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Units7-8八年级 英语词汇与语法复习练习词汇与语法复习练习单词拼写单词拼写根据汉语提示拼写单词根据汉语提示拼写单词1.Whats the _(环境环境)around you like?2.There are many kinds of _(行星行星)in the sky.3.Will there be world _(和平和平)in the future?Yes,there will.4.Scientists _(相信相信)that they can make robots move like people.5.What will you do _(在在期间期间)the winter holiday?6.Do you like tea with _(蜂蜜蜂蜜)?7.I like eating _(奶酪奶酪)8.I often go to Yunnan in _(秋季秋季)for holiday.9.Finally put some _(甜椒甜椒)into the bowl.environmentplanetspeacebelieveduringhoneycheeseautumnpepper(s)10.Today the _(气温气温)is very high.Lets go swimming now.11.The _(天空天空)is so blue today,why not have a picnic in the park?12.Today we have robots working in the _(危险危险)places.13.She was so busy that I only saw her once _(在在期期间间)my visit to her city.14.It is terrible that the factories there _(污染污染)the air and the river.15.I plan to _(种植种植)some flowers behind my house next year.16.Most of the _(食盐食盐)in our country is from the sea.17.Would you like some more bread and _(黄油黄油)?18.I dont know how to use the _(机器机器)Can you teach me?temperatureskydangerousduringpolluteplantsaltbuttermachine19.The _(盘子盘子)fell off the table and broke into pieces.20.Its bad for your teeth to eat so much _(食糖食糖)21.Its so easy _(甚至甚至)a child can do it.22.Some scientists believe there are lives on other _(行星行星)23.Mom,two _(勺勺)of salt are enough for the soup.24._(摇动摇动)the apple juice first,and then drink it.platesugarevenplanetsspoonsShake词的用法词的用法名词(单复数)名词(单复数)1.人们将会用更少的纸。人们将会用更少的纸。People will use _2.How many _ do we need for the banana milk shake?Abananas Bbutter Cbread Dmilk3.We need three _Awatermelon Byogurt Ccup of yogurt Dpieces of bread4.Will you go to Hong Kong by _?Yes.My ship will leave this afternoon.Aair Brocket Csea Dskyless paperADC5.Mom,Im very hungry.Id like something to eat.There are some _ in the fridge.Asugar Bsalt Ccoffee DSandwiches6.Where are you going during the summer vacation?Im going to Londonthe capital(首都首都)city of _AAmerica BAustralia CJapan DEngland7.There are many workers in the paper _.Aplanet Bword Ccollege Dfactory8.They had different ideas for the vacation place.After much _,they decided to go to New York.Adiscussion Bdifference Chousework DInformationDDDA冠词冠词1.What do we need now,Mom?_ onion and some _.AA;tomatoesBA;tomato CAn;tomatos DAn;tomatoes2.Is there _ university in your city?Yes.My brother is studying there.He wants to be _ engineer in the future.Aa,a Ban,theCa,anDan,an3.What should I do next?Cut up _ onion and _ tomato.Aa,anBa,aCan,aDan,an4.Wang Yaping is _ Chinese astronaut.I want to be _ astronaut like her.Aa;the Ban;the Can;a Da;anDCCD动词动词(时态时态)1._ a big party in our school in two weeks.AIt is BIt will CThere was DThere is going to be2.What do you think _ in the future?Aour life will be like Bwill our life be likeCwill our life like Dour life was like3.Put the eggs and salt in the bowl and _ them up together.Amix Bput Cget Dlook4.I got a message saying that I won a prize worth(值值)$5,000.It cant be true.I dont _ that.Ado Bhold Cmake DbelieveDAAD5.Im sure that there _ more trees in our country in the future.Ahave Bare Cwill have Dwill be6.Do you know how to plant a tree?Yes.First we should _ a hole.Aadd Bshake Cdig Dfill7._ there any cheese in the kitchen?No,but there _ some salt in it.AIs,is BIs,are CAre,is DAre,are8.Do you _ what he said?No,he is always making up stories.Apromise Bimprove Cbelieve DchooseDCAC9.I lost my new watch yesterday.I _ it everywhere,but I couldnt _ it.Afound;find Bfound;look forClooked for;find Dlooked for;look for10.There _ some milk,two eggs and a few cakes on the table.Ais Bare Chas Dhave11.How will you _ the holiday?We will have parties.Adiscuss Bcelebrate Ccover Dreach12.Alice,_ all the salt to the beef soup.That will be too much.Adoesnt add Bdont add Cnot add DaddCABB情态动词情态动词1.Im better now.Ill _ go to school tomorrow.Acan Bbe able to Cbe Dable2.