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    关 键  词:
    当中 包括 忒修斯 Theseus 里斯 课件

    1、Celebritys BiographyChapter 1 PerseusnPerseus 柏修斯,宙斯和达那厄的儿子,杀死蛇发柏修斯,宙斯和达那厄的儿子,杀死蛇发女妖美杜萨的希腊英雄。女妖美杜萨的希腊英雄。nDanae 达那厄,阿耳戈国王的女儿,柏修斯的母亲。达那厄,阿耳戈国王的女儿,柏修斯的母亲。神喻说达那厄生的男孩子会杀死国王(他的外祖神喻说达那厄生的男孩子会杀死国王(他的外祖父),国王下令将女儿关进地窖。宙斯化为黄金雨父),国王下令将女儿关进地窖。宙斯化为黄金雨同她幽会,生柏修斯。后来柏修斯果然误杀自己的同她幽会,生柏修斯。后来柏修斯果然误杀自己的外祖父。外祖父。nPolydectes

    2、 波吕得克忒斯。追求达那厄的国王,波吕得克忒斯。追求达那厄的国王,恶毒地派柏修斯去取美杜萨的头。恶毒地派柏修斯去取美杜萨的头。nMedusa 三位蛇发女妖之一,有美女的面孔三位蛇发女妖之一,有美女的面孔但总是皱着眉头。谁看见她就会变成石头。但总是皱着眉头。谁看见她就会变成石头。nHesperides 赫斯珀里德斯,看守金苹果园赫斯珀里德斯,看守金苹果园的众仙女。的众仙女。nAndromeda 安德洛墨达,埃塞俄比亚公主,安德洛墨达,埃塞俄比亚公主,被柏修斯搭救后成为柏修斯的妻子。被柏修斯搭救后成为柏修斯的妻子。nCepheus 刻甫斯,埃塞俄比亚国王,安德洛刻甫斯,埃塞俄比亚国王,安德洛墨达之

    3、父。墨达之父。nCassiopeia 卡西俄珀亚,安德洛墨达之母。卡西俄珀亚,安德洛墨达之母。Danae in the golden rain by TitianPerseus with the head of Medusa in his hand,Marble in Rome.MedusaPerseus and AndromedaPerseus and AndromedaPerseus and Andromeda QuestionsnWho was Perseus?How did he escape from death when he was a child?nWho wanted to

    4、marry Perseus mother Danae?Whats his name?nWhat a job did the king Polydectes ask Perseus to do for him?nWith whose help did Perseus succeed in fulfilling his task?nWho were Gray Sisters?Can you give a description about them?nWho were Hesperides?What help did they give to Perseus?nWho were Gorgons?W

    5、ho was Medusa?Can you describe her in your own words?nHow did Perseus get Medusas head without being changed into a stone?nWho was saved and then married by Perseus?nHow did Perseus get Medusas head without being changed into a stone?nWho was saved and then married by Perseus?nWhy Andromeda was chai

    6、ned to a rock to be eaten by a monster?nWhy everyone loved Andromeda and came to take part in her wedding?nWho was killed accidentally by Perseus?Do you think the old king could escape from being killed by his grandson?nWhats the meaning of the Greek saying“what had been fated came to pass”?Chapter

    7、2 TheseusnTheseus 忒修斯,希腊神话中的英雄,传忒修斯,希腊神话中的英雄,传说中最伟大的雅典国王。说中最伟大的雅典国王。nAegeus 埃勾斯,雅典国王,忒修斯的父埃勾斯,雅典国王,忒修斯的父亲。爱琴海因他而得名。亲。爱琴海因他而得名。nMinotaur 弥诺陶尔,克里特岛米诺斯国弥诺陶尔,克里特岛米诺斯国王迷宫中的怪兽。王迷宫中的怪兽。nAriadne 阿里阿德涅,米诺斯国王的女阿里阿德涅,米诺斯国王的女儿,曾帮助忒修斯走出迷宫。儿,曾帮助忒修斯走出迷宫。nThis chapter tells the story of Theseus,the great hero of At

    8、hens.The story goes from his birth to his death.nHe was born far away from Athens.When he grew up he came to Athens to meet his father Aegeus.He then set out for Crete to kill the terrible monster Minotaur.With the help of Ariadne,the lovely daughter of King Minos,Theseus not only killed Minotaur bu

    9、t went out of the labyrinth as well.He and the girl fell in love with each other,but according to the will of the Fates,Theseus had to leave Ariadne on a small island to be the wife of Dionysus,the god of wine.nMissing the girl very much,he forgot to hoist(forgot raising)the white sail while he sail

