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    关 键  词:
    周二 课时 考查 课件

    1、 周二课时考查课周二课时考查课Lecture onev翻译简介vdefinition vthe criterion of translation vsteps of translation vrequirements for the translators definitionoTranslation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language.the criteria of translationoaccurate,fluent an

    2、d eleganto信、达、雅信、达、雅 by 严复严复 天演论天演论steps of translation ounderstanding expression checking requirements for the translatorsoLove our own countryoBe knowledgeable:be interested in whatever you know,because you can never know what kind of material you will translate.The requirements of the course ntex

    3、t book 英汉翻译实用教程 by 赵廉直,冯燕屏n2 notebooks for exercise and homework:to write a summary of each passage translatedna red pen for correcting mistakesntools:dictionaries:Strongly recommend you to bring a dictionary to class every time we meet,and whenever you translatenexams:3 monthly tests 40%class atten

    4、dance and homework:20%o final:40%Exercises in class oHonesty oWhat is honesty?Honesty means speaking truth and being fair and upright in act.Considered a virtue,it is admired in every country and every culture.He who lies and cheats is dishonest.Dishonesty is generally looked upon as an evil,and is

    5、despised and condemned by the society.oAs the English proverb goes,honesty is the best policy.For one thing,if you want to be trusted and respected by your friends,you must be honest.A liar is always looked down upon and avoided by the people around him.For another,if you want to succeed in your wor

    6、k,the first qualification you should have is honesty.It is through honest efforts that Newton and Einstein became great figures in history.Therefore whatever your aim is,you must work honestly to attain it.oHowever,there are people who try to get benefits by dishonest means.For example,some students

    7、 copy or cheat on examinations in order to get good marks.The same thing may be said if a merchant who tries to get rich by deceiving customers.Those people may succeed for a time,but sooner or later,they will be caught.In the end,dishonesty will bring them nothing but troubles.Checking homework 诚实


    9、也是如此,试图通过欺骗顾客而谋取钱财。那些人只可能得意一时,迟早,他们的行为都会被揭穿。最终,不诚实只能给他们带来麻烦而矣,别无它物。Lecture two 英汉差异I.Comparison/difference of Chinese and English n汉语先说事,英语先表态oe.g.今天我在这里讲话,感到非常荣幸。o I am greatly honored today to have the pleasure of speaking here.o 听说你们开发成功了一项新产品,我们十分感兴趣。o We are all interested in the new product yo

    10、u have successfully developed.2 逻辑语序不同o汉语:汉语按时间顺序,先发生的先说,后发生的后说o英语:考虑信息的主体,语法结构oChinese:时间+地点+方式(大小)oEnglish:方式+地点+时间(小大)o e.g.昨天下午两点多,我在学校大门口碰见的老张。o I saw Mr.Zhang ate the gate of the school at around 2:00 oclock yesterday afternoon.o 该货轮于2006年8月22日上午8时离开加拿大魁北克,将于2006年12月3日到达英国伦敦。o The ship left Qu

    11、ebec,Canada,at eight oclock on the morning of August 22,2006 and is due to arrive in London,England,on December 3,2006.n汉语靠词序,英语讲句型。o词序:汉语的词序与语序有较强的语法功能。o英汉有的词序不同:衣食住:food,clothing and housingo 前后:back and fortho 迟早:sooner or latero 左右:right and lefto东南西北:north,south,east and westo汉语表达委婉,试探,礼貌程度等方面,

    12、更多的使用词汇手段,而英语更多使用句法。o汉语:“吧”,“好吗”“可不可以”表示祈使o例:关上门吧。oWould you please close the door?oCan you/wont you close the door?oClose the door,will you?o如蒙oWe would if you could?o如蒙汇来商品目录以及现行的销售受条款,我们将不胜感激。oWe would appreciate it very much if you could send us your catalog together with the current sales terms

    13、.n汉语的灯笼结构与英语的吊灯结构o汉语是一种相对独立的像一盏盏红灯笼一样的线性结构,而英语是一种枝形吊灯一样的树形结构。o o o o汉语的语法关系直接依赖于语义,语序和逻辑来表达。o例:我公司厂房标准,设备齐全,技术力量雄厚,经验丰富,质量精良。oOur company has standard production premises complete with full lines of equipment.Having a strong team of technicians with rich experience,the company makes products of top

