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    牛津 译林版 高中英语 必修 一册 作文 素材 积累 累积 下载 _必修 第一册_牛津译林版(2020)_英语_高中

    1、牛津译林版(2020)高中英语必修第一册各单元作文素材积累Unit 1 Back to school一、名言警句1. 孔子说,学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。Just as Confucius wisely said, “Study without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without study ends in puzzlement.”2. 老子说,千里之行,始于足下。Just as Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step.”3

    2、. 爱因斯坦说,“如果你想过幸福的生活,就把它和目标联系起来。”Albert Einstein said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal.”二、应用文素材1. 鼓励别人勇敢面对挑战你面前的道路通向一个充满挑战的新世界。然而,对于那些有着积极心态的人而言,机会在于每一个挑战。当你勇于面对挑战的时候,你将有机会掌握大量的知识,并享受个人的成长。最重要的是,你付出的时间和努力会为你叩开潜能的大门。The path before you leads to a world full of challenges. However,

    3、for those with a positive mind, opportunity lies in each challenge. When you rise to each challenge, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth. Most importantly, your time and effort will open the door to your potential.2. 鼓励别人持之以恒正如老子的至理名言所说,千里之行,始于足下。你需要持之以

    4、恒地去训练自己的头脑、培养自己的品格。老师和家人会帮助你学习,成长,但是你自己才是实现自身潜能的责任人。相信自己,竭尽所能,让我们为你自豪吧!Just as Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step.” You need to make a continuous effort to train your mind and develop your character. Your teachers and parents will help you learn and grow, y

    5、et you alone are responsible for realizing your potential. Be confident, do your best and make us proud!3. 设立目标的好处正如爱因斯坦所说,如果你想过幸福的生活,就把它与目标联系起来。设立目标给你生活中的一个关注点,帮助你决定将来你想得到什么成就。设立目标也帮助你形成好习惯。为了实现你的目标,你需要有一个好的计划,管理好你的时间并注意细节。Albert Einstein said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal.”

    6、Setting goals gives you a focus in life and helps decide what you want to achieve in the future. Setting goals also helps develop good habits. To realize your goals, you need to have a good plan, manage your time well and pay attention to details.Unit 2 Lets talk teens一、名言警句1. 冰心说,我不知道家是什么,但不快乐和烦恼一旦

    7、到了那里就会消失。Just as Bing Xin said, “I dont know what home is, but unhappiness and worries melt away once there.”2. 成长是一段坎坷的旅程。 Growing up is a rough ride. 3. 青春是一段冒险的时光。Youth is a time for adventure.二、应用文素材1. 建议如何处理与父母的矛盾虽然有时似乎不可能与你的父母和睦相处,但是你可以采取行动来改善这种情况。保持和睦关系的关键是定期、坦诚的沟通。当你不同意父母的意见时,花点时间冷静下来,试着从他们的

    8、角度去理解情况。考虑周全后,你要心平气和地解释你的行为和感受,打消他们的顾虑。通过这种良性的讨论,你会学会什么时候该做出让步,什么时候该要求父母放松对你的控制。Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along well with your parents, you can take action to improve the situation. The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication. When you disagree with your p

    9、arents/when you cant see eye to eye with your parents, take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view. / try to put yourself in their shoes and understand the situation. After you have thought it through, explain your actions and feelings calmly, and address

    10、their concerns. Through this kind of healthy discussion, you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.三、读后续写 1. 标题: Mama and her bank account首句: The next morning, I took Mama to town. 第二天,我带妈妈去了镇上。我们买了些东西,在一家不错的餐厅吃了午饭。我们经过银行时,我叫妈妈进去看看。“下午好,先生。这是我妈妈。她想开个账户。”妈妈惊

    11、讶地看了我一眼。然后我把支票递给妈妈,会意地眨了眨眼睛。妈妈突然明白了我的意思,她伸出手把支票递给出纳员。几分钟后,妈妈走出了银行,把存折紧紧地抱在胸前。我注意到妈妈的银发在阳光下闪闪发光。我对自己说:“老年人感到害怕 - 没有安全感是不好的。”The next day, I took Mama to town. We did some shopping and had lunch in a good restaurant. When we passed the bank, I asked Mama to go inside to have a look. “Good afternoon, s

    12、ir. This is my mom. She would like to open an account.” Mamas eyes flashed one look of surprise at me. Then I handed the check to Mama and gave her a knowing wink. Suddenly understanding what I meant, Mama stretched out her arm and handed the check to the teller. Minutes later, mama went out of the

