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    广东省 广州市 荔湾区 2022 2023 六年级 语文 数学 英语 上册 期末试卷 答案 下载 _六年级上册_部编版(统编版)_语文_小学

    1、2022 学年第一学期小学六年级语文期末综合练习(全卷共三部分)学校班级姓名学号玉卷(基础与积累)按要求完成选择题,请把与题目要求一致的选项填在括号里。1.下面带点字读音完全正确的一组是()A援 瘦削(xi佟o)蒙(m佴n倮)古包三军过后尽(j佻n)开颜B援 类似(s佻)惟妙惟肖(xi伽o)丁香空结(ji佴)雨中愁C援卡(qi伲)住绷(b佶n倮)着脸九曲(q俪)黄河万里沙D.劲(j佻n)挺一哄(h侪n倮)而散路转溪桥忽见(xi伽n)2.“五谷丰登”中的“五谷”指的是()。A.金 木 水 火 土B.稻 麦 黍 菽 稷C.宫 商 角 徵 羽D.黄 青 赤 白 黑3.下列句中的带点词语与戏曲无关的一

    2、项是()。A.二十四气节以全新的表达方式,惊艳亮相于北京冬奥会开幕式。B.与其在别人的生活里跑龙套,还不如做精彩的自己。C援 中秋节戏曲晚会 穆桂英挂帅 隆重登场,戏迷爷爷准保捧场。D.课堂上几个同学编排课本剧,演得有板有眼的。4.写人物说话时可以不用“说”字表达。读句子,可替换下面句子的“说”且表达恰当的一项是()。句子:拉车的人说:“我家离这儿不远,这就可以支持着回去了。两位好心的先生,我真不知道怎么谢你们!”A.婉言谢绝B.感激C.赞叹D.后悔六年级语文第 1 页(共 5 页)陈家祠建筑内部装饰的木雕,可谓是巧夺天工。5.有同学边读诗词边写下“看”到的画面,属于读了 江南春 后想象的是(


    4、地鸣叫着。6.下列是同学们聊书法的内容,你认为不正确的一项是()。A.王羲之的书法作品入木三分,他书写的 兰亭集序 被誉为天下第一行书。B.柳公权是唐代著名的书法家,“颜筋柳骨”中的“柳骨”就是形容他的书法瘦筋肉丰满,浑厚有力。C.怀素的草书作品 千字文 结构简省,笔走龙蛇。D.中国文字的书写形式一般分为篆、隶、草、行、楷五大类。7.下列是同学们对鲁迅先生的认识,你认为不正确的一项是()。A.鲁迅先生是伟大的文学家,思想家、革命家,五四新文化运动的重要参与者,中国现代文学的奠基人。B.“其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。”这句话出自鲁迅先生的 朝花夕拾 。C.“的确,伯父就是这样的一个

    5、人,他为自己想得少,为别人想得多。”这是侄女周晔对鲁迅先生的印象。D.“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”是鲁迅先生一生的写照。六年级语文第 2 页(共 5 页)域卷(阅读与理解)阅读文章,按要求完成题目。桥(节选)水渐渐蹿上来,放肆地舔着人们的腰。老汉突然冲上前,从队伍里揪出一个小伙子,吼道:“你还算是个党员吗?排到后面去!”老汉凶得像只豹子。小伙子瞪了老汉一眼,站到了后面。木桥开始发抖,开始痛苦地呻吟。水,爬上了老汉的胸膛。最后,只剩下了他和小伙子。小伙子推了老汉一把,说:“你先走。”老汉吼道:“少废话,快走。”他用力把小伙子推上木桥。突然,那木桥轰的一声塌了。小伙子被洪水吞没了。老汉似乎要

