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    关 键  词:
    英语语法 04 动词 课件

    1、Unit Four:Verbs and Verb Phrases(I)Issues of this unit:1)Inflexions of English verbs 动词形变2)Classification of verbs 动词的分类3)Tense,aspect,voice,mood 时体态式 1)Inflexions of verbs The general rules for the morphological change:动词词根-词尾变化Z-词尾变化D1-词尾变化D2-词尾变化-iExamples:VSridework-Zridesworks-D1rodeworked-D2ri

    2、ddenworked-iridingworking Conversions:-D1+-D2=-d,-t,-id with the“regular verbs”:-d after b,g,v,z,dg,m,n,l.-t after p,f,k,ts-id after t,d一些不规则动词本身已可做规则变化,如:learn(learnt,learnt)learned;work(wrought,wrought)workedkneel(knelt,knelt),kneeled;leap(leapt,leapt)leaped不规则动词的过去式和过去分词,一般词典后都有一个表专门列出。但我们似乎可以重新整

    3、理,使不规则动词变为一定意义的“规则动词”。Lets assume:ABC为形式1、2、3,我们可以把不规则动词与原形比,其过去式、过去分词变化(包括音变)归入下面几类:AAA类:(无词形变化)set set set /put put put /cost cost costABA类:(仅过去式变化)run ran run /come came comebecome became becomeAAB类:(仅过去分词变化)beat beat beaten /browbeat ABB类:(过去式与过去分词变化相同)teach taught taught /read read read(音变)spee

    4、d sped sped /catch caught caughthold held held /stand stood stoodABC类:(过去式与过去分词变化不相同)bear bore born /choose chose chosentake took taken /forget forgot forgottenshake shook shaken /write wrote written以上5类可以基本涵盖全部不规则动词。2)Classification of verbs 动词的分类transitive verb:take,put main verbintransitive verb:

    5、go,sleep link verb:be,look,sound V3 primary aux.:be,do,haveauxiliary13 modal aux.:can,may,shall.semi-aux.:have to,seem to dynamic verb:work,talk,think Vstatic verb:want,differ,know (一般不用进行时)注意:这些分类不是绝对的,由于一词多义现象,动词的不同使用可以跨类别。例如:The young lady usually walks her dog after supper.We eat what we can,but

    6、 can what we cannot.I am hoping that you would see what is wrong.God willed it.Phrasal verb(短语式动词):agree with sb./agree to sth.;talk with/talk to look after/look for/look into/look down upon take in students/take the students input the tongue out/put out the fire take A for B=mistake A for B/compare

    7、 with(to)短语式动词是很麻烦的,请学习时备加注意!Lets try to say the following in Chinese:1.When words fail,we take to fists;when fists fail,we take to heels.2.The child takes after his father only when seen at a distance.3.Our monitor is a person to fall back on in case we run into difficulties.4.You are eating out?Co

    8、unt me in!5.Its very hard to bring your opponent around to your opinion.3)Tense,aspect,voice,mood 时、体、态、式Tenses:past/present/(future)Aspects:perfect/progressiveVoices:active/passiveMoods:indicative/imperative/subjunctive 主要内容大家在中学都学过,所以我们在讲述此节时,有的问题可以skim over,快一点儿。Can you detect the tense,aspect,vo

    9、ice and/or mood of the following sentences?1.By the time my father came home,I had been doing my homework.2.Would America have been discovered,if Columbus had sailed eastward?3.When I ask you to do things,jump!4.The irrigation dam shall have been being constructed for 10 years by the end of next yea

    10、r.Tenses of English verbs:Past and Present(为什么不说将来时future tense?)These ideas should be expressed in present tense:1.真的假不了,假的真不了。What is true cannot be false,and vice versa.2.水在零度时结冰,在100度时沸腾。Water freezes at 0 and boils at 100.3.中秋节晚上,成都一般见不到月亮。Usually,one does not see the moon on the night of the M

    11、id-autumn Day.And these,in past tense:1.1945年8月15日,日本侵略者投降,二战结束。On August 15,1945,Japanese aggressors surrendered and World War II was over.2.古人相信,心者,思之舍也。In ancient times,people believed that the heart was the house of thinking.3.曾几何时,外国人在中国被称为“洋鬼子”。Foreigners used to be called“foreign devils”in ol

