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    关 键  词:
    热点课件 热点 热门 课件 高考 英语 传染病 何在 全球 全世界 范围内 传播 传布 下载 _热门考点_高考专区_英语_高中

    1、 话题词汇话题词汇 virus 病毒病毒 infection 感染感染 bacteria 细菌细菌 epidemic / pandemic 流行病流行病 transmit 传播;传染传播;传染 plague 瘟疫瘟疫 genome 基因组基因组 mortality 死亡率死亡率 mutation 突变;变异突变;变异 antigenic shift 抗原转变抗原转变 传染病是如何在全球范围内传播的传染病是如何在全球范围内传播的 We live in an interconnected and increasingly globalized world. Thanks to internatio

    2、nal jet travel, people and the diseases they carry can be in any city on the planet in a matter of hours. And once a virus touches down, sometimes all it takes is one sneeze to spread the infection throughout the community. 我们生活在一个互动频繁且日益全球化的世界里。因为有国际航班,无论人还 是疾病,只需数小时,就能被带到世界的任何城市。而一旦病毒登陆,有时只 需一个小喷嚏

    3、,就能感染整个社区。 interconnect v 合成词 相互联系;相互连接 (inter + connect) thanks to . 由于;因为 international jet 国际航班 carry v 一词多义 运送;运载;传送 a matter of hours 只有几个小时之多;不多于 touch down 着陆;降落 When humans were hunter-gatherers, roaming (游荡) the wild savannas (稀树草原), we were never in one place long enough, and settlements w

    4、ere not large enough to sustain the transmission of infectious microbes (微生物). 当人类还处于狩猎采集者,在原始热带草原里游荡时,我们从来不会在一个地 方久留,定居地的面积也不足以维持传染性微生物的传播。 hunter-gatherer n 合成词 (多指原始社会)依靠狩猎和采集生活的人 sustain v 课标新增词汇 学术词汇 维持 But with the advent (出现) of the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago, and the arrival of

    5、 permanent settlements in the Middle East, people began living side-by-side with animals, facilitating (促使) the spread of bacteria and viruses between cattle and humans. 但是在一万年前,随着农业革命的发生和中东地区人类定居地的出现,人们开 始与动物生活在一起,这使得细菌和病毒在牛和人之间传播。 agricultural revolution 农业革命 side-by-side adv 并排;并肩地 Epidemics and

    6、pandemics come in many shapes and forms. In 2010, for instance, a devastating (毁灭性的) earthquake struck Haiti, forcing thousands of people into temporary refugee camps. Within weeks, the camps had become breeding grounds for cholera (霍乱), a bacteria spread by contaminated (污染的) water, triggering (引起)

    7、 a country-wide epidemic. 传染病和流行病的形式多种多样。例如,2010年,海地遭受了一场毁灭性的地 震,迫使数以万计的海地人住进了临时难民营。在几个星期内,难民营就发生 了霍乱,这是一种通过污染水源传播的疾病,它诱发了遍及全国的传染病。 for instance 例如;比如 strike v 一词多义 侵袭;爆发 temporary adj 学术词汇 暂时的;临时的 (反义词 permanent) refugee camp 难民营 breeding ground n (尤指坏事物的)滋生地 country-wide adj 合成词 遍及全国的;全国性的 But the

    8、 most common cause of epidemics are viruses, such as measles (麻疹), influenza (流感) and HIV. And when they go global, we call them pandemics. Pandemics have occurred throughout human history. 但是传染病最普遍的病原体是病毒,例如麻风病毒,流行性感冒和艾滋病病毒 。当它们走向全球,我们把它们称作流行病。流行病的发生贯穿人类的历史。 occur vi 学术词汇 正式用语 发生;出现 Some have left

    9、scars on the tissue and bone of their victims, while evidence for others comes from preserved DNA. For instance, scientists have recovered DNA from the bacteria that transmits tuberculosis (结核病) from the remains of ancient Egyptian mummies. 有些病毒在受害者的身体组织和骨骼上留下了疤痕,而有证据表明还有一些病 毒来自于古代的DNA。例如,科学家们从古埃及木乃

    10、伊的残骸中重新找到传染 肺结核的病菌。 DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸 (功能为储藏遗传信息) recover v 学术词汇 一词多义 找回;寻回;找到 And in 2011, scientists investigating a plague pit (瘟疫区) in the city of London were able to reconstruct the genome of Yersinia pestis (鼠疫杆菌), the bacterium responsible for the Black Death of the 14th centur

    11、y. 在 2011 年,调查伦敦城一处瘟疫区的科学家重组了鼠疫杆菌基因。这些病菌 是14世纪黑死病爆发的起因。 be able to do sth 能够做某事 responsible for 作为原因;成为起因 However, by far the greatest pandemic killer is influenza. Flu is constantly circulating between the Southern and Northern Hemispheres (半球). In North America and Europe, seasonal flus occur ever

    12、y autumn and winter. As the majority of children and adults will have been exposed to the virus in previous seasons, these illnesses are usually mild. 然而,目前为止,最普遍的流行病杀手是流行性感冒。流感持续不断地在南北 半球循环传播。在北美和欧洲,季节性流感每个秋冬季都会出现。由于大多数 的儿童和成年人在之前都接触过流感病毒,这些疾病通常是温和的。 by far 到目前为止 be exposed to 使面临;使遭受;使接触 However,

    13、every 20 to 40 years or so the virus undergoes (经历) a dramatic mutation. Usually this occurs when a wild flu virus circulating in ducks and farm poultry (家禽) meets a pig virus, and they exchange genes. This process is known as antigenic shift and has occurred throughout human history. The first reco