    14、quality.o英语:英语语法讲究句型,主谓结构是全句的框架,所有的修饰,限制,补充等成分等于附属,借助各种连词,介词,关系词与主语框架连接,形成一种树形结构。n汉语重意合(parataxis),英语重形合(hypotaxis)。o例:下雨就不去了。(靠内在联系,逻辑关系)oWe shall not go when it rains.(靠连词,时态等)n汉语突出人称,英语突出物称o汉语多用人称话的说法,行为的主体(主语)往往由人或以人为本的机构出面,也就是说汉语主语多是人,或是无主句。o英语的修辞的特点之一在于其物称得倾向,即英语的具有以抽象名词和物质名词为主语的特点。英语在选择主语时,比汉

    15、语更多的采用无生命的事物,不能主动发出动作的主语,例如:oIt is my hope that(而不是I hope that)oIt is 句型 it is+adj.thato It is said thatoThere be 句型o被动句的使用oe.g.我们很遗憾的发现789号商品所含的那种化学成分没有达到合同规定的百分比。oRegrettably it was found that the chemical content of Iterm789 is not up to the percentage contracted.n汉英的视角不同o您好,我是南航666号售票员。oGood mor

    16、ning.Booking office,China southern airlines.What can I do for you?n汉英的修辞手段不同n汉英的背景和文化差异总结o汉英翻译的注意事项n多掌握背景资料n学点专业知识n合理的使用字典和工具书。(充分利用网络)n译者应注意平时的学习和积累;Lecture three 翻译的方法翻译理论与技巧n汉语词语的翻译o直译法o下岗工人laid-off workers 四项基本原则 the Four Cardinal Principle 一国两制 one country with two systems 纸老虎 paper tiger o意译法o

    17、如果采用直译能准确传达意义的,就直译,如果不能译出原文意思,特别是不能译出隐含意义的就不能采用意译。o白衣天使 nurse 电老虎 big power consumer o灵魂的工程师,teacher 打白条 write out an IOU(I owe you)o傍大款 find a sugar daddy 黑色收入 illegal incomeo音译法 o武术 wushu 麻将 mah-jong 馄饨 wonton 人参 ginseng风水 feng shuio音译、直译、意译相结合o功夫片kungfu film 狗不理包子 Gou Buli bunso秧歌剧 yangge opera 下

    18、海 plunge into the sea of businesso词义空缺的翻译策略o由于文化和与语言的差异,一种语言有的词在另一种语言中也许没有对应或契合的词,就会出现词义空缺,例如汉语中的节气。n音译o普通话putonghua 广东化、广东人 Cantonese 气功 qigongo旗袍 cheongsam 饺子jiaozi n直译o四书 Four Books 五经Five Classics 文化大革命 Cultural Revolution 八字 Eight Charactersn意译o科举imperial examinations 翰林院 Imperial Academy 春节Chi

    19、nese New years Day 千里马 talentn解释性翻译o班门弄斧 show off ones skill with the axe before Lu Ban(the master carpenter)/to teach a fish to swim英汉成语的比较o比喻的不同o雨后春笋:like the mushroomo杀鸡取卵:Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.o大海捞针:Look for a needle in a haystack.o瓮中之鳖:Like a rat in a hole.o无风不起浪:No smoke wit

    20、hout fire.o日间不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊:A good conscious is a soft pillow.o非驴非马:Neither fish nor Fowl.o是狼改不了吃肉,是狗改不了吃屎:You cannot make a crab walk straight.o补充:osilly ass 笨蛋 lame duck 处于困境中无法自理的人/事oqueer fish 怪人 early bird 早起,早到的人 lucky dog 幸运儿 black sheep 害群之马 dark horse 黑马 odrowned rat 落汤鸡 rat in a hole 瓮中之鳖n风