我我父父亲亲相信机器人将会相信机器人将会为为我我们们做危做危险险的事。的事。My father _that robots _to do _things for us.非谓语动词非谓语动词1.Can you tell me how _ a banana milk shake?Amake Bmaking Cto make Dmakes2.Look!There are a lot of kids _ games in the park.Aplay Bplaying Cto play Dplays3.The weekend is coming soon.And it is time _.Ato relax Brelaxing Crelax Dto relaxing Bbelieveswill be abledangerousCBA形容词副词形容词副词1.Dont drive so quickly on this road.It is very_Acomfortable Bmeaningless Cdangerous Dfantastic2.Do you like living in the city or in the country?Its hard to say.In the city there are _ new things,but in the country there is _ pollution.Aless;more Bmore;fewer Cmore;less Dfewer;fewer3.I dont think I can win the competition.Nothing is _ if you try your best.Aable Bimpossible Cnice DsuccessfulCCB4.The doctor asked my father to eat _ pears and drink _ coffee.Afewer,less Bfewer,fewer Cless,fewer Dless,less5.Its _ for Chinese to eat long noodles on the birthday.They are a symbol of the long life.Asuccessful Btraditional Cdangerous Ddifficult6.How much yogurt do you need?Only _Aa little Blittle Ca few Dfew7.这这个箱子里的苹果比那个箱子里的少。个箱子里的苹果比那个箱子里的少。There are _ _ in this box than in that one.8.For this reason,well have to wait _ three weeks for the result.Amore Banother Cother DmuchABAfewer applesB疑问词疑问词1._?Boil the noodles.AWhats the matter BWhat should we do nextCWhat do you think of the noodles DWhat did you have for breakfast2._ will your father come back,Tony?In three days.AHow soon BHow many CHow often DHow long3.Do you know _ to make a milk shake?No,I dont.But I can make ice cream.Awhat Bwhere Chow Dwhen4._ honey do we need?Two cups.AHow long BHow often CHow much DHow manyBACC介词介词1.他他们们将在家里通将在家里通过电脑过电脑学学习习。Theyll study _ home _ computers.2.They met each other for the first time _ a hot summer afternoon.Ain Bon Cat Dto3.What do you usually have _ lunch?Rice,vegetables and fish.Ain Bto Cfor Dat4.Look,the land is covered _ snow.Its so beautiful.Awith Bfor Cin Don4.When is Childrens Day?_ June 1st _ every year.AOn;/BIn;/CIn;on DOn;inatonBCAA数词数词1.There are _ people having lunch at this restaurant every day.Ahundred of Btwo hundreds Chundreds of Dtwo hundred of2.The college is so famous that _ people come and visit it every term.Ahundreds of Bhundred Chundred of DhundredsCA词形变化词形变化1.He will _(probable)come to the party late.2.Everyone should play a part in _(save)the earth.3.I think there will be less _(pollute)in the future.4.I hope I can always see blue _(sky)in my city.5.How many new _(word)can you write?6.Where are the boys?Oh,they _(dig)holes for trees.7.He gave me three _(sandwich)8.My sister often wears _(tradition)Chinese clothes.9.Are you Chinese?No,I come from _(English)probablysavingpollutionskieswordsare diggingsandwichestraditionalEngland10.Many _(travel)come to China to visit the Great Wall every year.11.You can add two spoons of _(honey)to the water.12.The _(travel)lost his way in the mountains and he was in danger.13.We _(dig)a large hole before putting the tree in.14.When I asked him if he wanted anything to eat,he just _(shake)his head.15.They will _(service)you a wonderful meal after the meeting.16.Its very easy for robots _(do)such jobs.17.Her daughter _(fly)to France last week.travelershoneytravelerdugshookserveto doflew19I _(agree)with you.I think everything has two sides.20Many animals are in great _(dangerous)We must do something to help them.21.After half an hour walk,Mike and his parents _(final)got to the train station.22.Mr.Green put some _(pepper)in his bowl.disagreedangerfinallypepper固定短语固定短语动词短语动词短语1.Many houses_in the heavy rain in some villages last summer.Awrote down Bfell down Ccut down Dsat