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    关 键  词:
    外贸英语 函电 Chapter Written Communication 课件

    1、English for Business CommunicationThird Edition Contents Chapter 1 Written communication-an overview Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations Chapter 3 Inquiries and replies Chapter 4 Making Quotations&Offers Chapter 5 Making Counteroffers&Declining Orders Chapter 6 Acceptance&Orders Chapter 7

    2、Terms of Payment Chapter 8 Letter of Credit Chapter 9 Packing&Shipment Chapter 10 Insurance Chapter 11 Complaints&Claim Chapter 12 Agency nIt has its unique language style and jargons nIt is full of business terminations and abbreviationsnThere is a close relations between EBC and international trad

    3、e 3.Features We are in the market for silk blouses and should be pleased if you could kindly quote us your keenest prices for the goods below Offer quotation order counteroffer letter of credit CIF FOB YL11/11RVD S/C123 L/CUNRCV PLSRUSHq Examples:Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts the l

    4、etterhead the inside address the date the salutationthe body of the letterthe complimentary close the signature Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts The letterhead will show:lThe senders namelThe senders full postal address Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts(2)The Date should

    5、 always be shown in full The order of the date:lday/month/year(no commas are used)lmonth/day/year(a comma after the month)Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts(3)The Inside AddresslThe recipients namelThe recipients full postal address Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts(4)The

    6、salutation is the polite greeting with which a letter begins.lDear Sirs,lGentlemen:Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts(5)The body of the letter contains the actual message of the letter Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts(6)The complimentary close is mere a polite way of endi

    7、ng a letter lYours faithfully,=Dear Sirs,l Truly yours,=Gentlemen:Parts of a Business Letter A.The standard parts(7)The signaturelThe name of the organizationlThe signature of the manager as well as his/her job title or position(8)the references(9)the special markings(10)the subject line(11)the carb

    8、on copy notation(12)the enclosure Parts of a Business LetterB.The optional parts(8)the references Parts of a Business LetterB.The optional parts eg.BC/EN/151212(9)the special markings Parts of a Business LetterB.The optional parts eg.Attn.:Mr.Jack LeePersonnel DirectorDalian vocational&Technical Col

    9、lege100 Xiabo road,Ganjingzi district.Dalian 116035,China(10)the subject line Parts of a Business LetterB.The optional parts eg.Re.:Sewing Machines(11)the carbon copy notation Parts of a Business LetterB.The optional parts eg.CC to:ABC companyBcc to:(12)the enclosure Parts of a Business LetterB.The

    10、optional parts eg.Enc.As stated.Enc.3Encls.3 Format of a business letter 1.The fully blocked style with Open PunctuationThe fully blocked style is now the most widely used method of display for all business documents.This style is thought to have a business appearance.This layout reduces typing time

    11、 as there are no indentations for new paragraphs or the closing section.Open punctuation is often used with the fully blocked style.Again this reduces typing time because there is no need for any unnecessary full stops and commas.1 J&J Plaza New Brunswick,NJ 089333 U.S.A.Tel:732-524-0400 Fax:732-525

    12、-0622 E-m ail:carrie Date:22nd July,20-Soft Health Care Product Corp.Room 2301 Yili BLD,35 Nanjing Road,Shanghai,China Attention:M r.Wang,Import Dept.Dear Sir,Re:SHAM POO Weve received your letter of July 10th enquiring about our JOHNSONS Baby Shampoo With Natural Lavender,but unfortunately,the stoc

    13、k of this product is running low due to the heavy demand.But we will inform you as soon as the new supplies come up.We sell a wide variety of Babys Shampoo.All of them are made of the NO M ORE TEARS formula.For your reference,we enclose an illustrated catalogue of our shampoos and we hope you will f

    14、ind it interesting.We hope that we can close business to our mutual advantage in the future.Yours faithfully,Johnson&Johnson D o r i s F e r g o s o n Doris Fergoson(M anager)齐头式示例除信头外全部左对齐2.Indented style with Open PunctuationFollowing traditional British practice the indented style business letter

    15、s are roughly divided into two styles:Blocked and Indented.The former is used mainly in the United States while the latter is used to be popular in British and the old British colonies.St G angsgatan 143 Stockholm,105 45 Sw eden Telex:53892 SH E L E C SS O ur R eference N o.H/W T 008 Tel:46-8-738-60