    10、ed back to Athens.His father mistook the black sail for the message of his sons death and had himself plunged into the sea and was drowned.From then on,the sea was named as the Aegean Sea after the old kings name Aegeus.nAfter the old kings death,Theseus became the king of Athens.He was a very good

    11、king.No king ever did more for Athenians than he.Yet in spite of his love and labor for the city,the Athenians were not grateful.He then left his city and his people,and died somewhere some years later.QuestionsnWhats the name of the capital of Greece?How,or why,it was named as it was?nWho was Aegeu

    12、s,and who was Theseus?nWhen parting with Theseus mother,what did Aegeus do and what did he tell her?nWhat is a“labyrinth”in English language?nWhat the city of Athens had to send to Crete every year?nWhy the sail of the ship which carried the 14 victims was black?nWhy did not Theseus change the black

    13、 sail for the white one after he had got victory?nWith what a help did Theseus be able to go out of the labyrinth after he killed the Minotaur?nWho fell in love with Theseus,and why Theseus had to leave her on a desert island?nAfter being left by Theseus on a desert island,the girl experienced what?

    14、nWhat did Aegeus do after Theseus sailed for Crete?nWhat did Aegeus do when he saw the ship with its original black sail was on its way home?nHow the Aegean Sea got its name?The Dispute over AthensAthena,goddess of wisdomAthenaTheseus moved the stoneTheseus killed the MinotaurAriadne was left on a d

    15、esert island名人传记专题名人传记专题 伊阿宋和金羊毛伊阿宋和金羊毛Chapter 3Jason and the Golden FleecenJasonJason 伊阿宋伊阿宋,希腊神话中夺取金羊毛的主要英希腊神话中夺取金羊毛的主要英雄。伊阿宋是埃宋(雄。伊阿宋是埃宋(AesonAeson)的儿子,是希腊神话)的儿子,是希腊神话中的忒萨利亚王子。叔父珀利阿斯(中的忒萨利亚王子。叔父珀利阿斯(PeliasPelias)篡)篡夺王位后,令伊阿宋去科尔喀斯(夺王位后,令伊阿宋去科尔喀斯(ColchisColchis)觅取)觅取金羊毛。金羊毛。nPeliasPelias 珀利阿斯,珀利阿斯,

    16、伊阿宋的叔叔,埃宋的弟弟,伊阿宋的叔叔,埃宋的弟弟,他篡夺了本应属于伊阿宋的王位,最后被美狄亚他篡夺了本应属于伊阿宋的王位,最后被美狄亚(MedeaMedea)用计杀死。)用计杀死。nChiron Chiron 喀戎喀戎,是希腊神话一个半人马的名字。他是希腊神话一个半人马的名字。他是 多 位 希 腊 英 雄 的 导 师,当 中 包 括 忒 修 斯是 多 位 希 腊 英 雄 的 导 师,当 中 包 括 忒 修 斯(TheseusTheseus)、阿基里斯()、阿基里斯(AchillesAchilles)、伊阿宋)、伊阿宋(JasonJason)、赫拉克勒斯()、赫拉克勒斯(HerculesHer

    17、cules)、俄耳甫斯)、俄耳甫斯(OrpheusOrpheus)。他也是医药之神亚斯克雷比奥斯)。他也是医药之神亚斯克雷比奥斯(AsclepiusAsclepius)的老师)的老师,乃至古希腊神话中几乎所乃至古希腊神话中几乎所有英雄都出自他的门下。有英雄都出自他的门下。nHercules Hercules 赫拉克勒斯赫拉克勒斯,大力神大力神,是希腊神话中最是希腊神话中最伟大的英雄。他神勇无比,完成了十二项英雄伟伟大的英雄。他神勇无比,完成了十二项英雄伟绩,被升为武仙座。此外他还参加了阿尔戈绩,被升为武仙座。此外他还参加了阿尔戈(ArgoArgo)远征帮助伊阿宋觅取金羊毛。在现代语)远征帮助伊

    18、阿宋觅取金羊毛。在现代语中赫拉克勒斯一词已经成为了大力士的同义词。中赫拉克勒斯一词已经成为了大力士的同义词。nOrpheus Orpheus 俄耳普斯,俄耳普斯,一位一位无与伦比的歌手,是色无与伦比的歌手,是色雷斯国王河神俄阿格洛斯(雷斯国王河神俄阿格洛斯(Thracian King Thracian King OeagrusOeagrus)与九位缪斯女神之一的卡利俄珀(与九位缪斯女神之一的卡利俄珀(Muse Muse CalliopeCalliope)所生的儿子。阿波罗本人是也是音乐所生的儿子。阿波罗本人是也是音乐之神,他送给俄尔普斯一把七弦琴。每当俄尔普之神,他送给俄尔普斯一把七弦琴。每当

