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    关 键  词:
    全民 初中 写作 口说 课件

    1、全民英檢初、中級寫作及口說之教學與訓練 國立政治大學外文中心副教授 車蓓群大綱I.全民英檢初、中級寫作與口說題型簡介 II.段落寫作基本要訣III.口說回答應注意要點IV.結論.全民英檢初、中級寫作與口說題型簡介 初、中級寫作 初、級口說初、中級寫作初級初級中級中級第一部份第一部份 單句寫作中譯英第二部份第二部份 段落寫作英文作文初級第一部份:單句寫作第第15題:句子改寫題:句子改寫 說明:請依題目之提示,將原句改寫成指定型式,並將改寫的句子完整地寫在答案卷上(包括提示之文字及標點符號)。2.Where is the nearest post office?Tell me _.5.My umb

    2、rella is not the same as yours.(用different from)_.初級第一部份:單句寫作第第610題:句子合併題:句子合併 說明:請依照題目指示,將兩句合併成一句,並將合併的句子完整地寫在答案卷上(包括提示之文字及標點符號)。7.Mr.Lins student wrote a letter.The letter was for Mr.Lin.Mr.Lins student _.初級第一部份:單句寫作8.Kate is very young.Kate cannot go to school.(用too.to)_.10.I have a brother.My br

    3、other is studying Chinese in college.(用who)_.初級第一部份:單句寫作第第1115題:重組題:重組 說明:請將題目中所有提示字詞整合成一有意義的句子,並將重組的句子完整地寫在答案卷上(包括提示之文字及標點符號)。答案中必須使用所有提示字詞,且不能隨意增加字詞,否則不予計分。12.Neither _.can swim/I/brother/my/nor初級第一部份:單句寫作14.Jenny asked Jack _.at the airport/he/pick her up/could/if15.Mark _.couldnt eat/that/nervou

    4、s/he/so/was 初級第二部份:段落寫作 題目:上個星期,你到高雄(Kaohsiung)的親戚家玩,下面是你每天的活動,請根據這些圖片寫一篇3050字的簡短遊記。星期五星期五星期六星期六星期日星期日中級第一部份:中譯英 小時候,我和鄰居John同校。那時我們常一起打籃球,度過許多快樂時光。畢業以後,他和家人移居到國外。從此我們就失去連絡了。中級第二部份:英文作文說明:請依下面所提供的圖片及文字提示寫一篇英文作文,長度約一百二十字(8至12個句子)。作文可以是一個完整的段落,也可以分成兩段,請書寫在寫作能力測驗答案紙標示的位置上。評分重點包括內容、組織、文法、用字遣詞、標點符號、大小寫。中

    5、級第二部份:英文作文提示:臺灣的機車數量很多。許多家庭擁有一部以上的機車,每天上班、上學都用機車代步。你認為在臺灣機車這麼普遍的原因何在?請說明你的看法。初、中級口說能力測驗初級初級中級中級第一部份第一部份 複誦朗讀短文第二部份第二部份 朗讀句子與短文回答問題第三部份第三部份 回答問題看圖敘述初級第一部份:複誦說明:說明:共10題。題目不印在試卷上,經由耳機播出,每題播出兩次,兩次之間約有12秒的間隔。聽完兩次後,請立即複誦一次。聽力稿範例聽力稿範例:Six Its on your left.Seven May I help you?Eight Sounds good to me.Nine H

    6、ow far is your house?Ten Make yourself at home.初級第二部份:朗讀句子與短文 說明說明:共有五個句子及一篇短文,請先利用1分鐘的時間閱讀試卷上的句子與短文,然後在1分鐘內以正常的速度,清楚正確的朗讀一遍。你會聽到的指示:你會聽到的指示:請開始閱讀(1 minute pause)請開始朗讀(1 minute pause)時間到,請停止。初級第二部份:朗讀句子與短文朗誦題目範例朗誦題目範例:1.句子句子:One:I dont drink coffee.2.短文短文:Six:When Mary woke up this morning,she looke