down2.I dont want to watch TV now._,please.ATurn it on BTurn on it CTurn it off DTurn off it3.What are you doing,Susan?Oh,Im _ my watch.I cant remember where I put it.Ahoping for Basking for Clooking for Dwaiting for4.I got the last place in the exam.What should I do?Theres nothing to be afraid of.The sky wont _ and you should study harder.Aput down Bfall down Clook down Dcut downBCCB5.Cut up these apples and pears and then _Amix up it Bmix up them Cmix it up Dmix them up6.I dont agree _ you.I think she has something to do _ it.Ato;about Bwith;with Cwith;to Dto;about7.这这个瓶子里装个瓶子里装满满了水。了水。The bottle _ _ _ water.8.我我们们需要把它需要把它们们混合在一起。混合在一起。We need to _ _ _9.路被雪覆盖了。路被雪覆盖了。The road _ _ _ snow.10.你能用奶昔招待我你能用奶昔招待我吗吗?Can you _ _ _ _ me?DBis full ofmix them upis covered withserve milk shake to 11.数以百数以百计计的楼房倒塌了。的楼房倒塌了。_ buildings _12.很多很多时时候家候家长们长们都不同意孩子都不同意孩子们们的意的意见见。Most of the time,parents _their kids.13.这这个个看起来像个球的看起来像个球的东东西西实际实际上是只猫。上是只猫。The thing that _a ball in fact is a cat.14.我我们们每个人都每个人都应该应该在保在保护环护环境上尽一份力。境上尽一份力。We each should _in protecting the environment.15.我我现现在能做到在能做到坚坚持每天运持每天运动动来保持健康。来保持健康。I _keep on exercising every day to keep healthy.Hundreds offell downdisagree withlooks likeplay a partam able to16.你得先剥三根香蕉你得先剥三根香蕉,然后把它然后把它们们切碎。切碎。You need to peel three bananas first and then _17.你能教我如何做水果沙拉你能教我如何做水果沙拉吗吗?Can you teach me _fruit salad?18.他并没有参与做他并没有参与做这这个决定。个决定。He didnt _ _ _ _ the decision.19.上个月很多旧房子因大雨倒塌了。上个月很多旧房子因大雨倒塌了。Many old houses _ _ because of the heavy rain last month.20.你相信人会活到你相信人会活到200岁吗岁吗?Do you believe people _ _ _ _200 years old?cut them uphow to makeplay a part infell downwill live to be名词短语名词短语我早上喝了一杯牛奶,吃了两片面包。我早上喝了一杯牛奶,吃了两片面包。I had a cup of milk and _in the morning.形容词、副词短语形容词、副词短语那个男孩反复问我同一个问题。那个男孩反复问我同一个问题。The boy asked me the same question _two pieces of breadover and over again介词短语介词短语1.她她小心翼翼地把小心翼翼地把书书一本一本放在一本一本放在书书架上。架上。She carefully put the books on the bookshelf _2.西湖西湖在一年中在一年中这这个个时时候看起来最漂亮。候看起来最漂亮。The West Lake looks the most beautiful _of the year.one by oneat this time口语交际词组口语交际词组1.Will there be more pollution in the future?_Because people will plant more trees.ANo,they wont BYes,they willCNo,there wont DYes,there will2.I think everything will be free in the future._ I think everything will be more expensive.ASounds cool.BI hope not.COf course,I know.DI disagree with you.3.Will there be more tall buildings in 50 years?_ANo,there isnt BNo,they arentCNo,there wont DNo,they wontCDC4.Lets make some hamburgers for dinner._AGood idea BThats too bad CYoure welcome DNever mindAUnits 78八年级 英语阅读与写作复习练习阅读与写作复习练习完形填空完形填空Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050.“What will the world _1_ in the year 2050?”“Well,no one knows.But it is _2_ to guess,”said Tom.“In the year 2050 everybody will _3_ a pocket(袖袖珍珍型型的的)computer.The computer will give people the _4_ to all their problems.We will have telephones in our pockets,_5_ And well be able to talk to our friends all over the world.Maybe well be able to _6_ them at the same time.Machines will do _7_ of the work,and people will have more _8_Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week.They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend _9_ holidays there.”“Im very _10_ to hear that.I hope to fly to the moon.And I hope Ill be able to live under the sea,”said Fred.“Wont that be interesting?Just like a fish.”