    21、俗习惯的不同o褒义:odog tired:非常疲倦oto dog ones step跟某人走otop dog 重要的人olucky dog幸运儿oas faithful as a dog像狗一样忠诚oLove me,love my dog.爱屋及屋oEvery dog has its day.凡人皆有得意的日子o贬义:oa surly dog性情乖戾的人othat/this dirty dog那个狗东西oHe is in the doghouse.他名声扫地了。oHe was a bit of a dog in his younger days.o他年轻时过着花天酒地的生活。n历史背景的不同o

    22、中国有很多的农谚:o斩草除根:cut the weed and dig up the rootsstamp out the source of troubles o材多火焰高:Many hand s make light worko瑞雪兆丰年:A snow year,a rich year.o解甲归田:take off ones armor and return to the land;be demobilized o揠苗助长:try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upwardsspoil things by excessive enthusi

    23、asmo枯木逢春:spring comes to the withered treeget a new lease of life o顺藤摸瓜:follow the vine to get the melontrack down sb/sth by following the clueso树大招风:a tall tree catches the winda person in a high position is liable to be attackedo雨后春笋:just like the mushroomso瓜熟蒂落:when a melon is ripe it falls off i

    24、ts stemthings are easily settled once conditions are ripe.o桃李满天下:have pupils everywhere(said in praise of teacher)o捡了芝麻,对了西瓜:pick up the sesame seeds but overlook the watermelonconcentrated on the minor things to neglect the major things o英语很大一部分成语源于航海事业oto know the ropes 懂得秘诀,内行oto tide over 顺利渡过ot

    25、o sink or swim:好歹;不论成败oto go with streams 随波逐流oto clear the decks 准备战斗oall at sea 无主意/茫然不知所措oplain sailing 一帆风顺oto rest on ones oars 暂时歇一歇oto keep ones head above the water 奋力图存;不负债,不陷入困境o部分成语出自历史故事,寓言,故事等o庄周梦蝶:庄子齐无论 自由,快乐,悠然自得;如果能打破生死、务我的界限,则无往而不快乐o孟母三迁:烈女传孟柯 其母三次搬家 倚墓而居集市旁学校旁 学礼仪,知识o闻鸡起舞:晋代,祖狄:发奋图

    26、强,有志之士,及时振作oto meet ones waterloo,失败,功败垂成,ogrin like a Cheshire cat 咧着嘴傻笑 Alice Wonderlandoblow hot and cold 朝三暮四 伊索寓言olove is blind 爱情使人看不到缺点the merchant of Venice直译法oto break the record 打破纪录oto show ones card 摊牌oarmed to the teeth 武装到牙齿oto turn over a new page 翻开新的一页oa wolf in sheeps clothing 披着羊皮

    27、的狼othe open-door policy 门户开放政策oshuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交othe cold war 冷战oBlood is thicker than water.血浓于水oA rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔oHe laughs best who laughs last.谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。o三思而后行 look twice before you leapo趁热打铁 strike while the iron is hot.o混水摸鱼 fish in troubled waterso火上浇油 pour oil on t

    28、he flameso守口如瓶 keep the mouth shut like a bottleo河涸鱼竭 The river dried up and the fish in it died.o以眼还眼,以牙还牙 An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth.意译法o根据上下文oafter ones own heart 称心如意oa bed of roses 安乐窝oto play a good game 手法高明oat all hazards 孤注一掷oto carry(hold)ones head high 趾高气扬oto rain cats and dog

    29、s 下倾盆大雨oto play ones last card 采取最后手段oEvery dog has his day.人人皆有得意时oDont cross the bridge till you get it.不必担心过早oDont count your chickens before they are hatched.不可过早乐观。oEvery cloud has a silver lining.天下没有绝对坏的事。o手忙脚乱be in a rush o望子成龙expect ones son to become an outstanding personageo融会贯通 gain a th

    30、orough understanding of somethingo不入虎穴,焉得虎子Nothing ventured,nothing gained.解释性翻译oto shed crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲oAchilles heel 阿基利斯的脚后跟,致命弱点oPandoras box 潘多拉的盒子,罪恶和灾难得渊薮oto make hay while the sun shines.趁着晴天晒干草,勿失时机oA little pot is soon hot.小易热,人小火气大/狗肚子装不了二两油oIll news comes apace.好事不出门,坏事传千里。o河清海