    13、bank, holding the bankbook firmly to her chest. I noticed Mamas silver hair was shining in the sunshine. I said to myself, “It is not good for old ones to feel afraidto not feel secure.”2. 读后续写1 借钱我唯一能想到的人就是莫特。 考虑到他经常帮助我的家人,我毫不犹豫地一路跑到商店。 在店里,莫特正在做清洁工作。看见我,莫特停下手中的活,惊讶地看了我一眼。 我的心怦怦直跳,手心冒汗,我竭力鼓起勇气,用颤抖的

    14、声音说:“莫特,能借我点钱吗?”The only person I could think of was Mort. Considering the fact that he often helped my family, I, without hesitation, ran all the way to the store. Inside the store, Mort was doing some cleaning. Seeing me, Mort stopped his work and cast a surprised look at me. With my heart poundin

    15、g fiercely and my palm sweating, I tried to build up the courage and said in a trembling voice, “Mort, can I borrow some money?”Unit 3 Getting along with others一、名言警句1. 爱默生说,友谊的光辉并不在于伸出的援手或者善意的微笑,也不在于陪伴之时的快乐。它是当一个人发现有人相信他并愿意信任他时得到的精神鼓舞。Just as Emerson said, “The glory of friendship is not the outstr

    16、etched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.”2. 真正的朋友是在别人都走开的时候仍与你在一起的人。真正的朋友是我们可以依靠的人。真正的朋友能看到我们真实的自己,而不仅仅看到我们向世界展示的面孔的人。A real friend is someone wh

    17、o walks in when the rest of the world walks out. A real friend is someone whose support we can count on. A real friend is someone who sees our true self, not just the face that we show to the world.3.朋友就是跟你同甘共苦支持你的人。Friends are people who support you through thick and thin.4. 培根说,通常来说,亲密友谊“硕果”有三:抚慰心

    18、灵,启迪思维,帮助我们实现既定目标。As Bacon said, “Generally speaking, close friendships have three fruits: they may comfort the heart, advise the head and help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.”二、读后续写 -友谊回来根据reading内容:Friendship on the rocks: please advise! Amy的日记续写:标题:Friendship Back首句:On the way home, I

    19、was walking alone slowly when someone patted me on the shoulder. 回家的路上,我一个人慢慢地走着,这时有人拍了拍我的肩膀。我转过身来,原来是珍妮,她面带笑容,手里拿着一束花。“对不起,艾美。这是给你的。”然后她告诉我上周六早上她正在家里休养,这时一个朋友打来电话。他们很久没有联系了,朋友约她出去喝咖啡。捧着那束美丽的花,我既激动又羞愧,真诚地道了声歉:“错的是我。我不应该认为你的病完全是一个谎言。”消除误会我们如释重负,我们又说又笑地一起回家。On the way home, I was walking alone slowly

    20、when someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned around and it was Jenny, wearing a big smile and holding a bunch of flowers. “I am sorry, Amy. This is for you.” Then she told me she was recovering at home last Saturday morning when a friend called. They hadnt contacted for a long time and the frien

    21、d asked her out for coffee. Holding the bunch of beautiful flowers, I, feeling both thrilled and ashamed, apologized sincerely, “Its me who is in the wrong. I shouldnt have thought your illness was a complete lie.” Removing the misunderstanding was a great weight off ourshoulders and we went home to

    22、gether, chatting and laughing.三、读后续写 2 认错在我的心脏剧烈跳动了几下之后,我慢慢地举起了手。我的心又猛烈地跳了起来,手心冒汗,我不敢看博夫小姐,以为批评的风暴就要来了。其他学生都向我投来惊讶的目光,认为我一定是疯了。不久,他们停止了窃窃私语,整个教室陷入了死一般的寂静,等待着暴风雨的来临。出乎意料的是,伯夫小姐的脸色缓和下来,她温柔地说:“嗯,你是个诚实的孩子。” After a few violent beats in my heart, I slowly raised my hand. With my heart pounding fiercely a

    23、gain and my palms sweating, I dared not look at Miss Bough, assuming that a storm of criticism was coming. Other students all cast a surprised glance in my direction, thinking that I must be mad. Soon they stopped whispering and the whole classroom fell in a dead silence, awaiting the coming storm.