    7、d at the clock.What a shock!It was 8:00,and she was late!She put on her clothes quickly and ran all the way to school.But when she got there,the gate was closed.Then she remembered.Today was Sunday!初級第三部份:回答問題 說明:說明:共5題。題目不印在試卷上,經由耳機播出,每題播出兩次,兩次之間約有12秒的間隔。聽完兩次後,請立即回答,每題回答時間15秒,請在作答時間內儘量的表達。聽力稿範例聽力稿範

    8、例:Question no 4.Who is the singer you like the best?Why?Question no 5.Do you like to play basketball?Why or why not?中級第一部份:朗讀短文請看:請看:I am writing to you to say how much I love your program.I never miss it.Its the most wonderful program that has ever been put on TV.Nearly all of my classmates watch i

    9、t,and as for the people who dont like it,I cant see what there is to complain about.Most of the actors are outstanding.I think you should make it a long-running series.請朗讀:請朗讀:中級第二部份:回答問題 In some places we shouldnt talk loudly.What are some of these places?本題回答時間本題回答時間1515秒秒 Why do some people say t

    10、hat it isnt good to eat fast food?What do you think?本題回答時間本題回答時間3030秒秒中級第三部份:看圖敘述下面有一張圖片及四個相關的問題,請在1分半鐘內完成作答。作答時,請直接回答,不需將題號及題目唸出。中級第三部份:看圖敘述1.Where are these children?2.What are they doing?3.Do you think they are enjoying themselves?What makes you think so?4.If you still have time,please describe t

    11、he picture in as much detail as you can.II 段落寫作基本要訣 寫作的六個關鍵字 段落寫作定義 段落寫作架構 段落寫作各部份之特色寫作的六個關鍵字 Purpose,Audience,and Tone Unity,Coherence,and Cohesiveness(Cohesion)寫作的六個關鍵字 Purpose:寫文章的目的。目的可以是比較,敘述故事,說服別人,給建議等等。Audience:文章的讀者。讀者年齡、喜好、教育程度等都需要考量。Tone:作者打算以何種方式來和讀者溝通。方法可以是依據數據、動之以情、說之以理、嘲諷的方式等進行。寫作的六個關

    12、鍵字 Unity:一篇文章中的每一個句子都應該跟主題相關。如果是段落寫作,那麼每一個句子都應該與主題句相關。Coherence:所有相關的句子,都應該以非常清楚及邏輯的方式來排列。Cohesiveness(Cohesion):作者利用某些特定的字彙 跟詞彙來把所有相關主題的重點,做緊密的聯繫。Unity Example:The first sign language for deaf people was developed in Europe in the 1500s.In Spain,a man named Pedro de Ponce was the first person to te

    13、ach deaf children using sign language.Another Frenchman,Louis Braille,also lived during this time.He invented a system of reading and writing for blind people,using raised bumps that can be felt with the fingers.CoherenceChronology(historical events,personal narratives,processes)Order by time or ord

    14、er of events/stepsDescriptionOrder by position,size,and shape of thingsComparison/contrastOrganize in point-by-point or block styleArgumentation/persuasion and cause/effectOrder from least important to most importantCohesiveness(Cohesion)Transitions:Before,likewise,therefore,to summarize,although,in

    15、 contrast Pronoun references:American Sign Language developed from the mixture of signs used by deaf Americans and French sign language.Today,it is used by more than 500,000 deaf people in the United States and Canada.Cohesiveness(Cohesion)Repetition of key ideas:Modern medicine focuses on illness.I

    16、f a patient with a cough visits a modern doctor,then the doctor will give the patient a medicine to stop the cough.If the patient also has a fever,the doctor may give a different medicine to stop the fever.For every person with a cough,the doctor will probably recommend the same cough medicine.五到十句話