    6、喊什么,猛然间,一个浪头也吞没了他。一片白茫茫的世界。五天以后,洪水退了。一个老太太,被人搀扶着,来这里祭奠。她来祭奠两个人。她丈夫和她儿子。(选自统编语文教材课文 桥 ,人民教育出版社)1.桥 这篇小说写了一位怎样的老支书?请结合上面节选的情节和环境描写,写出你的理解。2.小说到最后才点明老支书和小伙子的关系,这样写让你体会到小说哪方面的特点?六年级语文第 3 页(共 5 页)芋卷(表达与运用)习作小学六年了,无论在生活里,还是在学习中;无论在校园内外,相信一定有不少让你学会成长的人和事。请围绕“成长”这个字,想清楚自己要表达的中心意思,从不同的方面或选择不同的事例来写。题目自拟。字数不少于

    7、 400字。六年级语文第 4 页(共 5 页)18伊17=306 字六年级语文第 5 页(共 5 页)18伊22=324 字六年级语文 2022-2023 学年第一学期期末试卷答案 一、按要求完成选择题,请把与题目要求一致的选项填在括号里。1.【答案】B 2.【答案】B 3.【答案】C 4.【答案】B 5.【答案】A 6.【答案】B 7.【答案】B 二、阅读文章,按要求完成题目。1.【答案】水渐渐蹿上来,放肆地舔着人们的腰。木桥开始发抖,开始痛苦地呻吟。一片白茫茫的世界。这些环境描写推动了情节的发展,暗示了人物的命运,也为人物忠于职守、舍己为人的光辉形象做了铺垫。2.【答案】体会到了小说构思新

    8、颖,设置悬念,与前文互相照应,让人意外之余又觉得悲壮,达到震撼人心的艺术效果,体现出小说主人公老汉大公无私的形象。三、习作【答案】略 六年级数学第 1 页(共 4 页)一、判断题。(对的在括号里打“菁”,错的打“菖”)1.43和 0.75 互为倒数。()2.250mL0.4L 的比值是 6.25。()3.珊珊的爸爸今年 48 岁,正好是爷爷年龄的47,爷爷今年 84 岁。()4.将一个圆的直径扩大到原来的 4 倍,圆的周长和面积也扩大到原来的 4 倍。()5.抽样检测某种商品,48 件合格,2 件不合格,这种商品的合格率是 96%。()二、选择题。(把正确答案的字母编号填在括号里)1.下列图形

    9、中,对称轴最多的是()。A援 圆B.等腰梯形C.长方形D.等边三角形2.下面叙述中,正确的是()。A.六(2)班的男生人数占全班人数的 110%B.小丽看了这本书的 110%C.小军在投篮训练中,命中率达到 110%D.小强的身高是小丽的 110%3援 下列算式中,计算结果最大的是()。A.34+12B.34衣12C.34伊12D.34-124.将一根绳子剪去 60%后,还剩下 6m,这根绳子原来长()m。A.10B.12C.15D.185.一个直径 1dm 的圆形铁圈,从“0”点出发沿直线滚动一周后,它的位置大约来到()处。A.B.C.D.三、填空题。(把正确的答案填在括号里)1.3:4 越

    10、()24越 48衣()越()%。dm01234dm01234dm01234dm012342022 学年第一学期小学六年级数学期末综合练习学校班级姓名学号六年级数学第 2 页(共 4 页)2.在里填上“”、“”或“=”。23伊6723913913衣4512衣815815衣123.李阿姨新买了一件外套,衣服的成分标签如右图。(1)55%表示()占()的 55%。(2)如果这件外套的面料质量是 1800g,则羊毛有()g。4.学校参加了今年广州市学生体质健康抽样监测,有 51 位学生的成绩达到优良,优良率是 85%,学校共有()位学生参加了本次监测。5.一个大圆和一个小圆的半径比是 4:3,它们的周

    11、长比是(),面积比是()。6.从一块长 5dm、宽 4dm 的长方形硬纸板上剪下一个最大的圆,这个圆的半径是()dm,周长是()dm,面积是()dm2。7.一本书有 120 页,小宇第一天看了全书的13,第二天看了全书的 30%,第三天全部看完,第三天看了()页。四、计算题。1.口算下列各题。1 衣19越27伊710越811衣111越45伊2 越23垣26越14衣18越12衣0.5越53伊30%越2.计算下面各题,能简便计算的就用简便算法。(1)19衣1127伊226(2)114伊(28垣78)(3)7.5衣1213原1.5伊13123.解下列方程。(1)x 衣37=149(2)14x+25x

