主编,编辑edit v./n.编辑42.embrace mbres v.欣然接受,乐意采纳(新思想、意见等);拥抱 n.拥抱;接受eg:She embraces his offer to help her with her English.43.admit dmt v.(不情愿地)承认;允许进入n.admission 承认;入场费 admit to sth./to doing sth.承认(做)某事44.effort eft n.精力,

    12、力气;艰难的尝试adj.effortless 容易的;不费力气的 make an effort to do sth.努力/尽力做某事spare no effort(to do sth.)不遗余力,竭尽全力45.loss ls n.失去,丧失;损失 lose v.丢失 at a loss 困惑不解 n.loser 失败者eg:He suffered a temporary loss of memory.46.eve/iv/n.前夕,前一天 the eve of Spring Festival 除夕47.software/sftwe/n.(计算机)软件software engineer 软件工程师

    13、48.adult/dlt/n.成人,成年人49.token/tkn/n.象征,标志50.process prses n.(未达到某目标的)过程,进程v.加工,处理 processed adj.加工过的 the process of preparing the dinner process raw materials processed food/vegetables51.retired rtard adj.退休的retire v.退休 retire from 从退休 retirement n.退休52.exist zst v.存在,实际上有n.existence 存在 adj.existing

    14、 目前的;现存的adj.existent 存在的53.overseas/vsiz/adv.在海外,在外国54.global lb()l adj.全球的,全世界的adv.globally 全球的 n.the globe 地球,世界 globalization 全球化55.citizen/stz()n/n.公民,市民 56.nationality/nnlti/n.国籍,民族 nation n.国家57.audience/dins/n.听众,观众58.interact ntrkt v.互动interact with 与相互作用,互动adj.interactive 相互作用的 n.interactio

    15、n 相互作用eg:He should interact with his colleagues more often.59.joy d n.欢欣,愉快,喜悦adj.joyous(等于joyful)令人高兴的 adv.joyfully 高兴地 joyless 不高兴的60.phenomenon fnmnn n.现象复数:phenomena词性变换词性变换1.honour v.向.表示敬意honourable adj.可敬的honourably 值得尊敬地;体面地2.poet n.诗人poetic adj.诗的;诗意的poem n.诗 3.decoration n.装饰物decorate v.装饰

    16、 4.freedom n.自由;自由权利free adj.免费的;自由的 5.participate v.参加,参与 participantn.参与者,参加者 6.inequality n.(社会上的)不平等unequal adj.不平等的equal adj.平等的 equally adv.平等地equality n.平等,相等 7.fantasy n.幻想,想象 v.想象fantastic adj.空想的;极好的fantastically adv.想像中地8.novel n.(长篇)小说 novelist n.小说家 9.limitless adj.无限的 limitn.&v.限制 limi

    17、ted adj.有限的10.literature n.文学;(某学科的)文献literary adj.文学的 literate adj.受过教育的;精通文学的 literacy n.读写能力11.regular adj.频繁的,经常的regularly adv.经常 plain v.抱怨,不满,发牢骚complaint n.抱怨,投诉 13.warning n.警告,警示,告诫warn v.警告 14.starving adj.挨饿的,即将饿死的starve v.挨饿,饿死starvation n.挨饿;饿死 15.indicate v.表明,显示indication n.指示;表明adj.i

    18、ndicative 象征的;指示的16.attract v.吸引,引起的兴趣attractive adj.吸引人的,有魅力的attraction n.吸引力;具有吸引力的人或事物 petition n.比赛,竞赛compete vi.比赛,竞争competitive adj.竞争性的competitor n.竞争者;对手 18.formal adj.正式的informaladj.非正式的 formally adv.正式地 19.host n.东道主,主人hostess n.女主人 20.occasion n.场合,时刻occasional adj.偶尔的,偶然的occasionally adv