    19、俄尔普斯弹琴,同时放声歌唱母亲教他的歌时斯弹琴,同时放声歌唱母亲教他的歌时,天上的鸟,天上的鸟,水里的鱼,森林中的野兽,甚至树木和岩石都赶水里的鱼,森林中的野兽,甚至树木和岩石都赶来倾听他绝妙的歌声。他的爱人是美丽可爱的水来倾听他绝妙的歌声。他的爱人是美丽可爱的水神欧律狄刻神欧律狄刻(EurydiceEurydice)。)。nArgonauts Argonauts 阿尔戈斯英雄,阿尔戈斯英雄,希腊传说中同希腊传说中同伊阿宋(伊阿宋(JasonJason)一道乘快船)一道乘快船“阿尔戈号阿尔戈号”(ArgoArgo)去科尔喀斯)去科尔喀斯(Colchis)(Colchis)取金羊毛取金羊毛的的5

    20、050位英雄。他们包括像赫拉克勒斯位英雄。他们包括像赫拉克勒斯(HerculesHercules)、俄耳甫斯()、俄耳甫斯(OrpheusOrpheus)和忒)和忒修斯(修斯(TheseusTheseus)这样的人物。)这样的人物。nMedeaMedea 美狄亚,美狄亚,她是科尔喀斯会施法术的公主,她是科尔喀斯会施法术的公主,与前来寻找金羊毛的伊阿宋(与前来寻找金羊毛的伊阿宋(JasonJason)王子一见钟)王子一见钟情。为了帮助伊阿宋取得金羊毛,美狄亚用自己情。为了帮助伊阿宋取得金羊毛,美狄亚用自己的法术帮助其完成了自己父亲定下的不可能完成的法术帮助其完成了自己父亲定下的不可能完成的任务。

    21、取得金羊毛后,美狄亚和伊阿宋一起返的任务。取得金羊毛后,美狄亚和伊阿宋一起返回希腊,并用计杀死了篡夺王位的珀利阿斯回希腊,并用计杀死了篡夺王位的珀利阿斯(PeliasPelias)。伊阿宋取回王位但也开始忌惮美狄)。伊阿宋取回王位但也开始忌惮美狄亚的法术和残酷。后来伊阿宋移情别恋,美狄亚亚的法术和残酷。后来伊阿宋移情别恋,美狄亚由爱生恨,将自己亲生的两名稚子杀害,同时也由爱生恨,将自己亲生的两名稚子杀害,同时也用下了毒的衣服杀死了伊阿宋的新欢,逃离伊阿用下了毒的衣服杀死了伊阿宋的新欢,逃离伊阿宋的身边,伊阿宋也抑郁而亡。宋的身边,伊阿宋也抑郁而亡。Statue of JasonPelias s

    22、ending forth JasonFresco of Chiron instructing young AchillesThe ArgoStatue of HerculesOrpheus with the lyre and surrounded by beastsStatue of MedeaJason and MedeaJason bringing Pelias the Golden FleeceGist of the StorynIn Greek mythology,the Golden Fleece is the fleece of the gold-haired winged ram

    23、.It figures in the tale of Jason and his band of Argonauts,who set out on a quest by order of King Pelias for the fleece in order to place Jason rightfully on the throne of Iolcus in Thessaly.nJason was helped by all the celebrated heroes of the past,including Orpheus and Hercules.These heroes,fifty

    24、 in number,were called the Argonauts,because they sailed with Jason in the ship Argo.After many adventures they reached the land of the fleece.nJason asked the King for the Golden Fleece.The King did not refuse,but imposed some conditions that Jason had to yoke a pair of fire-breathing bulls with br

    25、ass feet,and use them to plough a field which he would then sow with dragons teeth.nEveryone knew that these teeth would immediately grow into warriors that would turn on whoever seeded them.So there was a dual challenge,a triple one if one includes the guardian dragon.nJason had attracted the atten

    26、tion of Medea,the daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis,who was a mighty sorceress.She helped him by magic,having made him promise to marry her and take her to Greece.nWith the help of her magic,he was able to tame the bulls and plough the field.When the dragons teeth grew into hostile warriors,he thre

    27、w a magic stone among them,so that they turned against each other and fought until they were all dead.Then Medea fed the dragon a sleeping potion so that Jason could retrieve the treasured prize.Being pursued by Medeas father and his followers,the heroes fled in the Argo and sailed onward.They kept