    24、Unexpectedly, Miss Boughs face softened and she said gently, “Well, you are an honest boy. ” Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good一、名言警句1. 奥黛丽赫本说,美是由内而外成为最好的自己。Audrey Hepburn Beauty said, “Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out.”2. 古话说,不要以貌取人。“Dont judge a book by it

    25、s cover,” the old saying goes.二、应用文素材:1. 体重问题 高中生越来越关注体重问题。一个女孩由于不吃早餐上课晕倒了一些学生关心自己的身材,尝试一些极端的方法来快速减肥。与饮食问题作斗争学生有危险的低血糖水平,在课堂上难以集中注意力。他们要饮食均衡,因为摄取足够营养可以帮助他们的身体运转。他们要按时作息,多做运动,这样才能保持精力充沛和健康。 只要遵循以上生活方式小贴士就能强身健体。There is growing concern about weight problems among senior high school students. A girl pa

    26、ssed out in class due to skipping breakfast. Concerned about their figures, some students turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly. Students struggling with eating problems have dangerously low blood sugar level, thus having trouble concentrating in class. They should have a balanced diet, becau

    27、se taking in enough nutrition helps their body function. They should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise so that they can stay energetic and fit. So long as they follow these lifestyle tips they can get into shape.2. 睡眠问题 为了吸引社会对睡眠的关注,世界睡眠日设于三月的第二个完整星期的星期五。没有烦恼阻碍你睡个好觉的时代可能成为过去。调查表明来自学校或工作的

    28、压力导致睡眠问题。 有睡眠问题的人难以集中注意力。而且,他们有增加记忆力差、超重和患心脏病的风险。睡眠问题对青少年的身体发育有负面影响。每天同一时间睡觉起床有助于建立自己的生物钟,而且,就算周末想睡懒觉也要坚持睡眠时间。睡前不喝咖啡茶等饮料, 也不要想压力和烦恼。只要遵循以下生活方式小贴士就能解决睡眠问题。To draw societys attention to sleep problems, World Sleep Day is set to fall on the Friday of the second full week of March.A time when you had no

    29、 worries stopping you from getting a good nights rest is probably a thing of the past. A survey shows that pression from school or work contributes to sleep problems. People with sleep problems have trouble concentrating. Moreover, they are at increased risk of having a poor memory, being overweight

    30、 and suffering a heart attack. Sleep problems have a negative effect on teenagers physical development.Trying to go to bed and get up at the same time helps set the bodys clock. Even if you feel like a lie-in, stick to your sleep schedule at the weekends. Avoid drinks like coffee and tea and clear y

    31、our head of stress and worry before bedtime. So long as you follow these lifestyle tips you can solve sleep problems.Dark thoughts about your physical appearance can hang over you all the time like a rain cloud.三、读后续写素材-容貌焦虑1. 对自己外表的负面想法会像阴云一样一直笼罩着你。Dark thoughts about your physical appearance can h

    32、ang over you all the time like a rain cloud.2. 你的朋友们无休止地在网上晒他们漂亮的衣服或强壮的身体,这对你对自己外表的看法有负面影响。Your friends post a never-ending series of photo online to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies, which has a negative effect on what you think of your physical appearance.3. 你不能达到这些标准,你正在打一场必败之战。Y

    33、ou cant live up to these standards and you are fighting a losing battle.4. 你生活在他们的阴影下。You are living in their shadow.5. 你最终会对自己感觉更糟。You will end up feeling worse about yourself.6. 你要认可真正的自我,清楚自己真正想要什么,千万不要跟着时尚摇摆不定。You got to be comfortable in your own skin in anything you want to do. Dont be swayed

    34、by trends!Unit 1 Lights, camera, action!1. 名言警句美国著名导演Stanley Kubrick说电影是或者应该是更像音乐而非小说,它应该是一个情绪和情感的逐步发展过程。Stanley Kubrick, a famous American director, said, “A film is or should be more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. “二、应用文素材 影评 (基本信息-故事情节-你的观点-是否推荐)国王

    35、的演讲是一部由 Colin Firth主演的英国电影,获得83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片奖和最佳男演员奖。根据真实故事改编,电影设置于20世纪30年代的伦敦。Albert王子有严重的口吃。就在王子想放弃治愈的希望时遇到了一个澳大利亚的医生,治好了他的口吃。这部电影看上去像一部典型的历史剧,没有花哨的特效,主演的演技十分精彩。Firth和Rush, 医生的扮演者关系很好。我强烈推荐这部电影。The Kings Speech is a British film starring Colin Firth. It won the 83rd Academy Awards for Best Picture a

    36、nd Best Actor. Based on a true story, the film is set in London in the 1930s. Prince Albert suffers from a terrible speech problem. He is about to give up hope of cure when he meets an Australian doctor, who cures him of his speech problem.The film is a fairly historical film without fancy special e