    17、互相連貫圍繞同一主題作描述、敘述、分析、或論述等 主題句 Topic sentence 支持句細節說明 Supporting sentences 結論句 Concluding sentence (Good)Even simple habits can improve your grades.In high school,I learned how important it is to build good sleeping habit.When you are well-rested,it is easier to learn.Research shows that when people d

    18、ont get enough sleep,their memories arent as effective.If students are really tired,they might even fall asleep in class.Its easy to see how building a good sleeping habit can improve your performance in class.(Bad)My best friend has many different hobbies,such as skiing,cooking,and playing the pian

    19、o,and she is very good at all of these activities.For example,she has played the piano for ten years and has won three piano competitions.She also likes to spend time traveling,and she has been to many different places in the world.She grew up speaking Spanish and English,but now she can also speak

    20、French and Italian.I like my best friend very much.出現在段落的第一句 點出整個段落的主題或中心思想 告訴讀者在接下來的句子中,讀者可以期待將會讀到甚麼 通常可以分成 topic 與 controlling idea(Weak)Drinking is bad.(Better)Drinking over four cups of coffee a day can be harmful to pregnant women.(Weak)The Toyota Yaris is an excellent car.(Better)The Toyota Ya

    21、ris is economical to maintain.Watching television is bad for you.My hometown is a wonderful place.細節細節:Details are points that tell more about a general statement.例子例子:An example is a specific person,place,thing,or event that supports an idea or statement.解釋解釋:An explanation tells what something mea

    22、ns(definition)or how something works(process).You will love working out at the ABC Health Center,and you will love what it does for you.We have state-of-the-art exercise equipment in large,air-conditioned rooms.You can work out alone or with the help of one of our professional personal trainers When

    23、 you have finished,you can relax with a whirlpool bath or a sauna.Even when a first date is a disaster,a couple can still become good friends.For example,my first date with Greg was terrible.I thought he was coming to pick me up at 6:30,but instead he came at 6:00.I didnt have time to fix my hair,an

    24、d my make-up looked sloppy.Later,I torn my skirt when closing the door and he fell asleep when we watched a movie together“A stitch in time saves nine.”Originally,this saying referred to sewingif you have a small hole in a shirt,you can repair it with one stitch.But if you wait,the hole will get lar

    25、ger,and it will take you nine stitches.This simple sentence reminds me to take care of small problems before they become big problems.出現在段落的最後一句 將主題再作一次敘述,但不可與主題句一模一樣 也可以依照支持句中的敘述作一個結論 也可以在結束此段論點時,同時預告下一 段的重點,以提供順暢的論述或描述移轉(Good)I will never eat dinner at The Little Taipei again.The restaurant is not

    26、 very clean.You can see dust in the corners and on the shelves.The food is expensive,but the portions are small.I never feel full after I have finished eating.In addition,the waiters are not very friendly.For these reasons,I will not visit that restaurant again.(Bad)For me,a friend is someone who ac

    27、cepts you the way you are.A friend doesnt want you to change your personality or your style.I like people who dont care if the people they are with are wearing popular clothes or listening to trendy music.III.口說回答應注意要點 看清楚題目提示(要求二個重點就不用說三個;名字叫John就不要換Adam)記住給分不是加而是減(分數是自滿分起扣,而非因說對四個句子而加到特定分數)不要依賴中翻英

    28、(在兩期稻作中間休耕期 請用When farmers are less busy)盡量以簡單句回答(除非有把握,否則複雜句反而可能因為小錯而扣分)III.口說回答應注意要點 時態與人稱代名詞不可移轉(時態移轉一定扣分 而人稱代名詞遊走在 you,they,we 中間也會扣不少分)看圖說故事要有連接詞(故事有連貫性所以一定要有連接詞 但不需要很複雜 next,finally,at first 這類就足夠)平日盡量利用教室課堂語言做口說練習(教室語言如turn to page 45,turn on the fan,close the door 都可拿來用 課本也是很好的工具)VI.結論1.了解初級與中級的題型及要求2.善用手邊的教科書與上課時間3.Practice makes perfect.Q&A

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