    12、d China.但是,具体使用时还需要参考内容。1.真理的表达总可以用现在时;2.现在时也可表示短暂的过去:You know what I mean?I tell you to get yourself off!或者将来:I hope you have a wonderful time in SCU!I bet you lose!3.为了生动,讲故事可以用“历史现在时”;4.特定语境情况下,过去时可以表示现在:例如:Did you call me?Yes,I wondered if you would give me a hand;或将来:If only I could go home tom

    13、orrow!What if you had an ocean of wealth?虽然语法书上没有将来时,但将来时的表达却是存在的。英语将来表达法可以是:1.助动词主动词,shall do,will do 2.be going to/to be to:Im going to go there.You are to help him./The cat is about to attack.3.用进行体表达:The airplane is arriving in 10 minutes.4.用现在时表达,特别是在条件和时间从句中:If the rain stops,well hit the road

    14、.It wont be long before he realizes that he has done a wrong thing.将来时句型有几点值得注意:1.shall、will分别用于第一和第二、三人称,若是相反,则助动词意义不表示将来。例如:We will emancipate our thoughts./You shall pay!/He shall clean the classroom.2.同样,to be to,be going to也用于表示命令、禁止等。例如:You are to take the responsibility!/He is not going to ch

    15、eat me again!3.to be to,be going to表示未来时,可侧重于预见、计划安排等。例如:There is going to be a storm./There is to be an investigation./The president of the university is going to speak on SCUTV.Aspects of English verbs:Progressive and Perfect These ideas could be expressed in progressive aspect:1.昨天下午三点钟,你在干什么?Wha

    16、t were you doing at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon?2.风在吼,马在叫,黄河在咆哮!The wind is blowing,the horses are hissing,the Yellow River is roaring!3.你为何总是挑我的刺儿?Why are you always finding fault with me?And these,in perfect aspect:1.泼水难收。What has been done cannot be undone.2.截止目前,坠毁飞机的黑匣子还没有找到。So far,the flight

    17、recorder has not yet been found.3.自打上小学起,我们就没有开心玩儿过了。Since our elementary school days,we have never had a fun to our hearts content.有些问题需要注意。1.比较:He works here/He is working here;Bush(has)lived in China for 10 years.2.进行体可表示不远的将来:Are you doing anything special tonight?或者刚刚过去的过去:I dont know what you

    18、are talking about!3.完成体与完成进行体:比较:I have done my job/I have been doing my job.By the end of the next year,the construction of this road will have been accomplished.By the end of the next year,this road will have been being built for ten solid years.4.get与完成体:have got(ten):I have got an A in the exam.

    19、但是在口语中:have got=have,have got to=have to:I think Ive got to leave now.5.不及物动词的完成体有时可以用“be done”,来代替“have done”。例如:The train has left./The train is left.Half of the time has gone./Half of the time is gone.The milk has spilt./The milk is spilt.前者侧重动作、过程,后者侧重状态。但是,下列句子却不可用“be done”表示完成:The patient in I

    20、CU is died.The enfant is fallen into sleep.Voices of English verbs:Active and Passive(下面这类汉语主动句译成英语却得用被动态:)1.经过八年抗战,终于把日本鬼子赶出了中国。Japanese aggressors were finally driven out of China after eight years of the war of resistance.2.门关不上,窗户打不开,这房子看来已经废弃很久了。(注:含有例外项)The door cannot close and the window can

    21、not open;this house must have been deserted for quite a long time.有个问题我们可以想想为什么:1.The door opens.2.The key opens the door.3.The boy opens the door(with the key).当动词描述的是主语位置上的词的功能时,我们似乎可以用主动式,更多的例子:My pen writes fine.In winter,the engine doesnt ignite.而强调动作时,我们则只能用被动式:No matter how hard we try,this e

    22、ngine cannot be ignited./This letter is well written.The SV sentences cannot be passive:Birds fly and fish swim.The man died(sleeps).The sun rises in the east.The earth turns around the sun.SVoO结构的被动句型:The GM gave the applicant an interview.The applicant was given an interview by the GM.An interview

    23、 was given to the applicant by the GM.多词动词短语也是如此:We must make full use of the chance The chance must be made full use of/Full use must be made of the chance.动词短语须被整体视为一个动词:We must do away with traditional prejudices.Traditional prejudices must be done away with.We look upon him as a great hero.He is

