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概括科学家事迹,提炼科学家精神概括科学家事迹,提炼科学家精神写作任务一写作任务一阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 100 词左右的内容概要。Deng Jiaxian was born in Anhui Province on June 25,1924.In 1946 he went to Peking,where he was hired as an assistant professor of physics at Peking University.To learn more skills to help build a new China,he passed the Postgraduate Examination for the United States in 1947,and in 1948,he went to the United States to study and received a doctorate in physics from Purdue University.He returned to China in 1950 and made pioneering contributions to Chinas nuclear(原子核能的)theoretical research.In 1958,together with many other scientists,Deng was assigned(指派)to work on atomic(原子的)bombs.At first,they were prepared to receive training from experts from the Soviet Union.Soon after,however,these experts left.Deng then had to lead a team of 28 members with an average age of 23 to march forward into the mysterious atomic field.As director of the Theoretical Department of the Nuclear Weapon Research Institute and principal of Chinas atomic bomb design,Deng set up an Atom Theory Illiteracy Elimination Class,giving lessons himself and organizing people to translate and study relevant foreign language materials.At the same time,he never gave up his thinking on the main direction of atomic bomb development.In 1964,China successfully exploded its first atomic bomb.Following the successful test of the atomic bomb,Deng led his team to join the research group led by Yu Min in 1965 and immediately started the design of the hydrogen(氢)bomb.Within no more than one year,the“Deng-Yu Project”was submitted,which greatly promoted Chinas hydrogen bomb development.Deng was always the first to take risks.Since the first nuclear experiment,he always stood in the front line.In an experiment in 1979,a bomb fell directly down to the ground.Fearing severe aftereffects,he rushed to the spot,took the bomb fragments(碎片)in his hands and examined them carefully.Unfortunately,this led to radiation(辐射)sickness.He continued to work in spite of illness until 1985 when he was unable to avoid being hospitalized.After Deng passed away,his friend,a world-famous physicist,wrote an article in mourning.“Deng Jiaxian was the founder and promoter of Chinas nuclear weapons.He was worthy of his reputation as the founding father of Chinas A-Bomb and H-Bomb.”写作指导写作指导本写作任务要求概括“两弹元勋”邓稼先的事迹,属于概要写作。概要写作是“读”和“写”的有机结合,“读”的材料是为了给后面的“写”提供情景,“写”是对所“读”材料的思考和概括。写作步骤写作步骤概要写作具体分为以下四个步骤。概要写作具体分为以下四个步骤。一一 认真审题,领悟题意。认真审题,领悟题意。概要写作是联系读与写的桥梁,认真阅读并深刻理解原文是写好概要的关键。阅读的主要任务是准确把握文章大意,弄清文章的篇章结构和内部的逻辑关系,提取内容要点。二二 整理要点,谋篇布局。整理要点,谋篇布局。不同体裁的文章有不同的文体结构特点,抓住了这些结构特点就能比较容易地把握文章的层次和逻辑关系。本文按照时间顺序介绍了“两弹元勋”邓稼先的生平和主要事迹,我们可以抓住其出生、求学及工作、研制原子弹和氢弹、所做贡献和所获荣誉等要点。三三 组织语言,充分概括。组织语言,充分概括。概要写作的写作过程是建立在阅读原材料的基础之上,需要用自己的语言概括转述原文内容要点,而不是简单复述原文。首先,概要写作有词数限制,因此表达要力求简洁。简化表达的方法可以用短小的同义单词或短语替代原文中的长句,也可以使用概括性的表达代替具体的表达。另外,概要写作应该是一个独立、完整的语篇,要求表达连贯,并能恰当使用过渡词语。四四 勘误润色,锦上添花。勘误润色,锦上添花。首先,比照原文,检查是否概括了所有的要点以及观点是否与原文中的完全一致;其次,检查语法使用是否正确、内容是否具有连贯性;最后一步是检查单词拼写和标点符号,因为拼写错误和标点误用也会影响到交际。范文展示范文展示One possible version:Deng Jiaxian,the founding father of Chinas A-Bomb and H-Bomb,was born in Anhui Province in 1924.Deng worked as an assistant professor at Peking University before he went to the USA,where he received a doctorate in physics from Purdue University.After returning to China in 1950,Deng got involved in the research and design of nuclear weapons.Under his leadership,China succeeded in developing the atomic bomb.He also played an important role in the success of Chinas hydrogen bomb.Deng never stopped working until he was sent to hospital due to serious illness in 1985.He devoted all his life to his motherland.