    28、following the coast-line,until at length they encircled the world,that is,the world of Europe as the ancients knew it,and in this manner got back to Greece,having been the first men to see all the wonders of the world.The later fate of both Jason and Medea was tragic.He deserted her,and she in reven

    29、ge slew their children.Then,according to one form of the story,she persuaded him to sleep under the shade of the old,rotting hull of the Argo,so that its timbers fell on him,and the ship which had been his glory caused his death.Questions1.Why did Jason go on a quest for the golden fleece?2.How to d

    30、efine the Argonauts,who were they(please name at least three of them)?3.Who did help Jason to succeed in getting the golden fleece after he arrived Colchis?4.What was Medea famed for?Questions5.How did Jason be able to tame the fire-breathing bulls?6.How many tasks did Jason have to fulfill?Describe

    31、 each briefly.LIBERAL ENGLISHChapter 4 Greek:Herakles or Heracles 赫拉克勒斯,from Hera and kleos-“Heras glory”HerculesTHE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGYHerculesThe first hero of ancient Greek mythologyl extremely passionatel extraordinarily powerfull courageousl ingeniousl emotionalTHE GREATEST

    32、 HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Hercules He was prestigious as having“made the world safe for mankind”by conquering many horrid monsters.His self-sacrifice made him ascend to the Olympus.THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Herculesl l Youth l Twelve Laborsl Death Birth and ChildhoodTHE GRE

    33、ATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Birthl born in Thebes(底比斯底比斯)l son of Zeus and Alcmene(阿尔克墨涅阿尔克墨涅),who is the descendant of Perseus(珀尔修斯珀尔修斯)THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Childhood He had to face the hatred of Hera(Queen of the gods).Hera sent two large serpents in the cradle to

    34、 devour him when Hercules was a baby.Hercules grasped the throat of each snake and choked both to death.THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Childhood He had a hard-hearted cousin Eurystheus(欧律斯透斯欧律斯透斯),they had been in opposite side since his birth,partly because of Hera.THE GREATEST HERO O

    35、F ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Herculesl Birth and Childhoodl Youth l Twelve Laborsl Death THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Youth The Choice of Hercules He was visited by two nymphs-Pleasure and Virtue-who offered him a pleasant and easy life or severe but glorious life.Hercules chose the lat

    36、ter.THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Youth The slave of Eurystheus He was directed to serve Eurystheus(欧律斯透斯欧律斯透斯),king of Mycenae(迈锡迈锡尼尼),for ten years and performed any task,including the 12 labors.THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Herculesl Birth and Childhoodl Youth l Twel


    38、 the Boar of Erymanthos 捕捉艾丽曼托斯山密林的野猪捕捉艾丽曼托斯山密林的野猪THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGYLabor number 5:Clean the Augean stables 引河水清理奥格阿斯积粪如山的牛群引河水清理奥格阿斯积粪如山的牛群THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGYLabor number 6:Kill the birds of Lake Stymphalus 射杀斯汀发罗湖上的怪鸟射杀斯汀发罗湖上的怪鸟THE GREATEST HERO O

    39、F ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGYLabor number 7:Capture the Cretan bull活捉克里特岛上的疯牛活捉克里特岛上的疯牛THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGYLabor number 8:Tame the horses of Diomedes驯服狄俄墨得斯食人马群驯服狄俄墨得斯食人马群THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGYLabor number 9:Steal girdle of Hippolyte 抢夺希柏吕特佩戴的腰带抢夺希柏吕特佩戴的腰带TH

    40、E GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Labor number 10:Bring the oxen of Geryon 赶回格律翁的红牛赶回格律翁的红牛THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Labor number 11:Fetch the apples of the Hesperides 获取赫斯佩里德斯圣园里的金苹果获取赫斯佩里德斯圣园里的金苹果THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Labor number 12:Capture Cerbe

    41、rus from the underworld 将地狱里的克尔伯罗斯带回人间将地狱里的克尔伯罗斯带回人间THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Herculesl Birth and Childhoodl Youth l Twelve Laborsl Death THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Death Hercules married Deianira(得 伊 阿 涅 拉得 伊 阿 涅 拉),w h o w a s jealous.Later,she created a poison

    42、ed coat,Hercules put it on and poison burned like fire,which torn his flesh.THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Death After his death,the gods transformed him into the immortal and became a full god,together with his father Zeus on Mount Olympus.Ultimately,he married the goddess Hebe.THE GREATEST HERO OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY

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