    12、=6.5成份:面料:55%羊毛45%锦纶里料:100%聚脂纤维五、操作题。1.(1)用圆规画一个直径是 3cm 的圆,并用字母 o、r 分别标出它的圆心和半径。(2)在这个圆中画一个圆心角是 150毅的扇形。2.根据路线图,完成下面各题。(1)在图中标出书店的位置。书店位于涛涛家北偏东 30毅方向 400m 处。(2)涛涛从家出发,先沿()偏()()毅 方向,行走()m到达公园,再沿()偏()()毅 方向,行走()m 到达学校。六、解决问题。1.学校落实“双减”政策和“五项管理”措施后,小文每天的睡眠时间达到 10小时,比以前增加了19,小文以前每天的睡眠时间是多少小时?六年级数学第 3 页(

    13、共 4 页)北200m涛涛家30毅45毅公园学校2.学校自从开展智慧阅读活动以来,同学们的阅读兴趣大大提高,学校图书馆的图书借阅量也大大增加,10 月份共借出图书 840 本。具体情况见下列统计图。(1)10 月份借出的寓言书占所有借出图书的百分之几?(2)10 月份借出的诗歌比科技书少多少本?3.儿童公园里有一块圆形草坪(如下图),沿着草坪外围铺设了一条 2m 宽的环形小路(阴影部分)。这条小路的占地面积是多少?4.学校操场跑道最内侧边缘由长方形的一组对边和两个半圆组成(如下图)。小明沿着跑道最内侧跑了 1 圈,一共跑了多少米?六年级数学第 4 页(共 4 页)科技书35%童话书15%其它

    14、5%漫画书20%诗歌15%寓言渊冤%6m20m62.2m20222022 学年第一学期学年第一学期 荔湾区荔湾区小学小学数学数学六年级学期末综合练习六年级学期末综合练习一、一、判断题判断题1-51-5 二二、选择题选择题1-51-5 ADBCCADBCC三三、填空题填空题1.181.18、6464、75752.2.、3.3.(1 1)羊毛羊毛、面料面料;(;(2 2)9909904.4.60605.5.4 4:3 3;1616:9 96.6.2 2;1212.5656;1212.56567.7.4444四、四、计算题计算题1.1.9 9、15、8、85、1、2、1、122.(1 1)1 1(2

    15、)2116(3)1323.(1)x=23(2)x=10五、五、操作题操作题1.1.Or=1.5cm1502.2.(1 1)(2 2)西西、北北、3030、800800;西西、南南、4545、400400六、六、解决问题解决问题1.1.9 9 小时小时2.2.(1 1)10%10%(2 2)168168 本本3.3.8787.9292 平方米平方米4.4.250250 米米书店30一、听句子三次,选出句中所含的词语,在括号内写出所选词语的编号。()1.A.grow riceB.grow flowersC.grow vegetables()2.A.plenty of exerciseB.plent

    16、y of fresh milkC.plenty of fresh air()3.A.expensiveB.comfortableC.different()4.A.large supermarkets B.heavy trafficC.modern buildings()5.A.wash my faceB.brush my teethC.take a rest()6.A.Donald DuckB.Monkey KingC.Mickey Mouse()7.A.very noisyB.very healthyC.very happy()8.A.clean housesB.buy new clothe

    17、sC.give each other gifts()9.A.sweet zongziB.oily zongziC.salty zongzi()10.A.play guessing gamesB.put up red lanternsC.enjoy delicious mooncakes二、听句子三次,判断句子的意思是否与图意相符,如相符,在括号内写“T”,如不相符,则写“F”。三、听对话三次,选出符合对话内容的句子,在括号内写出所选句子的编号。()16.A.Mr Li is about sixty.B.Mr Li looks about eighty.C.Mr Li is so fit and