    37、ffects and the performances of the main actors are enjoyable. Firth has chemistry with Rush, who plays the part of the doctor. All in all, I highly recommend this film.三、读后续写3 偷蛋糕看着那个女人泪眼婆娑的眼睛,艾伦明白了,走进了屋子。 他脸上露出惊讶的神色。 他看到的是一个陈设简陋的小房间,墙纸开始剥落。 一个衣衫褴褛的男孩正看着小桌子上一个装饰精美的蛋糕,高兴地拍着手。 看到艾伦,他自豪地说:“欢迎来参加我的生日。我今

    38、天五岁了,”他的眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。 会意地朝鲍勃眨了眨眼睛,艾伦回答说:“生日快乐!我们只是想确保一切都好。”然后艾伦小声对鲍勃说:“没有生日蛋糕的生日是不完整的。”Looking into the womans teary eyes, Alan understood and walked into the house. A look of surprise spread over his face. What he saw was a poorly furnished small room, its wallpaper beginning to peel. A shabbily dre

    39、ssed boy was looking at a beautifully decorated cake on the small table and clapping his hands happily. Seeing Alan, he said proudly, “Welcome to my birthday. I am five today,” his eyes twinkling with pleasure. Giving Bob a knowing wink, Alan replied, “Happy birthday! We just want to make sure every

    40、thing is OK. ”Then Alan whispered to Bob, “A birthday is not complete without a birthday cake.”unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy一、名言警句健全的精神始于健全的身体。一个虚弱的身体如何能发展健全的精神?A sound mind starts from a sound body. How can a weak body develop a sound mind?二、应用文素材 - 锻炼的好处 benefits of exercise经常锻炼能给身心带来奇迹。首先,体育活动能增强心

    41、肺功能。经常锻炼的人往往有更好的免疫力系统,患病的风险更低。另外,锻炼对心理健康有好处。有证据表明,锻炼能缓解压力,克服负面情绪。锻炼甚至能够提高大脑机能,意味着,你可以通过锻炼提高学业成绩。Regular exercise can do wonders for the body and mind. To start with, physical activity increases the efficiency of your heart and lungs. Active people tend to have better immune systems and are at lower

    42、risk of diseases. Moreover, exercise is beneficial to your mental health. It has been proven that working out can help reduce stress and get over negative feelings. Exercise even can improve certain brain functions, meaning that you can exercise your way to better performance at school.三、读后续写4 沙漠自救随

    43、着他的精力耗尽,他想:“我一定会死在这里。” 死亡的念头把他拖入了黑暗的世界。一阵恐惧攫住了他的心,他甚至连站起来的力气都没有。 刹那间,他想起了年迈的父母,他们听到他的死讯可能会伤心欲绝。“我绝不应该如此轻易地放弃我的生活,”他对自己说。这个想法在他绝望的心中燃起了希望的火花,他决定振作起来。 于是他挣扎着站起来,试图找到更多的蝙蝠。With his energy running out, he thought, “I am bound to die here.”The thought of death dragged him into a world of darkness. Feelin

    44、g that a wave of terror seized his heart, he even failed to find the strength to stand up. In a flash, he thought of his old parents, who might be heartbroken if hearing the news of his death. “Never should I give up on my life so easily,” he said to himself. The thought kindled a spark of hope in h

    45、is despairing mind and he decided to rise to the situation. So Mauro struggled to his feet and tried to find more bats.10月考一、应用文 书面通知NOTICETo arouse students passion for nature and art, our School English Newspaper will hold a painting creation competition on the theme of “The Beauty of Nature”. The

    46、re is no limit to the style or the size of the entries of this competition, but all the entries should be original. Anyone who is interested and wants to show their talent for art and love for nature are welcome to take part in this competition, Please send the entry at school newspaper before 17 Ma

    47、rch. Looking forward to your active participation. (89 words) The StudentsUnion通 知为激发同学们对自然和艺术的热爱,我校英文报将举办以“自然之美”为主题的绘画创作比赛。 本次比赛的参赛作品不受风格和大小的限制,但必须是原创作品。欢迎任何对艺术感兴趣并想展示自己的艺术天赋和对自然的热爱的人参加本次比赛。请在3月17日之前将参赛作品发送到学校newspaper。 期待您的积极参与。二、读后续写 游泳比赛She didnt expect to find a handwritten note from her soccer

    48、 teammates. “Dear Lucy, you are great. Just do your best. We believe in you!” At the end of the note were signatures from all the team members and a lovely hand-drawn smiley face, which symbolizes optimism and victory. She felt a surge of excitement with her teammates encouragement and she murmured, “Thank you all, my dear!” Now that the inspiring note filled her with courage and strength, she felt she couldnt wait to warm up for the competition.She saw h

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