写作任务二写作任务二根据【写作任务一】的阅读文章,用英语提炼“两弹元勋”邓稼先所展现的科学家精神及人格魅力。词数要求:不少于 100 词。One possible version:While reading the story of Deng Jiaxian,I was touched by his scientific spirit and personality:patriotism,leadership,courage,determination,selflessness,and devotion.In Paragraph 1,we can know from“To learn more skills to help build a new China”that Deng loved his mother country deeply and he wanted to make it strong.In Paragraph 2,“Deng then had to lead a team of 28 members with an average age of 23 to march forward into the mysterious atomic field”shows his great leadership and indicates that he was courageous and confident that they could achieve success even without much experience.In Paragraph 3,“giving lessons himself”and“he never gave up his thinking”show he was determined to make a contribution to our own atomic bomb.In Paragraph 5,“Deng was always the first to take risks”,“he rushed to the spot,took the bomb fragments in his hands”and“He continued to work in spite of illness”prove that Deng was selfless and willing to give his life to the scientific progress of the country.In a word,Deng set a good example to all his followers and students.如何用英语表达自己的观点如何用英语表达自己的观点写作任务写作任务某英文报社目前正面向全体中学生举办主题为“Whether foreigners should follow the customs of visited countries or spread ones own culture?”的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文应征,表达自己的观点。注意:注意:词数 100 左右。写作指导写作指导一、审题定调一、审题定调该写作任务要求针对所讨论问题,表达自己的看法,属于议论文。二、谋篇布局二、谋篇布局本写作可分为三部分:第一部分:表明自己的观点;第一部分:表明自己的观点;第二部分:就自己的观点给出两至三条理由并分别展开论述;第二部分:就自己的观点给出两至三条理由并分别展开论述;第三部分:重申自己的观点。第三部分:重申自己的观点。三、常用表达三、常用表达除了教材第 21 页 Activity 4 中所提供的相关表达外,我们还为同学们提供了如下写作素材:I.Expressing opinionPoint of view:As for/to sth.,I think.I hold the view/belief that.I do agree with.When it comes to.From my point of view,.My personal view is that.I personally feel that.I firmly believe that.I partly/fully agree that.I am in favour of/against.Summary:in a word,in brief,in all,above all,to concludeII.Other connectorsComparison:in the same way,likewise,similarly,equally,just as,in comparisonContrast:whereas,in contrast,on the other hand,instead,however,nevertheless,on the contraryCause&effect:because of,for,since,due to,owing to,thanks to,accordingly,henceEmphasis:certainly,indeed,of course,surely,actually,as a matter of fact,especially,in particular,undoubtedly,absolutely,more importantlyGiving examples:that is,namely,in this caseIII.Topic sentences Each coin has two sides.is not exceptional.As a matter of fact,.has both advantages and disadvantages.As for.,it does have advantages and disadvantages.Frankly speaking,.has drawbacks as well as merits.范文展示范文一I think the development of tourism is good for many relatively remote ethnic minority areas for the following reasons.First of all,when tourism grows,new jobs are created for local people.In addition,tourists spend a lot of money at hotels,restaurants and shops,which is good for the local economy and helps local people improve their living standards.Tourism is also a great opportunity for both tourists and locals.Locals can teach tourists about their history and culture.Tourists can learn about local food,arts,festivals and many other things.In turn,tourists can also share stories about their own cultures.So,everyone learns something.In a word,tourism benefits both tourists and locals.