()1.A.like Blook Clook like Dbe like()2.A.probably BUseful Cinteresting Ddangerous()3.A.have Bcall Cgive Dsend()4.A.news BWays Cthings Danswers()5.A.either Bagain Ctoo DAlso()6.A.call Bsee Clook Dhear()7.A.most Bmany Clot Devery()8.A.work Bside Cholidays Dtimes()9.A.them Btheir Chis Dhim()10.A.sorry Bhappy Csure DafraidDCADCBACBBIt is simple to make a cheese and salad sandwich._11_,go to the supermarket and buy all the necessary things,such as bread,butter,cheese and vegetables like _12_,tomatoes and cucumbers(黄黄瓜瓜).Now you are ready _13_ your sandwich.First,put some butter_14_ one piece of bread.Then cut the cheese into _15_ and put them onto the buttered piece of bread.Next,_16_ the vegetables and cut _17_ into thin pieces.Then put them on the cheese together with_18_ lettuce.Finally,put a_19_ piece of bread over the top and _20_ your sandwich into two halves to form triangles(形形成成三三角角形形)Your sandwich is ready to eat.()11.A.Then BNext CFirst DFinally()12.A.lettuce Bbutter Choney Dsugar()13.A.making Bto make Cmade Dmakes()14.A.below Bat Cin Don()15.A.shapes Brounds Cpieces Dpairs()16.A.buy Bwash Ceat Dsell()17.A.them Btheir Ctheirs Dthey()18.A.few Bmany Csome Da few()19.A.one Bfirst Ctwo Dsecond()20.A.cut Badd Cdig DpourCABDCBACAD阅读理解阅读理解A AFarmers have been farming for thousands of years.But as robots are taken to the farms,perhaps they neednt work that hard any more.A robot can feed animals and do a lot of other farm work.It has been first tested(检测检测)on a farm in Australia.SwagBot is a cheap,strong Australian robot.In a test last month on a farm near Newcastle,Australia,SwagBot showed off its skillsIn a YouTube video,people can see SwagBot feed animals and make its way around farms.The robot with allwheel drive(全全轮轮驱驱动动)can walk 9 to 132 miles per hour(15 to 20 kilometers per hour)on farms.Over the next few years,the University of Sydney lab(实实验验室室)plans to improve the robot.“We hope it can do some jobs such as animal monitoring(监监测测)or cleaning,”said Professor Salah Sukkarieh.During the test,the robot performed as what was asked to and scared cows away.“They were really afraid and ran away.It is what we expected,”Professor Sukkarieh told us.“We can make full use of it in looking after animals.”“Over the next few months,well look at what we need to put together to make the animal monitoring possible,”he told New Scientist.At the same time in the UK,a robot made by the University of Lincoln could also make the crops(庄稼庄稼)picking faster.1_ makes the robot work on the farm for the first time.AChina BAustralia CAmerica DEngland2What can SwagBot do according to this passage?_AHelp farmers do some farm work.BDo a lot of housework.CPlay with other animals.DPick crops for farmers.3What does the underlined word“skill”mean in Chinese?_A技能技能 B结构结构 C外观外观 D内容内容4How far can SwagBot run in thirty minutes?_A9 to 12 miles.B15 to 20 kilometers.C3 to 7 miles.D7.5 to 10 kilometers.BAAD5What can we learn from the passage?_AThe robot SwagBot can be very expensive.BAnimals like to stay with SwagBot on the farm.CProfessor Salah will keep on improving SwagBot.DThe robot SwagBot can do animal monitoring now.CB BEveryone knows that breakfast is very important.If you have a good breakfast,you can study or work well.But sometimes your parents are busy and they dont have time to make or eat breakfast.Here is a great healthy breakfast recipe.You can make it for your parents when they are busy.I believe they will be very happy.Egg Pancake Ingredients:2 cups of milk4 eggs1 teaspoon of salt1/2 cup of flour(面粉面粉)1 teaspoon of oil First,mix up the eggs,milk,flour and salt.Then put the oil into the pan.When the oil is hot,pour a cup of the mixture into the pan and fry(煎煎)Finally put the pancake into the dish.Then you and your family can enjoy the delicious egg pancake!根据短文内容,判断正根据短文内容,判断正(T)误误(F)。()6.A good breakfast helps us study well.()7.Parents dont make breakfast for us because they dislike cooking.()8.We need 2 eggs to make the pancake.()9.The last step is to put the pancake into the oven.()10.There are four steps to make the pancake.TFFFTC C A kind of little cars may some day take th
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