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    关 键  词:
    天气 影响 英国人 性格 证据 课件

    1、UKs changeable and uncertain weather has had a definite effect upon the Englishmans characterit tends to make him cautious and adaptableweathergreetingmoodcharacter weather has had a definite effect upon the Englishmans character 英国人被认为是一个与其他民族大不相同的民族,即使是他的近邻法国、比利时和荷兰。The British is considered to be

    2、 a very different from other ethnic people,even his neighbor France,Belgium and the Netherlands.据推断,居住在远离欧洲大陆其他国家的岛屿上对这种差别的产生有很大影响。Deduced that the living on this island away from the rest of the continent,has a great influence on the differences.天气影响 问候方式 greeting 不管是什么原因,总之说英国人在心态和习惯上已经形成了明显区别于别国的

    3、特征是公正合理的。Whatever the reason,in a word said the British on the attitude and habit has been formed the obvious difference in other countries feature is fair and reasonable.总的来说,英国人安静、内向、矜持,只有在非常熟悉的人面前才会表现得轻松自如。Overall,British people quiet,shy,reserved,and only in front of the person is very familiar

    4、with ease.quality of the British,and in particular of the English,is“reserved.”A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers,does not show much emotion,and seldom gets excited.It is difficult to get to know a reserved person:he never tells you anything about himself,and you may w

    5、ork with him for years without ever knowing where he lives,how many children he has,and what his interests are.English people tend to be like that.在其他的欧洲人看来,英国人,尤其是英格兰人的最明显的特点是“沉默寡言”。一个沉默寡言的人不大同陌生人说话,情感不大外露,也很少激动。要想了解一个沉默寡言的人很困难:他从不谈及他的身世,即使你与他工作数年,也许你不知道他家住在哪里,有几个子女,有些什么兴趣爱好。英国人往往就是这样。在陌生人或是外国人面前他们

    6、常常显得拘谨,甚至局促不安。In front of strangers or foreigners they often seem to be inhibited,even embarrassed.英国人对天气的痴迷是人所共知的事实,只要有半点机会他们都会将这个话题进行到底。British peoples fascination with weather is a well known fact,as long as there is any chance they will put this topic through to the end.有人说英国天气的变化常常出乎天气预报的预料,因此成

    7、了大家的兴趣所在和推测的话题。Some people say that the British often changes in the weather to predict the weather forecast,thus became the topic of interest and speculation.毫无疑问英国人没办法信任他们的天气专家天气预报员。There is no doubt that the British people cant trust their weather experts-weather forecasters.很多时候他们说接下来几天会晴空万里、阳光普

    8、照,但是从大西洋来的反气旋却给整个地区带来了绵绵降雨。Many times over the next few days,they say,could be clear and sunny,but from the Atlantic to the anticyclone brought continuous rainfall to the whole region.他们会在一个晴朗的夏天早晨胳膊上挂着一件雨衣手里拿着一把雨伞出门,因为多变的天气会大中午的下起瓢泼大雨。They will be on a fine summer morning arm hung a raincoat with a

    9、n umbrella in his hand out of the door,because of the changeable weather will noon under the pouring rain.不能怪外国游客对于英国人一天之中谈到天气的次数感到惊讶。Cant blame foreign visitors for the British people was surprised at the number one day talking about the weather.很多时候常规的打招呼都被对天气的评论取代。Most of the time the conventiona

    10、l greeting are replaced by the comments of the weather.人们常常听到的是“天气不错对吧”,“天气真好”,而不是“早上好”。People often hear is its nice weather right,its a beautiful day,rather than good morning.如果他要和一个英国人展开一段谈话但是却苦于不知道从何处下手,那么从天气状况着手就会进行得很顺畅。If he is to start a conversation and a British but suffer from dont know wh

    11、ere to start,then start from the weather conditions will go very smoothly.这是一个比较靠谱的话题,即使最缄默的英国人也会给你回应。This is a comparison of subject,even if the silence of the British will give you response.天气影响 人的心情 mood Weather is changeable,and downs,and sometimes clear;Sometimes rainy season;Sometimes snows.Th

    12、e persons mood also will be gradually because of the weather and become moody.天气变化多端,时好时坏,有时晴空万里;有时阴雨连绵;有时大雪纷飞。人的心情也会因为天气忽明忽暗而变得喜怒无常。The sky is high and the weather fine,the sun is shining brightly,gentle breeze。Feel better,feel very happy 天高气爽,阳光明媚,微风。心情舒畅,感觉非常快乐 Cloudy,overcast,rain,fog,wind whist

    13、ling。The mood is bad,people feel depressed,disappointed 若是阴天,乌云密布,阴雨连绵,雾霾,狂风呼啸,人们心情就差,感到压抑,惆怅气象条件及其变化不仅影响人的生理健康,对人的心理情绪的影响也非常明显。Meteorological conditions and their changes not only affect the persons physical health,is also very obvious impact on peoples psychological mood.有利的气象条件可使人们情绪高涨、心情舒畅,生活质量和

