Unit 4-6 课文语法填空(ppt课件+试题)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.zip


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Careful-readingHi,its Zack!_(Greeting)from Paris,everyone!This broadcast_(bring)to you from the largest museum_Earththe Louvre!Today were going to find out about some of the Louvres most_(amaze)treasures.Here we go!Now,at the top of these stone stairs.get_load of that!That huge sculpture you can see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace,or Nike of Samothrace!I cant even begin_(tell)you how amazing this is!It _(look)like she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on a ship.高一英语(外研版)-必修二 Unit4 Stage and screen(1)(51张PPT课件)B3U4 Live from the LouvreCareful-readingHer head and arms are_(miss),but you can imagine her holding her arms up high,_(celebrate)the result of an ancient battle.And just look at_her dress is being folded by the wind!I really cant believe shes made_stone.The skill of the sculptor is just incredible.Okay,Id better_(move)on.You can see there are so many people here.Im being pushed around quite a bit,_fact.And youre really going to love whats coming up next.Its the one and only Mona Lisa!The painting is a lot smaller_you would expect,and_(protect)by glass.高一英语(外研版)-必修二 Unit4 Stage and screen(1)(51张PPT课件)Careful-readingPerhaps it was his way of_(take)a 17th-century selfie?Or was it_(simple)cheaper to paint himself than to pay_a model?About 35,000 works are_(current)being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre,and it would take a lifetime_(see)everything!Ill say bye for now,and hope you can all visit this fantastic place one day to feel the power of these great_(work)of art for yourselves.They really do reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself_(be)nothing._ the way,if you have enjoyed this live broadcast,subscribe to find out_Im visiting next!高一英语(外研版)-必修二 Unit4 Stage and screen(1)(51张PPT课件)CLIMBING QOMOLANGMA:WORTH THE RISKS?Last year,hundreds of people spent good money on an experience _ they knew would include crowds,discomfort and danger.Many would become sick,due _ the extreme cold and low air pressure,and a few would even lose their _(life).Yet,despite all this,_ the end of the trip many were already planning to return.For these people,climbing Qomolangma is an experience like no other,_(make)some feel weak and others,powerful.1British mountain climber George Mallory wrote of climbing Qomolangma,“_ we get from this adventure is just sheer joy.We do not live to eat and make money.We eat _ make money to be able _ enjoy life.That is what life means and what life is for.”Sadly,Mallory would die on the mountain _ 1924,although his body would not be found until many years later.It is still not known if he _(succeed)in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life.2In 2011,words similar to those of Mallory were spoken by American mountain climber Alan Arnette,_ climbed Qomolangma in that year and was going to climb other high mountains around the world.“It brings _ focus whats important to you.”He _(add),“There are a thousand _(reason)to turn around and only one to keep going.You really have to focus on the one reason _ is most important and unique to you.It forces you _(look)deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical,as well _ mental,toughness to push when you want to stop.”3 With the majority of _(attempt)to climb Qomolangma resulting either in total success _ failure,is there also a scientific reason behind this risk-taking?Recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature,with some of us more likely to take risks _ others.Psychologist Frank Farley _(spend)years studying people who jump out of planes and drive fast cars,as well as those _ climb Qomolangma.He refers to the personalities of these people as“Type T”,with the“T”standing for“thrill”.4 _(speak)to the LA Times about the“Type T”personalities,Farley said,“Theyll say,Im not taking risks,Im an expert.They dont want to die and they dont expect _(die).”Research also suggests that our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit _ the result.With this in mind,are the benefits of _(climb)Qomolangma worth the risks?Its totally up _ you.567Careful-reading (pick)up a free newspaper at the Tube station,I see the title“Hot!Hot!Hot!”.Today,the temperature in London is (expect)to reach 30 plus degrees!The average high temperature in July is only 22 degrees,so over 30 is not usual for London.Its going to be awful on the Central Line,with no air conditioning.Why did they have to invent the Tube before air conditioning?Its just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines,as as one of the deepest.Its the hottest on the whole Tube system.