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    关 键  词:
    汉英 笔译 基础教程 13 词语 误译 课件

    1、LOGOLOGO第十三章第十三章 词语误译词语误译Contents13.1 日常词汇日常词汇I13.2 专业词汇专业词汇II13.3 文化词汇文化词汇III13.1 日常词汇日常词汇v 我不怕冷。v Im not afraid of coldness.v I dont mind the cold weather.v 分析:所谓“不怕冷”指的是“不在乎天气冷,可以承受冷天气”,而不是对“冷”这种现象的害怕。v 他不怕吃苦。v He doesnt fear hardships.v He can bear hardships.13.1 日常词汇日常词汇v我知道那座小镇,但从未去过。vI know t

    2、he small town but Ive never been there.vI know of the small town but Ive never been there.v分析:对于一个从未去过的地方,英语要用know of或know about,因为这里的“知道”实际上只是“听说过”,或是通过别的间接方式了解到。v没人听过这所大学的名字。vNobody have heard the college.vNobody have ever heard of the college.13.1.2 对目的语词汇的不甚了解对目的语词汇的不甚了解v我唯一的资本就是勤奋。vMy only capi

    3、tal is diligence.vMy only means to success is diligence.v分析:原文的“资本”是借喻,实际指“可以依靠并取得成功的手段”。而英语的 capital 指 money used to produce more wealth or for starting a business,并没有中文那样的引申意思。所以,这里的“资本”不能与 capital 画等号。13.1.2 对目的语词汇的不甚了解对目的语词汇的不甚了解v大家都怀疑汤姆是个间谍。vEveryone doubts that Tom is a spy.vEveryone suspects

    4、that Tom is a spy.v分析:doubt 作“怀疑”讲,是“不相信”的意思;而 suspect 作“怀疑”讲,是指“对有所察觉”。第一句译文犯了两个错误:首先,doubt 不能接 that 从句,只有not doubt that 和 doubt if/whether;其次,它所表达的意思是“大家对汤姆是间谍这件事表示怀疑”,即“大家不相信汤姆是间谍”,与原文的意思恰好相反。13.1.3 词典活用词典活用v我觉得读书好比串门儿 “隐身隐身”的串门儿。vA.I feel that reading a book is quite similar to making a visit to

    5、 others-a kind of body-hidden visit.vB.To me,reading is very much like calling at someones home-an inward visit which can save us the trouble of making an appointment.vC.I find reading is like dropping around as if we be invisible.vD.I would compare reading to visiting friends-in the spiritual rathe

    6、r than physical sense.13.2 专业词汇(政治词汇)专业词汇(政治词汇)v“台独”的英译是“Taiwan Independence”、“Taiwan Secession”、还是“Taiwan Separatism”?v比较平行文本比较平行文本vIndependence:美国历史上宣告北美十三州独立于英皇独裁统治的独立宣言(Declaration of Independence),即用“independence”传达其独立、分离于英皇统治的主张。第二次世界大战后,殖民地国家掀起的反殖民主义运动潮,向宗主国发起的争取民族独立的运动,在英语中都被称为“independence

    7、movements”。13.2 专业词汇(政治词汇)专业词汇(政治词汇)v“台独”的英译是“Taiwan Independence”、“Taiwan Secession”、还是“Taiwan Separatism”?v比较平行文本比较平行文本vSecession:美国南北战争时期,南方十三州前后签署加入了闻名一时的“The Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States”(1861),即十三州脱离联邦法案,这项法案采用“secession”一词传达十三州与美利坚合众国在政治和法律上的脱离、分离的意思。现在的美国社会对“secession”不仅

    8、理解为“分离”,还认为它含有叛国之意。另外,加拿大最高法院在其1998年就魁北克单方面独立行为的合法性问题的意见中,描述魁北克单方面宣告独立行为采用了“secession”一词。13.2 专业词汇(政治词汇)专业词汇(政治词汇)v“台独”的英译是“Taiwan Independence”、“Taiwan Secession”、还是“Taiwan Separatism”?v比较平行文本比较平行文本vSeparatism:对美国历史上实行的种族隔离政策有这样的评价:“separate,but equal”(“虽分离,但平等”)表述中虽然没有用“segregate”,但其中不言自明,所指的是美国白人

    9、和非洲裔美国人当时所处的种族隔离状态。13.2 专业词汇(科技术语)专业词汇(科技术语)v充电指示条开始滚动。vBattery symbol is consistently rolling.v按方向键滚动选项条。vPress the direction keys and let the choosing item roll.v查阅国外品牌手机用户手册,我们能找到以下这些句子:“Charging indicator starts scrolling(充电标志开始滚动)”,“Scroll right to open the file(向右滚动打开文件夹)”,“To make a call from

