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    关 键  词:
    牛津 上海 年级 初一 上册 英语 期末 综合测试 答案 下载 _考试试卷_英语_初中

    1、1牛牛津津上上海海版版七七年年级级上上册册期期末末综综合合测测试试卷卷Part 1Listening(第第一一部部分分听听力力)(共共 20 分分)I.Listen and choose the right picture(根根据据你你听听到到的的内内容容,选选出出相相应应的的图图片片):(共共 5 分分)II.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根根据据你你听听到到的的对对话话和和问问题题,选选出出最最恰恰当当的的答答案案):(共共 5 分分)()l.A.FourB.FiveC.

    2、EightD.Twelve()2.A.Once a dayB.Once a weekC.Twice a weekD.Once a month()3.A.By school busB.By trainC.By school bus and planeD.By the school bus and train()4.A.In the restaurantB.In the hospitalC.In the libraryD.In the bookstore()5.A.Because he was ill.B.Because he went to see a film.C.Because he had

    3、 a rest.D.Because he went to see a friend.III.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判判断断下下列列句句子子是是否否符符合合你你听听到到的的短短文文内内容容,符符合合的的用用“T”,表表示示,不不符符合合的的用用“F”表表示示):(共共 5分分)()1.Forests are important.()2.Trees only provide food for animals.()3.Animals will die quic

    4、kly without trees.()4.Cans are made of clay.()5.Everything we use in our daily life comes from trees and land.IV.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the following sentences(听听对对话话,完完成成下下列列内内容容,每每空空限限填填一一词词):(共共 5 分分)1.Shaking hands is a way to show a person is_.22.The legal drinking age in Germany is

    5、 _.3.Take _ if you are invited to a Germans home.4.Knock before you _ an office.5._ food and drinks for all the people if you have a birthday party.Part 2Vocabulary and Grammar(第第二二部部分分词词汇汇和和语语法法)(共共 35 分分)I.Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案):(共共 15 分分)()1.My brother plays _ chess with me ever

    6、y Sunday.A.aB.anC.theD.()2.The removal men are moving _ into Peters new flat.A.a furnitureB.some furnitureC.some furnitures D.many furniture()3.If we put the TV_ the sofa,we can watch TV more comfortably.A.betweenB.amongC.bothD.opposite()4.You should eat _ healthy food and play _ computer games.A.ma

    7、ny;fewerB.more;fewerC.more;lessD.much;less()5.It is winter _ the people in the picture are wearing thick clothes.A.becauseB.soC.butD.if()6.It is dangerous _ across the road when the red light is on.A.goingB.goesC.wentD.to go()7._ useful information the sign tells us!A.WhatB.What aC.What anD.How()8.I

    8、f it _ tomorrow,we will have a barbecue in the park.A.will rainB.rainsC.wont rainD.doesnt rain()9.My classmates will _ the poor people in our city.A.prepare forB.look forward toC.raise money forD.move to()10.-David wants to work as an architect when he grows up.-_.A.So am IB.Neither am IC.So do ID.N

    9、either do I()11.Football is one of _ in China.A.more popular sportB.the most popular sportC.more popular sportsD.the most popular sports()12.Would you like _ meat?A.any moreB.more anyC.more someD.some more()13.The basket is too small for the puppy _.A.to sleepB.to sleep toC.to sleepingD.to sleep in(

    10、)14.-Hello,may I speak to professor Li?-This is Li._?A.Who are youB.Who is thatC.What are youD.What is that()15.-Why dont we have a walk after supper?-_.3A.Thats a good ideaB.Youre right.C.Youre welcome.D.Because we are too busy.II.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用用

    11、括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式完完成成下下列列句句子子):(共共 10 分分)1.The SPCA tries to keep animals from _.(dangerous)2.We call people from Canada _.(Canada)3.Autumn is the _ season of a year.(three)4.He is only five,but he can take care of _.(he)5.I think _ is the most important to all the people.(healthy)III.Rewrite

    12、 the following sentences as required(根根据据所所给给要要求求,改改写写下下列列句句子子):(共共 10 分分)1.I have already visited the Bund.(改为否定句)I _ visited the Bund _.2.The cell phone cost me 3,999 yuan.(改为一般疑问句)_ the cell phone _ you 3,999 yuan?3.It takes me about half an hour to do my homework.(对划线部分提问)_ _ does it take you to

    13、 do your homework?4.My brother likes football better than tennis.(保持句子意思基本不变)My brother _ football _ tennis.5.Lets have a barbecue in the open air.(改为反义疑问句)Lets have a barbecue in the open air,_ _?Part 3Reading and Writing(第第三三部部分分阅阅读读和和写写作作)(共共 45 分分)I.Reading comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解)A.True or False

    14、(判判断断下下列列句句子子是是否否符符合合短短文文内内容容,符符合合的的用用“T”表表示示,不不符符合合的的用用“F”表表示示):(共共 6 分分)My friend Jack moved to the country last month,because he wanted to live in a quiet place.He thought the life in the city was too noisy.So Jack bought a new house in the country far awayfrom a city.His new house has a big gard