    31、晏oThe yellow river is clear and the sea is tranquilthere is peace and tranquility throughout the country o东施效颦oDongshi,an ugly woman,trying to imitate the famous beauty by knitting her brows,only to make herself all the uglierblind imitation with ludicrous effect.Lecture four 翻译中对词语的处理 翻译理论和技巧翻译理论和技

    32、巧 oHow to use dictionary.工具书的应用工具书的应用 o英汉词义的比较英汉词义的比较 o词义的选择、引申和褒贬词义的选择、引申和褒贬 o在学习英译汉的时候,译者要根据词的基本释义,在上下文中斟酌情况加以运用和引申在上下文中斟酌情况加以运用和引申o从全文的主体看,从前后的叙述和本句的叙述中看,词的解释是否合理;o从前都的叙述和本句部分的叙述中看o注意词典中的例证、词语和复合词。oe.g.The world is scraping bottom in the deepest economic slump in a half-century.oscrap the bottom

    33、of the barrel 利用最后一招oe.g.You cannot build a ship,a bridge or a house if you dont know how to make a design or how to read it.o不会制图或看不懂图纸,就不可能造船、架桥或盖造船、架桥或盖房子房子。英汉词义的比较英汉词义的比较o指称意义的英汉语比较oA.字面意义的差异:语义错位 词汇缺省oB 文化意义的差异o言内意义的英汉语比较e.g.笑话,因为文化背景的不同o语用意义的英汉语比较 正式语和非正式语区别严格;专业性的词汇的正式程度高;单个动词比相对应的动词短语证实;使用名词

    34、或名次词组要比动词正式;正式语体与非正式语体的句法差别明显。*词义的选择、引申和褒贬词义的选择、引申和褒贬 o根据上下文及逻辑关系,o词性确定词义,o看搭配。o学科领域Exercises1.By the first century the making pf paper in some parts of China had been well developed and had been very common.2.By the 13th century,printing had developed further.3.Several attempts have been made throu

    35、gh the years to develop the deposit.4.Photographers return and the photos are quickly developed.o5.And thirdly,computer games help develop childrens interest in computer.o6.As young Goddard grew into manhood,he developed tuberculosis.oAs early as his second film,Chaplin had developed his own manner

    36、of acting,the one that was to become world famous.词义的引申:词义的引申:A:抽象化的引申oe.g.For many families,two incomes are a necessary.o 对许多家庭来说,夫妻俩都去上班赚钱是迫不得已的事。oEvery life has roses and thorns.o 每个人的生活中都有苦有甜。B:具体化的引申oe.g.Wait a moment.Let me put on my things.o等一等,让我把衣服衣服穿上。C:典故的引申oe.g.He is another Shylock.The

    37、Merchant of Venice o 他又是一个放高利贷者放高利贷者.o “My father is really a Hitler,”he said to his friend.o 他对朋友说到,“我爸爸就是个大独裁者大独裁者”Exercise On the wings of hope,of love,of joy,Miss Meadows sped back to the music hall,up the aisle,up the steps,over to the piano.词义的褒贬词义的褒贬oA 注意词本身的褒贬的含义;oB根据上下文判断出词义的褒贬。oe.g.She boa

    38、sted that her book Yuezi was a best seller,and was highly praised by the readers.她鼓吹说自己的书月子成了畅销书,并受到读者的高度评价。oHe wanted to fool me into buying the insurance,which is only a waste of money for me.But luckily,he didnt succeed.o 他想骗我买那份保险,对我来说那只是浪费钱,幸好他没有得逞。Assignments lIt is not difficult to insure hig

    39、h-speed growth of the national economic through expanding investment on a large scale,but it is difficult to realize effective economic growth and raise the enterprises capital profit rate and productivity.It is better to change investment structure and orient the investment to infrastructure indust

    40、ries of the national economy such agriculture,energy,and communications than to blindly channel capital into real estate and securities;l lhowever,investment in the infrastructure industry will not(ate least in the short term)bring high economic benefits.It is imperative to orient the investment to