    14、工作效率提高;Favorable weather conditions can make people in high spirits,feel better,the quality of life and the work efficiency;而不利的气象条件则使人情绪低落、心胸憋闷、懒惰无力,甚至会导致心理及精神病态和行为异常。And adverse weather conditions,make the person depressed,breadth of mind oppressed,lazy weakness,and even lead to psychological and

    15、psychiatric morbidity and abnormal behavior.天气影响 人的性格 character 据研究表明30的人对天气的变化有感觉,其中女性比男性对天气的变化更敏感,年龄越大心情越容易受到天气的影响。According to research shows that 30%of people have to feel about the change in the weather,women than men more sensitive to changes in the weather,the older the mood more easily affec

    16、ted by the weather.影响的人群中主要是与人物的性格有一定关联。Influence of the crowd is mainly has some correlation with the characters personality.英国属于温带海洋性气候,这种气候冬季温暖,夏季凉爽。English belongs to the temperate maritime climate,the climate warm in winter and cool in summer.总体来说就是冬无严寒、夏无酷热。In general is no winter cold,summer

    17、without heat.但降雨量较温带大陆性气候高。But the rainfall is relatively high temperate continental climate.常年的阴雨天气会给人带来压抑的感觉,可能会是部分人稍显阴沉。Perennial rainy weather will bring depressive feeling to the person,may be some a bit heavy.至于这种气温对人性格的影响,也就是造成了英国人彬彬有礼、富于绅士风度但又不是非常热情奔放的性格。As for the temperatures influence on

    18、the character,which is caused the British gentleman poise,but not very polite,abound the enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained character.在威尔士或苏格兰的山地不幸偶遇凄风苦雨的肆虐,那海风毫不留情,不是卷翻绅士的长伞,就是撩起淑女的衣裙,使得那些体面人士不意间斯文扫地的事也常有发生。Unfortunate encounter headwinds in wales or Scotland mountain,the sea wind ruthlessly,not c

    19、oil gentleman long umbrella,is whets the fair maiden dress,relationship among those decent people expect them also often happen.此时,只有那些久经风雨的老太太们仍会表现得处变不惊,恬静淡定,裹起塑料薄膜小帽,紧一把腰带,俨然披挂起盔甲的武士,任凭风吹雨打,胜似闲庭信步。At this point,only those who weathered old ladies are still showing strength,quiet calm,wrapped in th

    20、e plastic cap,a tight belt,has dressed up armor warrior,let the wind and rain,a short stroll.然而,当你有一天真正融入并开始了解英国文化时,你会越来越强烈地感受到,正是这类气候环境才凝练出了英国古典文学中那忧郁哀怨、冷艳清绝之经典美的灵魂。However,when you really in one day and began to understand the British culture,you will be more and more strongly felt that it was suc

    21、h a climate that concise that melancholy sorrow in the UK classical literature,leng yan qing unique classic beauty of the soul.君不见,英国经典小说里的情境,多是这种天气下的“英格兰乡村风光”。Have you noticed that the situation in the British classic novel,is under the weather England countryside.对英国人的性格,拉尔夫沃尔多伊默森这样解释道:“出生在粗糙和潮湿的气

    22、候里,使得英国人总是待在屋 里。家庭生活是使国家发展和扩充的主线;而工业和贸易的发展结果则是为了进一步巩固家里的独立和隐私。”On the Englishmans character,Ralph Waldo,merson explained:was born in the rough and damp climate,makes the British people are always stay in the house.The family life is to make the national development and expansion of the main line,and

    23、 the result of the development of industrial and trade is to further consolidate the independence and privacy at home.最后总结一下英国人的性格特点 英国人的性格特点一:文雅 英国人的性格特点二:友善 英国人的性格特点三:幽默 英国人的性格特点四:自大 英国人的性格特点五:刻板一共五点(_)英国人交际活动,对以下特殊礼俗和禁忌应加以注意:不要随便闯入别人的家。但若受到对方的邀请,则应欣然而往。这无疑可理解为对方在发出商务合作可能顺利实现的信号。但在访问时,最好不要涉及商务,不要忘记给女士带上一束鲜花或巧克力。给英国女士送鲜花时,宜送单数,不要送双数和13枝 不要送英国人认为象徵死亡的菊花和百合花。不要以英国皇室的隐私作为谈资。英女王被视为其国家的象徵。英国人交际活动,对以下特殊礼俗和禁忌应加以注意:忌用人像作为商品的装潢。喜欢蔷蔽花,忌白象、猫头鹰、孔雀商标图案。忌随便将任何英国人都称英国人,一般将英人称“不列颠人”或具体称为“英格兰人”、“格兰人”等。英国人最忌讳打喷嚏,他们一向将流感视为一种大病。

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