    15、en.He wanted to plant all kinds of flowers in it.Hethought he would like to grow some vegetables,too.Then he wouldnt have to buy them at thesupermarkets any more and could cook the vegetables he grew himself.Last week,Jack called me.He seemed very unhappy.Whats the matter?I asked.I thought you enjoy

    16、ed the life in the country.I did,Jack said.But there are too many mice in my garden.Then Jack told me that when he was working in his garden one day,he saw a very big mouserunning in his garden!He said it was really a big surprise to him.He also said that he was thinkingof moving back to the city be

    17、cause he would rather live with lots of people than with lots of mice.()1.Jack moved to the country because he felt that city life was too noisy.()2.Jack bought a house with a big garden in the city.()3.Jack would ask someone to plant flowers and vegetables in his garden.()4.Jack telephoned the writ

    18、er to tell him that he really enjoyed the life in the country.()5.He saw a big mouse in his garden and he felt very surprised.4()6.We can guess that Jack would move back to the city soon.B.Choose the best answer(根根据据短短文文内内容容,选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案):(共共 6 分分)There are many different kinds of cars in this w

    19、orld.My grandfather thinks this is becausecars are like their drivers.He says,Rich people have expensive cars,big people have large carsand old people drive old cars.,But I dont agree with him.My neighbor,Mrs.Hill,is 82 years old.She drives only on Tuesdays,and then she drives onlyto the bank.She ne

    20、ver drives more than 30 kilometers an hour.Do you think Mrs.Hill has a veryold and small car?No,her car is new.Its very large,and it can go 200 kilometers an hour!My friend Mike is an artist.He paints beautiful pictures with lots of colors.But his car isblack!Mrs.Black has a very old car.It often ha

    21、s some trouble.Does she drive that kind of carbecause she is poor?No,she has four restaurants and two million dollars in the bank.My uncleJoe has a very small car.Every Sunday,he drives to the country with his wife,his three children,his mother and their dog.Now,you have read about my friends and th

    22、eir cars.Do you agree with my grandfather?Maybe you have a car.Does it say something about you?()1.The writers grandfather thinks young people may have _cars.A.oldB.newC.largeD.cheap()2.Mrs.Hill drives only to _ on Tuesday.A.supermarketB.churchC.bankD.cinema()3._ car is black.A.Mrs.HillsB.MikesC.Mrs

    23、.BlacksD.Aunt Marys()4.Mrs.Black is a(n)_ woman.A.richB.poorC.oldD.young()5.Uncle Joe _.A.has a big and new carB.drives to the country every TuesdayC.has a big familyD.has four factories and two million dollars()6.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A.Mrs.Hill has a new,large and fast car.B

    24、.Mrs.Black has an old car with engine problem.C.The writer doesnt think cars are like drivers.D.The writer has the same idea about cars with his grandfather.C.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的单单词词或或词词语语完完成成短短文文):(共共 7 分分)Before you go to another country,it is a gr

    25、eat help if you know not only the language butalso some of the1of that country.When people are introduced to each other in Britain,they say 2,and shake hands.They do not generally shake hands when they just meet or3goodbye.4,they shakehands after a long absence or when they will be away from each ot

    26、her for a long time.Once a group of German students went to England for a holiday.Their teacher had toldthem that the English people5shake hands.So when they met their English friends at thestation,they kept their hands6.The English students had learned that the Germans shake5hands as often as possi

    27、ble,so they extended their hands at once.The situation was so funny thateverybody_7,and this broke the ice at their first meeting.()1.A.habitB.customsC.relativesD.names()2.A.How are you?B.Would you like to know me?C.How do you do?D.Would you please tell me your name?()3.A.tellB.sayC.talkD.speak()4.A

    28、.AndB.HoweverC.SoD.But()5.A.alwaysB.usuallyC.sometimesD.seldom()6.A.in the airB.in the skyC.on their headD.by their sides()7.A.criedB.laughedC.shoutedD.ran awayD.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在在短短文文的的空空格格内内填填入入适适当当的的词词,使使其其内内容容通通顺顺,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词,首首字字母母已已给给):(共共 6 分分)Yest

    29、erday the Class Two students visited a ship with their teacher,Miss Wu.The ship cameback to Shanghai from the South Pole three days ago.The captain showed them a1,theship.After that,the captain took them to the sitting-room.He told them s2about theSouth Pole.Weve just been to the South Pole,he said.