    10、 Contacts,select Contacts and scroll to the desired name(要从联系人中拨打电话,请选择联系人,然后滚动至所需姓名)”等。13.2.3专有名词回译专有名词回译v我公司生产的玉器曾在纽约索斯比公司拍卖出了好价钱。vThe jade products produced by our factory have been auctioned for good price by New York Sotheby Corporation.v如果你查阅一下纽约的企业名录,肯定找不到这家公司,能找到的只有Sothebys Holdings Inc.。因此“

    11、纽约索斯比公司”应当译作Sothebys Holdings Inc.of(in)New York或者New York-based Sothebys或者the Sothebys of(in)New York。13.3 文化词汇文化词汇v文化词汇的主要翻译方法:文化词汇的主要翻译方法:音译,音译,直译,直译,意译,意译,套用,套用,加注加注 省略。省略。v我是正在这一夜回到我的故乡鲁镇的。虽说故乡,然而已没有家,所以只得暂寓在鲁四老爷的宅子里。他是我的本家,比我长一辈,应该称之曰“四叔”,是一个讲理学的老监生。他比先前并没有什么大改变,单是老了些,但也还末留胡子,一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我“胖了”

    12、,说我“胖了”之后即大骂其新党。但我知道,这并非借题在骂我:因为他所骂的还是康有为。但是,谈话是总不投机的了,于是不多久,我便一个人剩在书房里。v It was on such a night that I returned to Luchen,my native place.Although I call it my native place,I had had no home there for some time,so I had to put up temporarily with a certain Mr.Lu,the fourth son of his family.He is a

    13、 member of our clan,and belongs to the generation before mine,so I ought to call him“Fourth Uncle.”An old student of the imperial college who went in for Neo-Confucianism,I found him very little changed in any way,simply slightly older,but without any moustache as yet.When we met,after exchanging a

    14、few polite remarks he said I was fatter,and after saying that immediately started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.I knew this was not meant personally,because the object of the attack was still Kang Yu-wei.Nevertheless,conversation proved difficult,so that in a short time I found myself alon

    15、e in the study.v On one such night I returned to Luzhen,my home town.I call it my hometown,but as I put up at the house of a Fourth Uncle since he belongs to the generation before mine in our clan.A former Imperial Academy licentiate who believes in Neo-Confucianism,he seemed very little changed,jus

    16、t slightly older,but without any beard as yet.Having exchanged some polite remarks upon meeting he observed that I was fatter,and having observed that I was fatter launched into a violent attack on the reformists I did not take this personally,however,as the object of his attack was Kang Youwei.Stil

    17、l,conversation proved so difficult that I shortly found myself alone in the study.13.3.3 读者意识读者意识v我曾经仔细想:阿我曾经仔细想:阿Quei,阿桂还是阿贵呢?,阿桂还是阿贵呢?倘使他号叫月亭,或者在八月间做过生日,那倘使他号叫月亭,或者在八月间做过生日,那一定是阿桂了;而他既没有号一定是阿桂了;而他既没有号也许有号,也许有号,只是没有人知道他只是没有人知道他又未尝散过生日征文的又未尝散过生日征文的贴子:写作阿桂是武断的。又倘使他有一位老贴子:写作阿桂是武断的。又倘使他有一位老兄或令弟叫阿富,那一定是

    18、阿贵了;而他又只兄或令弟叫阿富,那一定是阿贵了;而他又只是一个人;写作阿贵,也没有佐证。是一个人;写作阿贵,也没有佐证。13.3.3 读者意识读者意识v I have given the question a careful thought.Ah Quei-would that be the“Quei”meaning fragrant osmanthus or the“Quei”meaning nobility?If his other name had been Moon Pavilion,or if he had celebrated his birthday in the month o

    19、f the Moon Festival,then it would certainly be the“Quei”for fragrant osmanthus.But since he had no other name or if he had,no one knew it and since he never sent out invitations on his birthday to secure complimentary verses,it would be arbitrary to write Ah Quei(fragrant osmanthus).Again,if he had

    20、had an elder or younger brother called Ah Fu(prosperity),then he would certainly be called Ah Quei(nobility).But he was all on his own;thus there is justification for writing Ah Quei(nobility).小结小结v日常词汇的误译主要是对原文不求甚解和对目的语对应词汇的意义和用法不了解而造成的,所以在翻译时我们要反复翻阅各种字典、词典、百科全书和网络。对于专业词汇的误译,我们则强调参考平行文本的方法。文化词语的翻译方法灵活多样,最难把握,我们应特别注意对译文读者认知语境的预判,所有的方法都应以不让译文读者误解原文为宗旨。

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