    19、.偶然;有时候 21.editor n.(报纸,杂志的)主编,编辑 edit v./n.编辑22.admit v.(不情愿地)承认admission n.承认;入场费 adj.admissible可容许的;可采纳的;可接受的 23.effort n.精力,力气;艰难的尝试adj.effortless 容易的;不费力气的 effortful 充满努力的24.loss n.失去,丧失lost v.丢失loser n.失败者 25.process n.(未达到某目标的)过程,进程v.加工,处理 n.procedure 程序;步骤26.retired adj.退休的retire v.退休retirem

    20、ent n.退休 27.exist v.存在,实际上有existence n.存在 adj.existent 存在的28.global adj.全球的,全世界的adv.globally全球的n.globe 地球 29.nationality n.国籍,民族nation n.国家30.interact v.互动 adj.interactive 相互作用的n.interaction 相互作用31.joy n.欢欣,愉快,喜悦adj.joyous令人高兴的adv.joyfully 高兴地短语短语1.in honour of sb./in sbs honour 为纪念;为庆祝Its an/ones h

    21、onour to do.做.是一种/某人的荣幸2.participate in 参加3.vote for 投票赞成4.regardless of 不顾,不管5.racial equality 种族平等6.fantasy novels 奇幻小说7.regardas 把视作plain(to sb.)(about/of sth.)抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚 9.request for 要求;对有请求10.wave to/at sb.向某人挥手11.decorate sth.with.以.来装饰12.on the occasion 在那时;值此之际13.admit to sth./to doing sth.承

    22、认(做)某事14.spare no effort(to do sth.)不遗余力,竭尽全力15.at a loss 困惑不解16.retire from 从退休17.interact with 与相互作用,互动一、根据汉语,写出单词的正确形式。1.Next month the city will open a new park to _ (向表示敬意)those who died in the terrible disaster(重大灾难).2.Black people could not _ (投票)or choose their leaders.3.There are a terrible

    23、 number of poor and _ (挨饿的)people all over the world.1.The study _ (表明)a connection between poverty and crime(犯罪).2.In our restaurant,we offer Western dinners and_ _ (甜品),3.Dickens style of writing _ _(吸引)readers from all walks of life4.Tom has _ (装饰)his room with some photos of sports stars.5.We in

    24、sist(坚决要求)on _ (正式的)dress for dinner.6.The school is playing _ (主人)to a group of visiting scientists.1.The Mid-Autumn Festival is important because it is a special _(活动)for family reunion(团聚),2.Her father was the former _(编辑)of the Saturday Review3.I dont really like the author,although I have to _(

    25、承认)his books are very exciting.4.I would run around the house,listening to the _(成人)chatting about their year.5.Its the _ (过程)not the end product that matters.6.The world _ (存在),whether you like it or not.7.Burning coal causes serious air pollution and increases _(全球的)warming.8.Dikembe became a star

    26、 in the NBA,and a(n)_ (公民)of the United States.9.The lecture drew a large _ (听众).10.I jumped for _(高兴)when I heard the good news.11.Language is a social and cultural _(现象).1.She has been _(给予荣誉)with the Star of the Week for her excellent work.2.Striving(努力)for success without hard work is like tryin

    27、g to _ (收获)where you havent planted.3.Six of Zindels books have been _(评选)the Best Books for Young Adults.4.The Lord of the Rings is a _(幻想作品)written by J.R.R.Tolkien.5.I suggest that we have _(定期的)meetings.6.Which country is _ (主办)the next World Cup?7.One cannot _(生存)without air.8.As is known to us

    28、,China contains 56 _(民族)。根据所给汉语及提示,用适当的词块完成句子。1.We celebrate Mothers Day _ (为了向表示敬意)our mothers.(honour n.)2._(关于)reading,there is a saying that there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand peoples eyes.3._(代我向问好)your parents when you write home.(regard)4.The students were there _(应老师的要求).5.At the railway station,the mother _(对挥手告别)her daughter until the train was out of sight.6.Theyre _(与竞争)each other for the prize.7.It is said that _ (有时)Byron swam by moonlight in the lake.8.Whats the point of helping him if he doesnt _(努力)help himself?TheEndThankYou

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    本文标题:Unit 2 单词(ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx
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