    14、rded pandemic occurred in 1580. The 18th and 19th centuries saw at least six further pandemics. 但是,每20年至40年左右,这些流感病毒就会经历一次急剧变异。通常,在鸭 和家禽中传播的传染性强烈的流感病毒与猪病毒相遇,他们就会交换基因。这 一过程就是众所周知的抗原转变,这在整个人类历史中都发生过。有记载的第 一次流行病发生在1580年。在18和19世纪,又发生了至少6次流行病。 or so 大约 be known as 被称作;被认为 throughout prep 自始至终;贯穿整个时期 see

    15、v 不用于进行时 经历;遭受 In terms of mortality, none can compare with the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918. The first indication of the pandemic came in the spring, when American troops in northern France began complaining of chills (寒冷), headaches and fever.Then, the following September, at a U.S. Army barracks (军

    16、营) near Boston, soldiers started collapsing on parade (阅兵 式), prompting (促使) their removal to the camp infirmary (医务室). 但在死亡率方面,没有哪次是能与 1918 年的大流感比拟的。第一次大流感爆 发的迹象出现在春季,当时美军驻扎在法国的北部,军士们开始抱怨寒冷,头 痛和发热。第二年9月份,在美国波士顿附近的军营中,士兵们在阅兵式开始 晕倒,导致他们被转移到军医处。 in terms of 就而言;在方面 compare with 比得上;与相比 come v 熟词生义 发生

    17、to happen collapse v 课标新增词汇 学术词汇 晕倒 As a surgeon there recalled, two hours after admission, they had the mahogany (红褐色) spots over the cheekbones and a few hours later you can begin to see the cyanosis (青紫) extending from their ears and spreading all over the face. It is only a matter of a few hours

    18、 then until death comes, and it is simply a struggle for air until they suffocate (窒息 而死). 一名外科医生回忆说,入院后的2个小时后,他们的颧骨上出现了红褐色的斑 点。再过几个小时后,就看见青紫色从他们的耳朵蔓延到整个面部。这离他们 病逝只是几个小时的时间,而且他们一般是因为呼吸困难直到窒息而死的。 recall v 课标新增词汇 回忆 admission n (机构、组织等的)准许加入 extend v 扩大的范围(或影响) it is only a matter of time只是时间问题 On the

    19、 S.S. Leviathan, a huge American transport en route to Bordeaux, sick men hemorrhaged blood (体内出血) from their noses, turning the decks between their bunks (卧铺) slick (光滑的) with bodily fluids. Meanwhile, British soldiers returning from northern France on furlough (休假) introduced the flu to Dover and

    20、other Channel ports, from where the virus was carried by rail to London. By the time the pandemic had run its course in April 1919, an estimated 675,000 Americans and 230,000 Britons were dead. 在一艘前往波尔多的大型美国运输船“利维坦”上,病人们鼻孔出血,体液把 床铺间的甲板都弄得光滑了。与此同时,从法国北部休假归来的英国士兵把流 感带到多佛和其他海峡港口,然后通过铁路从那里的港口带到了伦敦。从那时 起

    21、,流行病就开始肆虐了。到1919年4月,大概有675,000个美国人和230,000 英国人因此而死亡。 en route adv 来自法语在途中;在路上 introduce v 熟词生义 传入(疾病) by the time 到的时候 run its course 任其发展 estimate v 学术词汇 常用被动语态 估计 In India alone, some 10 million were killed, and worldwide the death toll (死亡人数) was an astonishing 50 million. But that was then. Toda

    22、y, planes can transport viruses to any country on the globe in a fraction of the time it took in 1918. 仅仅在印度,就已经有大约1000万人死亡,而全世界死亡人数达到惊人的5000 万!但那些已经过去了。今天,飞机可以把病毒运载到世界上的任何一个国家 ,比 1918 年那次传播快得多。 astonishing adj 令人十分惊讶的;难以置信的(近义词 amazing) a fraction of 的一小部分;零头 Above all, SARS was a reminder that pan

    23、demics have always been associated with panic. If history teaches us anything, its that while pandemics may start small, their impacts can be as dramatic as wars and natural disasters. 最重要的是,SARS提醒我们,流行病总是与恐慌联系在一起。如果说历史教 会了我们什么的话,那就是尽管流行病开始时规模很小,但其影响可能与战争 和自然灾害一样巨大。 above all 最重要的是;尤其是 be associated

    24、 with 与有联系 teach v 一词多义 教育;教导;使懂得 dramatic adj 学术词汇 巨大的 The difference today is that science gives us the ability to detect (察觉) pandemics right at the very beginning and to take action to mitigate (减轻) their impacts before they spread too widely. 今天的不同之处在于,科学使我们有能力在流行病一开始时就发现它,并在其 传播过于广泛之前采取行动减轻其影响

    25、。 at the very beginning 在最开始 take action 采取行动 巩固练习巩固练习 一、用方框内所给词的正确形式填空。一、用方框内所给词的正确形式填空。 occur, spread, astonishing, strike, introduce 1. A powerful earthquake _ the island early this morning. 2. The cattle disease _ more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs. 3. Coffee was _ into England

    26、 from the Continent. 4. A smile _ slowly across her face. 5. Its _, hes learned Latin in three hours! 二、根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. _ (多亏多亏) her help, I made great progress in my study. 2. Human activity is not _ (作为原因作为原因) all water shortages. 3. My own problem seems insignificant _ (与与相比相比

    27、) other peoples. 4. The data is limited _ (在在方面方面) both quanlity and quantity. 5. It is irresponsible to let this market failure _ (任其发展任其发展). 答案答案 一、一、 1. struck 2.2.occurs 3. introduced 4. spread / spreads 5. astonishing 二、二、 1.Thanks to 2. responsible for 3. compared with 4. in terms of 5. run its course

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