高一英语(外研版)-必修二 Unit4 Stage and screen(1)(51张PPT课件)Hot!Hot!Hot!Careful-readingSure enough,going the stairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano thats erupting.This,however,is nothing (compare)to the train.Because theres no air conditioning,the temperature inside the train can reach 35 degrees!Its lovely in the beach,but not so when youre wearing a suit and in crowd of passengers!Im sure the passenger next me and I are melting and becoming one!I had bacon and eggs for breakfast,and now Im feeling a bit sickI hope I can make to Bank station.Ill avoid the feeling by thinking about work.I work in a tall,glass building.One very hot summer,the sun reflected off it and melted cars parked below!Will this happen again today?Yes,each summer in London (definite)seems (hot)than the last.I suddenly feel a bit scared.Perhaps now is the time to start planning the future?I should probably put my flat on the market and buy a boat.That way,when the Thames and there is a flood in London,Ill still be able to get to work.But wait!Would I still have a workplace to go to?My office is only on the third floor of the building,so quite low.Ill speak with my manager about moving to the top floor.Most (important),I will need to learn to swim!Ill join a beginners swimming class (immediate).Then Ill be able to survive even when the tall buildings are flooded.Looking my newspaper,Im shocked by photos (show)that a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town.Whats ,heavy rain in Eastern Europe has caused landslides,and the heat across Southern Europe has caused forest fires.Experts say this bad weather has (occur)due to climate change.News like this makes me feel nervous.Now that its hard to avoid a disaster on Earth,perhaps I should start thinking about moving to space.“next station is Bank!”comes the (announce).Thats my destination.Stepping out of the station with a heavy heart,I suddenly feel a fresh wind on my face.Well,maybe I (worry)too much.After ,its only 30 degrees outside!Stars after the stormIts strange,but I dont really remember much about the hurricane itself.It all happened so quickly.I was (sit)in my room with my cat,Smartie,on my lap,when the roof just flew off.All of sudden,there was sky the roof had been.I was sofrightened that I just froze.Mom cried to get out quickly,but it was already too late by then.The rain was coming down so hard and so fast.Our street turned a river in seconds.We were going nowhere.At first,I was (please)we could stay at home,but soon it got really tough.Without a roof,staying inside was too (danger).There was water everywhere,but we couldnt drink any of it wed get really sick.We just had (drink)water that was sent to us by helicopter,but it was never enough.It was August,so it was really,really hot and it smelled so bad everywhere!I just spent the days (watch)the boats going up and down the street and looking out for Smartie.He had disappeared moment the storm hit.(live)in the open air,we became breakfast,lunch and dinner for the mosquitos.But Mom said that happens,we should always try to see the good side of things.It was difficult (stay)positive,though.We had lost our home and everything in it,(include)Smartie.All we had left were the clothes on our backs.But as Mom kept on reminding us,we were all together and safe.Moms words made us feel better.I remember us all (lie)under the midnight sky and looking up at the stars.Because there were no lights,we could see the Big Dipper,the Little Dipper and the Milky Way.It was (amaze)!Even though we had lost a lot,moments like those gave us hope for the future.Although it was only few days before we were rescued,it felt like months.We were taken to another town in a faraway county.(thank),Smartie came home just time.We were so happy to take him with us,although then,none of us knew that we wouldnt be back for quite a while.Now,one year has passed and Im back home in New Orleans.Some families have yet to return,but many others have come back.Although we are (surround)by (remind)of the disaster,we are working together to rebuild our homes and our lives.Now we have another chance to look up at the stars of New Orleans,their beauty inspiring us and giving us (confident)to move on.B3Unit4 Live from the LouvreHi,its Zack!Greetings from Paris,everyone!This broadcast is being brought to you from the largest museum on Earththe Louvre!Today were going to find out about some of the Louvres most amazing treasures.Here we go!Now,at the top of these stone stairs.get a load of that!That huge sculpture you can see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace,or Nike of Samothrace!I cant even begin to tell you how amazing this is!It looks like she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on a ship.Her head and arms are missing,but you can imagine her holding her arms up high,celebrating the result of an ancient battle.And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind!I really cant believe shes made of stone.The skill of the sculptor is just incredible.Okay,Id better move on.You can see there are so many people here.Im being pushed around quite a bit,in fact.And youre really going to love whats coming up next.Its the one and only Mona Lisa!The painting is a lot smaller than you would expect,and is protected by glass.But from here I can get a good view to show you.When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own!One moment she seems to be laughing at me,but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile.I