    18、 healthy.()17.A.Ben stayed at home yesterday.B.Ben saw a film yesterday.C.Ben read some books yesterday.()18.A.Jiamin talks a lot now.B.Jiamin never talked before.C.Jiamin is still shy and seldom talks now.2022 学年第一学期小学六年级英语期末综合练习学校班级姓名学号六年级英语第 1 页(共 6 页)11.()12.()13.()14.()15.()()19.A.Xiaoling has

    19、a lot of homework to do now.B.Xiaoling finishes her homework at home.C.Xiaoling忆s mother wants Xiaoling to do some housework.()20.A.Yongxian cleans his house before the festival.B.Yongxian has a three-day holiday.C.During the holiday Yongxian stays at home and eats delicious food.四、听句子三次,选择听到的单词填空,在

    20、括号内写出所选单词的编号。()21.The man is drinking.A.milkB.teaC.coke()22.They came to Guangzhou.A.by planeB.by busC.by train()23.The lady is going to.A.see a filmB.eat a cakeC.take a rest()24.The boythis morning.A.cut a treeB.planted a treeC.climbed a tree()25.His hobby is.A.riding a bikeB.keeping a diaryC.doing

    21、 shopping五、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符,在括号内写“T”,如不相符,则写“F”。()26.Jiamin was born in Guangzhou.()27.Jiamin lives in the countryside now.()28.Jiamin thinks Guangzhou is modern and beautiful.()29.The traffic is always heavy in Guangzhou.()30.And there are so many supermarkets in Guangzhou.六、把问句和答句配对,在括号内写

    22、出所选答句的编号。()31.Where are you from?A.She is ill.()32.What忆s Guangzhou like?B.I忆m from Guangzhou.()33.What忆s the matter with your friend?C.She said I should hand in my homework.()34.What did the teacher say?D.I like the Spring Festival best.()35.What忆s your favourite festival?E.It忆s a big and modern ci

    23、ty.六年级英语第 2 页(共 6 页)七、看图,找出与图意相匹配的句子,在括号内写出句子的编号。A.The boy has a cold.He played in the rain before.B.The boy has a fever.He ate too much ice cream.C.The boy has a headache.He played computer games for a long time.D.The boy has a broken finger.He played with the sharp knife before.E.The boy has a bro

    24、ken leg.He fell down and got hurt.八、选择框内的单词填空,使对话意思完整,在横线上写出所选单词的编号。(一)Boy:Come to 41.my new school,Grandpa.It忆s so big and modern.Grandpa:How big is it?Boy:There 42.four classroom buildings.And there 43.acomputer room on each floor.We have lessons with ipads.Grandpa:What was your school like before

    25、?Boy:There 44.only two classroom buildings.And there 45.only one computer room in the whole school.(二)Jiamin:I feel 46.,Ms Green.Ms Green:What忆s the matter with you?Jiamin:I have a stomachache.Maybe I 47.too much yesterday.Ms Green:I忆m sorry to 48.that.You should 49.a doctor.Jiamin:I 50.so.A.areB.wa

    26、sC.isD.wereE.visitA.hearB.illC.thinkD.ateE.see六年级英语第 3 页(共 6 页)36.()37.()38.()39.()40.()九、选择最佳的答案填空,在括号内写出所选答案的编号。()51.My brother alwaysmy parentshousework.A.help;doB.helps;doesC.helps;do()52.The workers are very busy today.They havework to do.A.a fewB.muchC.a little()53.The dress is 9,999 yuan.It忆s

    27、 too.I won忆t buy it.A.expensiveB.comfortableC.surprised()54.I couldn忆t sleep well last night,because it was veryoutside.A.noisyB.quietC.cheap()55.The old lady isto cross the road,because there are so many carsand buses on the road.A.simpleB.afraidC.lucky()56.A country life is quite differenta city l

    28、ife.A.ofB.inC.to()57.You shouldto bed early.It忆s eleven o忆clock now.A.goB.goesC.going()58.Mr Li is a happy man.He always has a smilehis face.A.inB.onC.of()59.A little baby should sleepmore than 16 hours each day.A.atB.onC.for()60.The most important thing for you to do isA.healthyB.be healthyC.to be

