Unit 6 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game (ppt课件+音频)(02)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.rar


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Lesson 3 P58-61新新北师大选择性必修北师大选择性必修Book 2 Unit 6 THE MEDIA The Advertising GameBuickyour key to a better life and a better world.BuickApple thinks different.Apple The choice of a new generation.PepsiGood teeth,good health.ColgateDo you know other classical advertising slogans?Think and share.1.What do you think of advertisements?2.What do you think makes an advertisement attractive?1Pair Work.Have you ever bought anything as a result of seeing,hearing or reading advertisements?What makes an advertisement attractive?the product namethe name of a companywords of expertshumorous languagethe concept of freedompictures or imagesthe unusual ideathe designproduct namehumorous languagepicturesthe design2The passage below is about advertising.Skim through the passage.a.Different types of advertisementsb.The development of advertisementsc.Different attitudes towards advertisementsWhat is the passage mainly about?Match the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6classic adspublic adsmodern adsimproved modern adsfurther improved modern adspurpose of ads3What is the text type of this passage?What helped you identify the text type?Identifying Text TypesYou can identify the text type based on the following information:titles(e.g.A Sea Story,A Medical Pionner);text structures(e.g time order,argument and supporting details);typical expressions(e.g.once upon a time,in conclusion).Skill BuilderThis is an explanatory text.It introduces the development of advertisement in the order of time,and it contains lots of time explanations and examples.4Pair Work.Underline the main idea of each paragraph.Then compare with a partner.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5Para.65Read the whole passage.Complete the table.Then write three headings that can categorise the information in the first row.TypesClassic adsgive information about to tell people not suitable when not attractiveModern adsconsist of apply to show people to make ads not enough to FeaturesPurposesProblemsfinding certain productswhat the people sells,where they are located and the name of the productproducts and services are in direct competition with each otherpictures or words from expertsmodern design techniqueshow good the product isvisually attractivebe noticedClassic adsModern adsTypesImproved modern adscombinewith use concepts including to stand outto make people believe that repeating old ideas not It does not matterFurther improved modern adsuse humour as well as FeaturesPurposesProblemsthe highest standard of designcreative waysfreedom,happiness,wealth and successin a world of competitive advertisingthey“must have the product”effectivehow attractive the idea linked with the product is new and unusual ideasto surprise peopleto creat something that has never been seen beforeto make people forget that someone is trying to sell them somethingImproved modern adsFurther improved modern adsPublic adshelp to increase public knowledge and to encourage citizens toto educate the public TypesFeaturesPurposesProblemsmake our society a better place for everyoneparticipate in improving their neighbourhood,protecting the environment and helping other peopleon fighting AIDS,saving water,helping the poor,giving up smokingPublic ads6Answer the questions.1.What does a classic advertisement look like?A classic ad gives information about a product and very often it includes the name of a company,part of which might include the name of the place from which the product originated.2.Why do modern advertisements have to attract the attention of the public?Because people are used to seeing a high standard of visual design,and products and services are in direct competition with each other.3.What concepts and ideas are often used in modern advertisements?They use the concept of freedom,and other common ideas include happiness,wealth and success.4.What do advertisers do to make people forget the selling purpose of advertisements?Advertisers use humour and unusual ideas to surprise people.5.How has the government used advertisements in the last decade?The government has sponsored advertisements to educate the public on fighting AIDS,saving water,helping the poor,give up smoking,etc.7Use the diagram to talk about what you have learnt about advertising.The Advertising GameClassic adsModern adsDriving force?Further improved modern adsImproved modern adsPublic adsThink