范文二When it comes to whether tourism should be developed in ethnic minority areas,I hold the view that it has many disadvantages.Firstly,tourism causes environmental problems for ethnic minority areas.When tourism booms,farms and forests are destroyed.Tourists also leave a huge amount of waste behind,which is harmful to the natural environment.Tourism also changes the local culture.Handicrafts are changed to please tourists,and traditional styles are lost.Restaurants change their menus,and local tastes are lost.Locals move away from rural areas,and their traditional way of life is lost.Gradually,local cultures will disappear.Although tourism brings in much needed money,the price is very high.如何用英语介绍中国美食如何用英语介绍中国美食写作任务写作任务假设你的外籍朋友 Cindy 负责他们社区网站 FOOD 板块的编辑工作,她特向你约稿,请你写一篇短文介绍一种中国美食。注意:注意:词数 100 左右。_ 写作指导写作指导一、审题定调一、审题定调本写作任务要求写一篇短文,介绍一种中国美食。介绍时可从味道、食材等方面入手。时态多使用一般现在时。二、谋篇布局二、谋篇布局本写作可分为三部分:第一部分:点明要介绍的美食;第二部分:从味道、食材等方面具体介绍该美食;第三部分:总结全文(简述该美食的独特之处或其寓意)。三、常用表达三、常用表达.is a traditional/typical festival food in China.play a vital role in Chinese food culture.They are.in shape,which symbolizes.is one of the most popular and important foods.Nothing can be compared with.in terms of their popularity and significance.have a history of.years.People eat.at the Spring Festival,hoping for a better life.are eaten on many important occasions,with good wishes for a better life.With a long history,.tastes very good with its soft meat and special flavor.The tradition of eating.dates back.years.It can be made into different shapes and have different fillings.With its pleasant color,smell and taste,.is as much a handicraft as a hearty meal.is not only popular among children but is loved by many adults.范文展示范文展示范文一范文一Lanzhou hand-pulled noodlesLanzhou hand-pulled noodles are from the windy,sandy lands of northwest China.In whats usually an open kitchen,skilled noodle masters repeatedly beat,fold and pull a wheat-flour-based dough,turning it into very thin noodles.Cooked in boiling water after a short while,they are ready to eat.A classical bowl of hand-pulled noodles comes with beef soup,slices of beef,and onions.With its pleasant color,smell and taste,each bowl of Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles is as much a handicraft as a hearty meal.范文二范文二TanghuluTanghulu is a typical snack in northern China,especially in Beijing.The dessert tastes great and looks great bright red haws lined up on a stick,their sugary outer layers shinning in the light.Its nearest counterpart in the West might be toffee apples(known as candy apples in North America).But haws are sourer than apples,so they offer a refreshing contrast to the sweet coating.And cold northern winters ensure the sugar coating is firm and crispy.Tanghulu is not only popular among children but is loved by many adults.如何写游记如何写游记写作任务写作任务假定你校英语周刊的“TRAVEL”栏目正面向全校学生征稿,请你用英语写一篇短文讲述你的一次旅行经历并应征。注意:注意:词数 100 左右。_ 写作指导写作指导一、审题定调一、审题定调游记是我们常见的体裁之一,属于记叙文的范畴。写游记时,我们通常需要交代清楚游览的时间、地点、所乘交通工具、在每个景点的活动等,并且要适度地抒发自己的情感。描写本人的一段旅行经历,时态以一般过去时为主,人称以第一人称为主。二、谋篇布局二、谋篇布局本写作可分为三部分:第一部分:简单介绍此次旅行;第二部分:描述旅行中的所见所闻;第三部分:表达对此次旅行的感受。三、组织语言三、组织语言第一部分:简单介绍此次旅行。普通表达普通表达高级表达高级表达Recently.travelled to.from.by train.Recently.went on a train trip from.to.第二部分:描述旅行中的所见所闻。普通表达普通表达高级表达高级表达It took us.hours and the final part of our train journey was along.Its the first plateau railway in China and the highest road in the world.The trip took a duration of.hours and the last stage of our train journey was along.As the first plateau railway in China,it is the highest road in the world.We travelled.on the plateau and passed by.and so on.Out of the window,the scenery was always changing.We travelled.on the plateau,passing by many famous tourist attractions including.Looking out of the window,I found the regions of the plateau were hugely different from each other.At last,we arrived at.,the ancient and beautiful city.Leaving the station,we finally set eyes upon.,the ancient and beautiful city.