    16、00 Your R eference N o.Fax:46-8-738-6016 E-m ail:hw lee D ate:30th M arch,20-M essrs.W illiam&W arner 105 R oller R oad Sydney,A ustralia A ttention:M r.D onnason,M arketing D ept.D ear Sir,R e:Shipping A dvice of Freezers W ith reference to your order N o.F256 of February 5 for 1,000 sets of Freeze

    17、rs,w ere pleased to inform you that the goods have been loaded on board the s/s“Peace”,w hich is sailing for your port on A pril 1st.W eve sent a telex to the above effect this m orning.Please insure the goods as contracted and m ake preparation for taking the delivery.W e are now m aking out the ne

    18、cessary docum ents for negotiation.W e assure you that our goods w ill be found satisfactory upon arrival at your port.W e also hope that w e can close m ore business w ith you in the future.Yours faithfully,T he E lectrolux C orp.H oris D e W olley H oris D e W olley(M anager)缩行式示例日期靠右具体收信人和事由居中段首缩

    19、格客套结束礼词和签名偏右S A M S U N G E L E C T R O N I C S 3 1 0 T a e p y u n g-ro 2-g a,C h u n g-g u S e o u l,1 0 0-1 0 2,K o re a T e l:8 2-2-3 7 0 6-1 1 1 4 O u r R e fe re n c e N o.O D L-1 1 E-m a il:q s l s a m s u n g c o rp.c o m Y o u r R e fe re n c e N o.D a te:2 3 rd D e c e m b e r,2 0-S h a n

    20、d o n g S c ie n c e&T e c h n o lo g y C o.L td.2 1/F B rig h t P la z a 1 3 8 J in n i R o a d,J in a n S h a n d o n g,C h in a A tte n tio n:M r.Z h o u J u n,Im p o rt D e p t.D e a r S ir,R e:O u r O ffe r fo r P D A T y p e III-H T h a n k y o u fo r y o u r in te re s t in o u r la te s t P

    21、e rs o n a l D ig ita l A s s is ta n t T y p e III-H.A s re q u e s te d,w e o ffe r y o u 5 0 0 s e ts o f P D A a t U S D 1 4 0 p e r s e t F O B In c h o n fo r s h ip m e n t in F e b ru a ry,2 0-.W e re q u ire p a y m e n t b y L/C.B e c a u s e th e re is a n in c re a s in g d e m a n d fo

    22、r th is p ro d u c t,o u r p ric e is n o n-n e g o tia b le.W e lo o k fo rw a rd to y o u r re p ly.Y o u rs tru ly,S a m s u n g E le c tro n ic s L a v is K im L a v is K im (M a n a g e r)改良齐头式示例参考编号和日期靠右签名偏右Envelopes addressingaccuracy clearness appearance The principles of addressing envelope

    23、s:Name and address of the receiver should be typed above half way down the envelope,leaving enough space for the postmark or stamps.the return address should be printed in the upper left corner of the envelope.Post notations such as Registered,Certified or Confidential should be placed in the bottom

    24、 left-hand corner.Envelopes addressing Envelopes addressingWhen a letter is mailed to a third person who is bound to pass it onto the addressee,write the third persons name down below the addressees,write the words care of in front of it.Language and tone Choose the method of communication carefully

    25、.Create the document thoughtfully.Present the document so that it looks good and gives an impression of efficiency and reliability.Use a format that is neat,easy to read and structures logically.Use appropriate tone,considering the circumstances,the situation and the recipient.Ensure your message is

    26、 accurate in terms of grammar,spelling and punctuation.1.Remember your ABC Accurate Check facts carefully Include all relevant details Proofread thoroughlyBrief keep sentences short Use simple expressions Use non-technical language Clear Use plain,simple English Write in an easy,natural style Avoid

    27、formality or familiarity 2.Be courteous and considerate Reply promptly to all communications-answer on the same day if possible.If you cannot answer immediately,write a brief note and explain why.This will create goodwill.Understand and respect the recipients point of view.Resist the temptation to r

    28、eply as if your correspondent is wrong.If you feel some comments are unfair,be tactful and try not to cause offence.Resist the temptation to reply to an offensive letter in a similar tone.Instead,answer courteously and do not lower your dignity.3.Use appropriate tone vIf your letter is to achieve it

    29、s purpose the tone must be appropriate.The tone of your letter reflects the spirit in which you put your letter across.vYou alter your tone of voice to convey messages in different ways.Much of what you say is also interpreted through non-verbal clues-eye contact,gestures,inflections of the voice,et