and discuss.1.What have you learnt about advertising?2.How has the driving force changed the advertising game?8 Pair Work.Think and share.1.What has been the driving force for the development of advertisements?2.What does the title“The Advertising Game”mean to you?9Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrases below.originate from/link with/consist of/participate in/combine.with 1.You should try to _ exercise _a healthy diet.2.The advertising team _ people from different binewithconsists of3.The idea of the advertisement was _ a film.4.I dont like any activity _ commercial purpose.5.Id like to _ neighbourhood activities,but I dont have time.originatedfromlinked withparticipate in新北师大选择性必修新北师大选择性必修Book 2 Language points P58-59Unit 6 THE MEDIA 课文回顾:1.Such advertisements have gone through a process of change over the years along with social,economic technological developments.句意:与社会、经济和技术发展过程同步,多年句意:与社会、经济和技术发展过程同步,多年来这些广告经历了一个变化的过程。来这些广告经历了一个变化的过程。go through 经历;经受经历;经受穿过穿过查遍;彻查查遍;彻查复习;重复复习;重复例句:例句:1.He is going through a very difficult time.他正在他正在经历经历一段非常困难的时期。一段非常困难的时期。2.We went through Paris to get to Rennes.我们我们穿过穿过巴黎到了雷恩。巴黎到了雷恩。3.He went through the figures.他把数字他把数字检查检查了一遍。了一遍。4.Lets just go through the details again.让让我们把细节再我们把细节再复习复习一遍吧。一遍吧。2.Modern advertisements need something else to separate them from their competitors.句意:现代广告需要另外一些东西,以便将它们句意:现代广告需要另外一些东西,以便将它们与其竟争者区别开来。与其竟争者区别开来。separate sth from sth 把把与与区别开来区别开来例句:例句:You should separate what he said from what he has done.你应该把他所说与其所为区别开来。你应该把他所说与其所为区别开来。separate sth/sb into sth 分割,划分;拆散,分散分割,划分;拆散,分散例句例句:The police wanted to separate them into smaller groups.警察想把他们分成更小的组。警察想把他们分成更小的组。separate out sth from sth 分离出;拣出分离出;拣出例句:例句:The ability to separate out reusuable elements from other waste is crucial.能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用的成分是很关键的。能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用的成分是很关键的。be separated from sb 分居的;分离的;不在一起的分居的;分离的;不在一起的例句:例句:Tristan had been separated from his wife for two years.特里斯坦和妻子已经分居两年了。特里斯坦和妻子已经分居两年了。The idea of being separated from him,even for a few hours,was a torture.一想到要和他分开,即便是短短几小时,都感到备受一想到要和他分开,即便是短短几小时,都感到备受煎熬。煎熬。3.To stand out in a world of competitive advertising,they must combine the highest standard of design with creative ways to make people believe that they“must have the product”.句意:为了在竞争激烈的广告界凸显出来,他们必句意:为了在竞争激烈的广告界凸显出来,他们必须将最高水准的设计与创造性的方法结合起来,使须将最高水准的设计与创造性的方法结合起来,使人们确信他们人们确信他们“必须购买这种产品必须购买这种产品”。stand out 突出;出色突出;出色例句:例句:He stands out for his brilliant mental powers.他非凡的智力使他脱颖而出。他非凡的智力使他脱颖而出。He played the violin,and he stood out from all the other musicians.他演奏了小提琴,把其他乐师都比下去了。他演奏了小提琴,把其他乐师都比下去了。stand for 主张,代表;容忍主张,代表;容忍例句:例句:The party is trying to give the impression that it alone stands for democracy.该政党试图让大家觉得只有它才是民主的代表。该政党试图让大家觉得只有它才是民主的代表。Its outrageous,and we wont stand for it any more.这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。stand aside 退下,下台退下,下台例句:例句:The president said he was willing to stand aside if that would stop the killing.总统说,如果他下台能让杀戮停止的话,他愿意这样总统说,如果他下台能让杀戮停止的话,他愿意这样做。做。4.They realise that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is-most people know and anticipate that the main purpose of the advertisement is to make customers buy the product.句意:他们意识到与产品关联的理念有多么吸引人句意:他们意识到与产品关联的理念有多么吸引人并不重要并不重要大多数人都明白,广告的主要目的就大多数人都明白,广告的主要目的就是让顾客购买产品。是让顾客购买产品。link sth with sth 把把与与联系起来联系起来例句:例句:She linked the scene with the film she just saw.她把这场景与她刚看过的电影联系起来。她把这场景与她刚看过的电影联系起来。Dr Ann Jones has linked the crime with social circumstances.安安琼斯博士认为这起罪案与社会环境有关。琼斯博士认为这起罪案与社会环境有关。4.They realise that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is-most people know and anticipate that the main purpose of the advertisement is to make customers buy the product.句意:他们意识到与产品关联的理念有多么吸引人句意:他们意识到与产品关联的理念有多么吸引人并不重要并不重要大多数人都明白,广告的主要目的就大多数人都明白,广告的主要目的就是让顾客购买产品。是让顾客购买产品。anticipate v.预期;预料;预计预期;预料;预计例句:例句:At that time we couldnt anticipate the result of our campaign.当时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。当时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。be anticipated that 预期;预料;预计预期;预料;预计例句:例句:It is anticipated that 192 full-time jobs will be lost.预计将失去预计将失去192份全职工作的岗位。份全职工作的岗位。anticipate that 预期;预料;预计预期;预料;预计例句:例句:We anticipate that additional funding will be required.我们预计将需要额外的资金。我们预计将需要额外的资金。5.For example,there are public advertisements,which encourage citizens to participate in improving their neighbourhood,protecting the environment,and helping other people.句意:句意:比如公益广告,它鼓励市民参与改善社区、比如公益广告,它鼓励市民参与改善社区、保护环境和帮助他人的活动。