    24、 looked upon(by us)as a great hero.be-Passive and get-Passive:两者均可用,但前者侧重结果,后者侧重动作:The boy was hurt./The boy got hurt.In the end,the suspect got caught.非限定动词(non-finite)的被动态;注意几个问题:a)有的动词后只能跟-ing,有的只能跟to do,如:He hopes to be invited.(afford,agree,want,attempt,plan,offer,pretend,refuse,intend,etc)He e

    25、njoys being flattered.(admit,appreciate,avoid,deny,quit,imagine,risk,object to,practice,etc.)b)有的动词后跟-ing与跟to do意义相同,如:He loves to be consulted./He loves being consulted.I prefer to be called“Tom”./I prefer being called“Tom”.c)有的动词后跟-ing与跟to do含意却不一样,如:I forgot to submit the term paper to the teache

    26、r.I forgot submitting the term paper to the teacher.d)另外,注意下列非限定动词被动态:He insists on being paid./He insists on her being paid.I want to be counted in./I want him to be counted in.I dont mind being invited./I dont mind Toms being invited.e)报导、相信、估计、认为等句型的两种被动式:According to report,the survivors of the

    27、air-crash have been helicoptered to the hospital.It is reported that the survivors of the air-crash have been helicoptered to the hospital.The survivors of the air-crash are reported to have been helicoptered to the hospital.It is known to all that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinas territory.T

    28、aiwan is known to all as an inalienable part of Chinas territory.Moods of English verbs:Indicative:He who lies down with dogs rises up with lice.Imperative:Stand up!Stay where you are!Hands up!Subjunctive:If I were you,I wouldnt eat my words.命令语气比较简单,一般也没有动词形变,甚至可以不要动词。Those who agree,put up your ha

    29、nd.Come on.Dont be so silly.Hands up!Eyes left!Lets(let him,let it)Cheers!(Bottom up!)注:lets 不一定等于let us,如:Lets(Let us)go!虚拟语气可分为:be型虚拟,were型虚拟。be型虚拟(动词原形)表示命令、决定、建议、祝愿(诅咒)、推测、让步等等。如:The commander ordered that the Nazi murderers be shot on the spot.The doctor suggested that he stay in bed for a few

    30、days and drink more water.It is important(necessary)that everyone be there on time.Dont make noises,lest the prey flee.Though everyone reject you,I would not.Id rather that he leave at once.God be with you!God damn it!Einstein:“I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the dev

    31、oted striving to comprehend a portion,be it ever so tiny,of the reason that manifests itself in nature.”were型虚拟(动词原形)表示与现实相反的情况或不大可能实现的愿望、设想等。如:I wish it were spring all the year round.If I were you,I would not be so aggressive in treating others.We all know the situation is very bad,but he spoke to

    32、 us as if the Earth were going to stop turning tomorrow.If it were going to rain tomorrow,the sports meet would be postponed.Suppose(What if)the Sun should rise in the west tomorrow!If there had been no cat,man would have no chance to touch a tiger.Had there not been cat,man would have no chance to

    33、touch a tiger.英国哲学家罗素:“God has created the cat,so man has a chance to touch a tiger.”英语中有些特殊句型也用虚拟式,这需要注意;例如:It is time for the child to go to bed.It is time that the child went to bed.If only I could be a bird.另外,如果事件有一定可能性,were也可以由was替代;如:I wish I were/was there.He looks as if he were/was/is sick.

    34、If only I were/was not so nervous.英语动词的时、体、态、式介绍完了。最后,我们来做5个句子翻译,复习一下。1)四年后的今天,我就毕业了,或者工作,或者读研,或者出国了。1)Four years later today,I shall have graduated,and shall be doing a job,or working for a postgraduate degree,or studying abroad.2)要不是因为第三者插足,他们的婚姻本来是不会破裂的。2)But for(If there had not been)the third p

    35、arty stepping in,their marriage would not have broken up.3)他看上去好像昨晚一夜没睡。出什么事儿了?3)He looks as if he has stayed awake the whole last night.What has happened to him?4)很重要的是,你们部队必须在黎明前到达指定位置。4)It is of vital importance that your troop arrive at the designated position before daybreak.5)如果工程进度正常,明年年底水坝建设项目就能按时完成。5)If the construction progress is normal,the irrigation dam project will have been accomplished as scheduled by the end of the next year.This is the end of the Lecture.See you next week!Please preview the textbook in this order:助动词、不定式、分词

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