    29、healthy()61.My mothersome new clothes last Sunday.A.buyB.boughtC.buys()62.Whatyouyesterday afternoon?A.did,doB.do;didC.do;do()63.Tom play football this morning?A.DoB.DidC.Does()64.Jackgo to school last week.He was ill.A.don忆tB.doesn忆tC.didn忆t十、读调查表,判断调查表下面的句子是否符合调查表的内容,如符合,在括号内写“T”,如不符合,则写“F”。Some c

    30、hildren visited Uncle Tom忆s farm yesterday.Did they like their trip?Hereis what they said.六年级英语第 4 页(共 6 页)()65.All the children liked their trip to the farm.()66.Mike cooked yesterday.That was the first time for him to do that.()67.Bill忆s home was quite near the farm.()68.There are many apple trees

    31、 on the farm.()69.Mike went fishing,Sally picked apples,Janet cooked,but Bill did nothing.十一、读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案,在括号内写出所选答案的编号。My name is Xiaoling.My hometown(家乡)is in a small village in Guangxi.Lastweek,I went back to the village to see my grandfather.I found many changes of myhometown.The road was n

    32、arrow(狭窄的)and dirty before.But now it is wide andclean.There was no shop in the village.People had to go a long way to buy things.But now there are some small stores and a supermarket.There are so many trees onthe hills near the village.But there were only a few before.And the river beside thevillag

    33、e is clean now,but it was dirty before.My grandfather was strong and healthybefore.But he is weak(瘦弱的)and thin now.I should go back home to see him moreoften and buy him more good food.()70.Xiaoling忆s hometown is in a small village in.A.GuangxiB.GuangdongC.Guangzhou()71.Thewas narrow and dirty befor

    34、e.A.riverB.roadC.street()72.Becausein the village before,people went a long way to go shopping.A.there was only one supermarketB.there was no shopC.there were only some small stores()73.There are manyon the hills near the village now.A.treesB.birdsC.clouds()74.Xiaoling忆s grandfather isnow,but he was

    35、before.A.strong;weak B.healthy;thin C.weak and thin;strong and healthyMikeI went fishing on the farm yesterday.I never did it before.It was interesting.BillThe farm was far away from my home.It took me a long time to go there.Idid nothing there.It was no fun.SallyUncle Tom grows many apple trees on

    36、the farm.I picked and ate some ap原ples yesterday.JanetI learned to cook on the farm.That was my first time to cook.It was great fun.六年级英语第 5 页(共 6 页)十二、读句子,判断句子是否符合实际,如符合,在括号内写“T”,如不符合,则写“F”。()75.The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year.()76.The Spring Festival is always in December or January.()

    37、77.Chinese people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival to remember theancient poet Qu Yuan.()78.The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.()79.At Chongyang Festival we give old people presents and climb mountains.十三、根据中文提示在横线上写出句子所缺的单词。80.Pleasethe(服药)three times a da

    38、y.81.Was your father a policeman(那时)?82.I went to(观看)the dragon boat(比赛)on the river.83.This is a special kind of(竹叶).84.Did you live in China(去年)?十四、看图在横线上用英语回答问题。85.What is the doctor doing?86.What did the boy do yesterday morning?87.What did the ladies do last night?88.What is the lady going to d

    39、o tomorrow?十五、按所给的中文在横线上写出英语句子。89.我知道健康的秘诀。90.首先,有充足的睡眠。91.第二,保持良好的饮食习惯。92.第三,多锻炼。93.最后,要开心。六年级英语第 6 页(共 6 页)一、听句子三次,选出句中所含的词语,在括号内写出所选词语的编号。()1.A.grow riceB.grow flowersC.grow vegetables()2.A.plenty of exerciseB.plenty of fresh milkC.plenty of fresh air()3.A.expensiveB.comfortableC.diff

    40、erent()4.A.large supermarkets B.heavy trafficC.modern buildings()5.A.wash my faceB.brush my teethC.take a rest()6.A.Donald DuckB.Monkey KingC.Mickey Mouse()7.A.very noisyB.very healthyC.very happy()8.A.clean housesB.buy new clothesC.give each other gifts()9.A.sweet zongziB.oily zongziC.salty zongzi(