guess thats why she attracts so many visitors every day.And now,its time to get up close and personal with one of historys greatest artistsRembrandt!He painted this self-portrait about 400 years ago.Throughout his life,he made over 90 self-portraits!No one really knows why.Perhaps it was his way of taking a 17th-century selfie?Or was it simply cheaper to paint himself than to pay for a model?About 35,000 works are currently being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre,and it would take a lifetime to see everything!Ill say bye for now,and hope you can all visit this fantastic place one day to feel the power of these great works of art for yourselves.They really do reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself were nothing.By the way,if you have enjoyed this live broadcast,subscribe to find out where Im visiting next!B3 U5 CLIMBING QOMOLANGMA:WORTH THE RISKS?Last year,hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds,discomfort and danger.Many would become sick,due to the extreme cold and low air pressure,and a few would even lose their lives(life).Yet,despite all this,by the end of the trip many were already planning to return.For these people,climbin g Qomolangma is an experience like no other,making(make)some feel weak and others,powerful.British mountain climber George Mallory wrote of climbing Qomolangma,“What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy.We do not live to eat and make money.We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life.That is what life means and what life is for.”Sadly,Mallory would die on the mountain in 1924,although his body would not be found until many years later.It is still not known if he succeeded(succeed)in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life.In 2011,words similar to those of Mallory were spoken by American mountain climber Alan Arnette,who climbed Qomolangma in that year and was going to climb other high mountains around the world.“It brings into focus whats important to you.”He added(add),“There are a thousand reasons(reason)to turn around and only one to keep going.You really have to focus on the one reason that is most important and unique to you.It forces you to look(look)deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical,as well as mental,toughness to push when you want to stop.”With the majority of attempts(attempt)to climb Qomolangma resulting either in total success or failure,is there also a scientific reason behind this risk-taking?Recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature,with some of us more likely to take risks than others.Psychologist Frank Farley has spent(spend)years studying people who jump out of planes and drive fast cars,as well as those who climb Qomolangma.He refers to the personalities of these people as“Type T”,with the“T”standing for“thrill”.Speaking(speak)to the LA Times about the“Type T”personalities,Farley said,“Theyll say,Im not taking risks,Im an expert.They dont want to die and they dont expect to die(die).”Research also suggests that our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result.With this in mind,are the benefits of climbing(climb)Qomolangma worth the risks?Its totally up to you.学科网(北京)股份有限公司Hot!Hot!Hot!Picking(pick)up a free newspaper at the Tube station,I see the title“Hot!Hot!Hot!”.Today,the temperature in London is expected(expect)to reach 30 plus degrees!The average high temperature in July is only 22 degrees,so over 30 is not usual for London.Its going to be awful on the Central Line,with no air conditioning.Why did they have to invent the Tube before air conditioning?Its just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines,as well as one of the deepest.Its the hottest on the whole Tube system.Sure enough,going down the stairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano thats erupting.This,however,is nothing compared to the train.Because theres no air conditioning,the temperature inside the train can reach 35 degrees!Its lovely in the beach,but not so when youre wearing a suit and in a crowd of passengers!Im sure the passenger next to me and I are melting and becoming one!I had bacon and eggs for breakfast,and now Im feeling a bit sickI hope I can make it to Bank station.Ill avoid the feeling by thinking about work.I work in a tall,glass building.One very hot summer,the sun reflected off it and melted cars parked below!Will this happen again today?Yes,each summer in London definitely(definite)seems hotter than the last.I suddenly feel a bit scared.Perhaps now is the time to start planning for the future?I should probably put my flat on the market and buy a boat.That way,when the Thames rises and there is a flood in London,Ill still be able to get to work.But wait!Would I still have a workplace to go to?My office is only on the third floor of the building,so quite low.Ill speak with my manager about movi
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高中英语 Unit 4-6 课文语法填空(ppt课件+试题)_新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册 课文 语法 填空 ppt 课件 试题 _ 新外研版 必修 第三
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