保护环境和帮助他人的活动。participate in 参与参与例句:例句:Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in activities.希望班上的每个人都积极参与活动。希望班上的每个人都积极参与活动。They expected him to participate in the ceremony.他们希望他参加典礼。他们希望他参加典礼。attend,join,participate,take part in均含均含“参加,参加,加入加入”之意。之意。attend:侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。join:普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。participate:正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。一个积极的角色参加。take part in:侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。例句:例句:We want the maximum number of people to attend to help us cover our costs.我们希望有尽量多的人参加,以帮助我们支付费用。我们希望有尽量多的人参加,以帮助我们支付费用。He joined the Army five years ago.他五年前参军了。他五年前参军了。Over half the population of this country participate in sports.这个国家一半以上的人参加体育运动。这个国家一半以上的人参加体育运动。Will you take part in todays celebration?你会参加今天的庆祝会吗?你会参加今天的庆祝会吗?新新北师大选择性必修北师大选择性必修Book 2 Grammar P61Unit 6 THE MEDIA used to 和和 would 相同点:相同点:1.used to 和和 would 表示过去经常进行而现在不再表示过去经常进行而现在不再进行的动作。进行的动作。例句例句:She used to have more friends than anyone else I knew.她以前的朋友比我认识的任何人都多。她以前的朋友比我认识的任何人都多。He would walk around with one trouser leg shorter than the other.他走起路来一条裤腿比另一条短。他走起路来一条裤腿比另一条短。2.would与与used to都不能用来表示动作发生的具体都不能用来表示动作发生的具体频度或发生在具体的某一段时间。例如频度或发生在具体的某一段时间。例如:误误:I would/used to go to France six times正正:I went to France six times.我去过法国我去过法国6次。次。误误:He used to live in Africa for twenty years.正正:He lived in Africa for twenty years.他在非洲住他在非洲住了了20年。年。不同点:不同点:1.used to可指过去的可指过去的状态状态,would则不能。则不能。例例句句:My little sister used to be very shy.我的小妹妹过去很害羞。我的小妹妹过去很害羞。(不能用不能用would)2.would表示反复发生的动作。如果某一动作没有表示反复发生的动作。如果某一动作没有反复性,就不能用反复性,就不能用 would,只能用,只能用 used to。例例句句:From that day on,mother would disappear into her sewing room to practise.从那天起,妈妈就去做针从那天起,妈妈就去做针线活的房间练习起来。线活的房间练习起来。(具有反复性具有反复性)I used to live in Beijing.我过去住在北京。我过去住在北京。(没有反复性没有反复性)3.used to表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态,现在已经结束,现在已经结束,would则表示则表示结束了结束了有可能再发生。有可能再发生。例例句句:People used to believe that the earth was flat.过去,人们总以为地球是扁平的。过去,人们总以为地球是扁平的。(现在已不再这现在已不再这样认为样认为)He would go to the park as soon as he was free.过去,他一有空就去公园过去,他一有空就去公园。(现在有可能再去现在有可能再去)否定式否定式:1.used to 的否定的否定式为式为 didnt use to例句:例句:I didnt use to like opera,but now I do.我过去不喜欢歌剧,但现在喜欢了。我过去不喜欢歌剧,但现在喜欢了。2.would 的否定的否定式为式为 wouldnt例句:例句:He wouldnt give the names of his partners.他不他不想想讲出他同伴们的名字。讲出他同伴们的名字。10Complete the table with used to,use to,would orwouldnt.AffirmativeNegativeQuestionWe _ live in a crowed flat.Visitors _come to see us.We didnt _ live in a crowed flat.Visitors _come to see us.Did you _live in a crowed flat._visitorscome to see you?used towould use towouldnt use toWould Find more examples of used to and would in the passage.Did the people do these things regularly or just once?Do they still do them now?1.Advertising agencies would create a basic type of advertisement known as a commercial advertisement.2.Classic advertisements used to give information about finding certain products.3.From the name you would know what the company sells,where they are located,and the name of the product.regularly;not nowregularly;not nowregularly;not now4.Advertising agencies used to create this kind of advertising and it could be very effective.5.Ideas that would work in the past genuinely are not as effective now.6.These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge about topics that used to ignored by most peopleregularly;not nowregularly;not nowregularly;not now11Read the sentences.What verbs cannot follow would verbs expressing states or actions?a.We would used to live in a crowed flat in New York.b.They would/used to climb the mountain every week.c.She would used to have more friends than anyone.d.I would/used to buy sweets the size of golf balls.Verbs expressing states cannot follow would.12Complete the sentences with used to/didnt use to or would/wouldnt.In some cases,both used to and would are possible.1.We _ live in a small town but last year we moved to a big city.2.My primary school teachers _ give us any homework but they _ teach us a lot in class.3.Harrison Ford _ accept the strangest jobs before he became an actor.4.I _ like seafood,but now I just love it.5.Mr Smith _ watch tasteless TV talk shows all day before he lost his sight.6.When I was a child,we _ live near the coast.used towouldntwouldused todidnt use toused to/wouldused to13Group Work.Bring one of your favourite advertisements to the classroom.Explain why you like it and how you would like to make it even better.Thank you!
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