    41、enterprises with better economic benefits,but in China,enterprises with better economic benefits,State-owned enterprises in particular,have been concentrated on the highly monopolized industries s u c h a s t o b a c c o,p e t r o c h e m i c a l s a n d telecommunications,and the high-speed develop

    42、ment of theses enterprises will play a limited role in promoting the whole of society.Homework Checking l1.By the first century the making pf paper in some parts of China had been well developed and had been very common.l到公元一世纪时,中国一些地方的造纸业已很发达发达而且很普遍。2.By the 13th century,printing had developed furt

    43、her.到公元13世纪,印刷术已有了进一步的发展发展。l3.Several attempts have been made through the years to develop the deposit.l多年来,为开采开采这部分矿床已经作了几次努力。l4.Photographers return and the photos are quickly developed.l摄影记者回来了,很快把照片冲洗冲洗好了。l5.And thirdly,computer games help develop childrens interest in computer.l第三,电子游戏有助于培养培养儿童

    44、对电脑的兴趣。l6.As young Goddard grew into manhood,he developed tuberculosisl年轻的戈达德长大成人时患上了患上了结核病。l7.As early as his second film,Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting,the one that was to become world famous.l早在他演第二部电影时,卓别林就已形成形成了他自己的表演风格,这就是他后来闻名于世的那种表演风格。lOn the wings of hope,of love,of joy,Miss

    45、 Meadows sped back to the music hall,up the aisle,up the steps,over to the piano.l美多斯小姐仿佛插上仿佛插上了希望的翅膀,爱情的翅膀,欢乐的翅膀,一路飞奔会音乐厅,她穿过穿过通道,跃上跃上台阶,三步并作两步三步并作两步走到钢琴前。Lecture five词语处理:转译Theories and skills of translation o词类转译法 o1.转换成汉语动词 o2.转换成汉语名词 n.o3.转换成汉语形容词adj.o4转换成汉语副词adv.1.转换成汉语动词 o(1)具有动作意义或由动词变成的名词、动

    46、名词以及“动词+名词”构成的短语中表示动作的名词v.oThe sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.o看到看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见听见隆隆的轰鸣声,令我特别神往。oRockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.o火箭已经用来探索用来探索宇宙。oThey took a final look at Iron Mike,still intact in the darkness.o他们最后看了看了铁麦克一眼 它依旧安然无恙

    47、地耸立在黑暗中。Exercises:oI think my little brother is a better teacher than I.o我想我的弟弟比我教的好。我想我的弟弟比我教的好。(2)表示直觉、情感、欲望等心理状态的形容词与系动词在一起构成复合谓语v.o表示心理状态的形容词作表语:be afraid of 害怕 be worried about 担心o与思维知觉有关:aware,conscious,sure,mindful,alert,familiaro与情感有关:glad,pleased,cautious,happy,exhilarated,excited,confident

    48、,thankful,grateful,concerned,eager,afraid,doubtful,sorryo与欲望有关:desirous,hopeful,anxious,keen,enthusiastic,zealousoAre you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier?o你熟悉熟悉这类晶体管放大器的性能吗?oDoctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.o医生们说他们不敢肯定肯定能否救得了他的名。Exerc

    49、ises:oThe fact that she was able to send a message was a hint.But I had to be cautious.她能够给我带个信儿这她能够给我带个信儿这件事就是个暗示件事就是个暗示.但是我必须小心谨慎但是我必须小心谨慎.oBoth of the substances are soluble in water.两种物质都能溶于水两种物质都能溶于水.(3)英语中的前置词介词。v./副动词 o(汉语副动词:对于、关于、因为、为了、对于、关于、因为、为了、根据、按照、把、被、于、在、经过、到、根据、按照、把、被、于、在、经过、到、沿、过、给

    50、、替、问、依、趁、用、同、跟、沿、过、给、替、问、依、趁、用、同、跟、拿、对、比、应、靠、往、去、当、上、下、拿、对、比、应、靠、往、去、当、上、下、随、朝、为随、朝、为等)lMachine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultra-sonic.l用用超声波能把形状不规则的机件洗得很干净。lDuring the Anti-Japanese War,the party officials worked long hours on meager food,in cold caves,by dim lamps.l抗日战争期间

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