    41、)10.A.play guessing gamesB.put up red lanternsC.enjoy delicious mooncakes二、听句子三次,判断句子的意思是否与图意相符,如相符,在括号内写“T”,如不相符,则写“F”。三、听对话三次,选出符合对话内容的句子,在括号内写出所选句子的编号。()16.A.Mr Li is about sixty.B.Mr Li looks about eighty.C.Mr Li is so fit and healthy.()17.A.Ben stayed at home yesterday.B.Ben saw a film yesterda

    42、y.C.Ben read some books yesterday.()18.A.Jiamin talks a lot now.B.Jiamin never talked before.C.Jiamin is still shy and seldom talks now.2022 学年第一学期小学六年级英语期末综合练习学校班级姓名学号六年级英语第 1 页(共 6 页)11.()12.()13.()14.()15.()()19.A.Xiaoling has a lot of homework to do now.B.Xiaoling finishes her homework at home.C

    43、.Xiaoling忆s mother wants Xiaoling to do some housework.()20.A.Yongxian cleans his house before the festival.B.Yongxian has a three-day holiday.C.During the holiday Yongxian stays at home and eats delicious food.四、听句子三次,选择听到的单词填空,在括号内写出所选单词的编号。()21.The man is drinking.A.milkB.teaC.coke()22.They came

    44、to Guangzhou.A.by planeB.by busC.by train()23.The lady is going to.A.see a filmB.eat a cakeC.take a rest()24.The boythis morning.A.cut a treeB.planted a treeC.climbed a tree()25.His hobby is.A.riding a bikeB.keeping a diaryC.doing shopping五、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符,在括号内写“T”,如不相符,则写“F”。()26.Jiamin w

    45、as born in Guangzhou.()27.Jiamin lives in the countryside now.()28.Jiamin thinks Guangzhou is modern and beautiful.()29.The traffic is always heavy in Guangzhou.()30.And there are so many supermarkets in Guangzhou.六、把问句和答句配对,在括号内写出所选答句的编号。()31.Where are you from?A.She is ill.()32.What忆s Guangzhou li

    46、ke?B.I忆m from Guangzhou.()33.What忆s the matter with your friend?C.She said I should hand in my homework.()34.What did the teacher say?D.I like the Spring Festival best.()35.What忆s your favourite festival?E.It忆s a big and modern city.六年级英语第 2 页(共 6 页)七、看图,找出与图意相匹配的句子,在括号内写出句子的编号。A.The boy has a cold.

    47、He played in the rain before.B.The boy has a fever.He ate too much ice cream.C.The boy has a headache.He played computer games for a long time.D.The boy has a broken finger.He played with the sharp knife before.E.The boy has a broken leg.He fell down and got hurt.八、选择框内的单词填空,使对话意思完整,在横线上写出所选单词的编号。(一

    48、)Boy:Come to 41.my new school,Grandpa.It忆s so big and modern.Grandpa:How big is it?Boy:There 42.four classroom buildings.And there 43.acomputer room on each floor.We have lessons with ipads.Grandpa:What was your school like before?Boy:There 44.only two classroom buildings.And there 45.only one compu

    49、ter room in the whole school.(二)Jiamin:I feel 46.,Ms Green.Ms Green:What忆s the matter with you?Jiamin:I have a stomachache.Maybe I 47.too much yesterday.Ms Green:I忆m sorry to 48.that.You should 49.a doctor.Jiamin:I 50.so.A.areB.wasC.isD.wereE.visitA.hearB.illC.thinkD.ateE.see六年级英语第 3 页(共 6 页)36.()37

    50、.()38.()39.()40.()CAEBDEACDBBDAEC九、选择最佳的答案填空,在括号内写出所选答案的编号。()51.My brother alwaysmy parentshousework.A.help;doB.helps;doesC.helps;do()52.The workers are very busy today.They havework to do.A.a fewB.muchC.a little()53.The dress is 9,999 yuan.It忆s too.I won忆t buy it.A.expensiveB.comfortableC.surprised

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