    30、it is very cold.The ground is always f3.The weather is very c4.Often there are storms.We have set up a base at the South Pole.It is called the Great Wall Station.Many scientists are working and living at the station.Theycollect i5about it.All the students were very interested in the South Pole.The c

    31、aptain asked them Would youlike to work at the South Pole in the future?Yes,wed like to,The students answered with onev6.1.a2.s.3.f4.c5.i6.vE.Answer the questions(根根据据短短文文内内容容回回答答下下列列问问题题):(共共 10 分分)A bottle of water may not seem like much to you,but thousands of bottles will be of greathelp for peo

    32、ple who live in drought-hit(遭受旱灾的)areas in China.Since last autumn,there has been very little rain in Southwest China.Some places,especially in Yunnan,Guangxi,Sichuan,Guizhou,have experienced a serious drought.Crops died,the land cracked,and wells and rivers dried up.More than 20 million people are

    33、having difficultyin finding safe drinking water.After learning about the drought,many people around the country helped by giving water,money and other things.The serious drought has also made students realize the importance of saving water.Students from Nanshan Middle School in Huizhou in Guangdong

    34、went on the street to tellpeople to take part in water-saving activities.Ive heard that some children in drought-hit areas dont have enough drinking water.Theyhave to drink muddy water.I feel really sad about that,said one student.I decided to take ashower twice a week instead of every day to save w

    35、ater,he said.1.Why did a serious drought happen in Southwest China?_62.What does the underlined word cracked probably mean in Chinese?_3.What did people do after learning about the drought?_4.According to the passage,how many people are having difficulty in finding safe drinking water?_5.What can yo

    36、u learn from the passage?_II.Writing(写写话话):(共共 10 分分)Write at least 60 words about the topic To be a healthy child.(以以“做做一一个个健健康康的的孩孩子子”为为题题写写一一篇篇不不少少于于 60 词词的的短短文文,标标点点符符号号不不占占格格)Suggested questions:What did you use to do?What were unhealthy and healthy in your past life?What will you do for being

    37、a healthy child?_7期期末末复复习习卷卷Part 1I.Listen and choose the right picture.1.Jane works as a nurse in a hospital.She always takes good care of the patient.(B)2.The girl enjoys reading when she is free.(F)3.Spring is coming.Many flowers grow in the garden.(C)4.Postman usually delivers newspapers and mag

    38、azines to people.(E)5.If you want to keep healthy,you should eat more vegetables and fruit.(D)II.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear,1.W:How many alarm bells are there in your school?M:There are five.W:How many fire extinguishers are there in your corridor?M:Th

    39、ere are eight.W:How many fire extinguishers are there at the staircases?M:There are four.Q:How many fire extinguishers are there in the school?(D)2.W:Do you like playing computer games?M:Yes,I do.But I play them once a week.Q:How often does the boy play computer games?(B)3.W:We are going to have a t

    40、rip to Hangzhou tomorrow.M:Yes,the school bus will take us to the railway station.W:Great.Q:How are they going to Hangzhou?(D)4.W:What can I do for you?M:Can I borrow the book Healthy Diet?W:Yes,but you must return it in two weeksQ:Where does the dialogue take place?(C)5.W:Hello,Simon.Where were you

    41、 yesterday?M:I didnt come to the office because I was ill.W:I suggest you have a good rest.M:Thank you.I will.Q.Why didnt the man go to the office yesterday?(A)III.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.Forests are very important to men and animals.They pro

    42、vide food and shelters for animals.If there are no trees,animals will have no food or shelters.They will soon die.We get manymaterials from forests.We get wood from trees.Wood is useful for making paper and furniture.Land is also important.We use oil to make plastic.We use metal to make cans and use

    43、 clay formaking bowls and plates.We get sand from beaches.We use sand to make glass.All the thingswe get from forests and land are necessary in our daily life.We cant live without forests or land.Everyone should protect forests and our environment.1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.TIII.Listen to the passage and com

    44、plete the following sentences.8Germany is a modern country with a lot of traditions.Here are some examples.First,Germans like to shake hands when they are arriving or departing.It is a good way for a person toshow that he or she is friendly.Second,a German who does not drink is not because he is shy

    45、 orhe is polite,but because he doesnt want to drink.Students cant drink in other countries,butplease remember that the legal drinking age in Germany is 16.Next,take flowers if you areinvited to a Germans home.Whats more,if you want to enter an office,youd better knock atthe door first.Its another wa

    46、y to show your politeness.Finally,if you want to have a birthdayparty,you should provide food and drinks for all the people.1.friendly 2.16 3.flowers 4.enter 5.ProvidePart 2I.Choose the best answer.1.D 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.AII.Complete the sentences with the gi

    47、ven words in their proper forms.1.danger 2.Canadian 3.third 4.himself 5.healthIII.Rewrite the following sentences as required.1.havent;yet 2.Did;cost 3.How long 4.prefers;to 5.shall wePart 3I.Reading Comprehension.A 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.TB 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.DC1.B2.C3.B4.B5.D6.D7.BD 1.around 2.s

    48、omething 3.frozen 4.changeable 5.information 6.voiceE1.Because there has been very little rain in Southwest China.2.裂开3.They helped by giving water,money and other things.4.More than 20 million.5.We should save water.II.Writing.To be a healthy childIt is important to keep healthy.If you want to be a healthy child,you should follow theserules:you should do enough exercise every day.You should drink at least 8 glasses of watereveryday.You should eat plenty of vegetables and fruit because they are good to your health.Youshould have enough rest as well.Thus,you can be a healthy child.

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