    30、c.This type of reading between the lines is not possible with the written word.Therefore it is vital to choose your words carefully.You can be firm or friendly,persuasive or conciliatoryit depends on the impression you wish to convey.It is important to try to get the tone right because using the wro

    31、ng tone could cause real offence to your reader.4.Write naturally and sincerely Try to show a genuine interest in your reader and his/her problems.Your message should sound sincere while written in your own style.Write naturally,as if you are having a conversation.5.Remember the KISS principles KISS

    32、 stands for:KeepItShort and SimpleKISS means instead of long or complex words,use short ones.6.Use modern terminology Old-fashioned phrases add nothing to your meaning.Such unnecessary,long-winded phrases are likely to give a poor impression of the writer and may even lead to confusion.A good busine

    33、ss letter will use no more words than are necessary to convey a clear and accurate message.7.Include essential details If the recipient of your letter must ask a question,or if something is unclear,then something has been omitted from your message.Do not leave anything to chance.Include all essentia

    34、l information.8.Be consistent Consistency is not only important in the way your massage is presented,it is important within the message itself.The people attending will be George Bush,Bill Clinton and Denny from the Sales.The people attending the next committee meeting will be George Bush,Bill Clint

    35、on and Denny Smith.9.Use active not passive voice Voice is a grammatical term that refers to whether the subject of the sentence is acting or receiving the action.Using active voice can considerably improve your writing style.Active voice makes your writing more interesting,more lively and more-well

    36、,active!Active voice:Tom played the violin.Passive voice:The violin was played by Tom.Make comparisons:10.Compose CLEAR communications CLEAR objectives.Your message should be:Clear Leave no doubt in your readers mind.Help yourself by being specific,avoiding vague expressions,using familiar words and

    37、 using simple English.Remember also to use straightforward language that your reader can understand,written in a friendly,natural,conversational style.10.Compose CLEAR communications CLEAR objectives.Your message should be:Logical Structure your message logically,remembering to use the 4 point plan.

    38、Start with an introduction,develop your points logically in the central section,and come to a natural conclusion in which you state the action you need from the reader.Finish with an appropriate one-line.Empathetic Put yourself in your readers place and ask yourself how the reader will feel when he/

    39、she reads your letter.If anything is unclear,or if anything is worded badly,then change it before you sent it.Accurate Make sure all the relevant details are included-times,dates,names of commodity,facts and figures.Right Proofread carefully(not just spell check)to make sure everything is 100%right

    40、before you sent the message.CLEAR objectives.Your message should be:The motto in business letter-writing A letter is personal contact.The exchange of information is basic to business.Letters should be easy to read and easy to understand,they must be friendly and courteous.Business letters should dev

    41、elop goodwill.Structuring communications 4 POINT PLANIntroduction(Background and Basics)Details(Facts and Figures)Response or Action(Conclusion)Close(A simple one-liner)1234Layout of E-mails 电子邮件格式电子邮件格式外发的邮件收件人收件人被抄送人被抄送人被暗抄人被暗抄人事由事由主体部分主体部分添加附件处添加附件处接收的邮件主体部分主体部分发件人发件人收件人收件人被抄送人被抄送人事由事由日期日期附件附件 Sk

    42、ill training&Practice Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter:Headings DateInside addressSpecial markingsSalutationSubject lineBodyComplimentary closeSignatureEnc.CC toII.Address an envelope for the above letter.Senders name&address stamp recipients name&address Po

    43、stal ways From:To:martin.bakersloane-Subject:Wharton Executive DeskDear Mr.Baker:I read about your Wharton Executive Desk in the April 4 issue of Office Magazine and might like to buy one.Before deciding,could you answer these questions:1.if I paid C.O.D.,could you give me a 10%discount?2.Could you

    44、deliver the desk on or before May 30?I look forward to hearing from you.Best Regards.J.SimpsonV.Write e-mails according to the following situation.-1 From:martin.bakersloane-To:Subject:Wharton Executive DeskDear Mrs.Simpson:Thank you for asking about our Wharton Executive Desk.This desk is one of th

    45、e finest products we make:a skillfully crated piece of furniture that we think youll be proud to have in your office.To answer your questions,we could deliver the desk by may 30 if your order is placed within the next 10 days.Also,we could accept your request for a 10%discount if you pay C.O.D.however,this offer will be good/valid only until May 25.V.Write e-mails according to the following situation.-2 If you need more information,please let us know.Best Regards.Martin BakerV.Write e-mails according to the following situation.-2

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