第三部分:表达对此次旅行的感受。普通表达普通表达高级表达高级表达We had a wonderful time during the trip.What an unforgettable journey it was!The trip left a vivid impression on us.What an awesome journey it was!范文展示范文展示普通范文普通范文Recently my parents and I travelled to Lhasa from Beijing by train.It took us more than 40 hours and the final part of our train journey was along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.Its the first plateau railway in China and the highest road in the world.We travelled a day on the plateau and passed by the famous Qinghai Lake,Mount Kunlun,Tuotuo River,Mount Tanggula and so on.Out of the window,the scenery was always changing.At last,we arrived at Lhasa,the ancient and beautiful city.We had a wonderful time during the trip.What an unforgettable journey it was!高级范文高级范文Recently my parents and I went on a train trip from Beijing to Lhasa.The trip took a duration of more than 40 hours and the last stage of our train journey was along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.As the first plateau railway in China,it is the highest road in the world.We travelled a day on the plateau,passing by many famous tourist attractions including Qinghai Lake,Mount Kunlun,Tuotuo River and Mount Tanggula.Looking out of the window,I found the regions of the plateau were hugely different from each other.Leaving the station,we finally set eyes upon Lhasa,the ancient and beautiful city.The trip left a vivid impression on us.What an awesome journey it was!如何写急救故事如何写急救故事写作任务写作任务假设你是某英文杂志的特约作者,在“120 急救宣传日”到来之际,该杂志邀你写一则发生在自己身边的急救故事来帮助宣传掌握急救知识的重要性。内容包括:1.紧急状况;2.急救过程;3.急救结果。注意:注意:词数 150 左右。_写作指导写作指导一、审题定调一、审题定调本写作任务要求写一个急救故事,属于记叙文的范畴。在文章的开头交代清楚事件发生的时间和地点。写急救故事时,通常从紧急状况、急救过程及急救结果等几个方面来描述,可以适度地发表自己的感想。时态以一般过去时为主。二、谋篇布局二、谋篇布局本写作可分为三部分:第一部分:描述紧急状况,包括时间、地点、人物等;第二部分:描述急救过程,注意细节描写;第三部分:说明急救结果及表达自己的感想。范文展示范文展示Possible version one:One day,our doorbell rang.It was Li Miao from next door:“Help,my brother is bleeding!”she shouted.My sister and I ran to their house to find 5-year-old Xiao Zhuang bleeding heavily from a huge cut in his arm.He had fallen while running through the house,accidentally pushing his arm through a glass door panel.My sister grabbed a clean towel from the bathroom and pressed it on the wound to stop the blood from flowing.Xiao Zhuang was crying so my sister spoke gently trying to comfort him.She told me to call for an ambulance since she knew the cut would need medical treatment.Just as the ambulance arrived,the medical workers immediately hugged Xiao Zhuang and held his arm.Then we went to the hospital with Xiao Zhuang,where the doctor quickly dealt with the wound.After a few weeks,it healed.Li Miaos parents were so thankful.“Im so happy that I learned first aid and knew what to do,”my sister said.Possible version two:One day,on the bus to school,I noticed a young boy sitting beside me stand up,choking and holding his chest.His face turned red and he just made a violent effort to breathe.Suddenly,I realized something happened to him,so I shouted loudly“Help!”Hearing that,the bus driver immediately parked the bus on the side of the road,went back and grabbed the boy,pulling him off the seat and into the aisle.Then she stood behind the boy,wrapping her arms around his waist.Quickly and constantly,I saw,she moved her fist inward and upward against the boys stomach.After a minute or two,a stick of gum rushed out of the boys mouth and rolled onto the bus floor.Soon,the boy could breathe smoothly and turned to the driver to say thanks.“I am glad that I learned the Heimlich maneuver during my first aid training.And it paid off today!”she told the boy.
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